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Context of query
o0201070b.006vb 1416/7 febbraio 9 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. Text: et secundum librum inde ad per totum
o0201070b.006vb 1416/7 febbraio 9 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. Text: et tertium librum inde ad per totum
o0201070b.051vb 1416/7 febbraio 10 Guaranty for debt for gabelles of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano. Text: gabellis et residuum inde ad per totum
o0201070b.051vf 1416/7 febbraio 10 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the Podesteria of Lari. Text: gabellis et residuum inde ad per totam
o0201070b.052vc 1416/7 febbraio 20 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the Florentine abbey. Text: gabellis et residuum inde ad per totum
o0201070b.052vg 1416/7 febbraio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: primi anni et inde ad per totum
o0201070b.052vg 1416/7 febbraio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: secundi anni et inde ad per totum
o0201070b.010d 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad per totum
o0201070b.053d 1416/7 marzo 1 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: Iambonellus et residuum inde ad per totum
o0201070b.011e 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with obligation of guaranty and release of the arrested debtor. Text: aliis duabus et inde ad per totum
o0201070b.011va 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of the arrested debtor. Text: unum librum et inde ad per totum
o0201070b.011va 1416/7 marzo 2 Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of the arrested debtor. Text: futuri alium et inde ad per totum
o0201070b.054va 1416/7 marzo 4 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: et super secundo inde ad per totum
o0201070b.054va 1416/7 marzo 4 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: alio et ultimo inde ad per totum
o0201070b.055b 1416/7 marzo 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: libro prestantiarum et inde ad per totum
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p.; et ab inde supra pro qualibet
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos duos
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos 5
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos decem
o0201070b.019e 1417 aprile 29 Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: quod solvere restat inde ad quattuor menses
o0201070b.020c 1417 maggio 4 Order for arrest and detention of debt collector. Text: carceres Stincarum et inde non relapsetur, nisi
o0201070b.058b 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: pro secundo libro inde ad per totum
o0201070b.058b 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: pro tertio libro inde ad per totum
o0201070b.058c 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for half of unspecified debt. Text: aliam sextam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.058c 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for half of unspecified debt. Text: aliam sextam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.058d 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059b 1417 maggio 18 Guaranty for a fourth of a debt. Text: aliam duodecimam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059b 1417 maggio 18 Guaranty for a fourth of a debt. Text: ultimam duodecimam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.022g 1417 maggio 21 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059e 1417 maggio 21 Guaranty for a fourth of a debt. Text: aliam duodecimam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059e 1417 maggio 21 Guaranty for a fourth of a debt. Text: ultimam duodecimam partem inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059vb 1417 maggio 22 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad per totum
o0201070b.059ve 1417 maggio 26 Guaranty for unspecified debt of the Commune of Romena. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad per totum
o0201070.022vc 1417 maggio 27 Drawing of a warden in substitution of a person dismissed. Text: exercebat etc., pro inde ad per totum
o0201070b.023a 1417 maggio 27 Drawing of warden in substitution of another who has been dismissed. Text: officium exercebat, per inde ad per totum
o0201073.012vb 1418 giugno 2 Fees fixed for the demands of payment served by the debt collectors and for the pawns taken from the guardian. Text: quadraginta vel ab inde infra soldos quinque
o0201073b.009d 1418 giugno 28 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: et aliam dimidiam inde ad alios tres
o0201074.002vb 1418 luglio 6 Term of payment given to all debtors. Text: auri vel ab inde supra quod infra
o0201074.008a 1418 agosto 12 Application of an exemption of the comptrollers for the gabelles concerning livestock. Text: que venirent ex inde cancellando vigore dicte
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: sex vel ab inde infra et in
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: ita quod ex inde publica fiat scriptura
o0201075.004va 1418/9 gennaio 25 Term of payment for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: pro aliis duabus inde ad tres menses
o0201075.004va 1418/9 gennaio 25 Term of payment for forced loans with release of arrested person. Text: aliis duabus ultimis inde ad alios tres
o0201075.070va 1418/9 gennaio 25 Ratification of contract for supply of mortar with guaranty. Text: in scripta ex inde facta continetur, alias
o0201075.070va 1418/9 gennaio 25 Ratification of contract for supply of mortar with guaranty. Text: interesse quod ex inde sequeretur ac etiam
