Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1419/20 febbraio 23 |
Approval of previous resolution for the purchase of a house from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. |
Text: fide et solepni diligentia processerunt, licet solemnitas |
1420 aprile 16 |
Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. |
Text: praticatum et cum diligentia discussum et super |
1420 aprile 16 |
Authorization to buy a house. |
Text: confixi de legalitate, diligentia atque prudentia ipsorum |
1420 aprile 30 |
Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. |
Text: habeant et cum diligentia actendant, revocando electiones |
1420 giugno 15 |
Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. |
Text: et non cum diligentia circa illa provisum |
1421 aprile 15 |
Election of the new notary of testaments. |
Text: devenire, confixi in diligentia ac solertia ser |
1421 aprile 29 |
Extension of two months to the accountants for the commission entrusted to them. |
Text: perfecta, et intellecta diligentia ac solertia eorumdem, |
1421 agosto 20 |
Deduction from supply contract for deterioration of broad earthen bricks. |
Text: ut asseruerunt cum diligentia informati de deterioramento |
1421 agosto 20 |
Authorization to the 4 cupola officials to hire workers for the cupola, set their salary and attend to the provision of oak and bars for sandstone blocks as needed for the work. |
Text: Item confixi in diligentia, solertia atque prudentia |
1421 agosto 22 |
Authorization to the administrator to stipulate a new contract for broad terracotta bricks and to revoke the old one. |
Text: Item confixi in diligentia et legalitate Pauli |
1421 settembre 5 |
Authority to the 4 cupola officials for the purchase of chestnut lumber for the chains. |
Text: de prudentia et diligentia infrascriptorum officialium deliberaverunt |
1421 settembre 17 |
Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. |
Text: ministretur confixi in diligentia infrascriptorum deliberaverunt quod |
1421 ottobre 31 |
Reduction of debt with term of payment to Ciuffagni for statue of prophet left unfinished and subsequently commissioned to Donatello and Giovanni of Bartolo. |
Text: ipso casu cum diligentia pluries examinato et |
1421/2 gennaio 14 |
Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. |
Text: de prudentia ac diligentia provisoris et caputmagistri |
1422 luglio 17 |
Election of commission to decide about possible damages suffered by the Opera for supply of broad bricks unsuitable for quality and size. |
Text: confisi etiam in diligentia eorumdem, premisso et |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Election as guard of the forest of the son of the guard. |
Text: narrante de solertia, diligentia atque legalitate Pieri |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out lumber. |
Text: possit, confixi in diligentia provisoris dicte Opere |
1422 dicembre 9 |
Contract for supply of lumber. |
Text: cum solertia et diligentia se habuit et |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Re-election of two messengers confirmed in their appointment for diligence and loyalty and setting of their salaries. |
Text: fideliter et cum diligentia se gesserunt, providerunt |
1425 maggio 22 |
Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. |
Text: dictas portas cum diligentia ad usum boni |
1426 aprile 21 |
Authority to wardens for the work at Lastra and Malmantile; sentence and fine of defaulting master; acquittal and new contract for the work. |
Text: deberent cum omni diligentia et solicitudine perfici |
1428 dicembre 10 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano instructing him to identify and enjoin whoever has cut small fir trees and issue proclamation for the price to be paid in the future. |
Text: quod cum omni diligentia perscructetur de nominibus |
1429/30 febbraio 10 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pisa instructing him to detain a Pisan notary debtor until he presents a guarantor. |
Text: quod cum omni diligentia tenetur habere penes |
1435 agosto 12 |
Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. |
Text: prefatum ut cum diligentia se gerat circa |
1436 aprile 3 |
Orders of arrest and entrusting of arrested persons to the rector of Florence. |
Text: Opere procurent omni diligentia capi facere Pierum |