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Context of query
o0201070b.020vb 1417 maggio 7 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: satisdet pro eo etc.
o0201070b.020vc 1417 maggio 8 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.020vd 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt with confiscation of harvest. Text: Riccialbanis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt quod Christoforus
o0201070b.020vd 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt with confiscation of harvest. Text: in dictam summam etc.
o0201070b.020ve 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.020vf 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: quia alii depositaverunt etc.
o0201070b.020vg 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: augusti proxime futuri etc., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.020vg 1417 maggio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: etc., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.021a 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. Text: Riccialbanis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt quod scribatur
o0201070b.021a 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. Text: nunc sic volunt etc.
o0201070b.021c 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Podestà of the Montagna Fiorentina with summons for two of the richest citizens of the Commune of Romena. Text: melioribus et potentioribus etc.
o0201070b.021d 1417 maggio 13 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle paid in the forced loans. Text: excomputasset maiorem summam etc.
o0201070b.021e 1417 maggio 13 Term of payment for unspecified debt of the hospital of Castello. Text: futuri, si fideiusserit etc.
o0201070b.021f 1417 maggio 15 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.021va 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Sintigliano with letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano instructing him not to demand payment of said Commune. Text: si ydonee fideiusserit etc.; et facta solutione
o0201070b.021va 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Sintigliano with letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano instructing him not to demand payment of said Commune. Text: gravet dictum Commune etc.
o0201070b.021vb 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty and subsequent release of arrested person. Text: futuri, si fideiusserit etc.; et facta fideiussione
o0201070b.021vb 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty and subsequent release of arrested person. Text: dicta de causa etc.
o0201070b.021vc 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: futuri, si fideiusserit etc.
o0201070b.021vd 1417 maggio 19 Term of payment for unspecified debt with confiscation of harvest. Text: ipsam solvere Operi etc.
o0201070b.021ve 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Chiusi for information about expenditures incurred by the Podesteria for the new gabelles and order to take only the quota due from the Commune of Gressa. Text: ipsi Communi tangenti etc. secundum ratam aliorum
o0201070b.021ve 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Chiusi for information about expenditures incurred by the Podesteria for the new gabelles and order to take only the quota due from the Commune of Gressa. Text: quibus expense venerunt etc.
o0201070b.021vf 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Laiatico for demand of payment of the debtors of the new gabelles, with term of payment and under penalty of having the deposit made from said Podesteria entered in the income registers. Text: expensarum et sortis etc.; et elapsis quindecim
o0201070b.021vf 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Laiatico for demand of payment of the debtors of the new gabelles, with term of payment and under penalty of having the deposit made from said Podesteria entered in the income registers. Text: ad introitum Operis etc.
o0201070b.021vg 1417 maggio 19 Prohibition to distrain property sold by debtor for debt for gabelles or forced loans. Text: bona dicti Francisci etc.
o0201070b.022a 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment with quota of the amount due from the hospital of Sant'Antonio in Gangalandi and cancellation of the balance due. Text: Iacobo de Riccialbanis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.022a 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment with quota of the amount due from the hospital of Sant'Antonio in Gangalandi and cancellation of the balance due. Text: Riccialbanis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod hospitale Santi
o0201070b.022a 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment with quota of the amount due from the hospital of Sant'Antonio in Gangalandi and cancellation of the balance due. Text: de residuo cancelletur etc.
o0201070b.022b 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt and subsequent release of the arrested person. Text: debeat ydonee satisdare etc.; et facta satisdatione
o0201070b.022b 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt and subsequent release of the arrested person. Text: facta satisdatione relapsetur etc.
o0201070b.022c 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt of the Porcellana hospital. Text: propterea idonee satisdet etc.
o0201070b.022d 1417 maggio 21 Letter to the Podestà of Castel San Niccolò instructing him to hold the debtors of gabelles in prison and informing him about the reduction of debts for property gabelle made to the Commune of Romena. Text: Riccialbanis eorum collega etc., deliberaverunt quod scribatur
o0201070b.022d 1417 maggio 21 Letter to the Podestà of Castel San Niccolò instructing him to hold the debtors of gabelles in prison and informing him about the reduction of debts for property gabelle made to the Commune of Romena. Text: donec solvant gabellam etc.; et quod pro
o0201070b.022d 1417 maggio 21 Letter to the Podestà of Castel San Niccolò instructing him to hold the debtors of gabelles in prison and informing him about the reduction of debts for property gabelle made to the Commune of Romena. Text: vel crescendo summam etc., et quod sic
o0201070b.022d 1417 maggio 21 Letter to the Podestà of Castel San Niccolò instructing him to hold the debtors of gabelles in prison and informing him about the reduction of debts for property gabelle made to the Commune of Romena. Text: alias deliberatum fuit etc.
