Document |

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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Term of payment to the guarantor of the Commune of Romena. |
Text: operariis etc. Nomina illorum de quibus scriptum |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Payment for rafting of firwood. |
Text: pro quolibet eorum, illorum videlicet Binduccii Ture, |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Payment for rafting of firwood. |
Text: pro quolibet eorum, illorum videlicet Vincii de |
1418 aprile 29 |
Restitution of the proceeds from the sale of pawns to the distrained persons who have already paid up the corresponding debt. |
Title: Stantiamentum illorum qui fuerunt pignorati |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: pauperum comitatinorum et illorum qui pro sola |
1419 aprile 26 |
Letter of summons to Pisan citizens and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he solicit them. |
Text: cives pisani loco illorum duorum et suprascriptis |
1419 aprile 26 |
Letter of summons to Pisan citizens and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he solicit them. |
Text: quam alii loco illorum qui non venient |
1419 novembre 7 |
Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. |
Text: et Communis Florentie, illorum videlicet camerariorum quorum |
1419 novembre 7 |
Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. |
Text: saldo ponet etc. illorum videlicet qui aliquid |
1419 novembre 7 |
Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. |
Text: Operi solvent etc. illorum vero camerariorum qui |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Ratification of rent of quarry made by the notary of the Opera with exclusion of two shops. |
Text: supradicte. Nomina vero illorum quibus ipse Ugo |
1421 novembre 28 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: gravetur pro debitore illorum de Albertis personaliter |
1422 settembre 16 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who sprinkle the walls. |
Text: describere ad computum illorum qui balneaverint seu |
1423 giugno 2 |
Appraisal of the pawns and order to register as income the money obtained from the their sale. |
Text: rationem et computa illorum quorum pignorati fuerunt |
1423 novembre 18 |
Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Text: Opera; et similiter illorum qui in futurum |
1423/4 gennaio 4 |
Allowance and salary of the accountant of the audit of the forced loans. |
Text: super computum prestantiarum illorum, qui vigore reformationis |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. |
Text: s. XII Nomina illorum magistrorum qui laboraverunt |
1424/5 febbraio 14 |
Authorization to the scribe to register the extra days of the workers. |
Text: opere magistrorum, operas illorum magistrorum qui laborabunt |
1424/5 febbraio 27 |
Order to the administrator to register the payment to masters for work at the castle of Lastra. |
Text: computum et rationem illorum magistrorum qui receperunt |
1425 aprile 20 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: sunt hec, videlicet illorum laborantium in Opera |
1425 maggio 16 |
Order to the scribe to register the work days of the workers transferred by the master builder from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui deputarentur |
1425 novembre 21 |
Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. |
Text: Trassinarie, exceptis salariis illorum magistrorum qui habent |
1425 novembre 23 |
Confirmation of salary to masters. |
Title: Confirmatio salariorum illorum magistrorum qui habent |
1426 giugno 28 |
Prohibition to the treasurers and notaries of the forced loans to discount the old forced loans with the new if they have not collected the 6 denari per lira of the old distribution. |
Text: mictere aliquas partitas illorum qui volunt schomputare |
1427 agosto 4 |
Authority to wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. |
Text: novorum et domos illorum cappellanorum qui exirent |
1427 agosto 5 |
Assignment of houses to new canons. |
Text: quod omnes domos illorum canonicorum qui non |
1427 agosto 28 |
Registration of the days worked by masters who work on feast days to sprinkle the walls of the great cupola. |
Title: Opere illorum qui balneaverunt muros |
1427 agosto 28 |
Registration of the days worked by masters who work on feast days to sprinkle the walls of the great cupola. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui diebus |
1427 novembre 5 |
Registration of the days worked outside the Opera. |
Title: possit mictere operas illorum qui laboraverunt domos |
1427 dicembre 23 |
Authorization to pay rights for the testamentary legacies to the notary of the Opera. |
Text: dirictura soldorum duorum illorum qui non solvunt |
1428 aprile 30 |
Registration of the days worked on the houses of the canons and chaplains. |
Text: teneatur scribere operas illorum magistrorum qui laborabunt |
