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Context of query
o0201072.017vd 1417/8 febbraio 5 Open letters for the debt collectors so that they not be hindered in the collections of the credits of the Opera. Text: e non absenti che fossono per qualunque
o0201072.017vd 1417/8 febbraio 5 Open letters for the debt collectors so that they not be hindered in the collections of the credits of the Opera. Text: cagione, per modo che 'l detto uficio
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: volta si diliberò che fossero di grosseza
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: di fuori. E che le cupole, ove
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: murare al presente, che sarà circa di
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: 'è vera cosa che il nostro Capitano
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: facciamo piena fede che il detto Bartholomeo
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: in quella forma che per lo detto
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: dove fusse meno che braccio misurando in
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: in faccia, e che le poste de
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: in quella forma che fu alloghato nel
o0202001.066a 1427 settembre 11 Arbitration between the abbey of Settimo and its kilnman tenant for reimbursement to the latter of expenditures for repairs. Text: pigione della fornace che àne tenuto Gherardo
o0202001.066a 1427 settembre 11 Arbitration between the abbey of Settimo and its kilnman tenant for reimbursement to the latter of expenditures for repairs. Text: de l 'avanzo, che sono lire 112
o0202001.066a 1427 settembre 11 Arbitration between the abbey of Settimo and its kilnman tenant for reimbursement to the latter of expenditures for repairs. Text: piacere degli operai che il detto messere
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: siamo d 'acordo che le mura sono
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: siamo d 'acordo che le mura degli
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: siamo d 'acordo che ' parapetti e
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: siamo d 'acordo che delle poste de
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: de ' becchatelli, che sono poste dugento,
o0202001.113vh 1429 ottobre 6 Authorization to the administrator to settle the account of the work at the castle of Malmantile according to the report of the arbitrators. Text: detti miei compagni che sanno iscrivere si
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: etc. In prima che in sul secondo
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: altri cittadini; et che l 'andito d
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: detti bisogni; anchora che sopra i cardinali
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: cardinali degli usciuoli che sono sopr 'al
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: perfectione del cerchio che gira intorno la
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: di fuori, acciò che detto archo vivo
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: se mai paresse che detta agiunta mostrasse
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: braccio o meno che contengha di lungheza
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: sopra due sproni che vanno nelle faccie;
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: ferro per ciaschuna che contengha la lungheza
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. Text: per parapetto assi che tenghino la veduta
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: dentro del coro che i cherici arebbono
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: coro ci pare che le spalliere del
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: detti pilastri. Quarto che l 'altare si
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: 'altri ci parve che, facciendo il coro
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: perché si conchiude che dove l 'altare
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: d 'Arezo, diciamo che ci pare da
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: aparisce del legnale, che se si vedessi
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: braccia o circha, che si possa sanza
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: perché alcuni dichono che le schalee staranno
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: intorno intorno, intendiamo che di legname si
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: furono posti debitori che·ss 'anullono
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: di dette partite, che montano lire trecientonovantanove
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: soldi dieci p. che non vi vogliono
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: debbono essere chanciellati, che·ssi vogliono
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: di lire 4077 che·ss 'ànno
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: e ongni danaro che per l 'adietro
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: soldi diciotto p., che·ss 'ànno
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: tucto lire seciento, che·ss 'ànno
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: sonvene di resti che venghono da detto
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: d 'ottobre 1415 che in detta somma
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: 8 p. di che sono creditori a
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Text: a c. 323 che furono posti creditori
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