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Context of query
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Text: Iacobo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.031a 1419 novembre 21 Term of payment to the Commune of Santa Luce. Text: dicto Opere etc. causa, modo et forma
o0201076.031c 1419 novembre 21 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for information on the ownership of eight cows. Text: Iacopo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.076d 1419 novembre 26 Guaranty for debt of the Commune of Santa Luce. Text: tenetur dicta de causa etc.
o0201076.031va 1419 novembre 28 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: Ugolino eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: Ugolino eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.032vc 1419 dicembre 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: quod dicta de causa solvere debet dicto
o0201076.032ve 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: et dicta de causa cancelletur pro gabella
o0201076.032vf 1419 dicembre 7 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans. Text: et dicta de causa cancellentur de bonis
o0201076.076vb 1419 dicembre 7 Guaranty for the Commune of Palaia of val d'Era for debt for pardons. Text: tam dicta de causa quam pro denariis
o0201076.033b 1419 dicembre 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201076.033va 1419 dicembre 14 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans under another name. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201076.033vb 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for gabelle, forced loans and pardons. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.; et deficiente
o0201076.033vc 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for pardons. Text: debet dicta de causa etc.; et deficiente
o0201076.034a 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: eorum collega etc., causa, modo et forma
o0201076.034b 1419 dicembre 14 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: Operi quacumque de causa, et quod si
o0201076.035a 1419 dicembre 15 Term of payment for one year's property gabelle. Text: locum extracto, et causa, modo et forma
o0201076.054va 1419 dicembre 15 Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury. Text: officio Duodecim etc., causa, modo et forma
o0201076.054va 1419 dicembre 15 Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury. Text: camerarius substitutus suprascriptus causa, modo et forma
o0201076.076vd 1419 dicembre 15 Guaranty for debt of the church of San Donato a Pogi. Text: debet dicta de causa hinc ad per
o0201076.035ve 1419 dicembre 18 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: etiam tunc absente, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.077va 1419 dicembre 19 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: quod dicta de causa solvere debet; et
o0201076.036vg 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment for debt. Text: ubi supra congregati causa, modo et forma
o0201076.036vg 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment for debt. Text: Operi quacumque de causa; et quod si
o0201076.037b 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment to the church of Santo Stefano a Tizzano for debt for property gabelle. Text: Bartolo eorum collegis, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.037va 1419 dicembre 20 Authorization to sell fir logs. Text: Mariotto eorum collega, causa, modo et forma
o0201076.037vb 1419 dicembre 20 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa; et de sic
o0201076.077vc 1419 dicembre 20 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa; et deficiente in
o0201076.077vd 1419 dicembre 20 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Operi dicta de causa etc.
o0201076.077ve 1419 dicembre 22 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: debet dicta de causa; et deficiente [in
o0201076.077vf 1419 dicembre 22 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: Operi dicta de causa; et defi[ciente in
o0201077.052g 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to the administrator for work done at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: remuneratione occasione et causa predicta in dicto
o0201077.052va 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to the vice master builder for work done at the Pope's residence. Text: dicte Opere pro causa superius nominata florenos
o0201077.052vb 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to stonecutter for having registered the days worked at the Pope's residence. Text: scarpellatori pro dicta causa et qui scripsit
o0201077.052vc 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to the messengers for work at the Pope's residence. Text: eorum remuneratione pro causa supradicta florenum unum
o0201077.004vf 1419/20 gennaio 3 Term of payment for debt. Text: iustis ut asseruerunt causa moti deliberaverunt quod
o0201077.005vf 1419/20 gennaio 5 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: ad quod dicta causa tenentur, si de
o0201077.008d 1419/20 gennaio 18 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for property gabelle to the rector of the church of San Giusto a Trebbio. Text: quantitate predicta dicta causa debita nichilominus dependente
o0201077.008vc 1419/20 gennaio 18 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: dicta quantitate et causa, non gravetur realiter
o0201077.009b 1419/20 gennaio 18 Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. Text: mutuaret; et forte causa oriretur ex inde
o0201077.054vf 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for planing of boards for the Pope's residence. Text: assidum abietis pro causa predicta et ad
o0201077.054vg 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for planing of boards for the Pope's residence. Text: et pro dicta causa soldos viginti quattuor
o0201077.054vh 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for planing of boards for the Pope's residence. Text: assidum pro dicta causa et ad dictam
o0201077.010b 1419/20 gennaio 23 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: prestantiarum seu alia causa ad solvendum ipsam
o0201077.012b 1419/20 gennaio 29 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle with concession of right of recourse and restitution of pawns. Text: alius pro dicta causa; et fiat sibi
o0201077.016vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: debeant pro dicta causa cancellari; et sic
o0201077.019b 1419/20 febbraio 12 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: alia quacumque de causa per quoscumque nuntios
o0201077.019va 1419/20 febbraio 13 Release of debt collector arrested for unauthorized distraint of pawns. Text: Opere teneri, sed causa fuit quia absque
o0201077.058d 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for various expenditures. Text: soldum unum dicta causa solutum dicto die;
o0201077.020vd 1419/20 febbraio 21 Restitution of sum equivalent to the value of a pawn erroneously sold. Text: et nescitur qua causa restituantur quantitas percepta
o0201077.022a 1419/20 febbraio 23 Revocation of previous resolution and new approval. Text: informati qua de causa predicta processerunt iustis
o0201077.028va 1419/20 marzo 21 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. Text: et non alia causa.
