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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  451-505





Result of query
o0201070.006e 1416/7 febbraio 9 Revocation of the usage of giving wine to the workforce on Shrove Thursday and carnival and prohibition to work on these two days. maestri
o0201078.013a 1420/1 marzo 11 Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. maestri
o0204004.023d 1433 giugno 16 Salaries (of the workforce). (maestri)
o0204008.061ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Salary allowance of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0201077.070f 1420 giugno 28 Salary allowance of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0201075.033c 1419 giugno 9 Salary of a master for the summer. maestri
o0204013.107vf 1435 ottobre 26 Salary of (master) for building in Pisa. maestri
o0204011.030vm 1425 dicembre 13 Salary of masters and sawyers for the winter. maestri
o0201080.024va 1422 aprile 21 Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. maestri
o0202001.057vb 1427 aprile 11 Salary of masters for the summer. maestri
o0202001.081g 1428 aprile 8 Salary of masters for the summer. maestri
o0202001.082vc 1428 maggio 12 Salary of masters for the summer. maestri
o0202001.077g 1427/8 febbraio 5 Salary of masters for the winter. maestri
o0202001.101vf 1428/9 febbraio 23 Salary of masters for the winter. maestri
o0202001.105va 1429 aprile 15 Salary of masters for the winter. maestri
o0204004.020ve 1433 aprile 29 Salary of masters. maestri
o0204004.026vh 1433 agosto 13 Salary of masters. maestri
o0204004.027vd 1433 ottobre 9 Salary of masters. maestri
o0204004.033vc 1433/4 febbraio 19 Salary of masters. maestri
o0202001.238ve 1435 agosto 8 Salary of masters. maestri
o0201075.051vg 1419 giugno 22 Salary of part of a day worked by masters at the loggia dei Signori. maestri
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. maestri
o0202001.252ve 1436 aprile 27 Salary of the masters for the winter to be determined by calculating the average of the salary lists submitted by the administrator, master builder and scribe. maestri
o0204004.027vf 1433 ottobre 9 Salary of the masters gone to raze the castles of Pisa. maestri
o0204011.030e 1425 novembre 21 Salary of the Opera masters and those of Trassinaia for the winter. maestri
o0201077.053f 1419/20 gennaio 18 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0204008.061vd 1419/20 gennaio 18 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0201077.070e 1420 giugno 28 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0201086.041d 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. maestri
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. maestri
o0201080.035c 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for masters for the summer. maestri
o0202001.104ve 1429 aprile 15 Salary set for masters for the summer. maestri
o0201076.035ve 1419 dicembre 18 Salary set for masters for the winter. maestri
o0201076.018g 1419 ottobre 7 Salary set for masters for work at Santa Maria Novella. maestri
o0202001.217vb 1434 giugno 9 Salary set for masters who went to Campiglia for marble. maestri
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. maestri
o0201086.017a 1425 maggio 18 Salary set for the hoister of loads to the cupola, whose previous contract is expired. maestri
o0202001.243b 1435 ottobre 31 Salary set for the masters who went to Pisa. maestri
o0202001.206a 1433 ottobre 9 Salary set for the summer for masters sent to lay waste and to work in the Pisan countryside. maestri
o0201077.037c 1420 aprile 24 Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. maestri
o0201080.030vf 1422 maggio 20 Salary set for the summer for the person charged with the surveillance of the masters and unskilled workers on the cupola. maestri
o0204011.010vh 1423 aprile 23 Salary set for the workers for the summer. maestri
o0201077.031vd 1420 aprile 12 Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. maestri
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. maestri
o0201083.007c 1423 settembre 24 Salary set for workforce. maestri
o0201075.034ve 1419 giugno 22 Salary set for workforces for the summer. maestri
o0201082.011b 1423 aprile 23 Salary set for workforces for the summer. maestri
o0201081.024va 1422 ottobre 16 Salary set for workforces for the winter. maestri
o0202001.040b 1426 agosto 30 Sum withheld from masters for cost of measurements taken at the castle of Lastra. da Gangalandi - maestri
o0202001.040b 1426 agosto 30 Sum withheld from masters for cost of measurements taken at the castle of Lastra. maestri
o0204011.020g 1424/5 gennaio 12 Temporary prohibition to build to the masters of the castle of Lastra. maestri
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. maestri
o0204011.071c 1425 agosto 9 Term of payment to (debtor) and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi for his release. maestri
o0204013.111h 1435 dicembre 14 Transferral of funds to pay workers and what else is needed at wallworks of Pisa. maestri
o0202001.138vn 1430/1 marzo 14 Verification of the work of the masters. maestri
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