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o0201070.001c 1416 dicembre 30 Prohibition to accept recompense for showing or lending the books of the new gabelles and forced loans. scrivano
o0201072.029e 1417/8 marzo 21 Salary of a scribe. Cambino di Bonino - scrivano
o0204008.019vb 1418 aprile 18 Payment for writing of the book of the pardons of wine and butchering taxes. Zanobi Nobili - scrivano
o0201073b.004d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for writing a book of debtors. Mariotto di Lorenzo Brandi - scrivano
o0204008.036vh 1418 (dicembre 23) Salary of the scribe. Simone di Francesco da Filicaia - scrivano
o0204008.042c 1419 aprile 29 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204008.046e 1419 luglio 5 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204008.046f 1419 luglio 5 Salary allowance of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201076.020vc 1419 ottobre 21 Gift of geese for All Saints. scrivano
o0201076.024va 1419 ottobre 24 Authorization to fix salaries for unskilled workers and boys. scrivano
o0201077.053ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0204008.062a 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. scrivano
o0204008.089vd 1420 settembre 26 Payment of days worked by unskilled worker who has been sent away. scrivano
o0201078.065vc 1420/1 marzo 15 Payment for transcription of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelles of the Florentine countryside. Antonio d'Andrea - scrivano
o0204008.105ve 1420/1 marzo 15 Payment for transcription of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelles of the Florentine countryside. Antonio d'Andrea - scrivano
o0201079.019vd 1421 agosto 26 Admission to the rolls of unskilled worker with salary to be determined by administrator, master builder and scribe. scrivano
o0201079.081e 1421 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. scrivano
o0201079.081vb 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones. scrivano
o0204009.009vg 1421 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Filippozzo - (scrivano)
o0204009.010e 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones. Filippozzo - (scrivano)
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. scrivano
o0201080.013vb 1421/2 marzo 11 Salary of the masters for the winter. scrivano
o0201080.021vc 1422 marzo 31 Revocation of appointment of stonecutter as scribe of the daily wages at the quarry of Vincigliata. Antonio di Berto da Settignano - scrivano
o0201080.070vc 1422 aprile 29 Payment for purchase of kids for Easter. scrivano
o0201081.019b 1422 settembre 16 Increase of salary to stonecutter sent to work in quarry with order not to leave the work place without permission. scrivano
o0201081.037b 1422 dicembre 30 Contract for supply of mortar of Alberese stone. scrivano
o0201082.017va 1423 maggio 22 Authorization to set salary for a master mason. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0204009.082ve 1424 aprile 13 Payment for purchase of kids for Easter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0201085.043d 1424 dicembre 2 Payment for purchase of geese for All Saints. scrivano
o0204009.091vb 1424 dicembre 2 Payment for purchase of geese for All Saints. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0201086.006a 1424/5 marzo 7 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201086.047i 1425 aprile 3 Payment for the purchase of kids for Easter. scrivano
o0201086.010vc 1425 aprile 12 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201086.014d 1425 aprile 26 Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe to hire unskilled workers and set their salary. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201086.014va 1425 aprile 26 Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201086.015vb 1425 maggio 16 Order to the scribe to register the work days of the workers transferred by the master builder from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0201086.017a 1425 maggio 18 Salary set for the hoister of loads to the cupola, whose previous contract is expired. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204009.111i 1425 ottobre 12 Payment for geese for the Opera officials. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.017vh 1425 dicembre 10 Election of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.018a 1425 dicembre 10 Election of stonecutter. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.027d 1426 aprile 15 Hiring of stonecutter for Trassinaia. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.028vb 1426 aprile 23 Authorization to the masters to take wine up to the cupola, provided it is watered down by one third. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.029b 1426 aprile 29 Election of master and registration of the days worked. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. scrivano
o0202001.030va 1426 aprile 29 Authority to the master builder and the scribe for the setting of the masters' salaries. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.030vc 1426 aprile 29 Authority to the master builder, the scribe and the administrator to set the salaries of the unskilled workers for the summer. scrivano