o0201077.064d 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: vocato Pesello pro causa predicta ...
o0201077.064e 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: dell 'Abaco pro causa predicta florenum unum
o0201077.064f 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: Banchi pro dicta causa florenum unum f.
o0201077.064g 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: Bardi intagliatori dicta causa florenum unum f.
o0201077.064h 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: magistro pro dicta causa florenum unum f.
o0201077.064i 1420 aprile 1 Payment for advice obtained and work expended in the design of the main cupola. Text: Scalcagna pro dicta causa florenos duos f.
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: dolent quod pro causa predicta dicto Communi
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. Text: convertendo nisi iusta causa fuerit impeditus, de
o0201077.066d 1420 aprile 24 Payment to Lorenzo di Bartoluccio for all his inventions and work dedicated to making the main cupola. Text: recipiat pro dicta causa et usque in
o0201077.037vf 1420 aprile 30 Sale of marble for work on the palace of the Popolo. Text: describatur pro dicta causa ad introytum, et
o0201077.037vf 1420 aprile 30 Sale of marble for work on the palace of the Popolo. Text: forma et pro causa predictis.
o0201077.039c 1420 aprile 30 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: pignoratus quacumque de causa ad petitionem dicte
o0201077.040c 1420 maggio 14 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and forced loans. Text: apparet pro eadem causa bis descriptus in
o0201077.042ve 1420 maggio 31 Exemption of payment to heirs for donation made after testament. Text: pro donatione facta causa mortis, ipsos liberantes
o0201077.044c 1420 giugno 12 Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. Text: eidem pro dicta causa ponatur per provisorem
o0201077.069va 1420 giugno 15 Payment for various expenditures. Text: 19 operibus dicta causa missis ad soldos
o0201077.069va 1420 giugno 15 Payment for various expenditures. Text: missis in dicta causa per Pinum Benedicti
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: dicto die dicta causa solutos Sandro Ambroxii
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: soldos decem dicta causa et die solutos
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: dicto die et causa solutos Manetto Ciaccheri;
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: duos solutos dicta causa pro una carrata
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: doccionibus emptis dicta causa die 18 dicti
o0201077.070vd 1420 giugno 28 Payment of various expenditures. Text: tubicinis pro dicta causa; et libras quattuordecim
o0201078.003va 1420/1 gennaio 14 Debit to supplier for lumber due from the Commune of San Godenzo for debt and term of consignment to the same Commune. Text: predicto pro dicta causa debitori ad solvendum
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Text: aliqua ratione vel causa, de iure vel
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Text: actari condictione sine causa et ex iniusta
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Text: et ex iniusta causa privilegio fori et
o0201078.004vc 1420/1 gennaio 23 Letter to the Canigiani and their associates, bankers in Pisa, ordering them to pay the bargemen for supply and freight of marble as far as the city. Text: nec pro alia causa.
