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Context of query
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.007a 1418 agosto 9 Concession of indemnification for expenditures of arrest. Text: Communi dicta de causa habuisset; dixit enim
o0201074.034a 1418 agosto 9 Payment of the value of a shed and garden obtained in use and of the brokerage and gabelle expenditures. Text: Sandro eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.045ve 1418 agosto 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.007va 1418 agosto 12 Order to the debt collectors to consign pawns and present themselves to furnish a new guaranty. Text: Baroncellis eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.034va 1418 agosto 12 Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for its transport. Text: Sandro eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.046va 1418 agosto 12 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa et ipsam solutionem
o0201074.008vd 1418 agosto 18 Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.047b 1418 agosto 18 Guaranty for debt for pardons. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.048a 1418 agosto 18 Promise of payment of the new gabelles of the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino on the part of its procurator in the presence of the wardens, notwithstanding the protest of said town that it not be considered part of the district of Arezzo. Text: aliqua ratione vel causa; et pro predictis
o0201074.009e 1418 agosto 19 Authority to the administrator to take measures against the debt collectors. Text: Bartolomeo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.009va 1418 agosto 19 Announcement of competition for the model of the cupola, that is to say for its armature, scaffolding and other things concerning construction. Text: Iacobo eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.009va 1418 agosto 19 Announcement of competition for the model of the cupola, that is to say for its armature, scaffolding and other things concerning construction. Text: aliquid dicta de causa sibi discrete providebitur
o0201074.035b 1418 agosto 19 Payment for the purchase of a house. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.047vd 1418 agosto 20 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.047ve 1418 agosto 20 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.010a 1418 agosto 23 Cancellation from the property gabelle on grounds of penury and restitution of pawn. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.010a 1418 agosto 23 Cancellation from the property gabelle on grounds of penury and restitution of pawn. Text: ablatum dicta de causa absque aliqua solutione
o0201074.010vb 1418 agosto 23 Term within which the shed and garden of the Alessandri must be consigned. Text: habuit dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.035e 1418 agosto 23 Payment for the rent of a quarry. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.048vc 1418 agosto 23 Guaranty for a debt for gabelle of the third year. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.035va 1418 agosto 26 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Sandro eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.049g 1418 agosto 27 Guaranty for debt for the tax on properties. Text: restat dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.011vc 1418 agosto 30 Promise of payment for forced loans through rent due for a house. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.012a 1418 agosto 30 Release of person arrested for forced loans. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.049vb 1418 agosto 30 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debent dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.012c 1418 agosto 31 Cancellation of debt already paid for gabelle on a farm. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.012va 1418 agosto 31 Invitation to present suggestions for the design of the residence of the canons and the cemetery, with offer of bonus. Text: omnes insimul congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.016va 1418 agosto 31 Term of payment for two thirds of livestock and milling gabelles. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.035vd 1418 agosto 31 Payment for petty expenses. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.050b 1418 settembre 1 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: quod dicta de causa solvere debent.
