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Context of query
o0201074.005va 1418 agosto 6 Salary set for masters. Text: quorum nomina infra descripta sunt, habeant et
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: pro summa inferius descripta. Item tertio advertentes
o0201074.030f 1418 dicembre 5 Restitution of pawn pledged by a mother for the forced loans of her son because she has already paid her own. Text: ipsa est etiam descripta in prestantia, quia
o0201075.015d 1419 aprile 3 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle. Text: fuit Micaelis Donati descripta debitrix Operis pro
o0201075.015vc 1419 aprile 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with deduction of gabelle erroneously paid twice. Text: prestantiarum; nunc reperitur descripta in vexillo Leonis
o0201075.016vd 1419 aprile 5 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and partial cancellation of debt of the collegiate church of San Michele a Pianezzoli. Text: Micaelis a Pianezolo descripta in florenis duobus
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: iuxta partitam cuiuslibet descripta pro quolibet die
o0201075.045a 1418/9 gennaio 23 Balance of payment for supply of red marble. Text: iuxta partita cuiuslibet descripta etc.: Piero Baccegli
o0201076.004ve 1419 luglio 12 Cancellation of debt for forced loans due to registration in two quarters. Text: Tinucci que est descripta in quarterio Sancte
o0201076.004ve 1419 luglio 12 Cancellation of debt for forced loans due to registration in two quarters. Text: quia reperitur etiam descripta in quarterio Sancti
o0201076.007va 1419 agosto 2 Revocation of balance of debt to the church of San Martino of Luco for gabelle on properties also belonging to the church of San Michele of Figliano and new term of payment to the latter. Text: Lugo, que est descripta debitrix Operis pro
o0201076.007va 1419 agosto 2 Revocation of balance of debt to the church of San Martino of Luco for gabelle on properties also belonging to the church of San Michele of Figliano and new term of payment to the latter. Text: Sancti Micaelis est descripta in soldis undecim
o0201076.015e 1419 settembre 12 Cancellation of balance of debt for property gabelle of the church of Santo Stefano a Gabbiola. Text: Gabbiola que est descripta debitrix Operis pro
o0201076.020g 1419 ottobre 13 Term of payment to owner for property gabelle and cancellation of the amount due for gabelle on an ox, because it is the responsibility of the laborer if he also works on other properties. Text: Baldelli de Prato descripta debitrix in florenis
o0201076.021h 1419 ottobre 21 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid for forced loans. Text: Bueri que est descripta debitrix Operis pro
o0201076.033vd 1419 dicembre 14 Prohibition to demand payment of the confraternity of the Cross in the church of Sant'Agostino in Empoli and demand of payment from a chapel. Text: Empoli que est descripta debitrix Operis pro
o0201076.071va 1419 luglio 20 Promise of the guarantor to pay the property gabelle if really due from the debtor. Text: Andree de Rossis descripta debitrice Operis pro
o0201077.006vf 1419/20 gennaio 10 Temporary revocation of demand of payment from the church of Santa Maria del Piano for debt for new gabelles and summons of the men of said parish indicated as true debtors. Text: officium est debitrix descripta, cum ad eius
o0201077.006vf 1419/20 gennaio 10 Temporary revocation of demand of payment from the church of Santa Maria del Piano for debt for new gabelles and summons of the men of said parish indicated as true debtors. Text: computa bona fuerunt descripta que sint dicti
o0201077.006vf 1419/20 gennaio 10 Temporary revocation of demand of payment from the church of Santa Maria del Piano for debt for new gabelles and summons of the men of said parish indicated as true debtors. Text: dicta ecclesia est descripta debitrix, prout ipse
o0201077.008ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans and correction of sum erroneously debited twice. Text: Item quod partita descripta sub nomine Nannis
o0201077.019vd 1419/20 febbraio 13 Correction of account entry for debt for property gabelle erroneously written twice. Text: et fuit etiam descripta pro eodem podere
o0201077.021d 1419/20 febbraio 21 Cancellation of debt and correction of account entry corresponding to pawns sold. Text: pro creditrice et descripta pro debitrice in
o0201077.022vc 1419/20 febbraio 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: gabella solumodo appareat descripta solummodo in Daniello.