o0201078.005a 1420/1 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment of the debtors of Florence and regulations of payment that regard them. Text: aliqua quacumque de causa realiter gravari non
o0201078.005a 1420/1 gennaio 23 Prohibition to demand payment of the debtors of Florence and regulations of payment that regard them. Text: futurum quacumque de causa possint et debeant
o0201078.008d 1420/1 febbraio 5 Authorization to pay rights on pawns to the debt collectors. Text: venditionem quam alia causa, quia propterea pignora
o0201078.014b 1420/1 marzo 15 Rulings for withholding 4 denari per lira from every contract or supply agreement. Text: pro quacumque de causa nisi cum retentione
o0201078.060va 1421 aprile 9 Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. Text: iure, modo, vel causa, de iure vel
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: culpa sive preticatoris causa, eo mota fuerunt
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: non pro alia causa seu laborerio ullo
o0201078.026vd 1421 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: gravetur pro dicta causa hinc ad per
o0201078.060a 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty concerning contract for sandstone blocks. Text: aliqua ratione vel causa de iure vel
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: iure, modo vel causa, de iure vel
o0201078.029va 1421 maggio 5 Order for demand of payment with penalty to the debtors on commission of the administrator and notary of the Wool Guild and the Opera. Text: obligati quacumque de causa in aliqua florenorum
o0201078.031vd 1421 maggio 24 Rulings for release of arrested persons with at least 4 favorable votes. Text: quocumque debito seu causa vel re possit
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: non reperto qua causa deposita fuerit, fuit
o0201078.033e 1421 maggio 29 Ruling to clarify who has the right to a deposit paid in 1418 and recorded as income in one name instead of another. Text: non pro alia causa ullo modo.
o0201078.033va 1421 maggio 29 Detention of a unskilled worker at the Wool Guild. Text: deliberetur, nulla tamen causa sibi expressa.
o0201078.034f 1421 maggio 30 Order to the administrator to write in the account of a debtor an amount to be discounted for work done by him. Text: quantitatem pro dicta causa et taliter actet
o0201078.036vd 1421 giugno 3 Restitution of money for pawn not returned and dismissal of debt collector from his appointment. Text: et dicta de causa et aliis iustis
o0201078.073va 1421 giugno 5 Payment of legal expenses for the lawsuit of the recourse of the sons of messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Text: curia Mercantie in causa recursus filiorum domini
o0201078.073va 1421 giugno 5 Payment of legal expenses for the lawsuit of the recourse of the sons of messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Text: Corsinis pro dicta causa florenos duos novos
o0201078.073va 1421 giugno 5 Payment of legal expenses for the lawsuit of the recourse of the sons of messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Text: Lodovici pro dicta causa florenos duos novos
o0201078.073va 1421 giugno 5 Payment of legal expenses for the lawsuit of the recourse of the sons of messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Text: Castro pro dicta causa et pro una
o0201078.073va 1421 giugno 5 Payment of legal expenses for the lawsuit of the recourse of the sons of messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Text: recursus pro dicta causa, in totum f.
o0201078.039vd 1421 giugno 10 Search for blacksmith and iron in the Florentine countryside and in Casentino to build the chains of the main cupola. Text: et utiliori pro causa predicta pro catenis
o0201078.039vg 1421 giugno 10 Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. Text: alia quacumque de causa ex inde quomodolibet
o0201078.076vb 1421 giugno 27 Restitution to creditor of deposit for pardon received. Text: introytum pro dicta causa et in dicto
o0201079.005a 1421 luglio 10 Suspension of the deduction of 4 denari per lira retroactively imposed on a contract that was already granted. Text: non pro alia causa vel casu ullo
o0201079.006va 1421 luglio 16 Oath of warden and ruling in favor of a distrained person because he is poor. Text: officii pro parva causa, nulla sibi primo
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: sed pro predicta causa conservetur totaliter a
o0201079.008ve 1421 luglio 24 Ruling to send debt collectors into countryside to demand payment of debtors and letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to assist said debt collectors. Text: vel pro alia causa; et ut dicte
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Text: alia quacumque de causa velle de civitate
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Text: Chirici pro dicta causa florenos undecim libras
o0201079.019vb 1421 agosto 26 Release of messenger under arrest upon restitution of money wrongfully taken. Text: iusta ut asseruerunt causa moti deliberaverunt quod
o0201079.020c 1421 agosto 28 Cancellation of debt for testament to debtor who is not an heir and term of payment for other debts. Text: Opere quacumque de causa ipse in persona
o0201079.022va 1421 agosto 30 Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. Text: Laurenti pro eadem causa ut supra solvit
o0201079.024a 1421 settembre 11 Term of payment to the ambassadors of the communes of the suburbs of Arezzo, with attestation of their summons to the Podestà of Arezzo. Text: asserunt comparentes de causa non fore informatos,