o0202001.035vi 1426 giugno 20 Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe of the Opera. Filippo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.044a 1426 ottobre 25 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.047va 1426 dicembre 16 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy where the clerics sleep. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.047vc 1426 dicembre 16 Election and relative confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. Filippo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.047vg 1426 dicembre 18 Registration of master who not has worked in the book of work days. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.048vd 1426/7 gennaio 10 Oath of wardens and permission to register masters and unskilled workers to the book (of the scribe). scrivano
o0202001.049vb 1426/7 gennaio 22 Permission to (master) to work in the Opera. scrivano
o0202001.051c 1426/7 febbraio 4 Registration of the work days of stonecutter notwithstanding the fact that he has not respected a resolution of the wardens. scrivano
o0202001.051vi 1426/7 febbraio 11 Election of master. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.052c 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.056b 1427 aprile 4 Authority to master builder, scribe and administrator to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.056vb 1427 aprile 8 Registration of (stonecutter) in the book of the scribe with salary to be determined. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.056ve 1427 aprile 8 Hiring of carpenter with salary set. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.058va 1427 maggio 7 Revocation of tare wrongfully imposed on (kilnman) for supply of broad bricks. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.058vc 1427 maggio 7 Authorization to register the work days of the masters who disobeyed the wardens. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.060a 1427 maggio 14 Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.060vg 1427 maggio 28 Authorization to have a platform made in the choir for the cantors and registration of the days worked by the masters for the same. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.061vf 1427 giugno 17 Authorization to register a master in the scribe's book. scrivano
o0202001.064vd 1427 agosto 5 Registration of the days worked by stonecutter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.065b 1427 agosto 18 Rehiring of master stonecutters with registration of work days and customary salary for the summer. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.065c 1427 agosto 18 Authority to each of the wardens to elect a master stonecutter with registration in the book of work days and salary set for the summer. scrivano
o0202001.066va 1427 agosto 28 Registration of the days worked by masters who work on feast days to sprinkle the walls of the great cupola. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.069h 1427 ottobre 16 Election of stonecutter for the winter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.070vc 1427 ottobre 22 Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. scrivano
o0202001.071vf 1427 novembre 5 Registration of the days worked outside the Opera. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.072ve 1427 novembre 26 Order to the scribe of withhold one third of the amount due to carter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.073d 1427 dicembre 9 Authorization to register in the book of work days those workers who were employed in the houses of canons and chaplains. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.073l 1427 dicembre 11 Authorization to the scribe to register masters in the book of work days. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.074vf 1427 dicembre 23 Authority to two wardens for the election of masters. scrivano
o0202001.075d 1427 dicembre 30 Registration of the daily wages of master who works outside the Opera. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.081g 1428 aprile 8 Salary of masters for the summer. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.081ve 1428 aprile 24 Authorization to work on Saturday. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.081vi 1428 aprile 28 Authorization to register elected (master) in the book of days worked. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. scrivano
o0202001.084a 1428 maggio 12 Election of stonecutter. scrivano
o0202001.085f 1428 maggio 28 Authorization to the scribe to register the daily wages of the masters employed on the tabernacle of Orsanmichele. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.090vc 1428 agosto 26 Registration of the days worked by the workers who kept the (cupola) moistened on Sundays and holidays in the summer. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.091ve 1428 settembre 24 Authorization to the registration of the days worked by unskilled workers at the houses of the Visdomini. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.095a 1428 novembre 23 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe to elect unskilled workers and set their salary. scrivano
o0202001.097d 1428 novembre 29 Authorization to register the days worked by carpenter. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.098ve 1428/9 gennaio 7 Prohibition to supply broad bricks with the exception of 10 cartloads from the abbot of Settimo. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.100h 1428/9 gennaio 28 Order to accept cartloads of broad bricks and their registration with tare. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.174c 1428/9 febbraio 14 Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. scrivano