o0201070b.022e 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: propterea idonee satisdet etc.
o0201070b.022g 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: propterea idonee satisdet etc.
o0201070b.022va 1417 maggio 22 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Text: Riccialbanis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod Iacobus Pieri
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Text: pro qualibet bestia etc.
o0201070b.022vc 1417 maggio 26 Term of payment for herd livestock gabelle with obligation of guaranty. Text: Foresta pedagerius suprascriptus etc.
o0201070b.022vd 1417 maggio 26 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: iunii proxime futuri etc.
o0201070b.022ve 1417 maggio 26 Term of payment for debt for the new gabelles to the Commune of Romena. Text: fideiubendo vel non etc.
o0201070b.022vf 1417 maggio 26 Term of payment for unspecified debt to the abbeys of Pontenano and Loro. Text: solvendo dictis terminis etc.
o0201070b.022vg 1417 maggio 26 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in forced loans. Text: si primo solvisset etc.
o0201070b.022vh 1417 maggio 26 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock because of tax exemption of the men of Laiatico. Text: a dicta gabella etc.
o0201070b.023a 1417 maggio 27 Drawing of warden in substitution of another who has been dismissed. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.023b 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod domina Iacoba
o0201070b.023b 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: prestantia, prout voluerint etc., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.023b 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: etc., dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.023c 1417 maggio 28 Order to notary of the new gabelles to register an account entry already paid. Text: Barbadoris eorum collega etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.023c 1417 maggio 28 Order to notary of the new gabelles to register an account entry already paid. Text: collega etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod ser Niccolaus
o0201070b.023c 1417 maggio 28 Order to notary of the new gabelles to register an account entry already paid. Text: solverit, possit gravari etc. in persona et
o0201070b.023c 1417 maggio 28 Order to notary of the new gabelles to register an account entry already paid. Text: vel Gerii Mattei etc.
o0201070b.023d 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment with guaranty for unspecified debts. Text: solvendo dictis terminis etc.
o0201070b.023e 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: stante tamen fideiussione etc.
o0201070b.023f 1417 maggio 28 Deduction of overpayment of property gabelle of the first year from property gabelle of the third year of the Podesteria of Pontedera and notification to the Commune of Bientina. Text: Vecchiettis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.023f 1417 maggio 28 Deduction of overpayment of property gabelle of the first year from property gabelle of the third year of the Podesteria of Pontedera and notification to the Commune of Bientina. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod denarii super
o0201070b.023f 1417 maggio 28 Deduction of overpayment of property gabelle of the first year from property gabelle of the third year of the Podesteria of Pontedera and notification to the Commune of Bientina. Text: solvit dictos denarios etc.
o0201070b.023g 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: et dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.023va 1417 maggio 29 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.023vb 1417 giugno 2 Cancellation of property gabelle paid in forced loans. Text: Barbadoris eorum collega etc., deliberaverunt quod bona
o0201070b.023vb 1417 giugno 2 Cancellation of property gabelle paid in forced loans. Text: si primo solvisset etc.
o0201070b.023vc 1417 giugno 2 Term of payment to guarantor of the parish of San Lorenzo a Monterappoli. Text: dies proxime futuros etc.
o0201070b.023vd 1417 giugno 2 Term of payment to the church of San Salvestro a Ruffignano. Text: futuri, si fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.023ve 1417 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Romena to try to reach an agreement with the men of said Commune for the payment of the property gabelle. Text: per officiales gabellarum etc.
o0201070b.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Deduction of part of debt for property gabelle from the forced loans. Text: Pictis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Deduction of part of debt for property gabelle from the forced loans. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod solutio facta
o0201070b.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Deduction of part of debt for property gabelle from the forced loans. Text: si primo solvisset etc.
o0201070b.023vg 1417 giugno 3 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles with obligation of guaranty and letter to the Podestà of Peccioli with order to demand payment of the debtors. Text: gabellarum vel Operis etc.
o0201070b.024a 1417 giugno 5 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.024b 1417 giugno 12 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.024c 1417 giugno 15 Release of arrested person. Text: Giugnis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.024c 1417 giugno 15 Release of arrested person. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Menicucci,
o0201070b.024c 1417 giugno 15 Release of arrested person. Text: officii regulatorum relapsetur etc.
