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Context of query
o0201075.021a 1419 aprile 22 Election of the accountant, cancellation of debt for property gabelle and conviction of the notary of the new gabelles for payments not registered. Text: et soldos sexdecim f.p. tempore quo ser
o0201070.013vf 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera. Text: et soldos sexdecim f.p., in totum, detractis
o0201070b.026a 1417 giugno 30 Payment to the ex treasurer of the new gabelles for petty expenses. Text: et soldos sexdecim f.p.; et etiam viso
o0201086.040vc 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for transport of (stones). Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. l. LXVII s.
o0201081.067vb 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. l. LXXXIIII s.
o0201074.035vd 1418 agosto 31 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. l. 49 s.
o0201072.021f 1417/8 febbraio 18 Rental of a house. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. pro resto duorum
o0201072.026e 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. quos expendidit mandato
o0201074.060d 1418 dicembre 23 Salary allowance of a stonecutter. Text: et soldos tres f.p. f. 1 l.
o0201076.047va 1419 agosto 7 Balance of payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: et soldos tres f.p. l. 203 s.
o0201081.036b 1422 dicembre 30 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: et soldos tres f.p. l. LXXXVIII s.
o0201076.048vd 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of beech logs for the Pope's residence. Text: et soldos tres f.p. l. 15 s.
o0201072.032c 1418 aprile 6 Payment for purchase of stationery. Text: et soldos undecim f.p. l. 12 s.
o0201072.028d 1417/8 marzo 18 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: et soldos undecim f.p. l. 85 s.
o0202001.005va 1425 agosto 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. Text: et soldos undecim f.p., prout apparet in
o0201070b.015h 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles. Text: et soldos undecim f.p., ut constat in
o0201076.055a 1419 dicembre 15 Payment for sawing rafters for the roof of the Pope's residence. Text: et soldum unum f.p. l. 18 s.
o0201076.055e 1419 dicembre 15 Payment for work days spent sawing rafters for the Pope's residence. Text: et soldum unum f.p. l. 18 s.
o0201086.050vb 1425 giugno 8 Payment to the treasurer of the pawns for rights. Text: et soldum unum f.p., prout apparet in
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: et soldum unum f.p.; et pro tribus
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: et soldum unum f.p.; et pro uno
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: et soldum unum f.p.; et pro uno
o0201077.076c 1420 giugno 15 Contract for supply of mortar of pebble-free Alberese stone with advance on payment. Text: eum libras quindecim f.p. usquoque integre excomputaverit
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: eum soldos duos f.p., de quibus omnibus
o0201070b.007vc 1416/7 febbraio 11 Resolution for rights of the Podestà and debt collectors on receipts of 3 lire or less. Text: exactores soldos quinque f.p. et non ultra
o0201072.031b 1418 aprile 5 Loan to a debt collector. Text: exattori libras undecim f.p.
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: excedat soldos decem f.p.; si vero non
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: excederet soldos decem f.p., tunc non ponatur
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Text: excomputati soldi duo f.p. pro qualibet bestia,
o0202001.047ve 1426 dicembre 16 Salary set for the debt collectors in Pisa of the testamentary legacies. Text: exigere soldos quinque f.p. et denarios otto
o0201081.075vc 1422 novembre 6 Payment for cutting and trimming of crooked and bifurcated fir trees. Text: existens, libras quadraginta f.p. l. XL
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: expensis libras viginti f.p. Presente dicto Carolo
o0202001.133vh 1430 novembre 29 Salary set for masters. Text: extate soldos quindecim f.p. Cecchino Giaggi soldos
o0201079.072b 1421 luglio 31 Payment for supply of material and work for improvements to the house of canon. Text: extracta libras undecim f.p.; ... lastraiuolo pro
o0201086.042va 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of the messenger. Text: f.p. l. XXXVI f.p.
o0201086.042vb 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of the messenger. Text: f.p. l. XXXVI f.p.
o0201074.038c 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of small wood beams. Text: f.p. l. 4 f.p.
o0201070.012va 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for the purchase of hard stones. Text: f.p. l. 7 f.p.
