Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1428 marzo 29 |
Assignment of houses to canons. |
Text: catthedralis ecclesie florentine infrascriptas domos vigore licentie |
1428/9 febbraio 25 |
Authority to the wardens of make repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. |
Text: in actari faciendo infrascriptas domos et omnes |
1431 aprile 26 |
Authorization to contract out the broad bricks of a previous contract. |
Text: locare infrascriptis fornaciariis infrascriptas quantitates quadronum terre, |
1426 agosto 19 |
Authorization to the treasurer to pay workers. |
Text: preiudicio et dampno infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1418/9 gennaio 23 |
Balance of payment for supply of red marble. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie iuxta |
1423 giugno 2 |
Balance of payment to kilnman. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1423 giugno 17 |
Balance of payment to master of organs. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. |
Text: et poni facendum infrascriptas et de infrascriptis |
1433 luglio 3 |
Declaration of debt for manufacture of a sink of marble and term of payment. |
Text: soldis tredecim fp. infrascriptas personas pro quodam |
1432/3 febbraio 10 |
Election of four masters. |
Text: in magistros Opere infrascriptas personas pro salariis |
1432 ottobre 1 |
Hiring of three workers. |
Text: murandum in Opera infrascriptas personas: Teum Chelis, |
1425 marzo 12 |
Increase of salary to two (messengers). |
Text: augerunt atque augmentaverunt infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1424 dicembre 14 |
Increase of salary to workers. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1419 luglio 5 |
Oath of wardens and payment for the purchase of lead. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum, videlicet: |
1425 giugno 1 |
Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. |
Text: calculum rationis infrascriptorum infrascriptas quantitates pecunie et, |
1420 aprile 1 |
Order to the treasurer to register debtors. |
Text: infrascriptis quantitatibus et infrascriptas quantitates sub pena |
1424 marzo 31 |
Payment for a model of the hoist. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1417 giugno 3 |
Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie videlicet: |
1417 luglio 9 |
Payment for carriage of soft stones and for towloads. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie videlicet: |
1423 giugno 9 |
Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1423 luglio 14 |
Payment for manufacture of two nets for two oculi. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 febbraio 11 |
Payment for petty expenses for Candlemas. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 giugno 28 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1420 aprile 1 |
Payment for reimbursement to Brunelleschi of money spent for iron wire and cord for the model of the cupola. |
Text: et solvere infrascriptis infrascriptas quantitates infrascriptis de |
1425 aprile 12 |
Payment for rent of a house in Trassinaia. |
Text: et inpune solvere infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascripta |
1423 marzo 30 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 aprile 15 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 aprile 28 |
Payment for supply of lumber: annulled act. |
Text: inter eos stantiaverunt infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 aprile 28 |
Payment for supply of lumber: annulled act. |
Text: solvere et paghare infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. |
Text: et solvere infrascriptis infrascriptas pecuniarum et florenorum |
1425 maggio 18 |
Payment for supply of mortar for the castle of Lastra and oath of warden. |
Text: paghare infrascriptis personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 marzo 20 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1425 giugno 8 |
Payment for supply of white marble. |
Text: avere dicte Opere infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 maggio 7 |
Payment for supply, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 febbraio 14 |
Payment for the construction of the outer gate of the castle of Lastra. |
Text: stantiaverunt infrascriptis personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 maggio 16 |
Payment for the purchase of glass in Venice to make oculi. |
Text: stantiaverunt infrascriptis personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 gennaio 29 |
Payment for the purchase of house in partial compensation for damages to the rector of Santa Cecilia. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424 aprile 22 |
Payment for the purchase of iron. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 settembre 2 |
Payment for the purchase of large chestnut trees for the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 novembre 18 |
Payment for the purchase of oak boards for the chain of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 dicembre 9 |
Payment for the purchase of six large chestnut trees for the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Payment for the purchase of soft stones. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie videlicet: |
1417 aprile 29 |
Payment for the purchase of stones. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie videlicet: |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Payment for towloads, crossed-out act. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie videlicet: |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie et |
1425 giugno 12 |
Payment for work on the house called the Galea. |
Text: dicte Opere solvere infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Payment of rights to the past accountant of the Opera with obligation to give quittance. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1418 agosto 9 |
Payment of the value of a shed and garden obtained in use and of the brokerage and gabelle expenditures. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet: |
1423 settembre 24 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 gennaio 4 |
Payment to a cooper. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 aprile 9 |
Payment to auditor of the accounts of the treasurer of the forced loans. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1424 aprile 13 |
Payment to bargeman for transport of a rope. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1423 ottobre 6 |