o0201074.017va 1418 settembre 2 Letter to the Captain of Castrocaro and to the Podestà of Dovadola with payment deadline for the benefices of said places. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.017vd 1418 settembre 5 Dismissal of a messenger for failure to obey an injunction to have a man imprisoned. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.018a 1418 settembre 6 Loan of timbers of the Opera. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.018vf 1418 settembre 6 Restitution of pawn conditional on payment of half of the debt. Text: sibi dicta de causa allatum et inmarginetur
o0201074.036vb 1418 settembre 6 Payment of rent for the kitchen of the chapter. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.019a 1418 settembre 14 Release of arrested person. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.036vc 1418 settembre 14 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.036vc 1418 settembre 14 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.019va 1418 settembre 16 Release of the prisoner held for the debt of the Commune of Pisa, because he is poor. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.050vd 1418 settembre 22 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.020b 1418 settembre 23 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and release of an arrested person. Text: Donato eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.020b 1418 settembre 23 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and release of an arrested person. Text: quidquid dicta de causa solvere debet et
o0201074.037a 1418 settembre 23 Salary of a stonecutter. Text: eorum collegis etc., causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037a 1418 settembre 23 Salary of a stonecutter. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.020va 1418 settembre 26 Election of two accountants for two months. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.021b 1418 settembre 30 Release of a person arrested for property gabelle and forced loans and revocation of the payment of the latter owing to previous dotal rights. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.021va 1418 settembre 30 Term of payment for gabelles to the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino and right of recourse in its favor against the clergy of said Commune. Text: debitores dicta de causa super libris Operis,
o0201074.037d 1418 settembre 30 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037d 1418 settembre 30 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.021vd 1418 ottobre 4 Term of payment for property and milling gabelles with release of an arrested person. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.021vd 1418 ottobre 4 Term of payment for property and milling gabelles with release of an arrested person. Text: populo dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.037e 1418 ottobre 4 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037e 1418 ottobre 4 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037va 1418 ottobre 4 Payment to a master and to two unskilled workers for work on two houses. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037va 1418 ottobre 4 Payment to a master and to two unskilled workers for work on two houses. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.022d 1418 ottobre 8 Term of payment for taxes, release of the arrested person and letter to the Podestà of San Miniato to demand payment from the true debtor. Text: Tommaso eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037vb 1418 ottobre 8 Payment to the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: Tommaso eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.037vb 1418 ottobre 8 Payment to the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.038a 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of rafters of chestnut for the chapel roofs. Text: Maso eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.038a 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of rafters of chestnut for the chapel roofs. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.022vc 1418 ottobre 12 Construction of a wall with opening in the shed of the Alessandri and its boundaries. Text: Piero eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.022ve 1418 ottobre 12 Term for payment of a property gabelle, release of an arrested person and corresponding guaranty. Text: captus hac de causa. Dicta die fideiussit
o0201074.038vg 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for a lamp and other ornaments in the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate. Text: Piero eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.038vg 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for a lamp and other ornaments in the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039a 1418 ottobre 12 Salary of the notary of the Opera. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039a 1418 ottobre 12 Salary of the notary of the Opera. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.051va 1418 ottobre 12 Guaranty for debt for the tax on properties. Text: restat dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.023f 1418 ottobre 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa and letter to the Captain of said city, to be sent upon the term's expiration, with summons for four citizens. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.024a 1418 ottobre 19 Temporary assignment of house to a cantor. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039c 1418 ottobre 19 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: quicumque camerarius etc. causa, modo et forma
o0201074.024va 1418 ottobre 22 Salary set for masters, unskilled workers and boys. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039e 1418 ottobre 22 Salary allowance of stonecutter. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039e 1418 ottobre 22 Salary allowance of stonecutter. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.025ve 1418 ottobre 24 Salary set for elected accountants. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039f 1418 ottobre 24 Salary of the accountants for their audit of the accounts of the cashiers of the communal treasury. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039f 1418 ottobre 24 Salary of the accountants for their audit of the accounts of the cashiers of the communal treasury. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for records copied from the office of forced loans. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for records copied from the office of forced loans. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039vd 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: Iacobo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.039vd 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.026d 1418 ottobre 26 Authorization to sell a tomb lid of white marble. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.041a 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of select bricks. Text: Iohanne eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.041a 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of select bricks. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.026f 1418 ottobre 27 Obligation to the workforces employed during the winter to work in the summer as well. Text: Iohanne eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.027e 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of pawn for tax on testaments and new payment deadline. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.042a 1418 novembre 4 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Neronis eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.042a 1418 novembre 4 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.052b 1418 novembre 4 Guaranty for a debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: debent dicta de causa et ipsam solutionem