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p. soldos duos f.p.; Pro qualibet partita
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p. soldos quattuor f.p.; et ab inde
o0201079.072b 1421 luglio 31 Payment for supply of material and work for improvements to the house of canon. Text: fabro libras sedecim f.p.; et pro expensis
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: facere libras sexcentas f.p., quas restituere teneatur
o0201077.056c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment to the debt collector of the gabelle on contracts for singling out testaments and testators in favor of the Opera. Text: facere, libras sex f.p. l. VI
o0202001.100d 1428/9 gennaio 28 Authorization to cut up to 30 towloads in the Campigna plain. Text: faceret soldos viginti f.p.
o0201081.073e 1422 ottobre 6 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: facta libras quadraginta f.p. l. XL
o0201079.065b 1421 luglio 4 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: facta libras quadringentas f.p. l. IIIIC
o0201081.083ve 1422 ottobre 16 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: facti librarum sessaginta f.p., de excomputando ipsam
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: facto libras viginti f.p., ipsi habeant et
o0201078.073e 1421 giugno 5 Payment for cutting of beech lumber. Text: fagii libras decem f.p. l. X
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Text: Fancelli soldos decem f.p. s. X Sandro
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Fancelli soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Bertinus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Fancelli soldos undecim f.p. s. 11 Paulus
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Fancello soldos tredecim f.p. s. 13 Iohannes
o0202001.159a 1432 aprile 29 Summer salary set for masters. Text: Fancielli soldos sedecim f.p. Iohanni Francisci soldos
o0201074.040d 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of hard stones. Text: Fastelli soldos quattuor f.p. s. 4
o0202001.051a 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini and letter to the vicar of the val di Nievole for release of arrested persons. Text: februarii libras sexaginta f.p., videlicet libras quinque
o0202001.103f 1428/9 marzo 12 Increase of the salary of the (messenger). Text: Fermalpunto libras duas f.p., incipiendo die primo
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: festi libras tres f.p. l. III Eidem
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: festi soldos viginti f.p. l. I Eidem
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: festum libras otto f.p. l. VIII Eidem
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: festum soldos decem f.p. s. X Eidem
o0202001.152vg 1431/2 gennaio 8 Salary set for masters. Text: Fesulis soldos decem f.p. Cenni Dominici soldos
o0202001.157vm 1432 aprile 8 Salary set for masters. Text: Fesulis soldos duodecim f.p. Pace Nannis soldos
o0202001.152vg 1431/2 gennaio 8 Salary set for masters. Text: Fesulis soldos undecim f.p. Dominico Antonii de
o0201077.056a 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment for paving to be done in Santa Maria Novella. Text: fiendo, libras quinqueginta f.p. l. L
o0201075.047f 1419 aprile 5 Restitution of money paid in error. Text: filio libras duas f.p. quos ipse Sander
o0201085.066b 1424 novembre 17 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: Filippo soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: filo denari tredecim f.p. denarios XIII pro
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: filo denarios decem f.p. denarios X pro
o0201086.070vc 1424/5 marzo 17 Deposit for debt for herd livestock guaranteed by guarantor. Text: Fiore libras decem f.p. a Menicho Ciuccii
o0202001.239vc 1435 agosto 16 Threat of demand of payment to a master and his partner in case of failure to execute the glass oculus contracted to them. Text: florenos auri quadraginta f.p., et similiter gravetur
o0202001.147a 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to contract out the monthly supply of mortar for three years, with repayment of loan in installments. Text: florenos auri quindecim f.p. usque ad satisfactionem
o0201072.017b 1417/8 febbraio 1 Salary of the master builder. Text: florenos quinquaginta sex f.p.
