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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Term of payment to the abbey of San Bartolomeo of Pistoia for property gabelle. |
Text: futuros pro gabella suorum bonorum, si ydonee |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Term of payment to the clergy of Montepulciano for property gabelle, ruling in favor of the Hermits of the Angeli, possessors of properties in said Commune, and letter to the Podestà of Montepulciano for demand payment of the debtors. |
Text: quarta parte bonorum suorum, si sic est |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid in the forced loans. |
Text: gabellarum pro gabella suorum bonorum in soldis |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle registered erroneously in two account entries under different names. |
Text: possit excomputare solutionem suorum bonorum in solutione |
1417 maggio 19 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt with confiscation of harvest. |
Text: futuri, si laborator suorum bonorum confitetur recollectam |
1417 maggio 18 |
Guaranty with confiscation of harvest for unspecified debt. |
Text: Pierus Bonini laborator suorum bonorum populi Santi |
1416/7 febbraio 16 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. |
Text: Duccii Sardelli detemptor suorum bonorum recommendatus penes |
1417 aprile 22 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: Baldus Ambroxii laborator suorum bonorum recommendatus Capitaneo. |
1417/8 marzo 10 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Operis pro resto suorum rationum que habere |
1418 giugno 3 |
Credit to the account of the sons' forced loans of the payment made by their father for property gabelle that he had given them. |
Text: Varchio in gabellis suorum bonorum in Communi |
1418 giugno 3 |
Credit to the account of the sons' forced loans of the payment made by their father for property gabelle that he had given them. |
Text: solvit sunt dictorum suorum filiorum, ut constat |
1418 luglio 21 |
Credit of payment for forced loans. |
Text: Trento pro gabellis suorum bonorum in primo |
1418 ottobre 19 |
Transfer of account for property gabelle to forced loans. |
Text: Casa pro gabella suorum bonorum tam primi |
1418 dicembre 2 |
Payment for the purchase of a house. |
Text: et Katerine filiorum suorum et pro eis |
1418 dicembre 2 |
Rent of a house in the alley of the Campanile. |
Text: et Katerine filiorum suorum, quos ipsi recipere |
1419 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with deduction of gabelle erroneously paid twice. |
Text: possit in solutione suorum bonorum sibi in |
1419 aprile 5 |
Term of payment with guaranty and restitution of pawn. |
Text: Lapus Tommasi laborator suorum bonorum fideiubeat pro |
1419 aprile 28 |
Term of payment. |
Text: gravetur pro gabella suorum bonorum hinc ad |
1419 aprile 5 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: Lapus Tommasi laborator suorum bonorum populi Sancti |
1419 luglio 19 |
Release of the scribe of Vaggio da Montecchio arrested for the debts of the latter because his appointment was terminated before the arrest. |
Text: Montecchio tamquam scribanus suorum sindicorum relapsetur, quia |
1419 agosto 2 |
Revocation of balance of debt to the church of San Martino of Luco for gabelle on properties also belonging to the church of San Michele of Figliano and new term of payment to the latter. |
Text: Operis pro gabella suorum bonorum in florenis |
1419 agosto 11 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle because discounted for forced loans. |
Text: Operis pro gabella suorum bonorum et solvit |
1419 settembre 20 |
Transfer of debt for forced loans from property gabelle. |
Text: solutos in gabella suorum bonorum in comitatu |
1419 ottobre 10 |
Term of payment for debt, with promise of settlement on the part of the laborer of the debtor's properties. |
Text: et quod laborator suorum bonorum promictat solvere |
1419 ottobre 10 |
Restitution of pawn for debt for forced loans exempt by arbitration. |
Text: eis sive laboratori suorum bonorum allatum pro |
1419 novembre 28 |
Authorization to transfer debt for forced loans from the property gabelle. |
Text: solutos in gabella suorum bonorum, licet sint |
1419 dicembre 14 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: futuri, fideiussore laboratore suorum bonorum etc. |
1419 agosto 2 |
Guaranty for debt of the friars of San Miniato. |
Text: monasterio tamquam detemptoribus suorum bonorum fideiussit Raffaellus |
1419/20 marzo 9 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: sive possessor bonorum suorum debitor dicte Opere |
1419/20 marzo 9 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: Alamannis sive possessoribus suorum bonorum debitoribus dicte |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Restitution to debtor of money for two pawns sold. |
Text: pro residuo duorum suorum pignorum venditorum tempore |
1427/8 marzo 16 |
Commission to Brunelleschi to clear out the quarry of Trassinaia. |
Text: nomine quam nomine suorum fratrum pro quibus |
1428 maggio 12 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans with restitution of the balance of the deposit made to (debtor). |
Text: Baldovini de gratia suorum prestanzonum vigore illius |
1428 luglio 14 |
Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo about properties left in inheritance to the Opera. |
Text: pertinentibus ad defensionem suorum iurium quorumdam bonorum |
1430 settembre 15 |
Advance on the wages of a stonecutter given to his mother. |
Text: seu ad computum suorum heredum; et hoc |
1431 aprile 13 |
Order to clear out the lumber of the Sapienza from the roads of the forest and to prepare the lumber cut for the Sea Consuls. |
Text: preiudicio Opere et suorum conductorum; et quod |
1431 luglio 4 |
Authorization to pay building work in the castle of Castellina. |
Title: Chimenti Bruni et suorum sociorum |
1431 luglio 4 |
Authorization to pay building work in the castle of Castellina. |
Text: Chimentis Bruni et suorum sociorum magisterium factum |
1431 settembre 25 |
Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. |
Title: Segnini nomine quorumdam suorum amicorum |
1431 settembre 25 |
Acceptance of the petition presented on account of some debtors for a large sum, which was unknown to the Opera, allowing for payment in annual installments. |
Text: dicti Antonii seu suorum amicorum, non mutando |
1431 settembre 27 |
Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. |
Text: in favorem quorumdam suorum amicorum quos obtulit |
1431 settembre 27 |
Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. |
Text: Antonio nomine dictorum suorum amicorum, de quibus |
1431 settembre 27 |
Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. |
Text: sui et dictorum suorum sociorum promisisse solvere |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Term of payment given to debtors. |
Title: del Palagio et suorum fratrum |
1432 dicembre 18 |
Price fixed for lumber sold to the Sapienza. |
Text: de Uzano et suorum heredum pro loco |
1434 giugno 17 |
Release of a stonecutter arrested for thefts and prohibition to work for the Opera. |
Text: et misericordia quinque suorum filiorum parvorum relapsetur |