o0201075.013a 1418/9 marzo 17 Order slip to the Podestà of Florence to demand payment of indicated debtors and concession of rights for their arrest. Text: quinque vel ab inde infra, denarios decem
o0201075.020a 1419 aprile 22 Authorization to sell timbers and boards from the demolition of a ceiling in Santa Maria Novella. Text: que venerunt etiam inde pro denariis duodecim
o0201075.022d 1419 aprile 26 Authorization to sell old logs and boards coming from Santa Maria Novella. Text: de pianis que inde venerunt pro denariis
o0201076.007c 1419 agosto 2 Order to master of go to work to the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: et quousque compleantur, inde non discedat seu
o0201076.015ve 1419 settembre 13 Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected. Text: partita vel ab inde infra, et precipiant
o0201076.051vg 1419 settembre 13 Payment to a carpenter for work in Santa Maria Novella. Text: Berti et ab inde infra l. 9
o0201076.026a 1419 ottobre 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. Text: miserit, et ab inde supra dictum debitum
o0201077.009b 1419/20 gennaio 18 Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. Text: causa oriretur ex inde quod ipsi exactores
o0201077.056c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment to the debt collector of the gabelle on contracts for singling out testaments and testators in favor of the Opera. Text: dicte Opere, ut inde posset debitum dicte
o0201077.015va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Assignment of house to the provost of the canons. Text: a die qua inde ipse dominus Dinus
o0201077.016va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Solicitation of supply of white marble on penalty of demand of payment. Text: edomodam, alias ab inde in antea possint
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: solepnem stipulationem hinc inde intervenientibus actendere, observare
o0201078.058a 1420/1 febbraio 12 Purchase of mortar of Alberese stone without pebbles, to extend over five years with saving clauses for both parts. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus actendere etc.
o0201078.059va 1421 aprile 5 Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus actendere, observare
o0201078.062c 1421 aprile 30 Contract for broad bricks to kilnmen with advance of part of the payment. Text: solepnibus stipulationibus hinc inde intervenientibus perpetuo firma
o0201078.039c 1421 giugno 10 Election of a messenger with schedule of fees for precepts to the debtors. Text: XXV vel ab inde supra sumptibus ipsorum
o0201078.039vg 1421 giugno 10 Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. Text: de causa ex inde quomodolibet dependente et
o0201078.088b 1421 giugno 18 Guaranties for debt for forced loans and property gabelle. Text: alios florenos triginta inde ad quattuor menses
o0201079.072b 1421 luglio 31 Payment for supply of material and work for improvements to the house of canon. Text: Opera habita et inde extracta libras undecim
o0201079.011vc 1421 agosto 14 Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. Text: in scripturis tunc inde rogatis per me
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Text: libito voluntatis et inde discedere et redire
o0201079.019ve 1421 agosto 26 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans with approval of the guarantor. Text: secundam tertiam partem inde ad tres menses
o0201079.019ve 1421 agosto 26 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans with approval of the guarantor. Text: reliquam tertiam partem inde ad alios tres
o0201079.085c 1421 agosto 27 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: secundam tertiam partem inde ad tres menses,
o0201079.085c 1421 agosto 27 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: reliquam tertiam partem inde ad alios tres
o0201079.027b 1421 settembre 17 Commission to the master builder to appraise the work of Nanni di Banco for the ornamental frames of the story of the Annunciate Virgin; registration of the sculptor as creditor for 326 2/3 florins. Text: eorum officio ut inde debita satisfactio fieri
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: solepnibus stipulationibus hinc inde intervenientibus perpetuo firma
o0201079.057va 1421 settembre 26 Guaranty for contract for broad terracotta bricks. Text: et obligationibus hinc inde factis et omnibus
o0201079.031b 1421 ottobre 11 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and gabelles. Text: in alio libro inde ad alios tres
o0201079.032f 1421 ottobre 11 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with authorization to collect his rights from every person enjoined to pay. Text: f.p., et ab inde supra pro omni
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Text: eos existentibus ut inde videre posset qui
o0201079.037vd 1421 ottobre 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuros et residuum inde ad alios duos
o0201079.041vc 1421 novembre 10 End of rental contract of the black marble quarry of Monteferrato. Text: quid marmoris fuit inde perceptum a die
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus proprio firma
o0201079.050vd 1421 dicembre 19 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle registered in two urban districts. Text: carta 229, et inde portatus in registro
o0201079.052c 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for debt for milling gabelle. Text: libras trecentas, et inde ad quattuor menses
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus perpetuo firma
o0201080.055va 1421/2 marzo 12 Contract for broad bricks and guaranty. Text: et obligationibus hinc inde factis et omnibus