o0201074.034a 1418 agosto 9 Payment of the value of a shed and garden obtained in use and of the brokerage and gabelle expenditures. Text: florenos trecentos viginti f.p. f. 320
o0201086.046c 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for kiln loads of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: Florentia libras centum f.p. quas prefata Opera
o0201086.050c 1425 maggio 21 Payment to carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: Florentia libras triginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201076.054va 1419 dicembre 15 Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury. Text: Florentie libras duas f.p. quos consignavit et
o0201077.052vg 1419/20 gennaio 9 Payment for carving of two Lambs of God for the Pope's residence. Text: Florentie libras sex f.p. l. VI
o0201078.065vc 1420/1 marzo 15 Payment for transcription of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelles of the Florentine countryside. Text: Florentie, libras duas f.p. l. II
o0201086.046va 1425 marzo 26 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to notary (of the testaments) for investigation on testamentary bequest. Text: florentino libras duodecim f.p. pro otto diebus
o0201070.003c 1416/7 gennaio 7 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: foderatori libras quadraginta f.p. pro solutione unius
o0202001.086a 1428 giugno 15 Tare on supply of undersized broad bricks. Text: fornaciarium libras tres f.p., que debeant poni
o0201081.077ve 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Francisci libras centum f.p. l. C
o0201072.023vd 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: Francisci libras decem f.p. l. 10
o0201081.065a 1422 luglio 3 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Francisci libras ottuaginta f.p. l. LXXX
o0201072.025vd 1417/8 marzo 8 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Francisci libras quinquaginta f.p. et quod camerarius
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Francisci soldos decem f.p. s. 10 Antonius
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Francisci soldos decem f.p. s. 10 Nannes
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Francisci soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Andreas
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Fruosini soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Brunus
o0201074.031c 1418 dicembre 9 Salary set for masters. Text: futura soldos viginti f.p. Christoforus Maffii soldos
o0202001.003vf 1425 luglio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia and letter to the vicar of the Mugello with prohibition to demand payment. Text: futuri libras centum f.p. et per totum
o0201070b.057e 1417 aprile 6 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: futuri libras duas f.p. et libras duas
o0201076.072vb 1419 agosto 30 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: futuri libras duas f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.103g 1428/9 marzo 17 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. Text: futuri libras sexaginta f.p. et de residuo
o0202001.041va 1426 settembre 24 Term of payment to sword-maker who is debtor. Text: futuri libras tres f.p. et residuum per
o0201075.035vb 1419 giugno 26 Term of payment with restitution of pawn. Text: futuri soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201086.004c 1424/5 febbraio 12 Salary set for workforce. Text: futuri soldos otto f.p.; et Nardus Ciulli
o0201076.032b 1419 novembre 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuri soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.036ve 1419 dicembre 19 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuri soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.037d 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuri soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201077.002d 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuri soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.074ve 1419 novembre 10 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: futuris soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.030vb 1419 novembre 17 Term of payment for debt for forced loans to be deducted from the new gabelles. Text: futuris soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201079.031vb 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment to debtor for unspecified debt. Text: futuris soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201076.033d 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: futuris soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201077.020g 1419/20 febbraio 21 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuris soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201075.010b 1418/9 febbraio 27 Term of payment. Text: futuris soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201077.002b 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment for debt. Text: futuro libras duas f.p. usque ad integram
o0201080.021d 1422 marzo 31 Term of payment for debt for pardons to the communes of Scarperia. Text: futuro libras quinqueginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201081.006e 1422 luglio 23 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty and release of arrested person. Text: futuro soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201079.052c 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for debt for milling gabelle. Text: futuros libras duecentas f.p., et de residuo
o0201078.016c 1421 marzo 27 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: futuros libras tres f.p.; et sic solvendo
o0201078.041c 1421 giugno 13 Right of recourse for gabelle on persons for the Commune of San Godenzo. Text: gabellarum libras CC f.p., in qua quantitate
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: gabellarum soldum unum f.p.; Pro qualibet partita
o0201086.044ve 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to master mason for manufacture of the outer structure of the Florentine gate of the castle of Lastra. Text: Ghanghalandi libras centum f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0202001.013vm 1425 novembre 18 Letter to the treasurer of Gangalandi instructing him to pay a master. Text: Ghanghalandi libras trecentas f.p. eidem Piero stantiatas
o0201086.043ve 1424/5 febbraio 14 Payment for the construction of the outer gate of the castle of Lastra. Text: Ghanghalandi libras triginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Giaggi soldi settem f.p.
