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Context of query
o0201072.032vg 1418 aprile 7 Restitution of a deposit. Text: restituatur sibi libere etc.
o0201072.041a 1418 aprile 7 Release of an arrested person with agreement that he return pawns, and promise of restitution of the remainder. Text: et Lapo Niccolini etc. deliberaverunt quod Iacobus
o0201072.041c 1418 aprile 7 Term of payment for forced loans and corresponding guaranty. Text: Fridiani de Florentia etc.
o0201072.041d 1418 aprile 7 Election of a debt collector and corresponding guaranty. Text: bene exercere offitium etc.; pro quo fideiussit
o0201072.041d 1418 aprile 7 Election of a debt collector and corresponding guaranty. Text: Laurentii de Florentia etc.
o0201072.041va 1418 aprile 8 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: Donati de Adimaribus etc.
o0201073.001a 1418 aprile 9 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: VIIII aprilis 1418 etc.
o0201073.001ve 1418 aprile 11 Term of payment to the parish of San Colombano. Text: dies proxime futuros etc. Dicta die fideiussit
o0201073.002a 1418 aprile 11 Revocation of the taxation made against the church of Campo a Romena. Text: asseruerunt dicti operarii etc.
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: Lapo eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Silvestri
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: Popoleschis mutuet libere etc. Ambroxio Niccolai exactori
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: in quaterno suo etc.
o0201073.002d 1418 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà for summons injunction against two inhabitants of Ripafratta. Text: content(um) dictorum operariorum etc.
o0201073.002f 1418 aprile 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline. Text: si ydonee fideiubeat etc.
o0201073.002va 1418 aprile 12 Letter authorizing demands of payment against debtors. Text: quolibet debito Operis etc.
o0201073.016a 1418 aprile 12 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: dicta de causa etc., secundum deliberationem operariorum
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Text: supra congregati deliberaverunt etc. quod Commune Prati
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Text: de causa gravari etc. Die XVI dicti
o0201073.003b 1418 aprile 13 Term of payment for pardon of taxes and for the tax on wine with release of arrested person. Text: eorum collega, deliberaverunt etc. quod populus Sancte
o0201073.003b 1418 aprile 13 Term of payment for pardon of taxes and for the tax on wine with release of arrested person. Text: populo et plebatu etc. Dicta die fideiusserunt,
o0201073.016c 1418 aprile 13 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: operariorum hodie factam etc. de qua constat
o0201073b.002b 1418 aprile 13 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod Ventura ...
o0201073b.002c 1418 aprile 13 Obligation to the treasurers and the notaries of the new gabelles and of the forced loans to consign the books not yet audited to the administrator. Text: eorum collega, deliberaverunt etc. quod notificetur omnibus
o0201073b.002c 1418 aprile 13 Obligation to the treasurers and the notaries of the new gabelles and of the forced loans to consign the books not yet audited to the administrator. Text: here et persona etc.
o0201073b.002va 1418 aprile 13 Salary of the administrator and scribe of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. Text: providerunt et stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Silvestri
o0201073b.002va 1418 aprile 13 Salary of the administrator and scribe of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. Text: det et solvat etc. libere etc. Filippo
o0201073b.002va 1418 aprile 13 Salary of the administrator and scribe of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. Text: solvat etc. libere etc. Filippo Andree de
o0201073.003c 1418 aprile 15 Authorization to sell a marble slab for a tomb monument. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod Antonio ser
o0201073.003c 1418 aprile 15 Authorization to sell a marble slab for a tomb monument. Text: pro pretio consueto etc.
o0201073.003e 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for butchering and wine tax. Text: proxime futuri, fideiubendo etc.
o0201073.003f 1418 aprile 15 Revocation of payment of commission to canon. Text: in ipso Opere etc.
