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provveditori di Pisa




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o0201074.002c 1418 luglio 6 Letter to the Five administrators of Pisa for a permit for the author of a model. provveditori di Pisa
o0201078.030a 1421 maggio 9 Letter to the Ten of Pisa to order two bargemen to load marble and carry it to the port of Signa. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.017vb 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the testaments. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.017vg 1425 dicembre 10 Letter to the Captain and to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to command bargemen for the transport of white marble. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.032a 1426 giugno 17 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.036vc 1426 luglio 11 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for supply of white marble, injunction of supplier and summons of the notary of testaments. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.053vh 1426/7 marzo 8 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to have the salt loaded before the marble. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.065a 1427 agosto 18 Letter to the Podestà and to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to assist the notary of testaments. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.085vg 1428 giugno 9 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to consider the suitability of the new notary of testaments. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.094f 1428 novembre 18 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for prohibition to demand payment of heir in case of verification of his refusal of the inheritance. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.227vg 1434/5 febbraio 22 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties to be confiscated up to the sum of 1500 florins. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.228f 1434/5 marzo 10 Authority to a warden to travel to Pisa for the construction of the San Marco gate and for the consignment of the rebels' properties in the amount of 1500 florins. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.228vc 1434/5 marzo 15 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the question of the rebels' properties, in which they are made to understand that the any assistance given to the Opera is given to the Commune of Florence itself. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.229a 1434/5 marzo 22 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the fortification to be built over the San Marco gate. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.234vd 1435 maggio 18 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa asking them to procure the shipment of eight blocks for the cornices of the great cupola and a rope for the hoist. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.235vm 1435 giugno 14 Letter to the supervisors and to the Captain of Pisa to have the fortress over the Parlascio gate constructed as planned. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.236g 1435 giugno 28 Letter to the Captain and supervisors of Pisa soliciting a resolution about the form to be followed in the execution of the fortress over the Parlascio gate. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.238vb 1435 agosto 3 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa to solicit the construction to be made over the Parlascio gate. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.238vl 1435 agosto 12 Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.240l 1435 agosto 25 Election of the administrator for the Parlascio gate of Pisa; letter to the Captain, Podestà and supervisors of Pisa; commission to the administrator for the collection of the testaments from Pisa with obligation of guaranty. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.241c 1435 settembre 13 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa to solicit anew the construction of the Parlascio gate. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.241vm 1435 settembre 30 Letters to the vicar of Vicopisano and to the supervisors of Pisa about the custody of the rebels' properties. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.244vb 1435 novembre 26 Letters to the supervisors of Pisa about the height of the tower of the Parlascio gate, the salary of the Opera's messenger in Pisa and the schedule for building the Parlascio. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.246vc 1435/6 gennaio 10 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties not yet consigned to be requisitioned as compensation for the wallworks of the Parlascio gate. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.247vg 1435/6 febbraio 1 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rights existing on a sum of 1500 florins assigned to the Opera. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.248va 1435/6 febbraio 8 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa asking them not to impose gabelle charges on the bargemen who shipped the rope for the great cupola. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.249vi 1435/6 marzo 7 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa regarding the division of certain properties and the compensation due for eventual subtractions to the disadvantage of the Opera. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.252va 1436 aprile 24 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the consignment of the properties examined. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.253vi 1436 maggio 22 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the convocation within two months of those contesting the properties of the rebels of the treaty of Vicopisano and Pisa with thanks for services rendered. provveditori di Pisa
o0202001.256l 1436 luglio 30 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for use of mortar for the Parlascio gate and letter of reply to the administrator of the Opera in Pisa. provveditori di Pisa
o0204013.097vb 1435 aprile 29 Payment to notary for publication of the assignment of the property of the rebels of Pisa. provveditori di Pisa
o0204013.103f 1435 agosto 12 Payment to the supervisors of Pisa for mortar and workers for the fortress of the Parlascio gate. provveditori di Pisa
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