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Context of query
o0202001.024va 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p.
o0202001.025vh 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: sedecim denariis sex f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.028vd 1426 aprile 29 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense libras quattuor f.p., cum hoc excepto
o0202001.036b 1426 giugno 20 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p., fideiubendo ydonee de
o0202001.100vh 1428/9 febbraio 18 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mense libras duas f.p. pro quolibet mense,
o0202001.142va 1431 maggio 16 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: mensem soldos quadraginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.134e 1430 dicembre 7 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: 0 denariis 6 f.p., ad solvendum infra
o0202001.136b 1430/1 gennaio 22 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: soldis decem otto f.p. pro gabellis novis,
o0202001.140ve 1431 aprile 26 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: sex denariis quattuor f.p. ad solvendum quartam
o0202001.154c 1431/2 febbraio 8 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: et soldos quindecim f.p. per totum mensem
o0202001.061d 1427 giugno 12 Term of payment to arrested debtor for debt for pardons, with request of guaranty. Text: et libris tribus f.p., prout patet in
o0202001.054vh 1427 aprile 2 Term of payment to chaplain. Text: in libris otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.050va 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to debtor and to the guarantor. Text: quindecim denariis quattuor f.p. ad declarari faciendum
o0202001.251g 1435/6 marzo 21 Term of payment to debtor arrested for the Commune of Gangalandi. Text: presens libras viginti f.p.
o0201086.011a 1425 aprile 14 Term of payment to debtor for tare on mortar for the castles of Lastra and Malmantile with guaranty. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201078.022va 1421 aprile 11 Term of payment to debtor for the purchase of pawns. Text: mensem libras centum f.p. et libras centum
o0201079.031vb 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment to debtor for unspecified debt. Text: futuris soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.092va 1428 ottobre 12 Term of payment to debtor of the Commune of Chianni. Text: de libris quadraginta f.p. in quibus est
o0202001.052vc 1426/7 febbraio 28 Term of payment to (debtor). Text: quindecim denarios decem f.p. hinc ad duos
o0202001.033a 1426 maggio 15 Term of payment to debtors for herd livestock gabelle. Text: libras triginta duas f.p. camerario dicte Opere,
o0202001.054d 1426/7 marzo 19 Term of payment to debtors of the suburbs of Arezzo and letter to the Captain of Arezzo instructing him to abstain from demand of payment. Text: libras ducentas quinquaginta f.p. de quibus sunt
o0202001.003f 1425 luglio 20 Term of payment to debtors of the suburbs of Arezzo. Text: in libris quingentis f.p. per totum presentem
o0202001.004a 1425 luglio 30 Term of payment to debtors of the suburbs of Arezzo. Text: iulii libras centum f.p. et quolibet mense
o0202001.050b 1426/7 gennaio 28 Term of payment to debtors with release from arrest. Text: in libris quadraginta f.p. ad solvendum dictam
o0202001.050d 1426/7 gennaio 28 Term of payment to guarantor for debt for forced loans. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., et deficiente in
o0202001.050vc 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to guarantor with obligation of new guaranty. Text: libris sexaginta otto f.p. ad solvendum quolibet
o0202001.050vc 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to guarantor with obligation of new guaranty. Text: mense libras otto f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.011vc 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: XIIII denariis quinque f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.011vc 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque in quantitatem
o0202001.012c 1425 ottobre 22 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: quantitate soldos triginta f.p. usque in quantitatam
o0202001.043b 1426 ottobre 17 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: mense soldos triginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201086.072e 1425 maggio 16 Term of payment to heir of debtor with guaranty. Text: et soldis duodecim f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.085ve 1428 giugno 4 Term of payment to heirs of debtor. Text: presens libras quattuor f.p. et postea in
o0202001.009vd 1425 settembre 18 Term of payment to possessors of properties. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p.; et si deficeret
o0201078.018e 1421 aprile 3 Term of payment to second-hand dealer who is a debtor for pawns purchased from the Opera, with guarantee of a banker. Text: mense libras centum f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.046g 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: in libris centum f.p. pro parte debiti