o0201073.003va 1418 aprile 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201073.003vb 1418 aprile 15 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Rainaldo eorum collega etc., deliberaverunt et stantiaverunt
o0201073.003vb 1418 aprile 15 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: deliberaverunt et stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes de
o0201073.003vb 1418 aprile 15 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: camerarius Operis det etc. libere etc. Mannino
o0201073.003vb 1418 aprile 15 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: det etc. libere etc. Mannino Iacobi conductori
o0201073.003vc 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for pardon of taxes to the Commune of Bibbiena. Text: Item deliberaverunt etc. quod Commune Bibbiene
o0201073.016e 1418 aprile 15 Promise for a supply of lumber with advance on payment and corresponding guaranty. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201073.016e 1418 aprile 15 Promise for a supply of lumber with advance on payment and corresponding guaranty. Text: fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201073.016e 1418 aprile 15 Promise for a supply of lumber with advance on payment and corresponding guaranty. Text: obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201073b.002vb 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for the new property gabelles. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod plebanus Castri
o0201073b.002vb 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for the new property gabelles. Text: solverit, non gravetur etc.
o0201073b.002vc 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for a pardon of forced loans and for forced loans. Text: ubi supra congregati, etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073b.002vc 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for a pardon of forced loans and for forced loans. Text: congregati, etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod dominus Antonius
o0201073b.002vc 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for a pardon of forced loans and for forced loans. Text: satisfationem, dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201073b.002vd 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: solvendo dicto tempore etc.
o0201073b.002ve 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for pardons of taxes. Text: solvendo dicto tempore etc.
o0201073.003vd 1418 aprile 16 Term of payment and release of a person arrested for the parish of Santa Maria d'Aceraia. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod populus Sancte
o0201073.003ve 1418 aprile 16 Letter to the Podestà of Borgo San Lorenzo to reimburse the expenditures incurred by an arrested person. Text: satisfacient, ipsi gravabuntur etc.
o0201073b.003a 1418 aprile 16 Attestation of the wardens to the Podestà of Calci in favor of an inhabitant of said place. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod pro Antonio
o0201073b.003a 1418 aprile 16 Attestation of the wardens to the Podestà of Calci in favor of an inhabitant of said place. Text: mandatis dictorum operariorum etc.
o0201073b.003b 1418 aprile 16 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: ubi supra congregati etc. omni modo etc.
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: etc. omni modo etc. capsaverunt ser Laurentium
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: Opere penitus removerunt etc.; et hoc fecerunt
o0201073.004a 1418 aprile 18 Term of payment to the parish of San Niccolò a Calenzano and corresponding guaranty, with release of the person arrested. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.; et facta fideiussione
o0201073.004a 1418 aprile 18 Term of payment to the parish of San Niccolò a Calenzano and corresponding guaranty, with release of the person arrested. Text: facta fideiussione relapsetur etc.
o0201073.004b 1418 aprile 18 Consignment of two fir logs to the monastery of Santa Verdiana. Text: dicta duo ligna etc.
o0201073.004c 1418 aprile 18 Authorization to sell fir logs. Text: et non lucretur etc. non obstante etc.
o0201073.004c 1418 aprile 18 Authorization to sell fir logs. Text: etc. non obstante etc.
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: tangit pro rata etc. Qui Pierus et
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: eos propterea percipiendos etc.
o0201073.004e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for supply of red marble. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Silvestri
o0201073.004e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for supply of red marble. Text: camerarius dicti Operis etc. det etc. dictis
o0201073.004e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for supply of red marble. Text: Operis etc. det etc. dictis Piero Baccegli
o0201073.004va 1418 aprile 18 Payment for the compilation of a book about taxes. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod dictus Iohannes
o0201073.004va 1418 aprile 18 Payment for the compilation of a book about taxes. Text: det et solvat etc. Zanobio Bartolomei de
o0201073b.003c 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia for information on the ownership of livestock and summons for its herdsmen. Text: ubi supra congregati etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073b.003c 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia for information on the ownership of livestock and summons for its herdsmen. Text: congregati etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Capitaneo
o0201073b.003c 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia for information on the ownership of livestock and summons for its herdsmen. Text: in dicto tempore etc.; et quod precipiat
o0201073b.003c 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia for information on the ownership of livestock and summons for its herdsmen. Text: eorum non venienti etc., et quod respondeant
o0201073b.003c 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Campiglia for information on the ownership of livestock and summons for its herdsmen. Text: et quod respondeant etc.
