Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 5 |
Election of the messengers and of the debt collectors. |
Text: omnes et singulos infrascriptos in eorum et |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Release of arrested persons and new payment deadline for a debt of the Commune of San Miniato fiorentino. |
Text: solutio, tunc cogat infrascriptos quattuor ad comparendum |
1416/7 febbraio 17 |
Election of two cantors. |
Text: Item eligerunt infrascriptos duos presbiteros et |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Term of payment to the guarantor for the Commune of Romena with restitution of pawn and letter to the Podestà with summons for two inhabitants of said localities. |
Text: ad solvendum vel infrascriptos ad comparendum coram |
1418 aprile 20 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: modo etc. conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros et alios |
1419 luglio 5 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for four citizens. |
Text: Pisarum quod cogat infrascriptos quattuor cives pisanos |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period. |
Text: ponat et describat infrascriptos debitores et quemlibet |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: ut supra declaraverunt infrascriptos et quemlibet eorum |
1420 aprile 1 |
Order to the treasurer to register debtors. |
Text: sui computum describere infrascriptos debitores dicti officii |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: atque taxaverunt quod infrascriptos caputmagistrum, magistros, scarpellatores |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: scarpellatores et alios infrascriptos habere et recipere |
1420 aprile 16 |
Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. |
Text: deliberaverunt atque eligerunt infrascriptos: Filippum ser Brunelleschi |
1420 aprile 16 |
Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. |
Text: forma predictis eligerunt infrascriptos magistros et quemlibet |
1420 aprile 24 |
Salary set for the summer for masters, some of whom employed at the palace of the Signori. |
Text: constituerunt et taxaverunt infrascriptos magistros et scarpellatores |
1420 maggio 18 |
Salary set for workers on a daily wage basis for the summer. |
Text: Item declaraverunt infrascriptos laborantes in dicta |
1420 maggio 20 |
Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. |
Text: deliberaverunt et declaraverunt infrascriptos homines et personas |
1420 giugno 8 |
Registration of the debtors of the previous treasurer. |
Text: camerario dicte Opere infrascriptos debitores pro infrascriptis |
1421 maggio 24 |
Approval of guarantors for contract for broad bricks. |
Text: observando et offerunt infrascriptos, deliberaverunt quod, si |
1421 maggio 24 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: Item declaraverunt infrascriptos magistros habere et |
1421 giugno 6 |
Dismissal of stonecutters in greater quantity than required. |
Text: pro dicta Opera infrascriptos, quorum nomina ista |
1421 giugno 6 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: declaraverunt et deliberaverunt infrascriptos habere et recipere |
1421 agosto 22 |
Salary set for the summer for workers. |
Text: Item declaraverunt infrascriptos magistros qui in |
1421 settembre 15 |
Ruling on financial disagreement between the guardian of the pawns and the accountants who audited his accounts. |
Text: discordia vertente inter infrascriptos deliberaverunt quod Carolus |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: predicta providere eligerunt infrascriptos magistros et manovales |
1421 dicembre 16 |
Hiring of messengers with salary set. |
Text: et eorum officii infrascriptos cum salariis pro |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. |
Text: et traditis per infrascriptos et pro infrascriptis |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Salary of the masters for the winter. |
Text: deliberaverunt atque declaraverunt infrascriptos magistros scarpelli et |
1422 giugno 16 |
Salary set for masters for the summer. |
Text: Item declaraverunt infrascriptos magistros in dicta |
1422 novembre 24 |
Salary of master stonecutters for the winter. |
Text: deliberaverunt et declaraverunt infrascriptos magistros scarpelli quorum |
1423 ottobre 5 |
Dismissal of workers from the Trassinaia quarry because of rain. |
Text: et ibi remaneant infrascriptos laborantes pro pretio |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. |
Text: inpune possit scribere infrascriptos magistros pro diebus |
1425 aprile 18 |
Price per square braccio set for the account of the carpenters who made the doors at the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: factarum per dictos infrascriptos magistros in castro |
1425 dicembre 12 |
Terms of payment to debtors. |
Text: statuerunt atque assignaverunt infrascriptos terminos infrascriptis personis |
1425/6 gennaio 29 |
Approval of a guarantor. |
Text: pro infrascriptis quantitatibus infrascriptos homines pro Gherardo |
1425/6 febbraio 28 |
Election of master stonecutters with salary set for the winter. |
Text: caputmagistrum dicte Opere infrascriptos magistros cum infrascriptis |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Term of payment given to debtors. |
Text: atque stantiaverunt terminos infrascriptos infrascriptis personis infrascriptis |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Dismissal of masters in Trassinaia. |
Text: et forma capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros qui erant |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Hiring of masters and unskilled workers for Trassinaia and authority to the master builder, scribe and administrator to set their salary for the winter. |
Text: in dicta chava infrascriptos magistros, videlicet: Pierum |
1426 aprile 21 |
Fines of the masters of Lastra if they do not complete the work on the castle; election of masters for work on the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: et forma condempnaverunt infrascriptos magistros, videlicet: Pierum |
1426 aprile 29 |
Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. |
Text: a prefata Opera infrascriptos magistros tamquam minus |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: et forma conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. |
Text: Item reconduxerunt infrascriptos magistros cum infrascriptis |
1426 maggio 15 |
Dismissal of masters. |
Text: et forma capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros, cum hoc |
1426 giugno 13 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Montecatini. |