o0202001.046g 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p., et postea quolibet
o0202001.046g 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.119b 1429 dicembre 19 Term of payment to shoemaker who is debtor. Text: decembris libras quattuor f.p. et postea de
o0202001.041va 1426 settembre 24 Term of payment to sword-maker who is debtor. Text: futuri libras tres f.p. et residuum per
o0201082.006b 1422/3 marzo 9 Term of payment to tenant of debtor with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: semestri libras novem f.p., et in isto
o0201079.024a 1421 settembre 11 Term of payment to the ambassadors of the communes of the suburbs of Arezzo, with attestation of their summons to the Podestà of Arezzo. Text: pena librarum ducentarum f.p. pro quolibet eorum
o0202001.063d 1427 luglio 14 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Castiglione. Text: et soldis quattuor f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.012vf 1425 novembre 3 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Santa Maria Impruneta. Text: settem soldis sedecim f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.006vh 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Settimo. Text: libris quadraginta quinque f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.042d 1426 ottobre 25 Term of payment to the church of San Pietro a Giulica, to the baptismal parish of Morrona and relative rector. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. fideiubendo ydonee de
o0201076.009c 1419 agosto 11 Term of payment to the church of San Quirico of Castiglion Fibocchi for property gabelle. Text: et libris duabus f.p. non gravetur hinc
o0202001.226ve 1434/5 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo and letter to the Podestà. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p., fideiubendo per tres
o0202001.012b 1425 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the Commune of Buggiano. Text: et soldis sex f.p. et in alia
o0202001.012b 1425 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the Commune of Buggiano. Text: et denariis tribus f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.239vd 1435 agosto 16 Term of payment to the Commune of Carmignano. Text: presens libras viginti f.p. et per totam
o0202001.235c 1435 maggio 27 Term of payment to the Commune of Castelfranco of the lower Valdarno. Text: libras decem otto f.p. et residuum per
o0201070b.018e 1417 aprile 21 Term of payment to the Commune of Dicomano with release of the arrested person. Text: solverit libras triginta f.p. et fideiusserit de
o0202001.217va 1434 giugno 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli and letter to the Podestà. Text: presens libras quinquaginta f.p. et libras viginti
o0202001.103g 1428/9 marzo 17 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. Text: futuri libras sexaginta f.p. et de residuo
o0202001.180vb 1435/6 gennaio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. Text: presens libras centum f.p. et postea quolibet
o0202001.180vb 1435/6 gennaio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. Text: mense libras quinquaginta f.p. usque ad integram
o0201086.003ve 1424/5 febbraio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline for debt for wine and butchering. Text: et denariorum sex f.p., alias etc.
o0202001.007d 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi. Text: duobus libris LXVII f.p. in registro gratiarum
o0202001.085h 1428 maggio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Lecore. Text: presens libras quattuor f.p. de eo quod
o0202001.051a 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini and letter to the vicar of the val di Nievole for release of arrested persons. Text: februarii libras sexaginta f.p., videlicet libras quinque
o0202001.051a 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini and letter to the vicar of the val di Nievole for release of arrested persons. Text: quantitatem librarum sexaginta f.p., cum hac condictione
o0202001.088h 1428 luglio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini. Text: mense libras quinque f.p., si et in
o0202001.012e 1425 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi. Text: septem denariis duobus f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.244vd 1435 dicembre 2 Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi. Text: quantitate libras quinquaginta f.p. per totum presentem
o0202001.254vl 1436 giugno 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Poggibonsi with guaranty. Text: libras viginti quinque f.p. usque ad satisfactionem
o0202001.013vn 1425 novembre 18 Term of payment to the Commune of Poggibonsi. Text: libris octuaginta quattuor f.p., cum hoc quod
o0201081.033vb 1422 dicembre 18 Term of payment to the Commune of Pontedera and corresponding guaranty. Text: solvat libras sedecim f.p. et de residuo
o0202001.077ve 1427/8 febbraio 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Pozzo, with release of arrested person. Text: presens libras otto f.p. et in isto
o0202001.077ve 1427/8 febbraio 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Pozzo, with release of arrested person. Text: solutione libras otto f.p.