o0202001.103ve 1429 aprile 5 Authorization to the scribe to record a day worked by a (master). Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.103vi 1429 aprile 5 Registration of the days worked by workers for the closing off of the houses of the canons, chaplains and clerics. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.104g 1429 aprile 12 Election of master stonecutter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.104vd 1429 aprile 12 Prohibition to accept supply of mortar and injunction of guarantors of kilnmen. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.105vd 1429 aprile 15 Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.106a 1429 aprile 21 Order to the master builder not to leave the Opera on work days, under penalty the loss of the day's wage. scrivano
o0202001.107b 1429 maggio 27 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe for salary of the unskilled workers. scrivano
o0202001.107va 1429 giugno 1 Prohibition to hire new masters either in the Opera or at Trassinaia. scrivano
o0202001.107vb 1429 giugno 1 Hiring of master. scrivano
o0202001.110vg 1429 agosto 4 Hiring of stonecutter. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.111d 1429 agosto 4 Order to register cartloads of earth removed from the Opera and the houses of the clergy, cartloads of stones taken from the salt gabelle office and days worked by unskilled workers. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.111f 1429 agosto 4 Authorization to the scribe to register the work days of masters and workers employed (outside the Opera) by order of the wardens. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.112a 1429 agosto 31 Registration of cartloads of broad bricks brought from Campi. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.112c 1429 agosto 31 Hiring of master. Filippo - scrivano
o0202001.112g 1429 settembre 12 Authorization to the scribe to register day worked outside the Opera. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.113d 1429 ottobre 4 Order to set salaries for the winter for the masters at the Opera and those of the quarry of Trassinaia. scrivano
o0202001.114vc 1429 ottobre 15 Salary of masters for the winter. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.116vd 1429 novembre 4 Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.126vg 1430 aprile 21 Order to have a window adjusted in order to avoid cause for danger and registration of the days worked by the masters. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.127c 1430 maggio 10 Registration of holiday worked in Trassinaia. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.129va 1430 settembre 13 Permission to two stonecutters to work for a private person. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.131vd 1430 settembre 18 Authorization to supply broad bricks. scrivano
o0202001.132vh 1430 ottobre 5 Hiring of the masters who went to serve the Commune on the battlefield. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.133m 1430 novembre 8 Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the garden and shed of the Opera. Filippo - scrivano
o0202001.138vn 1430/1 marzo 14 Verification of the work of the masters. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.139f 1430/1 marzo 23 Authorization to convey mortar when needed. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.142vl 1431 maggio 30 Authorization to carry out minor work on the church. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.146vc 1431 luglio 13 Authorization to pay the daily wages of the masters who helped the friars of San Francesco with donated lumber. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.146vi 1431 luglio 21 Registration of the daily wages of the masters who worked on the roof of the Pope. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.157l 1432 aprile 3 Registration of the days worked preparing scaffolding to install the stained-glass window of the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. scrivano
o0202001.196vm 1433 aprile 21 Registration of the days worked by the unskilled workers. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0202001.227vm 1434/5 marzo 2 Prohibition to register the daily wages of the masters during Lenten sermons in order not to disturb with the noise of chisels. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0204013.100vm 1435 giugno 15 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0202001.237va 1435 luglio 6 Registration of the daily wages of master who went to the castle of Nicola and to Carrara and reimbursement of expenses to the same. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0204013.104vf 1435 agosto 25 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204013.114ve 1435 dicembre 30 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204013.120vd 1435/6 marzo 1 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
o0204013.124f 1436 aprile 4 Payment for the purchase of kids for Easter gifts. scrivano
o0204013.127i 1436 aprile 30 Salary of the (scribe). Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - (scrivano)
o0202001.256f 1436 luglio 24 Registration of the daily wages of masters and unskilled workers who are working on the chains. Filippozzo - scrivano
o0204013.137d 1436 agosto 31 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo Bastari - scrivano
o0204013.138vg 1436 ottobre 19 Payment for the purchase of geese to give to various officials. scrivano
o0204013.139vp 1436 ottobre 30 Salary of the scribe. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari - scrivano
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