o0201077.024e 1419/20 febbraio 29 Correction of account entry for debt of property gabelle of the chapel of San Gregorio in the church of San Donato in Prato. Text: et ubi est descripta in soldis LII
o0201077.028e 1419/20 marzo 21 Sale of pawns with term of payment and guaranty. Text: recipienti, que pignora descripta sunt penes provisorem
o0201077.028va 1419/20 marzo 21 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: licet fuerit postea descripta ad gabellam sub
o0201077.031vd 1420 aprile 12 Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. Text: nominis cuiuslibet infrascripti descripta; quas quantitates infrascriptas
o0201077.037c 1420 aprile 24 Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. Text: penes nomina cuiuslibet descripta. Quas quantitates camerarius
o0201077.041g 1420 maggio 20 Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. Text: nomina infra sunt descripta: Iohannes Benintendis pro
o0201077.043va 1420 giugno 12 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and forced loans because written twice. Text: Filippetti habitans Sovigliane descripta debitrix dicte Opere
o0201078.015c 1420/1 marzo 18 Cancellation of property gabelle if debtor not held to pay. Text: Piera de Businis descripta debitrix in soldis
o0201078.017va 1421 marzo 31 Salary set for two unskilled workers just hired. Text: quorum nomina inferius descripta sunt, videlicet: Paulus
o0201078.025a 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: pedem nominis cuiuslibet descripta, quorum nomina et
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: Opere posita et descripta die XXVIIII mensis
o0201078.039ve 1421 giugno 10 Order to pay debt for pardons of forced loans to holders of properties and demand of payment to owners and guarantors. Text: bonis pro quantitate descripta.
o0201079.020c 1421 agosto 28 Cancellation of debt for testament to debtor who is not an heir and term of payment for other debts. Text: solvendum pro quantitate descripta.
o0201079.022vb 1421 settembre 2 Oath of wardens and cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid under other name. Text: eadem bona que descripta fuere sub nomine
o0201079.026va 1421 settembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. Text: dicte eorum gabelle descripta fuit et ipsi
o0201079.026va 1421 settembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. Text: habentibus, quibus videlicet descripta fuit in ipso
o0201079.027c 1421 settembre 17 Admission to the rolls and registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and stonecutters. Text: quorum nomina infra descripta erunt acceptentur in
o0201079.038vc 1421 ottobre 31 Six months' exemption of payment of property gabelle to the hospital of Altopascio. Text: mansio hospitalis Altipassus descripta debitrix dicte Opere
o0201079.042vb 1421 novembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously debited and registration of the debt to whoever is responsible. Text: debito ad quod descripta est dicta ecclesia
o0201080.003e 1421/2 gennaio 9 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: de comitatu Florentie descripta sunt debitricia et
o0201080.012vc 1421/2 febbraio 25 Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. Text: in quibus propterea descripta esse quod de
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Text: que posita et descripta non reperiretur. Et
o0201080.018vc 1421/2 marzo 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. Text: dicta quantitas fuit descripta maior debito quia
o0201080.018vc 1421/2 marzo 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. Text: una cum maiori descripta in registro primo
o0201080.031vc 1422 maggio 20 Revocation of penalty for failure to deliver towloads of lumber. Text: posita, facta et descripta non fuisset, omni
o0201080.035a 1422 giugno 16 Prohibition to demand payment and release from debt for the collegiate church of Sant' Eusebio and the church of San Giovanni of the baptismal parish of San Lazzaro. Text: plebatu Sancti Lazeri descripta fuit in floreno
o0201080.035a 1422 giugno 16 Prohibition to demand payment and release from debt for the collegiate church of Sant' Eusebio and the church of San Giovanni of the baptismal parish of San Lazzaro. Text: pro quolibet anno descripta fuit in soldis
o0201081.018vd 1422 settembre 16 Deduction of part of demand of payment to the Podesteria of Pontedera for a mill, whose owner is uncertain. Text: Pontis ad Heram descripta est debitrix dicte
o0201081.029b 1422 novembre 23 Cancellation of debts for property gabelles due to double registration. Text: de Bisticci reperitur descripta debitrix dicte Opere
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: quantitate que ibidem descripta est deberi pro
o0201081.031c 1422 dicembre 2 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle registered twice; unfinished act. Text: ... de Romena descripta fuit pro gabella
o0202001.170a 1425 luglio 6 Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. Text: dicte Opere nec descripta esse et non
o0202001.197vb 1433 aprile 29 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: modo pro quantitate descripta in dicta partita
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