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Text: mense libras septuaginta f.p., si et in
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Text: quantitatem librarum septuaginta f.p., et in quantum
o0202001.010d 1425 settembre 25 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: et soldis sex f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: libris nonaginta duabus f.p. et in una
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: libras nonaginta duas f.p, et postea dictas
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: ducentas nonaginta sex f.p. in quattuor pagis,
o0202001.020a 1425/6 gennaio 10 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: libras centum quinquaginta f.p.
o0201073.008va 1418 aprile 30 Term of payment to the Commune of San Miniato and relative guaranty. Text: solverit libras centum f.p. et pro residuo
o0202001.235vl 1435 giugno 14 Term of payment to the Commune of San Miniato. Text: presens libras centum f.p. et residuum per
o0202001.003vf 1425 luglio 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia and letter to the vicar of the Mugello with prohibition to demand payment. Text: futuri libras centum f.p. et per totum
o0202001.007b 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Signa. Text: soldorum decem septem f.p. ad solvendum dictam
o0202001.049a 1426/7 gennaio 10 Term of payment to the Commune of Uzzano for debt for pardons and letter to the vicar of the val di Nievole for release of debtors. Text: ianuarii libras sexaginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201079.047vb 1421 dicembre 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: quattuor soldis otto f.p., et qualiter ipsa
o0202001.006c 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Viesca for debt for pardons. Text: et soldis otto f.p. pro duobus annis,
o0201080.014va 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the Communes of Gargonza, Alberoro and Palazzuolo of the countryside of Arezzo for debt for gabelle of persons. Text: et soldis quattuor f.p. possit, teneatur et
o0201080.014va 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the Communes of Gargonza, Alberoro and Palazzuolo of the countryside of Arezzo for debt for gabelle of persons. Text: et soldis IIII f.p. possit, teneatur et
o0202001.020e 1425/6 gennaio 18 Term of payment to the communes of Signa and of Pontorme for debt for pardons. Text: libris viginti otto f.p., prout apparet in
o0201076.019e 1419 ottobre 10 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Calci. Text: libras centum quinquaginta f.p. vel circa quas
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: settem soldorum otto f.p. Communi della Rocca
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: sedecim soldorum quattuor f.p. Communi Castellaris librarum
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: sex soldorum sex f.p., et qualiter ipse
o0201080.014a 1421/2 marzo 11 Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. Text: quinque libras ducentas f.p. et in anno
o0202001.010a 1425 settembre 20 Term of payment to the confraternity of the Bigallo for the property gabelle of the priests. Text: et soldis duobus f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.110c 1429 luglio 20 Term of payment to the debtors of the suburbs of Arezzo, with letter. Text: in libris quingentis f.p. page anni 1429
o0202001.038vh 1426 agosto 16 Term of payment to the (debtors) of the suburbs of Arezzo. Text: in libris quingentis f.p. ad solvendum per
o0202001.038vh 1426 agosto 16 Term of payment to the (debtors) of the suburbs of Arezzo. Text: et libras quinquaginta f.p. per totum presentem
o0202001.038vh 1426 agosto 16 Term of payment to the (debtors) of the suburbs of Arezzo. Text: libras ducentas quinquaginta f.p., in duabus pagis,
o0201082.005vf 1422/3 marzo 9 Term of payment to the hospital of Santa Maria del Pellegrinaggio and restitution of pawns. Text: in libris 5 f.p. habeat terminum ad
o0201080.010b 1421/2 gennaio 29 Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. Text: IIIIMVCLXXXI soldos sex f.p., de quibus terminum
o0201077.001va 1419 dicembre 29 Term of payment to the monastery of San Giorgio of Capraia. Text: soldos viginti quattuor f.p.; et facta solutione
o0202001.044d 1426 ottobre 25 Term of payment to the monastery of San Vittorio of San Gimignano. Text: et libris duabus f.p. ad solvendum quolibet
o0202001.048a 1426 dicembre 20 Term of payment to the parish of San Piero a Petrognano and prohibition to demand payment for the balance of the debt. Text: duas soldos otto f.p., et quod de
o0202001.207f 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea di Ripalta. Text: et soldis decem fp., prout apparet in
o0202001.207f 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea di Ripalta. Text: libras decem otto fp. in sex mensibus
o0202001.139g 1430/1 marzo 23 Term of payment to the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. Text: quadrimestri libras viginti f.p.
