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Context of query
o0201084.045vf 1424 aprile 4 Payment for copper net to repair the window of the audience hall. Text: sex denarios duos f.p. l. 14 s.
o0201082.074g 1423 maggio 22 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: sex denarios duos f.p. l. 24 s.
o0201079.074b 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: sex denarios novem f.p. l. XL s.
o0201082.069vd 1423 marzo 30 Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it. Text: sex denarios novem f.p. l. 70 s.
o0201082.075e 1423 giugno 2 Balance of payment to kilnman. Text: sex denarios novem f.p. l. 73 s.
o0201080.072b 1422 maggio 20 Salary of the administrator. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. f. VII l.
o0201080.069vc 1422 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks with tare for breakage of some of them. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. IIICII s.
o0201079.074va 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. VI d.
o0201078.073f 1421 giugno 5 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and chimney pots for the Pope's residence, whose cost for error was not authorized. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. XV s.
o0201079.066e 1421 luglio 16 Oath of warden and payment of gabelle for lumber. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. XVI s.
o0201079.081vf 1421 novembre 21 Salary of the messenger. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. XXVIIII s.
o0201084.042vf 1423/4 febbraio 18 Salary of the guard of the forest. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. l. 13 s.
o0201077.054vh 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for planing of boards for the Pope's residence. Text: sex denarios otto f.p. s. VI d.
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: sex denarios otto f.p.; et die 21
o0201077.061vd 1419/20 marzo 19 Balance of payment for carving of a marble figure. Text: sex denarios quattuor f.p. f. XLIII l.
o0201078.069vf 1421 aprile 16 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: sex denarios quattuor f.p. l. XVIII s.
o0201082.065vb 1422/3 febbraio 5 Payment for transport of stones. Text: sex denarios quattuor f.p. l. 49 s.
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: sex denarios quattuor f.p., de quibus etiam
o0201083.069d 1423 settembre 24 Balance of payment to carter for transport of large sandstone blocks. Text: sex denarios quinque f.p. l. 88 s.
o0201079.071a 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: sex denarios sex f.p. l. I s.
o0201078.066vd 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for transport of Arno pebbles. Text: sex denarios sex f.p. l. X s.
o0201084.041f 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for supply of mortar and for the purchase of bricks. Text: sex denarios sex f.p. l. 32 s.
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Text: sex denarios tres f.p. l. VII s.
o0201082.066vf 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: sex denarios tres f.p. l. 57 s.
o0201083.066d 1423 agosto 16 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: sex denarios undecim f.p. l. 66 s.-
o0201082.073vb 1423 maggio 7 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: sex denarium unum f.p. l. 49 s.
o0201086.025va 1425 giugno 28 Term of payment by order of the Signori for the construction in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: sex f.p.rl. VI f.p. Die tertia iulii
o0202001.046h 1426 novembre 29 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor. Text: sex soldis otto f.p. solvendis dicte Opere
o0201077.082vb 1419/20 gennaio 30 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: sex soldis otto f.p. vel circa, de
o0201086.019vd 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: sex soldorum otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: sex soldorum sex f.p., et qualiter ipse
o0201081.067d 1422 luglio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: sex soldos decem f.p. et pro alia
o0201080.066vd 1421/2 marzo 11 Payment for freight of the marble for the oculus of the third tribune. Text: sex soldos decem f.p. l. VI s.
o0201077.055d 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: sex soldos decem f.p. l. XLVI s.
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: sex soldos decem f.p. l. 6 s.
o0201077.067e 1420 maggio 18 Payment for the purchase of wine for carnival. Text: sex soldos duodecim f.p.; et pro accantando
o0201079.067h 1421 luglio 16 Payment for petty expenses. Text: sex soldos duodecim f.p.; et pro sumatione
o0201077.063a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: sex soldos novem f.p. l. CLXXXVI s.
o0201081.067vc 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of gloves. Text: sex soldos otto f.p. l. VI s.
o0201082.069ve 1422/3 marzo 23 Payment for purchase of kids for Easter. Text: sex soldos otto f.p. l. 46 s.
o0201081.070c 1422 agosto 12 Payment to cooper for tubs, mortarboards, small tubs, hoops and forms for broad bricks. Text: sex soldos quattuor f.p.; et pro tribus
o0201084.041ve 1423/4 gennaio 12 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: sex soldos quindecim f.p. l. 136 s.
o0201078.067va 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: sex soldos quinque f.p. l. LVI s.
o0201078.072vb 1421 maggio 30 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: sex soldos quinque f.p. l. LVI s.
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Text: sex soldos sedecim f.p.; et pro faciendo
o0202001.005f 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: sex soldos sex f.p., prout apparet in
o0201079.078vc 1421 novembre 6 Balance of payment for the purchase of different types of hardware. Text: sex soldos tredecim f.p. l. IIIICXXXVI s.
o0201077.059c 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: sex soldos undecim f.p. l. XXVI s.
o0201078.074a 1421 giugno 16 Payment of rights to debt collector on sale of pawns. Text: sex soldum unum f.p. l. XXXVI s.
o0201084.040vb 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: sexaginta soldos quattuor f.p. l. 60 s.
o0201074.040va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Text: sexdecim denarios octo f.p. l. 37 s.
