Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: quibus et prout stantiatum fuerit licite et |
1431/2 marzo 23 |
Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. |
Text: per eorum offitium stantiatum. |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Authority to a warden to buy bronze from the Wool Guild to make the casket of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authority to buy linen cloth and other things in order to cover two oculi of the cupola with cloth. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1434 maggio 15 |
Authority to purchase iron for the second chain. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1421 settembre 5 |
Authority to the 4 cupola officials for the purchase of chestnut lumber for the chains. |
Text: semel vel pluries stantiatum. |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Authority to warden for cancellation of a debt after obtaining a greater sum from the pawns sold. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium |
1425 luglio 6 |
Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. |
Text: quod factum seu stantiatum fuerit per prefatos |
1425 luglio 6 |
Authorization for a secret allocation of payment to an informer. |
Text: si factum et stantiatum esset per prefatos |
1431 dicembre 12 |
Authorization to buy a vein of iron for the reinforcement chains of the church. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum ex nunc per |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. |
Text: intelligatur factum et stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1431/2 febbraio 8 |
Authorization to pay the carters of broad bricks according to the judgement of the master builder. |
Text: eorum offitium intelligatur stantiatum et poni debeat |
1430 dicembre 7 |
Authorization to purchase lead. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per ipsum eorum |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to set price of carriage of animals taken to the Pisan countryside in order to lay waste to the castles. |
Text: circa predicta intelligatur stantiatum et factum per |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. |
Text: quidem mutuum intelligatur stantiatum per operarios dicte |
1421 giugno 10 |
Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. |
Text: cui dixerit fuerit stantiatum per totum mensem |
1427 dicembre 11 |
Authorization to the master builder and to the administrator to determine how much a creditor owes. |
Text: esse creditorem intelligatur stantiatum per operarios dicte |
1428 luglio 15 |
Authorization to the master builder to have black marble conveyed. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum. |
1427/8 gennaio 21 |
Authorization to the master builder to spend for repairs to the roof of the house of the sacristan. |
Text: sit et intelligatur stantiatum per operarios dicte |
1421 settembre 17 |
Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. |
Text: et assertum atque stantiatum fuerit super predictis |
1421 settembre 17 |
Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. |
Text: bene declaratum et stantiatum, et sic per |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Commission to Giuliano goldsmith for a marble statue of a prophet. |
Text: quanto deliberabitur et stantiatum fuerit per operarios |
1422 settembre 25 |
Contract for figure of Saint Stephen to Bernardo Ciuffagni. |
Text: sibi provisum et stantiatum fuerit de pecunia |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Dispatch of master to the kiln of Settimo to count broad bricks and loan to kilnman against new supply of large broad bricks. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per dictos operarios |
1421 luglio 10 |
Election of a messenger for six months for notifications to debtors, his salary and commission. |
Text: operarios dicte Opere stantiatum; et cum provisione |
1421 aprile 26 |
Mode of payment of a sum allocated to two suppliers, who have lost at sea a rented gondola loaded with marble. |
Text: hactenus provisum et stantiatum quantitas florenorum centum |
1433 dicembre 2 |
Order to collect bells and shafts and clappers from the castles laid waste in the Pisan countryside. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1433 novembre 23 |
Order to prepare a window covered with cloth in the chapel where work is being done on an organ loft. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum. |
1434 giugno 9 |
Order to the carters to go to Pisa for marble and their salary. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1429 giugno 16 |
Order to the master builder to have the well of the sacristy cleaned and to arrange access to it. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium. |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period. |
Text: et fuit eis stantiatum, et etiam maior |
1418 agosto 26 |
Order to the workers who have received loans and have not yet repaid them to return them by the term fixed. |
Text: in mutuum aliquid stantiatum sub conditione quod |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: dicto Silvestro fuit stantiatum, ad rationem soldorum |
1424 novembre 7 |
Payment to the treasurer of the Ten of Pisa for repair the walls of the citadel. |
Text: fuerit deliberatum ac stantiatum per Dominos et |
1426/7 marzo 19 |
Price of large broad bricks. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per offitium dictorum |
1421 ottobre 4 |
Price set for stones quarried under contract and termination of agreement before term. |
Text: transmissis ipsis fuerit stantiatum ad rationem maioris |
1427/8 gennaio 8 |
Purchase of a saw for marble. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum per eorum offitium, |
1427 maggio 7 |
Resolution for allocation of funds for payment for written gatherings. |
Text: intelligatur et sit stantiatum et in libro |
1419/20 febbraio 23 |
Revocation of previous resolution and new approval. |
Text: deliberatum, declaratum et stantiatum fuerit, valeat et |
1419/20 gennaio 19 |
Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod intelligatur stantiatum ipsis rationeriis et |