o0202001.086va 1428 luglio 2 Term of payment to the Podesteria of Chiusi. Text: presens libras quinquaginta f.p. et residuum dicte
o0202001.043c 1426 ottobre 17 Term of payment to the rector of Morrona. Text: in libris duabus f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.043c 1426 ottobre 17 Term of payment to the rector of Morrona. Text: mense soldos quadraginta f.p. et in uno
o0202001.037b 1426 luglio 17 Term of payment to the rector of the church of San Salvestro. Text: et soldis quindecim f.p., prout apparet in
o0201081.003b 1422 luglio 3 Term of payment to the suburbs of Arezzo for property gabelle and for "cottimo" contract. Text: solvere libras trecentas f.p. solvendo ad presens
o0202001.144vg 1431 giugno 28 Term of payment to the vice master builder. Text: debiti libras sex f.p.; et quod camerarius
o0201080.035va 1422 giugno 17 Term of payment to two (notaries) for debt for gabelle of the civil court. Text: quantitate libras duas f.p., et quod inobservantia
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: Opere libras sex f.p. et Iohannes de
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: solvat libras sex f.p. prefate Opere; et
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: parte libras sex f.p. Iohannes de Panciaticis
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: parte libras sex f.p. Iohannes ser Benedicti
o0202001.047a 1426 dicembre 11 Term of payment to vintner. Text: soldos viginti quactuor f.p. usque ad integram
o0201075.005c 1418/9 gennaio 30 Term of payment with deduction from the debt of the cost of gesso tablets supplied. Text: Operi soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201075.005c 1418/9 gennaio 30 Term of payment with deduction from the debt of the cost of gesso tablets supplied. Text: introitum soldi quinquaginta f.p. quos ipse recipere
o0201070b.013va 1416/7 marzo 4 Term of payment with guaranty and deposit for dubious debt, release of the arrested debtor and letter to Pisa with request for information. Text: Pisarum soldos tres f.p. pro qualibet bestia
o0201086.071vc 1425 aprile 16 Term of payment with guaranty. Text: libris viginti tribus f.p., prout apparet in
o0201070b.022a 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment with quota of the amount due from the hospital of Sant'Antonio in Gangalandi and cancellation of the balance due. Text: anno soldos decem f.p. et de residuo
o0201075.035a 1419 giugno 22 Term of payment with restitution of pawn. Text: pro libris 25 f.p. vel circa habeant
o0201075.035vb 1419 giugno 26 Term of payment with restitution of pawn. Text: futuri soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0201075.010b 1418/9 febbraio 27 Term of payment. Text: futuris soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0201075.015e 1419 aprile 3 Term of payment. Text: et libris tribus f.p. solvat ad presens
o0201075.015e 1419 aprile 3 Term of payment. Text: et libram unam f.p. et residuum solvat
o0202001.005a 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos decem f.p., et in casu
o0202001.005c 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense libras tres f.p., cum hoc excepto
o0202001.005d 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: in soldis quadraginta f.p. ad solvendum per
o0202001.005f 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: sex soldos sex f.p., prout apparet in
o0202001.005f 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p., cum modificatione quod
o0202001.006b 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p., cum hoc quod
o0202001.018vb 1425 dicembre 13 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos viginti f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.025vc 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment. Text: mense soldos decem f.p. usque ad integram
o0202001.015va 1425 novembre 21 Term to masters of the walls of the castle of Lastra for the completion of the work specified, and no more than that. Text: librarum viginti quinque f.p. dicte Opere de
o0202001.171va 1426 luglio 28 Term to supplier for removal of white marble refused by the master builder, under penalty of fine. Text: in libris centum f.p. dandis et solvendis
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: librarum viginti quinque f.p. infra otto dies
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Text: Operis libras centum f.p.; et dimidiam totius
o0202001.239vc 1435 agosto 16 Threat of demand of payment to a master and his partner in case of failure to execute the glass oculus contracted to them. Text: florenos auri quadraginta f.p., et similiter gravetur
o0201076.018e 1419 ottobre 7 Transfer of debt for forced loans from property gabelle with cancellation of the balance of the debt. Text: de soldis 20 f.p. quolibet anno in
o0202001.106vg 1429 maggio 18 Transfer of the amount paid for carriage of marble, following the report of a warden charged with the matter. Text: duas soldos decem f.p. et ponere ad
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