Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. |
Text: ipsius ecclesie citius solvantur et ut debentes |
1417 aprile 10 |
Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead. |
Text: Ligi de Quaratesibus solvantur florenos duo auri |
1417 aprile 29 |
Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. |
Text: comitatinorum in qua solvantur libre due vel |
1416/7 febbraio 17 |
Partial cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in forced loans. |
Text: in dicto tertio solvantur et postea excomputetur |
1418 aprile 23 |
Contract for tiles to roof the chapels. |
Text: pro quolibet centunario solvantur sibi libre sex |
1418 maggio 24 |
Payment for supply of marble. |
Text: auri, dummodo non solvantur sine licentia provisoris |
1418 maggio 24 |
Payment for supply of marble. |
Text: licentia provisoris et solvantur tantum illis quibus |
1418 settembre 16 |
Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead. |
Text: Antonii Santis mercatoris solvantur floreni duos auri |
1419 dicembre 14 |
Deadline for conclusion of the work on the glass oculus of the facade under penalty of restitution of the advance payment with guaranty. |
Text: satisdet antequam sibi solvantur dicti floreni quinquaginta |
1420 aprile 19 |
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. |
Text: libra dicte Opere solvantur per gratiam, compositionem |
1420 maggio 18 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: quolibet die, que solvantur per camerarium ut |
1421 luglio 24 |
Payment for the purchase and transport of broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: quibus pro eo solvantur carradoribus qui eos |
1421/2 marzo 13 |
Payment to bargeman for the transport of white marble. |
Text: et pro eis solvantur Giuliano Sandri de |
1423 giugno 9 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: cum hoc quod solvantur per consules Kalimale. |
1423 novembre 6 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: sub dicta pretia solvantur, quorum nomina et |
1425 aprile 17 |
Payment to cooper. |
Text: Opere, sed quod solvantur per futurum camerarium |
1426 maggio 17 |
Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. |
Text: f.p. dentur et solvantur dictis Batiste et |
1426 dicembre 30 |
Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor. |
Text: dicta sacristia et solvantur ad petitionem conservatorum |
1427 agosto 20 |
Order to the administrator obtain reimbursement of the money spent for a lawsuit with the Commune of San Gimignano for the collection of testaments. |
Text: et dentur et solvantur eorum camerario, quam |
1427 agosto 28 |
Confirmation of prices to master stonecutters for certain work done at Lastra and variation of price for other work, with modification of the measurements. |
Text: pro qualibet posta solvantur libre due soldi |
1427 agosto 28 |
Confirmation of prices to master stonecutters for certain work done at Lastra and variation of price for other work, with modification of the measurements. |
Text: et pro eis solvantur pro dicta maiori |
1429/30 febbraio 10 |
Apportionment of debt between two (kilnmen) and deduction of part of the same against supply of broad bricks, including the expenditures for the carters. |
Text: per dictum Bartolum solvantur carradores et non |
1431 luglio 4 |
Term of payment to a guarantor. |
Text: MCCCCXXXIII dentur et solvantur Opere et eorum |
1434 aprile 30 |
Payment for transport of bricks. |
Text: quod expensis Opere solvantur libre sex soldos |
1434 dicembre 15 |
Price fixed for transport of marble from Pisa. |
Text: Pisarum ad Operam solvantur ad rationem librarum |
1435 luglio 5 |
Sale of an altar slab to the friars of the Osservanza of San Giovanni Valdarno and payment of the same by an unskilled worker with the money he received for the funeral of Niccolò da Tolentino. |
Text: qui duodecim grossi solvantur per Martinum manovalem |