Payment to blacksmith for the purchase of hardware. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1422/3 febbraio 15 |
Payment to bowl maker for the purchase of wood rods and poles. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 agosto 27 |
Payment to Brunelleschi to purchase corner-pieces of oak for the chain of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 marzo 9 |
Payment to carter for transport of stones for the covering of the main tribune. |
Text: inpune possit solvere infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1424/5 febbraio 27 |
Payment to cooper. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Payment to Donatello for a figure for the bell tower. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 luglio 5 |
Payment to Filippo di ser Brunellesco for a wood model for the chain of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 settembre 11 |
Payment to Giuliano of Giovanni goldsmith to transport a blocked out figure from Pisa to Florence. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 marzo 13 |
Payment to kilnman for the purchase of broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1423 agosto 16 |
Payment to kilnman for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 giugno 19 |
Payment to kilnmen for the purchase of broad bricks. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 aprile 28 |
Payment to kilnmen for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424 giugno 16 |
Payment to kilnmen to pay the carters. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Payment to master mason for manufacture of the outer structure of the Florentine gate of the castle of Lastra. |
Text: licite et inpune infrascriptas quantitates pecunie dictis |
1425 aprile 28 |
Payment to master masons for the construction of the walls and doors of Malmantile. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1424 aprile 11 |
Payment to Pesello for a model of the chain of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie, videlicet |
1425 giugno 21 |
Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas pecunie quantitates infrascriptis |
1423 maggio 27 |
Payment to stonecutter to go to the forest to oversee the transport of cut lumber. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. |
Text: ordinaverunt ac stantiaverunt infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 febbraio 4 |
Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates, videlicet: Nuto |
1424 marzo 28 |
Payment to suppliers of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424 novembre 24 |
Payment to the master masons for the construction of the walls of Malmantile. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas pecunie quantitates infrascriptis |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Permission to pay the auditors of the previous treasurer. |
Text: infrascriptis de causis infrascriptas quantitates florenorum auri |
1423 luglio 29 |
Restitution of sum for pawn sold. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascripti |
1423/4 marzo 23 |
Salary of Brunelleschi. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 giugno 26 |
Salary of Filippo Brunelleschi. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascriptis |
1424/5 gennaio 24 |
Salary of Filippo di ser Brunellesco. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 febbraio 12 |
Salary of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1419 dicembre 29 |
Salary of the administrator. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas pecuniarum et florenorum |
1423/4 gennaio 26 |
Salary of the administrator. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1425 aprile 3 |
Salary of the administrator. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1426 agosto 19 |
Salary of the debt collectors. |
Text: qualibet libra ad infrascriptas rationes, videlicet: a |
1422/3 marzo 23 |
Salary of the guard of the forest. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423/4 febbraio 18 |
Salary of the guard of the forest. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1423 ottobre 20 |
Salary of the master builder. |
Text: hominibus et personis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Salary of the previous treasurer. |
Text: solvere et paghare infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |
1420 maggio 20 |
Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. |
Text: diebus recipere debere infrascriptas quantitates ad rationem |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: descripta; quas quantitates infrascriptas camerarius generalis dicti |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: magistris et personis infrascriptas quantitates et summas |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: solvisse infrascriptis et infrascriptas quantitates et etiam |
1419 giugno 22 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: giornatarum dicti Operis infrascriptas quantitates, videlicet: Micael |
1419 ottobre 24 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: in dicto Opere infrascriptas quantitates pecunie iuxta |
1428 dicembre 23 |
Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. |
Text: et heredibus suis infrascriptas terras et possessiones |
1425 giugno 28 |
Term of payment by order of the Signori for the construction in the chiasso dei Buoi. |
Text: solvere Opere prefate infrascriptas quantitates pecunie pro |
1425 giugno 28 |
Term of payment by order of the Signori for the construction in the chiasso dei Buoi. |
Text: teneantur cogi facere infrascriptas personas pro infrascriptis |
1422 maggio 5 |
Term of payment for debt for milling gabelle to the Communes of Teoleto, Tuoro and Badia del Pino. |
Text: ad solvendum quantitates infrascriptas debitas pro gabella |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. |
Text: futuros ad solvendum infrascriptas quantitates pecunie: Populo |
1426 giugno 13 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Montecatini. |
Text: stantiaverunt terminos infrascriptos, infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum infrascripto |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Term of payment given to debtors. |
Text: solvendum infrascriptis terminis infrascriptas quantitates pecunie: Bartolomeum |
1425/6 gennaio 18 |
Term of payment to the communes of Signa and of Pontorme for debt for pardons. |
Text: communibus ad solvendum infrascriptas quantitates pecunie infrascriptis |