Text: operarii stantiaverunt terminos infrascriptos, infrascriptas quantitates pecuniarum |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: solempnitatibus opportunis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros tam scharpellandi |
1427 aprile 4 |
Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. |
Text: obtento partito conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros pro sex |
1427 maggio 7 |
Election of master stonecutters for Trassinaia. |
Text: pro chava Trassinarie infrascriptos magistros pro eo |
1427 maggio 14 |
Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. |
Text: eligerunt atque refirmaverunt infrascriptos homines et personas, |
1427 agosto 5 |
Assignment of houses to new canons. |
Text: prefati operarii assignaverunt infrascriptos domos infrascriptis canonicis |
1427 agosto 18 |
Rehiring of master stonecutters with registration of work days and customary salary for the summer. |
Text: forma predictis remiserunt infrascriptos otto magistros et |
1428 maggio 14 |
Dismissal of useless workers. |
Text: prefati operarii capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros et manovales |
1428 novembre 15 |
Order to the debt collector to demand payment of debtors, term of payment, nomination of treasurer for the collections and letter to the rectors. |
Text: Florentie ad gravandum infrascriptos debitores Opere modo |
1428 novembre 23 |
Hiring of masters with salary set. |
Text: servatis servandis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros in muratores |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Hiring of master masons and stonecutters. |
Text: videbitur eorum caputmagistro infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1429 aprile 12 |
Election of master stonecutters. |
Text: servatis servandis eligerunt infrascriptos in magistros Opere |
1429/30 gennaio 21 |
Election of messengers debt collectors. |
Text: ab eorum offitio infrascriptos, videlicet...; et quod |
1430 settembre 13 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: Item conduxerunt infrascriptos homines in magistros |
1430 settembre 27 |
Nomination of masters on the part of a warden. |
Text: salario alias ordinando infrascriptos homines: Antonium Cambi |
1430 dicembre 12 |
Prohibition for masters to work, confirmation of the nomination of unskilled workers. |
Text: Item capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros ad die |
1430 dicembre 12 |
Prohibition for masters to work, confirmation of the nomination of unskilled workers. |
Text: Dominici; et confirmaverunt infrascriptos, videlicet: Masum Dominici |
1430/1 febbraio 27 |
Reconfirmation of masters. |
Text: deliberaverunt ac reconduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1430/1 marzo 14 |
Dismissal of masters who have ruined some stones. |
Text: prefati operarii capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros qui laboraverunt |
1431 giugno 8 |
Hiring of masters and setting of the salary of the boy of the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: in magistrum Opere infrascriptos magistros, videlicet: Pierum |
1431 giugno 15 |
Reconfirmation of the messengers. |
Text: prefati operarii reconduxerunt infrascriptos in nuntios Opere |
1431 agosto 21 |
Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. |
Text: Opere disgombrari faciant infrascriptos cappellanos de domibus |
1431 settembre 27 |
Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. |
Text: amicos suos fore infrascriptos homines et personas |
1431 novembre 28 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: Item conduxerunt infrascriptos homines in magistros |
1431 dicembre 28 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: in magistros Opere infrascriptos magistros pro salario |
1431/2 gennaio 8 |
Hiring of masters for Trassinaia. |
Text: Item conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1431/2 gennaio 14 |
Dismissal of masters for fraud in the counting of the workdays spent upon the stones assigned to them. |
Text: Item capsaverunt infrascriptos magistros ex eo |
1431/2 febbraio 12 |
Rehiring of masters who have worked outside the Opera. |
Text: solempnitatibus opportunis reconduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1431/2 febbraio 22 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: solempnitatibus opportunis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1431/2 marzo 11 |
Hiring of two masters. |
Text: laboreriis dicte Opere infrascriptos magistros pro salariis |
1432 maggio 10 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: servatis servandis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros pro salariis |
1432 maggio 20 |
Election of two bookkeepers of the amounts due to the Opera from the pardons of the forced loans. |
Text: eorum collegis, eligerunt infrascriptos homines ad tenendum |
1432 agosto 22 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: laborandum in Opera infrascriptos magistros pro salario |
1432 settembre 17 |
Nomination of stonecutters authorized to work on the ground. |
Text: magister scharpelli preter infrascriptos possit laborare inferius |
1428 maggio 21 |
Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola, with clause for absence from work. |
Text: aprilis proxime preteriti, infrascriptos prudentes viros, videlicet: |
1431 giugno 23 |
Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. |
Text: de novo eligerunt infrascriptos homines cum infrascriptis |
1433 giugno 18 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: solempnitatibus opportunis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros qui incipiant |
1433 agosto 13 |
Hiring of masters with salary set. |
Text: servatis servandis conduxerunt infrascriptos magistros ad laborandum |
1433 novembre 19 |
Hiring of masters to work at Trassinaia. |
Text: eorum partito nisi infrascriptos duodecim magistros et |
1433/4 gennaio 18 |
Hiring of masters. |
Text: Opera pro magistris infrascriptos pro pretiis alias |
1434 agosto 14 |
Letter to the rectors of the countryside concerning the demand of payment from some debtors of the Opera. |
Text: ad ipsorum instantiam infrascriptos pro certis quantitatibus |
1434 dicembre 15 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: operas prestitas per infrascriptos extate proxime preterita |
1435 aprile 23 |
Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. |
Text: armaria dicte sacristie infrascriptos magistros cum infrascripto |
1435 maggio 4 |
Oath of warden and reconfirmation of the master builder, the administrator and the scribe. |
Text: et aliis consuetis infrascriptos, videlicet: Antonium Batiste |