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Context of query
o0201077.055f 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of a gutter spout to be made for the third tribune. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201081.071ve 1422 settembre 18 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201081.070a 1422 agosto 12 Payment for transport of fir lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201078.072ve 1421 giugno 5 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201077.056b 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment for transport of stones for the paving of the Pope's residence. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201077.057d 1419/20 febbraio 7 Payment to master for the paving of Santa Maria Novella. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. XXV
o0201076.052va 1419 settembre 20 Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201082.075vb 1423 giugno 9 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201074.042a 1418 novembre 4 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201074.042b 1418 novembre 4 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201074.044e 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the expenditures of a kilnman's trip and sojourn. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201082.068g 1422/3 marzo 9 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201082.073ve 1423 maggio 22 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0201073b.004d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for writing a book of debtors. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. l. 25
o0202001.092a 1428 ottobre 1 Advance on payment for transport of lumber to the port of Moscia. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. nomine pene et
o0202001.064ve 1427 agosto 12 Advance on payment to kilnman. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. pro una cotta
o0201086.048va 1425 aprile 28 Payment to kilnman. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. quas habuit mutuo
o0202001.046g 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.254vl 1436 giugno 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Poggibonsi with guaranty. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. usque ad satisfactionem
o0202001.046g 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p., et postea quolibet
o0201074.017d 1418 settembre 2 Authorization to the administrator to purchase one thousand roof tiles with loan for the payment. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p., fideiubendo tamen etc.
o0201070b.025vd 1417 giugno 22 Salary of the guardian of the books of the new gabelles. Text: libras viginti sepetem f.p. l. 27
o0201070b.017l 1417 aprile 6 Salary of the guardian of the books of the new gabelles. Text: libras viginti septem f.p.
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Text: libr(as) viginti sex f.p. et pro libris
o0201081.077d 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of geese to distribute as gifts for All Saints. Text: libras viginti sex f.p. l. XXVI
o0201070.013c 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: libras viginti sex f.p. l. 26
o0201073.025ve 1418 giugno 30 Payment for the purchase of gloves. Text: libras viginti sex f.p. l. 26
o0201079.080va 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: libras viginti tres f.p. l. XXIII
o0201074.019vg 1418 settembre 16 Authorization to the master builder and the administrator to contract out a supply of broad bricks. Text: libris decem novem f.p. pro quolibet centunario,
o0201074.029vf 1418 dicembre 2 Contract for broad bricks and authorization for an advance payment. Text: libris decem novem f.p. pro quolibet miliario
o0201076.022d 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment for debt for forced loans to be deducted from the new gabelles. Text: libris decem octo f.p. vel circa solvant
o0201077.037vc 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà of Bibbiena for guaranty to be provided by debtors. Text: libris decem otto f.p. pro resto dicte
o0201077.005vc 1419/20 gennaio 5 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: libris decem settem f.p. possit sibique liceat
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: libris nonaginta duabus f.p. et in una
o0202001.013vn 1425 novembre 18 Term of payment to the Commune of Poggibonsi. Text: libris octuaginta quattuor f.p., cum hoc quod
o0202001.006vh 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Settimo. Text: libris quadraginta quinque f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.124m 1429/30 marzo 22 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: libris quattuor decem f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.140g 1431 aprile 13 Revocation in part of demand of payment. Text: libris quinquaginta sex f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.050vc 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to guarantor with obligation of new guaranty. Text: libris sexaginta otto f.p. ad solvendum quolibet
o0201076.029c 1419 novembre 10 Term of payment for butchering and wine taxes to the Commune of Ponsacco. Text: libris viginti duabus f.p. vel circa, habeat
o0202001.124vd 1430 marzo 30 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Brancialino. Text: libris viginti novem f.p. ad solvendum dictam
o0202001.005vb 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: libris viginti otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.012va 1425 ottobre 31 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: libris viginti otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.020e 1425/6 gennaio 18 Term of payment to the communes of Signa and of Pontorme for debt for pardons. Text: libris viginti otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0201075.078a 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for debt. Text: libris viginti quinque f.p. vel circa precibus
o0201076.008a 1419 agosto 2 Authorization to the treasurer to pay two creditors. Text: libris viginti sex f.p., possit ac etiam
o0201086.071vc 1425 aprile 16 Term of payment with guaranty. Text: libris viginti tribus f.p., prout apparet in
o0201086.042vg 1424/5 gennaio 24 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis libras centum f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201073.010va 1418 maggio 20 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis libras centum f.p., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201081.071vc 1422 settembre 11 Payment for transport of fir lumber. Text: lignaminis libras ducentas f.p. l. CC
o0201078.041va 1421 giugno 13 Authorization to give advance payment for a lumber contract. Text: lignaminis libras ducentas f.p. super conducta lignaminis
o0201073.010vb 1418 maggio 20 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis libras octuaginta f.p., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Text: lignaminis libras quadringentas f.p., quas in eorum
