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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1418 novembre 15 |
Authorization to the administrator and to the notary of the Opera to set the compensation of the debt collectors for every demand of payment. |
Text: dictam tassationem facere semel et pluries et |
1419 maggio 12 |
Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district in order that they follow the instructions of the debt collectors. |
Text: ita quod quilibet semel et non plus |
1419 maggio 29 |
Authorization to contract out cutting and supply of logs. |
Text: convenire etc. et semel et plures et |
1419 settembre 20 |
Salary set for the accountants elected to audit the accounts of the treasurer, the notary and the administrator. |
Text: quod simul et semel revideant rationes camerarii |
1419/20 gennaio 5 |
Permission for debt collection granted to messenger without perception of further salary. |
Text: cogere et gravare semel et pluries sine |
1420 maggio 18 |
Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. |
Text: potestatem faciendi locationes semel et pluries calcine |
1420 giugno 12 |
Cancellation of a debt already paid. |
Text: dicta solutio postquam semel facta est debet |
1420/1 gennaio 23 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside and district for the collection of the debts with summons for some subjects. |
Text: notarium infrascriptum scribatur semel et pluries et |
1421 aprile 5 |
Authorization to pay and advance sums of money to the workers in accordance with the indications of the administrator. |
Text: quantitatem et quantitates semel et pluries de |
1421 aprile 7 |
Request to the administrator of the office of the Ten of Pisa to inform the suppliers about gabelles of the city and of the Pisan countryside. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod scribatur semel et pluries provisori |
1421 aprile 16 |
Authorization to the treasurer to pay all those that work for the Opera whenever ordered to do so by administrator. |
Text: dare et solvere semel et pluries et |
1421 aprile 26 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of stones to carters. |
Text: quibuscumque carradoribus voluerit semel et pluries ad |
1421 giugno 10 |
Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. |
Text: cui et quibus, semel vel pluries, sibi |
1421 giugno 20 |
Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification. |
Text: et sibi liceat semel et pluries ipsum |
1421 luglio 24 |
Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. |
Text: quod scribatur lictera semel et plures et |
1421 settembre 5 |
Authority to the 4 cupola officials for the purchase of chestnut lumber for the chains. |
Text: in dictam causam semel et pluries et |
1421 settembre 5 |
Authority to the 4 cupola officials for the purchase of chestnut lumber for the chains. |
Text: duas partes eorum semel vel pluries stantiatum. |
1421 novembre 18 |
Ruling concerning the procedures for demand of payment for debts. |
Text: parte dicti officii semel et pluries pro |
1421 agosto 27 |
Guaranty for a debt collector. |
Text: quid et quantum semel vel pluries fuerit |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. |
Text: parte ipsorum operariorum semel et pluries et |
1422 maggio 12 |
Demand of payment of debtors with the exception of those with valid extensions or rulings concerning testaments and new term of payment. |
Text: gravari ad solvendum semel et pluries et |
1422 agosto 14 |
Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and district with summons for the debtors. |
Text: debitricia et debitores semel et pluries et |
1423 aprile 28 |
Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. |
Text: et placebit et semel et pluries et |
1423 novembre 18 |
Order to the administrator to register the sums received and paid out until the installation of the new treasurer in office. |
Text: duas partes ipsorum semel et pluries possit |
1423/4 febbraio 29 |
Authorization to contract out lumber and cut it in pieces for making roof struts. |
Text: teneantur et debeant semel et pluries et |
1426 agosto 19 |
Dispatch of (master) to oversee to the work of the castles of Lastra and of Malmantile. |
Text: et debeat ire semel in edogmoda ad |
1426 settembre 12 |
Prohibition to the masters who work on the cupola to descend more than once a day. |
Text: descendere quolibet die semel seu una vice |
1426/7 marzo 12 |
Prohibition to the stonecutters to descend from the cupola more than once a day, under penalty of dismissal. |
Title: de cupola nisi semel in die |
1426/7 marzo 12 |
Prohibition to the stonecutters to descend from the cupola more than once a day, under penalty of dismissal. |
Text: cupola predicta nisi semel in die, alias |
1427 aprile 11 |
Order to the master builder to go to Malmantile for the work on the castle. |
Text: dicti castri Malmantilis semel et pluries, prout |
1427 maggio 14 |
Commission to the master builder to go several times, with another master, to oversee works at Malmantile. |
Text: ire qualibet edogmoda semel et pluries ad |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Prohibition to masters and unskilled workers who work on the cupola to descend more than once a day. |
Text: possit descendere nisi semel in die, videlicet |
1430/1 gennaio 3 |
Order that each stonecutter provide and keep ready a hammer. |
Text: et ad minus semel in mense Filippotius |
1431 settembre 25 |
Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. |
Text: sed roborando taliter semel et pluries quod |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. |
Text: eligerunt non solum semel sed pluries clarissimos |
1432 maggio 28 |
Obligation of masters to keep their own hammers at the Opera worksite. |
Text: predictis qualibet edogmoda semel, alias intelligatur et |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: et impune et semel et pluries et |
1433/4 febbraio 16 |
Prohibition to the masters to descend from the cupola more than once a day. |
Text: possit discendere nisi semel in die, et |