o0201073b.003d 1418 aprile 18 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: pro suis prestantiis etc.
o0201073b.003e 1418 aprile 18 Tax determined for a farm with two owners. Text: auri quattuor cassaverunt etc.; et quod de
o0201073b.003e 1418 aprile 18 Tax determined for a farm with two owners. Text: tangit pro rata etc.
o0201073b.003f 1418 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Cortona for information on the ownership of livestock. Text: domine vel ne etc.
o0201073.005va 1418 aprile 19 Election of the notary of testaments and revocation of his dismissal. Text: omnes insimul congregati etc. omni modo etc.
o0201073.005va 1418 aprile 19 Election of the notary of testaments and revocation of his dismissal. Text: etc. omni modo etc. eligerunt etc. ser
o0201073.005va 1418 aprile 19 Election of the notary of testaments and revocation of his dismissal. Text: modo etc. eligerunt etc. ser Laurentium ser
o0201073.005va 1418 aprile 19 Election of the notary of testaments and revocation of his dismissal. Text: facta haberi voluerunt etc.
o0201073.005vb 1418 aprile 20 Assignment of a house to a canon. Text: ubi supra congregati etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073.005vb 1418 aprile 20 Assignment of a house to a canon. Text: congregati etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod domus dicti
o0201073.005vb 1418 aprile 20 Assignment of a house to a canon. Text: prout tassata est etc.
o0201073.005vc 1418 aprile 20 Assignment of a house to a canon. Title: Salutatus domino Antonio etc.
o0201073.005vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of a blacksmith. Title: Iacobi Laurentii fabri etc.
o0201073.005vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of a blacksmith. Text: Iacoponis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073.005vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of a blacksmith. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod Iacobus Laurentii
o0201073.005vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of a blacksmith. Text: subcessores sibi fiendo etc.
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Iohannis eorum collega etc., omni modo etc.
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: etc., omni modo etc. conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: providerunt et stantiaverunt etc. quod camerarius dicti
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: dicti Operis libere etc. Nomina dictorum magistrorum
o0201073b.003va 1418 aprile 20 Revocation of destitution of a messenger. Text: omnes insimul congregati etc. omni modo etc.
o0201073b.003va 1418 aprile 20 Revocation of destitution of a messenger. Text: etc. omni modo etc. revocaverunt etc. cassationem
o0201073b.003va 1418 aprile 20 Revocation of destitution of a messenger. Text: modo etc. revocaverunt etc. cassationem per eos
o0201073b.003va 1418 aprile 20 Revocation of destitution of a messenger. Text: facta non fuisset etc.
o0201073b.003vb 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Calci to have payments and expenditures incurred by a person arrested for debt of the said Podesteria be repaid. Text: captis et capturis etc.
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: de Castiglionchio promictat etc. Dicta die dictus
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: dictus Gerozus promisit etc.
o0201073b.003vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: Iacoponis eorum collegis etc. omni modo etc.
o0201073b.003vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: etc. omni modo etc. eligerunt etc. Filippum
o0201073b.003vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: modo etc. eligerunt etc. Filippum Andree de
o0201073b.003vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: dictorum duorum mensium etc.
o0201073.006va 1418 aprile 23 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: collegis, omni modo etc. locaverunt etc. Ferro
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: modo etc. locaverunt etc. Ferro Mattei et
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: rati habenti, promisit etc. conducenti, quinquaginta sex
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: operarios eis aufferenda etc., cum hoc tamen
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: debeat expensis Operis etc.
