Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1431 settembre 25 |
Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. |
Text: de qua infra dicetur, quod prefati sui |
1419 agosto 7 |
Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations. |
Text: ubi et prout dicetur sibi per Iohannem |
1419 novembre 7 |
Authorization to lend money and register it in the notebook of debtors and creditors but without specification of the cause. |
Text: prout et sicut dicetur sibi per provisorem |
1419 novembre 10 |
Authorization to the treasurer to lend money to the administrator. |
Text: et sibi provis(um) dicetur per officium dictorum |
1418/9 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to the treasurer to make payments and advance payments. |
Text: prout et sicut dicetur sibi per Iohannem |
1421 aprile 9 |
Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: de quo infra dicetur, pro dicto tempore |
1421 settembre 24 |
Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces and guaranty for restitution of advance made on previous contract. |
Text: de quibus infra dicetur, videlicet: Debet namque |
1418/9 febbraio 3 |
Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. |
Text: prout et sicut dicetur per provisorem dicti |
1422 maggio 5 |
Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. |
Text: de quo infra dicetur pro dicto tempore |
1421 novembre 5 |
Credit to stonecutter for having paid 4 lumber suppliers. |
Text: de qua infra dicetur habuit et recepit |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. |
Text: teneantur laborare ubi dicetur eis per caputmagistrum |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Equalization of the price for the supply of soft stones and hard. |
Text: capomagistro dicti Operis dicetur eis ita quod |
1419 maggio 12 |
Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district in order that they follow the instructions of the debt collectors. |
Text: faciant quantum eis dicetur per dictos exactores; |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Payment for various cartloads of soft stones. |
Text: Opere ut infra dicetur pro soldis XIIII |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. |
Text: de qua infra dicetur florenos auri ducentos |
1419 dicembre 18 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: tamen ut infra dicetur infrascripta salaria, videlicet |