1428 maggio 14 |
Authorization to pay installment to member of the Cortigiani family, in accordance with the indications of the administrator and notary of the Opera. |
Title: Opere pro solutionibus illorum de Cortigianis |
1428 dicembre 10 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano instructing him to identify and enjoin whoever has cut small fir trees and issue proclamation for the price to be paid in the future. |
Text: perscructetur de nominibus illorum qui inciserunt certos |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Authorization to register the daily wages of workers employed on the houses of the priests and canons. |
Title: ad librum operas illorum qui laboraverunt in |
1428/9 febbraio 23 |
Approval of guarantor and term for restitution for the amount of the damages of a theft. |
Text: partito de concordia illorum dampnum passorum ab |
1428/9 febbraio 23 |
Approval of guarantor and term for restitution for the amount of the damages of a theft. |
Text: habuerunt de bonis illorum venetorum qui fuerunt |
1429 giugno 30 |
Sale of stolen objects at the price offered by the highest bidder, with the exception of a tunic. |
Text: offerenti de concordia illorum qui receperunt una |
1429 ottobre 26 |
Order to the scribe to register the days worked at the Florentine Studio. |
Text: suum quaternum operas illorum qui laboraverunt ad |
1429 ottobre 26 |
Order to the scribe to register the days worked at the Florentine Studio. |
Text: quemadmodum scribit operas illorum qui laborant in |
1430 marzo 30 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters who went to work for the captains of Parte Guelfa. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum Opere qui |
1430 marzo 30 |
Registration of the days worked to make a seat on the occasion of the arrival of the relics of Vada. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui laboraverunt |
1430 maggio 19 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters employed on the seats of the main church. |
Text: teneatur scribere operas illorum qui laborabunt super |
1430 giugno 22 |
Registration of the days worked on the decoration of the Duomo for the arrival of the altarpiece of the Madonna of Impruneta and to perforate the stairs of the high altar to affix large candles. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum qui laborabunt in |
1430 giugno 22 |
Registration of the days worked on the decoration of the Duomo for the arrival of the altarpiece of the Madonna of Impruneta and to perforate the stairs of the high altar to affix large candles. |
Text: Impruneta quemadmodum operas illorum qui laborant in |
1430 giugno 22 |
Registration of the days worked on the decoration of the Duomo for the arrival of the altarpiece of the Madonna of Impruneta and to perforate the stairs of the high altar to affix large candles. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum qui laboraverunt in |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the feast day of Saint Dionysius. |
Title: Pro operis illorum qui laborabunt pro |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the feast day of Saint Dionysius. |
Text: teneatur mictere operas illorum qui laborabunt in |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Registration of the daily wages of the masters who went to Montebuoni for the lake of the Commune. |
Text: operas ad librum illorum magistrorum qui iverunt |
1430 dicembre 12 |
Prohibition for masters to work, confirmation of the nomination of unskilled workers. |
Text: nomina et prenomina illorum que fuerunt capsi |
1431 maggio 30 |
Authorization to carry out minor work on the church. |
Text: teneatur scribere operas illorum qui actabunt prefatam |
1431 giugno 1 |
Dismissal of some masters and reconfirmation of others. |
Text: modis infrascriptis; nomina illorum qui fuerunt refirmi |
1431 luglio 21 |
Authorization to pay the workers who completed the castle of Castellina with priority over other payments. |
Title: In favorem illorum qui iverunt ad |
1431 luglio 21 |
Registration of the daily wages of the masters who worked on the roof of the Pope. |
Text: Opere scribat operas illorum magistrorum qui actaverunt |
1431 agosto 28 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the demolition of the jetties of the chiasso Bertinelli. |
Title: Pro operis illorum qui destruxerunt sportus |
1431 agosto 28 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the demolition of the jetties of the chiasso Bertinelli. |
Text: de giornatis operas illorum qui ad petitionem |
1431 ottobre 5 |
Order for work on the fireplace in the house of a canon. |
Text: scribere teneatur operas illorum qui laborabunt in |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. |
Text: cunctis examinatis, res illorum iudicio concluderetur et |
1432 luglio 30 |
Authorization to the master builder to have the roof of the loggia of the chapter put in order. |