o0201073.007b 1418 aprile 23 Release of a debt collector legally bound to the restitution of wrongful collections. Text: Item deliberaverunt etc. quod Ambroxius Niccolai,
o0201073.007b 1418 aprile 23 Release of a debt collector legally bound to the restitution of wrongful collections. Text: quocumque indebite percepta etc. Die XXVI dicti
o0201073.007d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes de
o0201073.007d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: camerarius Operis det etc. Nanni Iunte suprascripto
o0201073.007d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: auri, dummodo fideiubeat etc. Die dicta fideiussit,
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: deliberaverunt et stantiaverunt etc. quod camerarius dicti
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: pecunia dicti Operis etc. det etc. infrascriptis
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Operis etc. det etc. infrascriptis magistris, qui
o0201073b.003ve 1418 aprile 23 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201073b.004a 1418 aprile 23 Restitution of pawns to whoever has paid or has been given payment deadline. Text: Lapo eorum collegis etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073b.004a 1418 aprile 23 Restitution of pawns to whoever has paid or has been given payment deadline. Text: collegis etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod omnibus et
o0201073b.004a 1418 aprile 23 Restitution of pawns to whoever has paid or has been given payment deadline. Text: de sorte venditionis etc.
o0201073b.004b 1418 aprile 23 Cancellation of part of a debt for forced loans. Text: duobus primis annis etc.
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: dictis operariis possint etc. vendere omnia et
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: deliberatione propterea fienda etc. Et omnes denarii
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: ad utilitatem Operis etc. absque aliquo excomputo
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: propterea alicui fiendo etc.
o0201073b.004d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for writing a book of debtors. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes de
o0201073b.004d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for writing a book of debtors. Text: camerarius Operis det etc. Mariotto Laurentii Brandi
o0201073.016vc 1418 aprile 26 Guaranty for a debt collector and promise to have pawns that were wrongfully accepted returned. Text: percipere non potuisset etc.
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: sua conducta embricium etc. promisit conducere Operi
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: conducere Operi embrices etc. alias reddere et
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: Romoli rigatterius promictens etc. obligans etc. renuntians
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: promictens etc. obligans etc. renuntians etc.
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: obligans etc. renuntians etc.
o0201073.016ve 1418 aprile 26 Salary set for masters. Text: Item deliberaverunt etc. quod infrascripti magistri
o0201073.016ve 1418 aprile 26 Salary set for masters. Text: quam futurus possit etc. dare etc.; quorum
o0201073.016ve 1418 aprile 26 Salary set for masters. Text: possit etc. dare etc.; quorum nomina et
o0201073.007vb 1418 aprile 29 Unfinished act concerning a canon. Text: Lapo eorum collegis etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073.007vb 1418 aprile 29 Unfinished act concerning a canon. Text: collegis etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod dominus Salutatus
o0201073.007vc 1418 aprile 29 Obligation to sell the stones extracted from a private quarry to the Opera, and tax imposed upon the owner for the use of the road. Text: ad dictam cavam etc.
o0201073.007vd 1418 aprile 29 Assignment of house to the cantors and order to the previous occupant to evacuate. Text: in ea sunt etc.
o0201073.008a 1418 aprile 29 Valuation of a roughed out marble figure and appointment to another of sculpt it. Text: deliberando per operarios etc.
o0201073.008b 1418 aprile 29 Letter to the debt collectors for pardons of taxes and letter to the vicars of the countryside to proclaim publicly a payment deadline. Text: infra quindecim dies etc.
o0201073.008c 1418 aprile 29 Salary set for marble sculptor. Text: possit sibi solvere etc.
o0201073.008d 1418 aprile 29 Payment for manufacture of ornaments of the altar of the Madonna. Text: deliberaverunt et stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes de
o0201073.008d 1418 aprile 29 Payment for manufacture of ornaments of the altar of the Madonna. Text: dicti Operis det etc. Meo Francisci, lignaiuolo
o0201073.008d 1418 aprile 29 Payment for manufacture of ornaments of the altar of the Madonna. Text: stantiamentum florenorum duorum etc. f. 5
o0201073b.004va 1418 aprile 29 Restitution of the proceeds from the sale of pawns to the distrained persons who have already paid up the corresponding debt. Title: venditionem ipsorum pignorum etc.
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