o0201070b.024d 1417 giugno 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Tasso and release of arrested person after having paid a part of the debt. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.; et facta solutione
o0201070b.024d 1417 giugno 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Tasso and release of arrested person after having paid a part of the debt. Text: pro dicto Communi etc.
o0201070b.024e 1417 giugno 15 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: solverit, non gravetur etc.
o0201070b.024f 1417 giugno 15 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: ostendere iura sua etc.
o0201070b.024g 1417 giugno 15 Payment for restitution of sum overpaid for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Donatus presens
o0201070b.024g 1417 giugno 15 Payment for restitution of sum overpaid for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: presens camerarius Operis etc. det etc. Iamsonni
o0201070b.024g 1417 giugno 15 Payment for restitution of sum overpaid for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: Operis etc. det etc. Iamsonni Francisci ser
o0201070b.024va 1417 giugno 16 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles for exemption granted by the Ten of War. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod comites della
o0201070b.024va 1417 giugno 16 Cancellation of debt for new gabelles for exemption granted by the Ten of War. Text: vel alicuius earum etc.
o0201070b.024vb 1417 giugno 16 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles with guaranty to the rector of Coiano. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.; et nichilhominus ad
o0201070b.024vb 1417 giugno 16 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles with guaranty to the rector of Coiano. Text: Potestatis Castri Florentini etc.
o0201070b.024vc 1417 giugno 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans in consideration of dotal rights. Text: vel alios veriores etc., non graventur pro
o0201070b.024vc 1417 giugno 16 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans in consideration of dotal rights. Text: quam dictis prestantiis etc.
o0201070b.024vd 1417 giugno 16 Term of payment with guarantee of deposit for unspecified debt. Text: ostendere iura sua etc.
o0201070b.024ve 1417 giugno 16 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: facta satisdatione relapsetur etc.
o0201070b.025a 1417 giugno 16 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: ostendere iura sua etc.
o0201070b.025b 1417 giugno 16 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for demand payment of debtor for livestock gabelle. Text: quia sunt sue etc.
o0201070b.025c 1417 giugno 19 Drawing of the provost. Text: et aliis consuetis etc.
o0201070b.025d 1417 giugno 22 Drawing of the substitute for renouncing provost. Text: dictum officium exercere etc.
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: Giugnis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: alias Lasagna exactorem etc. et si accepit
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: vel data fideiussione etc.
o0201070b.025f 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: futuri, si fideiusserit etc., tam pro se
o0201070b.025g 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt to laborer because he does not hold a farm, but only a contract for oxen, and revised taxation on the property and animal contract. Text: boves ad giogaticum etc.; et quod dictus
o0201070b.025g 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt to laborer because he does not hold a farm, but only a contract for oxen, and revised taxation on the property and animal contract. Text: bonis que laborat etc.
o0201070b.025h 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles to the Podesteria of Laiatico; letter to the Podestà for restitution of expenditures made for the Commune and cancellation of debt already paid. Text: dicto Communi Laiatici etc. Item quod cancellentur
o0201070b.025h 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for debt for new gabelles to the Podesteria of Laiatico; letter to the Podestà for restitution of expenditures made for the Commune and cancellation of debt already paid. Text: pro dictis bonis etc.
o0201070b.025va 1417 giugno 22 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.025vb 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. Text: in dicto libro etc. et pro quibus
o0201070b.025vb 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. Text: solvit debitam gabellam etc.
o0201070b.025vc 1417 giugno 22 Salary of the administrator of the new gabelles. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Donatus Miccaelis
o0201070b.025vc 1417 giugno 22 Salary of the administrator of the new gabelles. Text: camerarius Operis det etc. Filippo Andree de
o0201070b.025ve 1417 giugno 22 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: quolibet dictorum mensium etc. quo serviet in
o0201070b.025ve 1417 giugno 22 Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. Text: in dicto officio etc.
o0201070b.025vf 1417 giugno 22 Election of a messenger. Text: in dicto officio etc.
o0201070b.026a 1417 giugno 30 Payment to the ex treasurer of the new gabelles for petty expenses. Text: Rondinellis eorum collegis etc., viso quodam stantiamento
o0201070b.026va 1417 giugno 30 Letter to the Five supervisors of Pisa to collect tax from debtor justly enjoined to pay. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Quinque
o0201070b.026va 1417 giugno 30 Letter to the Five supervisors of Pisa to collect tax from debtor justly enjoined to pay. Text: indempnem secundum ordinamenta etc.