o0202001.133vh 1430 novembre 29 Salary set for masters. Text: Giaggi soldos quindecim f.p. Daddo Nofrii soldos
o0202001.133vh 1430 novembre 29 Salary set for masters. Text: Giaggii soldos decem f.p. Michaeli Nardi il
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: Giaggii soldos duodecim f.p. s. XII Iustus
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Giaggii soldos quattuor f.p. s. 4 Stefanus
o0202001.133vh 1430 novembre 29 Salary set for masters. Text: Giotto soldos duodecim f.p. Bardino Bertini soldos
o0202001.051g 1426/7 febbraio 11 Salary of masters for the winter. Text: Giotto soldos duodecim f.p. s. XII Cheli
o0201086.004ve 1424/5 febbraio 27 Order to debt collector of make precept to the debtors and setting of his salary. Text: gravamento soldos decem f.p. et denarios otto
o0201080.003d 1421/2 gennaio 9 Prohibition to demand payment of (debtor) and restitution of pawns. Text: gravanti librarum decem f.p. pro qualibet vice
o0201086.040d 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment to blacksmith for repairing the clapper of a big bell. Text: grossa libras decem f.p. l. X
o0201081.008a 1422 agosto 4 Price set for ox-driven transport of materials up to the cupola. Text: grossiori denarios sex f.p., pro quolibet super
o0201082.007d 1422/3 marzo 16 Contract to hoister of loads to the cupola. Text: grosso denarios septem f.p. pro quolibet pondere
o0201082.056a 1422/3 marzo 22 Contract to ox driver to hoist loads up to the cupola. Text: grosso denarios septem f.p. pro quolibet pondere
o0201081.024va 1422 ottobre 16 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Guardini soldi quindecim f.p. Blaxius Segne soldi
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: Guardini soldos quindecim f.p. s. XV Bartolomeus
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Guardini soldos quindecim f.p. s. 15 Antonius
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Guardini soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Nannes
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Guidonis soldos quindecim f.p. s. 15 Nencius
o0202001.110a 1429 luglio 16 Salary of masters for the summer. Text: Guidonis soldos undecim f.p. Dominicus Bastiani Migliorini
o0201082.021a 1423 giugno 17 Increase of salary to messenger. Text: habeat libras duodecim f.p. quolibet mense incipiendo
o0202001.024a 1425 marzo 12 Increase of salary to two (messengers). Text: habeat libras novem f.p. Orlanduccius soldos viginti
o0202001.024a 1425 marzo 12 Increase of salary to two (messengers). Text: habeat libras settem f.p.
o0201075.030a 1419 maggio 31 Election of accountant for the accounts of the cashiers of the communal treasury. Text: habeat soldos duos f.p. pro qualibet libra
o0201070.009b 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. Text: habeat soldos quattuor f.p.; et de quantitatibus
o0201086.020ve 1425 giugno 1 Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. Text: habere soldos quinque f.p. et ultra dictos
o0201085.007a 1424 dicembre 14 Increase of salary to workers. Text: habet soldos quindecim f.p. s. XV Iohanni
o0201070.024vd 1417 giugno 14 Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: habete libras sexaginta f.p. in libro SS
o0201077.056va 1419/20 gennaio 29 Payment for a supply of sand. Text: hactenus libras viginti f.p. l. XX
o0201081.067d 1422 luglio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: hedifitio soldos sedecim f.p., in totum libras
o0201070.020vc 1417 maggio 12 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Iacobi libras centum f.p. l. 100
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Iacobi soldi settem f.p. Meus Dominici soldi
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Iacobi soldos quindecim f.p. s. 15 Niccolaus
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