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Context of query
o0201078.038va 1421 giugno 6 Authority to the wardens to declare the number of masters and unskilled workers necessary for the summer. Text: et pro presenti estate tantum et non
o0201077.033vb 1420 aprile 12 Authorization to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. Text: salaria constituere pro estate proxime futura manovalibus
o0201079.059b 1421 novembre 29 Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola. Text: estatis et ipsa estate durante denarios sex
o0201070.023a 1417 giugno 2 Election of a master. Text: pro tota presenti estate cum salario alias
o0201070.021h 1417 maggio 19 Hiring of two masters. Text: pro tota presenti estate cum salario alias
o0201077.042b 1420 maggio 22 Increase of salary for master for the summer. Text: deliberatum pro presenti estate fuisse et esse
o0201077.042b 1420 maggio 22 Increase of salary for master for the summer. Text: duraturo tota presenti estate ad rationem soldorum
o0201078.022ve 1421 aprile 15 Increase of salary to a stonecutter. Text: salarium constituerunt pro estate proxime futura die
o0201078.022ve 1421 aprile 15 Increase of salary to a stonecutter. Text: pro die dicta estate durante.
o0201080.006e 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Terranuova instructing him to pay whoever has collected funds for the Opera in the parishes and communes of the League. Text: per eum in estate proxime preterita pro
o0201080.027vd 1422 aprile 29 New agreement for hoisting stones and other loads up to the cupola with a pair of oxen and revocation of previous contract. Text: ieme et presenti estate durante pro pretio
o0201083.069g 1423 settembre 24 Payment to workers for having sprinkled the wall of the cupola in summer. Text: dicte cupule in estate, in totum inter
o0201077.033vc 1420 aprile 12 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer because of the urgent need to complete work on the third tribune. Text: non possit durante estate proxime futura, nec
o0201077.033vc 1420 aprile 12 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer because of the urgent need to complete work on the third tribune. Text: dicte Opere durante estate predicta, sub pena
o0201078.039vc 1421 giugno 10 Revocation of dismissal of workers and new appointment at set salary. Text: filius pro presenti estate initiando die dicte
o0201075.031b 1419 maggio 31 Salary of a worker on a daily wage basis. Text: antea tota presenti estate habeat sibique solvi
o0201080.024va 1422 aprile 21 Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. Text: et ordinare pro estate proxime futura, videlicet
o0201080.024va 1422 aprile 21 Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. Text: esse debere presenti estate durante in quantitatibus
o0201080.035d 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for a (master) for the summer. Text: et tota presenti estate durante ut supra
o0201070.026a 1417 giugno 30 Salary set for a worker. Text: pro tota presenti estate, et tam pro
o0201073.008c 1418 aprile 29 Salary set for marble sculptor. Text: dicto Opere in estate soldos undecim f.p.
o0201080.035c 1422 giugno 16 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: Opera in presenti estate durante, cum retentione
o0201070.018e 1417 aprile 29 Salary set for masters. Text: magistrorum pro presenti estate, deliberaverunt quod ipsi
o0201070.018e 1417 aprile 29 Salary set for masters. Text: in dicta presenti estate laborabunt in dicto
o0201074.031c 1418 dicembre 9 Salary set for masters. Text: ieme et in estate proxime futura soldos
o0201073.013va 1418 giugno 3 Salary set for ten masters. Text: pro tota presenti estate et tam pro
o0201073.013va 1418 giugno 3 Salary set for ten masters. Text: quo in dicta estate laborabunt et solutiones
o0201080.030vf 1422 maggio 20 Salary set for the summer for the person charged with the surveillance of the masters and unskilled workers on the cupola. Text: scribanum dierum, presenti estate durante, et tam
o0201079.006a 1421 luglio 10 Salary set for the summer for workers in Trassinaia. Text: Opera laborabunt presente estate durante quantitatem pecunie
o0201079.018vd 1421 agosto 22 Salary set for the summer for workers. Text: Opera laboraverunt presente estate durante vel ea
o0201070.018d 1417 aprile 29 Salary set for two masters. Text: quo in dicta estate presenti, videlicet a
o0201081.006va 1422 luglio 23 Salary set for two masters. Text: magistri tota presenti estate durante ad rationem
o0201081.020f 1422 settembre 18 Salary set for two masters. Text: cuilibet eorum durante estate presenti pro quolibet
o0201081.023vd 1422 ottobre 6 Salary set for two masters. Text: ad diem in estate proxime preterita pro
o0201070.025a 1417 giugno 16 Salary set for two workers. Text: Opere tota presenti estate soldos duodecim et
o0201077.031vd 1420 aprile 12 Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. Text: aliis infrascriptis pro estate proxime futura debent
o0201077.031vd 1420 aprile 12 Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. Text: laborabunt in presenti estate initiata die primo
o0201077.031vd 1420 aprile 12 Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. Text: soldos quindecim; pro estate futura soldos sedecim
o0201077.040vb 1420 maggio 18 Salary set for workers on a daily wage basis for the summer. Text: cetero laborabunt presenti estate durante in ipsa
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Title: in Opere in estate
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: pro tota presenti estate cum infrascriptis salariis,
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: preterito quo in estate laboravit in Opere
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: constitui, videlicet pro estate et pro ieme,
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: qualiter pro presenti estate tempus est ipsa
o0201078.024b 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: et manovalium pro estate proxime futura pro
o0201078.025a 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: fuerunt infrascripti pro estate proxime futura ut
o0201078.031va 1421 maggio 24 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: dicto Opere presente estate durante pretia et
o0201078.038c 1421 giugno 6 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: dictam rationem presenti estate durante camerarius dicte
o0201078.044va 1421 giugno 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: pro futuro presenti estate durante camerarius dicte
o0201079.027d 1421 settembre 17 Summer salary set for a master. Text: laborat, habeat presente estate durante pro quolibet
o0201084.016vd 1424 giugno 16 Summer salary set for workers at the Trassinaia quarry. Text: videlicet, et pro estate tantum. Pierus Francisci
o0201083.011va 1423 novembre 18 Winter and summer salary set for a master carpenter. Text: Ghinus predictus pro estate f. - l.
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