o0201070b.026vb 1417 giugno 30 Term of payment for unspecified debt to the rector of Castelfiorentino. Text: futuri, dummodo fideiubeat etc.
o0201070b.026vc 1417 giugno 30 Restitution of pawn seized because of missing registration of prior payment of taxes and penalty to the defaulting notary. Text: expensarum dicti pignoris etc.
o0201070b.026vd 1417 giugno 30 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: quod solvere debet etc., dummodo satisdet etc.
o0201070b.026vd 1417 giugno 30 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: etc., dummodo satisdet etc.
o0201070b.048va 1416/7 gennaio 7 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: de Colle constitutus etc. promisit solvere hinc
o0201070b.048va 1416/7 gennaio 7 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: de Stufa fideiussit etc.
o0201070b.048vb 1416/7 gennaio 7 Guaranty for debt for gabelle on large animals. Text: f.p. constitutus personaliter etc. promisit solvere hinc
o0201070b.048vb 1416/7 gennaio 7 Guaranty for debt for gabelle on large animals. Text: de Serraglis fideiussit etc.
o0201070b.049a 1416/7 gennaio 8 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the church of Sant'Angelo di Foiano. Text: cappella solvere tenentur etc.
o0201070b.049c 1416/7 gennaio 11 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the Commune of Artimino. Text: de Schiattesibus fideiussit etc.
o0201070b.049d 1416/7 gennaio 14 Guaranty for debt for wine and butchering gabelle of the Commune of Romena. Text: ut nunc est etc.
o0201070b.049e 1416/7 gennaio 15 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of Commune of Vezzano. Text: de Bibbiena constitutus etc. promisit se facturus
o0201070b.049e 1416/7 gennaio 15 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of Commune of Vezzano. Text: promisit se facturus etc. quod Commune Rocche
o0201070b.049e 1416/7 gennaio 15 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of Commune of Vezzano. Text: secundum deliberationem officialium etc.
o0201070b.049f 1416/7 gennaio 16 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve. Text: solidum promiserunt facere etc. ita quod plebatus
o0201070b.049f 1416/7 gennaio 16 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve. Text: propriis denariis solvant etc.
o0201070b.049va 1416/7 gennaio 18 Oath of the treasurer of the pawn gabelle and his guaranty. Text: Florentie constitutus personaliter etc. promisit bene custodire
o0201070b.049va 1416/7 gennaio 18 Oath of the treasurer of the pawn gabelle and his guaranty. Text: casu quo deficeret etc. solvere omnem condempnationem
o0201070b.049va 1416/7 gennaio 18 Oath of the treasurer of the pawn gabelle and his guaranty. Text: Buoni et promisit etc.
o0201070b.049vb 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: Iacobus solvere tenetur etc. secundum deliberationem officialium
o0201070b.049vc 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the hospital of Santa Fina and the Opera of San Gimignano. Text: de Tornabuonis constitutus etc. promisit mihi Laurentio
o0201070b.049vd 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: Florentia constitutus personaliter etc. promisit mihi Laurentio
o0201070b.049vd 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: pro Opere recipienti etc. facere ita et
o0201070b.049vd 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: in dictis gabellis etc., alias de suo
o0201070b.049vd 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. Text: suo proprio solvere etc.
o0201070b.049ve 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the Commune of Certaldo. Text: notario suprascripto facere etc. ita quod Commune
o0201070b.049ve 1416/7 gennaio 18 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the Commune of Certaldo. Text: suo proprio solvere etc.
o0201070b.049vf 1416/7 gennaio 19 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles. Text: nunc captus est etc.
o0201070b.050a 1416/7 gennaio 21 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the Commune of Dicomano. Text: terminum non solveret etc.
o0201070b.050b 1416/7 gennaio 22 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the Commune of Montemurlo. Text: suo proprio solvere etc.
o0201070b.050c 1416/7 gennaio 23 Guaranty for debt for butchering and wine gabelles and pardons of the baptismal parish of Remole. Text: ut nunc est etc.
o0201070b.050d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the Commune of Montefatucchio. Text: bonorum tertii anni etc.
o0201070b.050e 1416/7 gennaio 25 Guaranty for debts for gabelles of the communes of Ciggiano and Uliveto. Text: bonorum quam macinati etc.
o0201070b.050f 1416/7 gennaio 25 Guaranty for debts for gabelles of the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. Text: petitionem dictorum operariorum etc.
o0201070b.050g 1416/7 gennaio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: maii proxime futuri etc.
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