Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1417 giugno 16 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans in consideration of dotal rights. |
Text: ..., infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1418 maggio 13 |
Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. |
Text: Fiore infra suos confines pro tempore et |
1418 maggio 18 |
Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. |
Text: Micaelis infra suos confines pro tempore et |
1418 agosto 19 |
Purchase of a house. |
Text: ... infra predictos confines etc. ad habendum |
1419 luglio 4 |
Revocation of demand of payment to the holder of the properties of the debtor. |
Text: Pazis infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1419 settembre 6 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. |
Text: Taddei, infra predictos confines vel alios si |
1419 ottobre 30 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt of pardons of forced loans because of preceding dotal rights. |
Text: Agolantibus, infra predictos confines vel alios si |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. |
Text: Niccolini, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1420 giugno 13 |
Rental of the shop in via dell'Oblazione. |
Text: ..., infra predictos confines pro tempore et |
1420/1 febbraio 19 |
Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. |
Text: Ceceri, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores, |
1421 dicembre 17 |
Rent of a house for five years. |
Text: ..., infra predictos confines vel alios, si |
1421 dicembre 18 |
Annual rent of garden. |
Text: ..., infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1422 giugno 10 |
Rent of shop in via dell'Oblazione with possibility of retrocession at the end of every year. |
Text: Reynerii, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1422 settembre 12 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons for previous dotal rights. |
Text: Stefani infra predictos confines vel alios veriores; |
1423 novembre 18 |
Prohibition to demand payment on properties for dotal rights. |
Text: Inpruneta infra suos confines. |
1425 luglio 30 |
Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. |
Text: Ceceri, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores, |
1425 luglio 30 |
Assignment of house to chaplain with obligation of evacuate it in accordance with the will of the Opera. |
Text: Ughubio, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores |
1425 agosto 22 |
Confirmation of rent of house. |
Text: Bartoli, infra predictas confines vel alios si |
1431 luglio 13 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. |
Text: heredum, infra predictos confines vel alios veriores, |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. |
Text: Malecarni et alii confines, florenos auri trecentos |