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: sexdecim denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: sexdecim denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: sexdecim denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: sexdecim denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: sexdecim denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201086.042vh 1424/5 gennaio 24 Payment for the purchase of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. Text: Signa libras triginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201070.002vb 1416/7 gennaio 5 Rulings for the construction of the road of the forest and nomination of a master builder for the work. Text: silva denarios duodecim f.p. pro quolibet traino
o0201070.002vc 1416/7 gennaio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: silva libras quinquaginta f.p. si fideiusserit pro
o0201072.022f 1417/8 febbraio 25 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Simonis libras quinquaginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: Simonis soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Brunus
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Simonis soldos tredecim f.p. s. 13 Iohannes
o0201082.077b 1423 giugno 19 Payment for supply of broad bricks. Text: socii libras trecentas f.p. pro una conducta
o0201086.047vb 1425 aprile 17 Payment to kilnman for recompense to carters. Text: sociis libras quinquaginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: soldi decem novem f.p. Checcus del Trincia
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: soldi decem novem f.p. Stefanus Francisci segator
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: soldi decem settem f.p. Iohannes Fancelli soldi
o0201078.038c 1421 giugno 6 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldi decem settem f.p. Nannes Miniatis soldi
o0201076.028vb 1419 novembre 7 Authorization to reimburse petty expenses. Text: soldi quadraginta duo f.p. et scribantur ad
o0201075.032c 1419 giugno 2 Order to count as petty expenses and repay to the blacksmith the money spent in bread and wine for him and his helpers. Text: soldi viginti duo f.p. et dentur fabro
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: soldi viginti quinque f.p.
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. Text: soldi viginti quinque f.p. Gherardus Niccolai Belacqua
o0202001.136b 1430/1 gennaio 22 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: soldis decem otto f.p. pro gabellis novis,
o0201085.066c 1424 novembre 26 Guaranty for manufacture of the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: soldis decem otto f.p. pro quolibet brachio
o0201086.073va 1425 giugno 8 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: soldis quadraginta tribus f.p., prout apparet in
o0201076.022c 1419 ottobre 24 Sale of sandstone finials. Text: soldis triginta sex f.p. pro qualibet earum
o0201076.071b 1419 luglio 14 Promise to respect the terms of consignment for manufacture of gutter spouts in part already paid with guaranty. Text: soldis viginti duobus f.p. pro quolibet bracchio,
o0201070b.025h 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles to the Podesteria of Laiatico; letter to the Podestà for restitution of expenditures made for the Commune and cancellation of debt already paid. Text: soldis viginti novem f.p. pro quolibet anno
o0201076.010va 1419 agosto 21 Authorization to sell an old wood board. Text: soldis viginti octo f.p.
o0201070.005d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Sale of a small slab of white marble. Text: soldis viginti octo f.p.
o0201074.017e 1418 settembre 2 Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. Text: soldis viginti quinque f.p. in quibus est
o0201073.023vg 1418 giugno 28 Payment for painting of the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate and for related materials. Text: soldis viginti quinque f.p. largitis sibi pro
o0201073.022a 1418 giugno 17 Authorization to the administrator for a contract for black marble. Text: soldis viginti quinque f.p. pro quolibet bracchio
o0201070.013vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for work in a house of the Opera. Text: soldis viginti sex f.p., in totum, detractis
o0201086.016b 1425 maggio 16 Renewal of hiring of carpenter and setting of his salary for the winter and the summer. Text: soldis viginti tribus f.p. pro quolibet die
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: soldis viginti uno f.p. pro quolibet quaterno
o0201076.051a 1419 settembre 13 Oath of warden and payment to a carpenter for work at Santa Maria Novella. Text: soldis 4 1/1 f.p. pro quolibet bracchio
o0201086.016a 1425 maggio 16 Hiring of blacksmith and setting of his salary. Text: soldorum decem novem f.p. et ad rationem
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: soldorum decem novem f.p. pro quolibet dictorum
o0201081.012a 1422 agosto 14 Salary set for two workers. Text: soldorum decem novem f.p. pro quolibet eorum
o0201070.019e 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the carriage of hard stones. Text: soldorum decem novem f.p. pro vettura cuiuslibet
o0201086.071b 1425 aprile 3 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the Commune of Castelfranco di sotto. Text: soldorum decem novem f.p. quos dictum Commune
o0201070.026b 1417 giugno 30 Payment for supply of mortar and flat bricks. Text: soldorum decem octo f.p. pro quolibet centunario
o0201076.045a 1419 luglio 5 Oath of wardens and payment for the purchase of lead. Text: soldorum decem octo f.p. pro quolibet centunario,
o0201074.058e 1418 dicembre 15 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks. Text: soldorum decem octo f.p. pro quolibet centunario,
o0201086.040va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: soldorum decem otto f.p. pro qualibet carrata,
o0202001.144c 1431 giugno 20 Reconfirmation of a master carpenter. Text: soldorum decem otto f.p. pro quolibet die