o0201079.024va 1421 settembre 11 Ruling against debt collector in favor of citizens wrongfully considered debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: etiam pro eadem causa de cetero gravabuntur
o0201079.026va 1421 settembre 17 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. Text: iudicaverunt quam alia causa, et intellecta postulatione
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: Opere quacumque de causa terminum statuere et
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: et pro illis causa seu causis de
o0201079.030vc 1421 ottobre 11 Revocation of demand of payment from persons enjoined to pay because possessors of debtor's properties and restitution of pawns. Text: Communi Florentie pro causa pro qua gravati
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: potest sic esse causa pro labore iam
o0201079.038vd 1421 ottobre 31 Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. Text: solvendum pro dicta causa minime teneri sed
o0201079.042b 1421 novembre 18 Ruling concerning the procedures for demand of payment for debts. Text: quacumque ratione vel causa iuste aliquid dare
o0201079.042c 1421 novembre 18 Letter to the Captain of Cortona with summons for two citizens guaranteeing for debt for gabelle; letter to any podestà of the countryside of Arezzo for the same purpose. Text: tamen dicto Capitaneo causa specificata. Et similiter
o0201079.042d 1421 novembre 18 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with summons for the treasurer and another citizen. Text: pro mensibus elapsis, causa tamen Capitaneo non
o0201079.045ve 1421 novembre 26 Cancellation of balance of debt for forced loans. Text: pro quantitate et causa predicta ipse Antonius
o0201079.047vb 1421 dicembre 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: predicta pro eadem causa et pro dicto
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: iure, modo vel causa de iure vel
o0201079.092va 1421 dicembre 23 Restitution of sum paid erroneously twice for the ringing of the bell of the clergy for funeral tribute. Text: primo pro dicta causa solverat die 27
o0201080.002va 1421/2 gennaio 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. Text: Opere expendendo in causa et causis secundum
o0201080.003vc 1421/2 gennaio 9 Demand of payment to the debtors of the Florentine countryside. Text: Opere quacumque de causa et tam populi
o0201080.055a 1421/2 gennaio 10 Contract for mortar to be made in the Opera for the construction of the Duomo and relative guaranty. Text: alia quacumque de causa pro ipsa Opera
o0201080.005e 1421/2 gennaio 12 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for summons of the syndic or treasurer in the place of another person previously enjoined. Text: Attaviani pro dicta causa citatus et existens.
o0201080.005vb 1421/2 gennaio 14 Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. Text: conducendis predictis pro causa predicta cuicumque et
o0201080.010va 1421/2 febbraio 4 Concession of 15 days' leave to the notary of testaments. Text: Niccolai ex iusta causa petentis concesserunt licentiam
o0201080.011c 1421/2 febbraio 6 Revocation of allocation of funds to raftsman. Text: 3 pro eadem causa.
o0201080.011vc 1421/2 febbraio 7 Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. Text: et tradatur eis causa debiti et quantitas.
o0201080.012a 1421/2 febbraio 12 Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. Text: sex auri pro causa predicta, ut in
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: aliqua ratione vel causa de iure vel
o0201080.016c 1421/2 marzo 13 Credit to debtor for pardons of forced loans already paid and term of payment for the balance of the debt. Text: soluta pro eadem causa que posita et
o0201080.021vd 1422 marzo 31 Cessation of harassment and exemption from debt for property gabelle by resolution of the office of the comptrollers. Text: et volentes super causa vertenti coram eis
o0201080.021vd 1422 marzo 31 Cessation of harassment and exemption from debt for property gabelle by resolution of the office of the comptrollers. Text: tenetur quacumque de causa Bartholomeus predictus vel
o0201080.022vb 1422 marzo 31 Sale of the pawns of the last six months after public proclamation. Text: pignorata quacumque de causa ante sex menses
o0201080.023va 1422 aprile 11 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: pignoratus quacumque de causa ante presentem mensem
o0201080.029d 1422 maggio 5 Letter to the vicar of Firenzuola instructing him to abstain from demanding payment of a (debtor) for a month. Text: coram eo in causa petitionis librarum 30
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: iure, modo vel causa de iure vel
o0201080.083vb 1422 maggio 6 Guaranty for debt for gabelle on persons for milling of the Commune of Tuoro. Text: Opere pro eadem causa in libris XXIIII
o0201080.083vc 1422 maggio 6 Guaranty for debt for gabelle on persons for milling of the Commune of Badia al Pino. Text: Opere pro eadem causa in libris LXIII,
o0201080.030b 1422 maggio 12 Letter to the office of the Ten of Pisa instructing them to have sent to the Opera the annotation of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelle of the countryside from 1419 and of all the contractors of the city and suburbs from 1416 on. Text: conductores quacumque de causa intra civitatem et
o0201080.030c 1422 maggio 12 Demand of payment of debtors with the exception of those with valid extensions or rulings concerning testaments and new term of payment. Text: Opere quacumque de causa possint et debeant
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