o0201074.027vc 1418 novembre 15 New payment deadline for herd livestock gabelle. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.042c 1418 novembre 15 Payment for construction work on a shed. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.042c 1418 novembre 15 Payment for construction work on a shed. Text: pro tempore fuerit causa, modo et forma
o0201074.042vd 1418 novembre 15 Payment of rent of a house. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.042vd 1418 novembre 15 Payment of rent of a house. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.028va 1418 novembre 16 Partial payment of taxes with new deadline and release of an arrested person. Text: Communi dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.043a 1418 novembre 16 Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.043a 1418 novembre 16 Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.043vf 1418 novembre 16 Payment to a master and to two unskilled workers for work on a house. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.043vf 1418 novembre 16 Payment to a master and to two unskilled workers for work on a house. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.052e 1418 novembre 16 Additional guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.029a 1418 novembre 21 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to prohibit the sale of marble of the Opera in his territory and to imprison some among the leading citizens for the debts of pardons of said Commune. Text: Laurentio eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.044a 1418 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase of a house. Text: Laurentio eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.044a 1418 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase of a house. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.029c 1418 novembre 24 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for two Pisan citizens and order to demand payment of and imprison their guarantors if they fail to appear. Text: Tommaso eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.029e 1418 novembre 24 Term of payment and release of an arrested person. Text: captus dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.029va 1418 novembre 24 Term of payment for forced loans and release of an arrested person. Text: captus dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.052vf 1418 novembre 24 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.029vd 1418 dicembre 2 Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.029ve 1418 dicembre 2 Letter to the Podestà of Barbialla to force the Commune of Coiano to give back to an arrested person the money spent in his arrest. Text: captus dicta de causa Antonius, et soldos
o0201074.044c 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of two shops with a house. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.044c 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of two shops with a house. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.053a 1418 dicembre 2 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.053b 1418 dicembre 2 Promise to respect the agreements of a contract to supply broad bricks with guaranty. Text: eidem hac de causa per dictum Opus
o0201074.030f 1418 dicembre 5 Restitution of pawn pledged by a mother for the forced loans of her son because she has already paid her own. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.044vb 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Iacobo eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.044vb 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.030va 1418 dicembre 8 Term of payment to the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.031a 1418 dicembre 8 Sale of marble to private persons. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058a 1418 dicembre 8 Payment for two models of the cupola. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058a 1418 dicembre 8 Payment for two models of the cupola. Text: Guasconibus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.031c 1418 dicembre 9 Salary set for masters. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.031vb 1418 dicembre 14 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: Simone eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.031vd 1418 dicembre 15 Tax on a house used as dwelling of canons. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058c 1418 dicembre 15 Payment for petty expenses. Text: Donato eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058c 1418 dicembre 15 Payment for petty expenses. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.032d 1418 dicembre 19 Price fixed for a marble figure with detraction of as much has been advanced. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058vb 1418 dicembre 19 Payment for a marble figure. Text: Nerone eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058vb 1418 dicembre 19 Payment for a marble figure. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Text: Filippus camerarius suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Text: Opere dicta de causa, libras quattuor f.p.
o0201074.058vd 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to a master for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Text: Belaqqua dicta de causa et quia plus
o0201074.032va 1418 dicembre 21 Permission to the ambassadors for the Commune of Pisa to return home and letter to the Captain of Pisa in order that he not harass them. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.032vb 1418 dicembre 22 Letter to the Five administrators of the city and countryside of Pisa to defend a master compelled to remain to Florence because of the needs of the Opera. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.059a 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201074.059a 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: dicti Operis etc., causa, modo et forma
o0201074.059a 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: quod dicta de causa, tam pro suo
o0201074.059b 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: Fannulla dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059c 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: lignaminis dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059d 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: aurifici dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059e 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: lignaiuolis dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059f 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for a model of the main cupola. Text: lignaiuolo dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059g 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for two models of the main cupola. Text: Montem dicta de causa et pro omni
o0201074.059g 1418 dicembre 22 Payment for two models of the main cupola. Text: et alia quacumque causa circa predicta, in
o0201074.053va 1418 dicembre 23 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.
o0201074.059va 1418 dicembre 23 Restitution of a deposit. Text: Nerone eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.059va 1418 dicembre 23 Restitution of a deposit. Text: tempore fuerit etc. causa, modo et forma
o0201074.064a 1418 dicembre 23 Order to debtor to reimburse his guarantor the expenditures incurred for arrest and for the debt of a gabelle. Text: Nerone eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201074.064vb 1418 dicembre 29 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock not owned. Text: Iacobo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201075.002va 1418/9 gennaio 4 Order to consign fir logs sold to a private person. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
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