o0201086.008c 1425 marzo 26 Registration of the daily wages of master mason with salary set. Text: soldorum decem otto f.p. pro quolibet die
o0202001.007b 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Signa. Text: soldorum decem septem f.p. ad solvendum dictam
o0201074.040vg 1418 ottobre 24 Salary of a master for work on the model of Brunelleschi. Text: soldorum decem septem f.p. pro quolibet die,
o0201070.024va 1417 giugno 14 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: soldorum quadraginta duorum f.p. pro qualibet carrata
o0201086.017a 1425 maggio 18 Salary set for the hoister of loads to the cupola, whose previous contract is expired. Text: soldorum quadraginta duorum f.p. pro quolibet die
o0201086.033b 1425 maggio 16 Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. Text: soldorum quadraginta quinque f.p. pro quolibet die
o0201086.032b 1424/5 marzo 17 Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile with loan of furnaces. Text: soldorum quinquaginta duorum f.p. pro quolibet modio
o0201086.032va 1424/5 marzo 20 Ratification of the wardens for contract for kiln load of mortar. Text: soldorum quinquaginta duorum f.p. pro quolibet modio
o0201070.004g 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: soldorum triginta duorum f.p. pro qualibet carrata
o0201070.019vd 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of slabs of sandstone for a spiral staircase. Text: soldorum triginta septem f.p. pro quolibet eorum,
o0201074.040c 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of hard stones. Text: soldorum viginti octo f.p. pro qualibet carrata,
o0201074.040a 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: soldorum viginti octo f.p. pro qualibet carrata,
o0201074.040e 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: soldorum viginti octo f.p. pro qualibet carrata,
o0201071.002vg 1417 luglio 9 Payment for carriage of soft and hard stones. Text: soldorum viginti octo f.p. pro vettura cuiuslibet
o0201070.023vb 1417 giugno 3 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: soldorum viginti octo f.p. pro vettura cuiuslibet
o0202001.046va 1426 novembre 28 Sale of six fir logs from forest of the Opera. Text: soldorum viginti otto f.p. pro quolibet trayno
o0201081.020e 1422 settembre 18 Salary set for a master carpenter. Text: soldorum viginti quinque f.p.
o0201081.006va 1422 luglio 23 Salary set for two masters. Text: soldorum viginti quinque f.p. Antonii Andree magistri
o0201076.018g 1419 ottobre 7 Salary set for masters for work at Santa Maria Novella. Text: soldorum viginti quinque f.p. pro quolibet eorum
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: soldorum viginti sex f.p. pro quolibet centunario,
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: soldorum viginti tres f.p.
o0202001.017va 1425 novembre 23 Confirmation of salary to masters. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. Andree Caprette ut
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. Antonius Nannis Mastino
o0201080.035c 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. Bertus Papalis soldos
o0201080.035c 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. Iohannes Andree de
o0201076.053a 1419 ottobre 7 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. 213 s.
o0201080.070va 1422 aprile 29 Payment for rafting of fir and chestnut lumber. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. LXX s.
o0201080.064b 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. V s.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. XIIII s.
o0201079.068vc 1421 luglio 31 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. XXVI s.
o0201083.070ve 1423 novembre 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. 4 s.
o0201076.055c 1419 dicembre 15 Payment for work days spent sawing fir logs for rafters for the Pope's residence. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. 19 s.
o0201082.069va 1423 marzo 30 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. 22 s.
o0201075.049a 1419 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of marble. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. l. 75 s.
o0201083.070l 1423 ottobre 20 Payment for the purchase of a rope to make two cords for Trassinaia. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. pro uno canape
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. XVIIII
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. XVIIII Pippo
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. 19 Chiarus
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. 19 Nannes
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. 19 Papius
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: soldos decem novem f.p. s. 19 Puccius
o0201073.022f 1418 giugno 17 Salary set for a master. Text: soldos decem novem f.p., et ipsam solutionem
o0201070.013vf 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera. Text: soldos decem novem f.p.; et pro conducendo
o0201081.066va 1422 luglio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos decem novem f.p.; et (pro) inchiostro
o0201073.025va 1418 giugno 30 Commission of the notary of testaments. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 115 s.
o0201076.047d 1419 agosto 7 Payment for building work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 165 s.
o0201073.004vf 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 5 s.
o0201075.048e 1419 aprile 12 Payment to a cooper. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 13 s.
o0201076.055b 1419 dicembre 15 Payment for work days spent sawing fir logs for rafters for the Pope's residence. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 18 s.
o0201076.052b 1419 settembre 13 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 25 s.
o0201076.006vd 1419 luglio 19 Salary set for stonecutter for the summer. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18 Antonius
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