Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1419 agosto 7 |
Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations. |
Text: de Minerbettis et Dinum domini Guccii duos |
1419 settembre 20 |
Concession of right of recourse to laborer for debt for property gabelle and forced loans owed instead by the former owner. |
Text: contra dictum ser Dinum et eius quecumque |
1419 settembre 20 |
Concession of right of recourse to laborer for debt for property gabelle and forced loans owed instead by the former owner. |
Text: gravet dictum ser Dinum pro sorte et |
1419 dicembre 2 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: publicatus per me Dinum Cole notarium et |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. |
Text: eis per dominum Dinum Bartholomei de Pecoris |
1420 aprile 19 |
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. |
Text: verbum per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum lecta |
1420 aprile 30 |
Correction of account entry for debt for new gabelles. |
Text: fiat per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum licite |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Payment for legal counsel obtained for various transactions from the collateral judge of the Capitano del Popolo of Florence. |
Text: eo per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum de |
1420 aprile 1 |
Guaranty for supply of lumber. |
Text: supra per me Dinum, Tanus Bartholomei Bellucci |
1420 dicembre 21 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: publicatus per me Dinum Cole notarium et |
1421 maggio 5 |
Oath of wardens. |
Text: iuramento per me Dinum notarium dicte Opere, |
1421 maggio 29 |
Deduction for error of double registration of the same debt for property gabelle and of forced loans. |
Text: opportunis per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum licite |
1421 giugno 20 |
Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification. |
Text: predicta per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum notificata. |
1421 maggio 2 |
Ratification and approval of contract for broad bricks. |
Text: parte, rogantes me Dinum notarium infrascriptum quod |
1421 giugno 5 |
Guaranty for contract for broad bricks. |
Text: extitit penes me Dinum notarium infrascriptum ut |
1420 dicembre 20 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: publicatus per me Dinum Cole notarium et |
1421 luglio 16 |
Oath of warden and ruling in favor of a distrained person because he is poor. |
Text: ordinamenta per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum, premisso |
1421 agosto 14 |
Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. |
Text: rogatis per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum latius |
1421 settembre 26 |
Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. |
Text: fuit per me Dinum notarium predictum vigore |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. |
Text: rogatis per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum; et |
1421 novembre 21 |
Approval of terms of payment assigned by the notary of the Opera. |
Text: supra per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum adsignatum: |
1421 novembre 26 |
Cancellation of balance of debt for forced loans. |
Text: cancellentur per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum licite |
1421 novembre 27 |
Partial cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. |
Text: maiori per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum licite |
1421 settembre 26 |
Guaranty for contract for broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: eorum per me Dinum notarium lectis et |
1421 novembre 19 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: publicatus per me Dinum Cole notarium et |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: tamen per me Dinum notarium predictum et |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: scripta per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum plenius |
1421/2 marzo 12 |
Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. |
Text: extitit penes me Dinum notarium infrascriptum stipulantem |
1422 (luglio 1) |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: publicatus per me Dinum Cole notarium et |
1422 novembre 24 |
Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. |
Text: cancellari per me Dinum notarium infrascriptum licite |
1422 ottobre 9 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: conducendi per ipsum Dinum prout tangit pro |
1429 dicembre 2 |
Letter to lumber supplier for summons. |
Title: Contra Dinum Bartoli de Spolena |
1431 giugno 28 |
Order to measure lumber. |
Text: ad Operam per Dinum Bartoli da Spolena, |