o0201073.011vg 1418 maggio 28 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis libras quinquaginta f.p. l. 50
o0201085.042va 1424 novembre 24 Payment to master carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: lignaminis libras quinquaginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201080.070ve 1422 aprile 29 Payment for taking lumber from the Alps. Text: lignaminis, libras centum f.p. l. C
o0201076.045vf 1419 luglio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis, libras quinquaginta f.p. l. 50
o0201076.046l 1419 luglio 5 Payment for supply, cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: lignaminis, libras triginta f.p. pro tagliatura et
o0201083.068c 1423 agosto 27 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ligniaminis libras sexaginta f.p. pro parte denariorum
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Lippi soldos decem f.p. s. 10 Andreas
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Lippi soldos decem f.p. s. 10 Meus
o0201081.076vd 1422 novembre 23 Payment for emptying of the latrines in the Opera. Text: loca libras sedecim f.p. l. XVI
o0201077.059b 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for building work at the Pope's residence. Text: loco libras otto f.p. l. VIII
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Maffii soldos tredecim f.p. s. 13 Micael
o0201075.034ve 1419 giugno 22 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: magister soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16
o0201075.034ve 1419 giugno 22 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: magister soldos viginti f.p. s. 20 Antonius
o0201081.070c 1422 agosto 12 Payment to cooper for tubs, mortarboards, small tubs, hoops and forms for broad bricks. Text: maii soldos otto f.p.; et pro circulo
o0201086.023vc 1425 giugno 21 Letter to the treasurer of Gangalandi for payment to a kilnman of kiln loads of mortar. Text: Malmantilis libras quinquaginta f.p. de denariis paghe
o0201074.064a 1418 dicembre 23 Order to debtor to reimburse his guarantor the expenditures incurred for arrest and for the debt of a gabelle. Text: mandrialium libras duodecim f.p., sibique Iohanni licentiam
o0201079.035vb 1421 ottobre 27 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Marchionnis s. sedecim f.p. Antonius Berti s.
o0202001.087va 1428 luglio 14 Salary of masters. Text: Marchionnis soldos tredecim f.p. s. XIII Et
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: Marchissis soldos quindecim f.p. s. XV Zenobius
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Marci soldos quindecim f.p. s. 15 Meus
o0202001.130va 1430 settembre 18 Salary set for ordinary masters, masters assigned to the Trassinaia quarry with their administrator, unskilled workers. Text: Masselli soldos decem f.p. s. X Iohannes
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: Mecheri soldos duodecim f.p. s. XII Niccolao
o0202001.003vg 1425 luglio 20 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: Mecheri soldos duodecim f.p. s. XII Niccolao
o0201083.069b 1423 settembre 24 Payment for the purchase of a big saw to cut chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Text: Medicis libras tredecim f.p. pro uno seghone
o0201081.008a 1422 agosto 4 Price set for ox-driven transport of materials up to the cupola. Text: mediocri denarios novem f.p. et pro quolibet
o0201083.008ve 1423 ottobre 6 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: mense libram unam f.p. de suprascripta summa,
o0201070b.022c 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt of the Porcellana hospital. Text: mense libram unam f.p. et propterea idonee
o0201083.089c 1423 ottobre 6 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libram unam f.p., Antonius Andree cardaiuolus
o0201082.089vg 1423 maggio 31 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: mense libram unam f.p., pro quo Ciardus
o0201083.089d 1423 ottobre 6 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: mense libram unam f.p., pro quo Leonardus
o0201082.011va 1423 aprile 23 Term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: mense libram unam f.p.; et deficiendo, gravetur
o0201084.004va 1423/4 gennaio 27 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns. Text: mense libram unam f.p.; et in isto
o0201084.006vb 1423/4 febbraio 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: mense libram unam f.p.; et in isto
o0201082.008vd 1423 marzo 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libram unam f.p.; et sic observando
o0201079.049vc 1421 dicembre 16 Hiring of messengers with salary set. Text: mense librarum decem f.p.; Dominicum Segne vocatum
o0201079.049vc 1421 dicembre 16 Hiring of messengers with salary set. Text: mense librarum duodecim f.p.; Dominicum Mattei vocatum
o0201078.018e 1421 aprile 3 Term of payment to second-hand dealer who is a debtor for pawns purchased from the Opera, with guarantee of a banker. Text: mense libras centum f.p. usque ad integram
o0201082.021a 1423 giugno 17 Increase of salary to messenger. Text: mense libras decem f.p., quod pro futuro
o0201078.087b 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libras duas f.p. cum condictione ut
o0201070b.007f 1416/7 febbraio 11 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libras duas f.p. incipiendo in kalendis
o0201070b.052c 1416/7 febbraio 11 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libras duas f.p. pro dicto Francisco
o0202001.100vh 1428/9 febbraio 18 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense libras duas f.p. pro quolibet mense,
o0201077.080vb 1419/20 gennaio 4 Guaranty for debt. Text: mense libras duas f.p. usque ad integram
o0201082.009b 1423 marzo 30 Term of payment and release of an arrested debtor. Text: mense libras duas f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.121a 1429/30 gennaio 10 Term of payment for debt. Text: mense libras duas f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.009vg 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: mense libras duas f.p., et fideiubeat de
o0201073b.002vc 1418 aprile 15 Term of payment for a pardon of forced loans and for forced loans. Text: mense libras duas f.p., initiando de mense
o0201084.065c 1423/4 gennaio 14 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the baptismal parish of San Giovanni in Montemurlo. Text: mense libras duas f.p., pro quo Biordus
o0201084.002vb 1423/4 gennaio 13 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and restitution of pawns. Text: mense libras duas f.p., satisdando; et pignora
o0202001.050vc 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to guarantor with obligation of new guaranty. Text: mense libras otto f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.028vd 1426 aprile 29 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense libras quattuor f.p., cum hoc excepto
o0202001.247vb 1435/6 gennaio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli instructing him to provide for demand of payment for the debt of the Commune. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p.