o0201080.028vd 1422 maggio 5 Oath of wardens and restitution of deposit. Text: inefficax fuit et inde non superserunt predicti
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: in scripturis tunc inde per me notarium
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus perpetuo firma
o0201080.030vb 1422 maggio 13 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: florenos quinque et inde ad alios duos
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: XXV et ab inde supra; et quod
o0201080.033a 1422 giugno 3 Rulings against large animals that enter in the forest, except oxen for towing lumber, and letter to the Podestà of Portico and Dicomano ordering them to proclaim the decree. Text: quartam partem condepnationis inde sequende quantitatis, videlicet
o0201081.008va 1422 agosto 7 Confirmation of the resolution on the tare for broad bricks with order to the administrator to register it in the accounts of the kilnmen under penalty of dismissal from his office, registration as debtors of those who purchased lumber at a lower price than was due and term for removing 7 cartloads of broad bricks. Text: causis in scripturis inde rogatis insertis diminuerunt
o0201081.055a 1422 agosto 28 Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: solepnibus stipulationibus hinc inde intervenientibus durante dicto
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: 5, et ab inde ad libras 50
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: 10, et ab inde ad libras 75
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: soldos 15, ab inde ad libras 100
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: soldos 20, ab inde supra soldos 30;
o0201081.022vb 1422 ottobre 6 Order to cut beech and fir lumber for making stumps and boards. Text: seu toppos ut inde secari et fieri
o0201081.023d 1422 ottobre 6 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et reliquam medietatem inde ad alium annum
o0201081.057a 1422 ottobre 9 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus observare etc.
o0201081.024d 1422 ottobre 16 Deduction of the price of transport from payment to carter for a sandstone block broken during the unloading. Text: dapnum patiatur, ex inde servatis servandis ut
o0201081.026a 1422 ottobre 29 Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: futuri et residuum inde ad tres menses
o0201081.028vf 1422 novembre 23 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. Text: soldorum 10 ut inde de cetero gravari
o0201082.004vb 1422/3 febbraio 19 Cancellation of debt for forced loans already paid in the new gabelles. Text: par bovorum et inde exato et reduto
o0201082.008va 1422/3 marzo 23 Term of payment for pardons to the parish of San Bartolomeo a Corbinaia. Text: VI auri, et inde ad quinque menses
o0201082.008va 1422/3 marzo 23 Term of payment for pardons to the parish of San Bartolomeo a Corbinaia. Text: auri sex, et inde ad alios quinque
o0201082.088ve 1422/3 marzo 23 Guaranty for debt for pardons. Text: tertiam partem et inde ad V menses
o0201082.088ve 1422/3 marzo 23 Guaranty for debt for pardons. Text: tertiam partem et inde ad alios quinque
o0201082.009a 1423 marzo 30 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: futuros et ab inde citra solvat quolibet
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus observare etc.
o0201084.030va 1424 marzo 30 Supply contract for white marble. Text: solepni stipulatione hinc inde intervenientibus perpetuo firma
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: oculos, videlicet primum inde ad unum annum
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: dicti oculi et inde ad viginti menses
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Text: et expensas ex inde secuturas; quam apotecam
o0201086.023a 1425 giugno 19 Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. Text: et finito anno inde removeri debeat.
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: per probationes hinc inde appareat liquidatum quia
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: facte fuerunt hinc inde probationes licet non
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: dictis testium hinc inde productorum liquet melius
o0202001.090d 1428 agosto 20 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Ellero di Colognole. Text: et aliam medietatem inde ad sex menses
o0202001.099b 1428/9 gennaio 11 Construction of wall closing off access to the canons' cloister and repairs to the adjoining house. Text: ad hoc ut inde exiri non possit
o0202001.108a 1429 giugno 7 Proclamation inviting written offers to be consigned to the administrator for supply of sand at lowest price. Text: dentur offitio ut inde partitum capere possint.
o0202001.118a 1429 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano with term of payment for debt. Text: alias duas partes inde ad unum annum
o0202001.143va 1431 giugno 15 Extraordinary rulings pertaining to supplies of mortar and broad bricks in times of particular economic hardship. Text: proxime futuros vel in(de) ad annum tunc
o0202001.145ve 1431 luglio 11 Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. Text: sporti remoti removeantur inde et asportentur exinde
o0202001.155vc 1431/2 marzo 3 Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. Text: Et demum protracta inde de copia disputatione,
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: per publicum instrumentum inde conficendum manu publici
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: queruntur licet hinc inde pia consideratio in
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