Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1429 luglio 16 |
Term of payment to the Armorers' Guild for the purchase of houses from the Opera. |
Text: Ars haberet de rebus quas venderent de |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. |
Text: asserellis et aliis rebus, ut constat in |
1422 agosto 12 |
Payment to cooper for tubs, mortarboards, small tubs, hoops and forms for broad bricks. |
Text: bottaio pro infrascriptis rebus dicte Opere venditis |
1423 settembre 24 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: bottario pro pluribus rebus et maxeritiis per |
1423 aprile 9 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: bottario pro pluribus rebus per eum missis |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Authorization to pay for the arms painted on the doors of Santa Maria Novella and for the decoration of the Pope's chamber. |
Text: calce et aliis rebus quam pro remuneratione |
1423 marzo 30 |
Payment for purchase of stationery. |
Text: cartolario pro pluribus rebus missis ad Operam |
1429 maggio 27 |
Authority to the master builder for sale of objects coming from demolished house. |
Text: dampno vendere de rebus extractis de domo |
1432 dicembre 3 |
Restitution of pawn to the holder of a house obtained through the officials of the Commune from a rebel and debtor of the Opera. |
Text: de bonis et rebus et iuribus Baldassarris |
1431 novembre 28 |
Restitution of pawn. |
Text: de bonis et rebus Iohannis Bartoli de |
1426/7 (febbraio) 19 |
Authorization to the administrator to lend boards and hardware to sculptor. |
Text: de Ciuffagnis de rebus Opere tot asses |
1428 agosto 20 |
Declaration of status of legitimate debtor in favor of person arrested for theft of roof tiles from the houses destroyed near San Simone. |
Text: de Florentia de rebus domorum existentium penes |
1418 agosto 9 |
Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. |
Text: de ipso et rebus in eo existentibus |
1421 settembre 15 |
Ruling to place in church a drum for denunciations to be opened every fifteen days. |
Text: de pecunia et rebus dicte Opere habuisset |
1421 aprile 16 |
Payment to kilnman tenant for alterations made to the kiln. |
Text: debet pro pluribus rebus emptis et pretiis |
1428 luglio 2 |
Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. |
Text: dicte Opere de rebus dictarum domorum et |
1427 aprile 8 |
Loan of objects and injunction to masters and unskilled workers to assist Ciuffagni. |
Text: dicto Bernardo de rebus Opere prefate et |
1419 ottobre 21 |
Restitution of pawn for unwarranted demand of payment of forced loans. |
Text: esse factum de rebus et in loco |
1417 aprile 28 |
Execution of the resolutions regarding the houses of the canons and other matters. |
Text: et aliis quibuscumque rebus Operis mictantur executioni |
1417 novembre 10 |
Arrests for debts. |
Text: et pro aliis rebus et recomendatus barigello |
1417 novembre 10 |
Arrests for debts. |
Text: et pro aliis rebus. (c. 33va) Die |
1422/3 febbraio 15 |
Payment to bowl maker for the purchase of wood rods and poles. |
Text: et quampluribus aliis rebus per eum traditis |
1417/8 febbraio 25 |
Declaration of debt and payment deadline. |
Text: et quod de rebus dubiis habeat terminum |
1427 aprile 2 |
Permit to leave work and loan of a rope to Brunelleschi. |
Text: et quod de rebus Opere prefate eidem |
1419 aprile 28 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: eum expensis in rebus minutis ad petitionem |
1436 aprile 30 |
Prohibition to sell things belonging to the Opera beyond a certain value, with authorization to sell boards to three private persons. |
Text: existat possit de rebus Opere vendere aliquid |
1417/8 marzo 23 |
Payment for the purchase of several things. |
Text: f.p. pro pluribus rebus venditis et datis |
1428 agosto 16 |
Permission to the administrator to make arrest for theft that occurred in the houses of San Simone. |
Text: facere Chachalorzum pro rebus furatis de domibus |
1422 giugno 19 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: florentino pro infrascriptis rebus venditis et traditis |
1418 aprile 6 |
Payment for purchase of stationery. |
Text: foleis et aliis rebus per eum datis |
1419 giugno 22 |
Order to arrest a master who has worked outside the Opera without permission. |
Text: haberi, gravetur in rebus; et quod provisor |
1417 aprile 16 |
Prohibition to extend or grant new term of payment if not unanimously approved. |
Text: habuerit terminum pro rebus, videlicet pro quibus |
1418 agosto 19 |
Authority to the administrator to take measures against the debt collectors. |
Text: in aliis quibuscumque rebus etc. |
1419 dicembre 14 |
Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. |
Text: in omnibus aliis rebus, omni modo etc. |
1419/20 febbraio 21 |
Prohibition to demand payment of debt. |
Text: in personis vel rebus nec aliis pro |
1428 settembre 24 |
Order to the administrator and master builder to compile inventories of the houses of the Visdomini. |
Text: inventarium de quibuscumque rebus existentibus in domibus |
1418/9 marzo 21 |
Authorization to pay work for the Pope. |