Text: teneatur scribere operas illorum qui actabunt dictum |
1432 agosto 22 |
Registration of the days worked on the door of the Tower officials. |
Title: Pro operis illorum qui laboraverunt concium |
1432 agosto 22 |
Registration of the days worked on the door of the Tower officials. |
Text: debeat scribere operas illorum qui laboraverunt et |
1432 ottobre 11 |
Order to record the days worked by some masters and to keep open the work site on Sundays and holidays for those working by order of the master builder. |
Text: et scribere operas illorum qui laborabunt ad |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. |
Text: Opere et non illorum, idcirco dictis de |
1432/3 febbraio 10 |
Registration of the daily wages of workers. |
Text: teneatur scribere operas illorum qui laboraverunt in |
1432/3 marzo 23 |
Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers. |
Text: plus ad computum illorum conductorum seu fornaciariorum |
1433 giugno 18 |
Prohibition to send masters and employees with salary over 15 soldi to convoke the wardens. |
Text: possit scribere operas illorum qui contrafacerent. |
1433 luglio 3 |
Registration of the days worked by workers on the chains for the fortification of the church. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum qui laboraverunt et |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to set price of carriage of animals taken to the Pisan countryside in order to lay waste to the castles. |
Text: librum quemadmodum operas illorum magistrorum qui iverunt |
1433/4 febbraio 19 |
Salary set for workers who seized the bells in the Pisan countryside. |
Title: Salarium illorum qui iverunt pro |
1433/4 marzo 17 |
Remaking of a collapsed wall in the garden of a shed. |
Text: fient de pecunia illorum qui actare tenentur |
1434 ottobre 22 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who went to Campiglia for marble. |
Title: ad librum operas illorum qui iverunt Campigliam |
1434 ottobre 22 |
Registration of the daily wages of those who went to Campiglia for marble. |
Text: Opera omnes operas illorum qui iverunt Campigliam |
1434/5 gennaio 24 |
Registration of the days worked at Santa Maria Novella and Trassinaia. |
Text: laborantium in Opera illorum magistrorum qui laboraverunt |
1434/5 gennaio 24 |
Registration of the days worked by the masters at Santa Maria Novella and at the quarry. |
Text: 1434 et operas illorum magistrorum qui digrossaverunt |
1434/5 febbraio 2 |
Registration of the daily wages of the masters who went to level the square of Santa Maria Novella for the joust desired by the nephew of Pope Eugenius. |
Title: Pro operis illorum magistrorum qui appianaverunt |
1434/5 febbraio 2 |
Registration of the daily wages of the masters who went to level the square of Santa Maria Novella for the joust desired by the nephew of Pope Eugenius. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui iverunt |
1434/5 febbraio 15 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked at the request of the wardens but without their resolution. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui laboraverunt |
1435 aprile 8 |
Registration of the daily wages of those employed on the chains for the fortification of the cathedral. |
Title: In favorem illorum qui laboraverunt super |
1435 aprile 8 |
Registration of the daily wages of those employed on the chains for the fortification of the cathedral. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum qui laboraverunt super |
1435 aprile 22 |
Registration of daily wages of workers who worked for the funeral of Niccolò Tolentino. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum et manovalium |
1435 aprile 22 |
Registration of daily wages of workers who worked for the funeral of Niccolò Tolentino. |
Text: quemadmodum alias operas illorum qui laboraverunt et |
1435 aprile 29 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters who have quarried black marble. |
Title: Quod opere illorum qui laboraverunt marmorem |
1435 aprile 29 |
Registration of the daily wages of (masters) who have worked in a house on repairs of the roof. |
Title: librum (scribantur opere) illorum qui laboraverunt in |
1435 aprile 29 |
Registration of the daily wages of (masters) who have worked in a house on repairs of the roof. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum qui laboraverunt in |
1435 luglio 5 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked on the glass window of Bernardo of Francesco. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum magistrorum qui fecerunt |
1435 luglio 6 |
Registration of the daily wages of master who went to the castle of Nicola and to Carrara and reimbursement of expenses to the same. |
Text: ad librum operas illorum dierum quibus stetit |
1435 ottobre 31 |
Salary set for the masters who went to Pisa. |
Title: Salarium magistrorum illorum qui iverunt Pisas |