o0202001.180vb 1435/6 gennaio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.226ve 1434/5 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo and letter to the Podestà. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p., fideiubendo per tres
o0202001.025va 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Prato. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p., si et in
o0202001.088h 1428 luglio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini. Text: mense libras quinque f.p., si et in
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Text: mense libras septuaginta f.p., si et in
o0202001.211d 1433/4 febbraio 19 Term of payment extended for a debtor. Text: mense libras sex f.p.; et deficiente in
o0201078.087a 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: mense libras tres f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.005c 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense libras tres f.p., cum hoc excepto
o0201084.014va 1424 aprile 13 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty of a bank. Text: mense libras tres f.p.; et satisdandum per
o0201077.065vf 1420 aprile 19 Salary of the messenger. Text: mense libras triginta f.p. l. XXX
o0201078.064ve 1420/1 gennaio 23 Salary of the messenger. Text: mense libras viginti f.p. l. XX
o0201081.072vi 1422 ottobre 6 Salary of the messenger. Text: mense libras viginti f.p. l. XX
o0201082.089c 1423 marzo 31 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: mense libras 2 f.p. incipiendo die prima
o0202001.027e 1426 aprile 15 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. in casu quo
o0201080.081a 1421/2 marzo 11 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201077.026b 1419/20 marzo 9 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201081.018vb 1422 settembre 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt and restitution of pawn. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201080.011b 1421/2 febbraio 6 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.025vc 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.011vc 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque in quantitatem
o0201082.089h 1423 aprile 16 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., Antonius Iohannis Nuti
o0202001.050d 1426/7 gennaio 28 Term of payment to guarantor for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., et deficiente in
o0202001.005a 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., et in casu
o0201078.021va 1421 aprile 8 Term of payment for debt for forced loans or gabelles. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., etiam sine aliqua
o0202001.043c 1426 ottobre 17 Term of payment to the rector of Morrona. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. et in uno
o0202001.042d 1426 ottobre 25 Term of payment to the church of San Pietro a Giulica, to the baptismal parish of Morrona and relative rector. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. fideiubendo ydonee de
o0202001.024va 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. Leonardo ... quolibet
o0202001.039vf 1426 agosto 27 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.074vc 1427 dicembre 23 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.008vb 1425 agosto 22 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p., cum hoc quod
o0202001.036b 1426 giugno 20 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p., fideiubendo ydonee de
o0202001.007h 1425 agosto 17 Term of payment for balance of debt. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p.; et si non
o0201079.004va 1421 luglio 10 Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201086.072va 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.043b 1426 ottobre 17 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201077.014a 1419/20 gennaio 31 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p. usque solverit totam
o0201086.016va 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p., cum hoc quod
o0201076.021f 1419 ottobre 21 Concession to provide a single guaranty for multiple installments due on the same debt. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p., dummodo fideiuberet etc.,
o0201082.088a 1422/3 febbraio 5 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p., pro quo Benedictus
o0201077.025c 1419/20 marzo 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with deduction of property gabelle. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p.; et sic solvendo
o0201077.025a 1419/20 marzo 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p.; et sic solvendo
o0202001.024va 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p.
o0202001.009ve 1425 settembre 18 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p. ad solvendum, et
o0202001.024va 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p. Agliate, videlicet Carlo
o0202001.004vb 1425 luglio 30 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p. de infrascripta summa
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