Text: lecticis et aliis rebus pro summo pontifice |
1416/7 marzo 17 |
Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles. |
Text: libris et aliis rebus per eum venditis |
1418/9 marzo 21 |
Reimbursement of expenditures for materials and work for the Pope's residence. |
Text: lineo et aliis rebus pro faciendo lecticam |
1429 settembre 22 |
Order to send away women of all ranks living in the cloister except in the case of illness of clerics. |
Text: omnibus masseritiis et rebus in dicta domo |
1422 ottobre 7 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: Opere pro infrascriptis rebus emptis et habitis |
1422 agosto 7 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: Opere pro infrascriptis rebus emptis et traditis |
1419 aprile 12 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: Opere pro pluribus rebus per eum venditis |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. |
Text: operibus missis et rebus venditis et traditis |
1419 luglio 12 |
Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans and property gabelle. |
Text: palchis et aliis rebus posita Florentie in |
1425 giugno 19 |
Order to repossess cloth hangings and other things given in loan and to draw up an inventory of such furnishings. |
Text: personas habentes de rebus, bonis et masseritiis |
1429 maggio 12 |
Authorization to the wardens to cede a column for the Mercato Vecchio. |
Text: possint accipere de rebus existentibus in dicto |
1417/8 marzo 10 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: predictorum in nonnullis rebus et necessitatibus pertinentibus |
1420 maggio 14 |
Payment of expenses to master on his deathbed after fall from the third tribune. |
Text: pro expendendo in rebus sibi necessariis pro |
1425 maggio 22 |
Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. |
Text: pro omnibus supradictis rebus conficiendis, sed solum |
1418 agosto 4 |
Authorization to pay work, materials and transport of a model for the armature of the cupola. |
Text: pro omnibus suprascriptis rebus et aliis quibuscumque |
1432 luglio 30 |
Authorization to the administrator to lend a saw. |
Text: provisor Opere de rebus Opere teneatur comodare |
1432 settembre 25 |
Order to put the organ in order. |
Text: pulvere et aliis rebus turpibus devastata pro |
1419 settembre 12 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans on properties not possessed by the person enjoined to pay because of division arbitration. |
Text: puteo et aliis rebus posita Florentie in |
1422 maggio 13 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: quampluribus causis et rebus emptis, de quibus |
1418 aprile 6 |
Payment for purchase of stationery. |
Text: quaternis et aliis rebus datis per eum |
1422 luglio 2 |
Notification to debtors for purchase of lumber and other things to pay within term under threat of demand of payment. |
Text: quibuscumque debitoribus pro rebus emptis et habitis |
1419/20 marzo 19 |
Payment for the small model of the cupola. |
Text: recipere debet pro rebus missis in faciendo |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period. |
Text: satisfiat; et tamen rebus sic stantibus ad |
1428 maggio 5 |
Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. |
Text: scharpellatoris et omnibus rebus positis per dictam |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. |
Text: solutionibus et aliis rebus tempore Decem civitatis |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Payment for the purchase of small wood beams, two kinds of roof tiles and chimney pots for the roof of the Stinche prison. |
Text: solvendo pro infrascriptis rebus emptis pro acconcimine |
1417/8 febbraio 17 |
Authorization to the master builder to purchase material for the Opera. |
Text: solvere pro dictis rebus ut dicet dictus |
1418 giugno 28 |
Payment for painting of the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate and for related materials. |
Text: stellis et aliis rebus pro pingendo et |
1432 dicembre 3 |
Restitution of pawn to the holder of a house obtained through the officials of the Commune from a rebel and debtor of the Opera. |
Text: super bonis et rebus et iuribus quorumcumque |
1432 ottobre 30 |
Order to have models prepared of the closing of the cupola and of the lantern. |
Text: ut possit provideri rebus necessariis dicti laborerii. |
1418 luglio 19 |
Prohibition to make loans without authorization. |
Text: vel operarius, de rebus dicti Operis sine |
1417 novembre 10 |
Arrests for debts. |
Text: vino et aliis rebus captus fuit Antonius |
1419 giugno 2 |
Order to count as petty expenses and repay to the blacksmith the money spent in bread and wine for him and his helpers. |
Text: vino et aliis rebus pro dando et |
1419 novembre 7 |
Authorization to reimburse petty expenses. |
Text: vino et aliis rebus quando fecit mallea |
1436 aprile 30 |
Prohibition to sell things belonging to the Opera beyond a certain value, with authorization to sell boards to three private persons. |
Title: Opere quod de rebus Opere non possit |
1432 giugno 17 |
Prohibition to lend anything without the decree of the wardens. |
Title: Quod de rebus Opere sine partito |