Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 29 |
Terms of payment of the tax for pardon of forced loans. |
Text: solverit et observaverit interim gravari non possit |
1416/7 gennaio 29 |
New term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. |
Text: aprilis proxime futuri, interim non gravetur dicta |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: dictis terminis solverit, interim non gravetur. |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with obligation of guaranty and release of arrested debtor or restitution of pawn. |
Text: dicto termino solverint, interim non gravetur et |
1416/7 marzo 2 |
Term of payment with obligation of guaranty and subsequent release of arrested debtor. |
Text: gabella, nisi aliud interim per dictos operarios |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Release of arrested person for debt for new property gabelles of the Aretine bishop, letter to the vicar of Anghiari for information on properties and new term of payment. |
Text: sint etc.; et interim hinc ad per |
1417 marzo 31 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt with deposit. |
Text: proxime futuri; et interim ostendat dictus Forte |
1417 aprile 6 |
Release of arrested debtor with guaranty of payment of the debt in installments. |
Text: sic postea solverit, interim non gravetur etc. |
1417 aprile 21 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Dicomano with release of the arrested person. |
Text: presentem mensem aprilis, interim non gravetur; et |
1417 aprile 28 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: dicto termino solverit, interim non gravetur etc. |
1417 giugno 16 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: bestiarum mandrialium et interim possit ostendere iura |
1418 aprile 11 |
Term of payment. |
Text: fideiussione ita quod interim non gravetur. |
1418 aprile 30 |
Term of payment to the Commune of San Miniato and relative guaranty. |
Text: iunii proxime futuri, interim non gravetur. Fideiussit |
1418 maggio 11 |
Term of payment for a debt and letter to the Podestà of Prato. |
Text: proxime futuri sed interim et etiam postea |
1418 maggio 24 |
Audit of the accounts of the notary of testaments. |
Text: introitu; et quod interim dictus ser Laurentius |
1418 maggio 24 |
Audit of the accounts of the notary of testaments. |
Text: quod si aliquis interim veniet ad solvendum, |
1418 luglio 19 |
Term of payment. |
Text: quacumque de causa interim non gravetur etc. |
1418 luglio 21 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: si sic solverit interim non gravetur, sed |
1418 agosto 9 |
Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. |
Text: eorum voluntatem et interim concedere dicto Operi |
1418 agosto 23 |
Term of payment for livestock tax and suspension of part of the demand of payment as those interested are not the true debtors. |
Text: et scribatur quod interim non gravetur, etiam |
1418 agosto 23 |
Release of arrested person. |
Text: futuri etc. et interim postea non gravetur |
1418 agosto 26 |
Release of person arrested for forced loans. |
Text: proxime futuri et interim veniat et ostendat |
1418 agosto 30 |
Release of person arrested for forced loans. |
Text: relapsetur; et quod interim et postea quandocumque |
1418 agosto 30 |
Term of payment for the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: possit dictus fideiussor interim gravari, non obstante |
1418 settembre 16 |
Term of payment for debt with bank guarantee and partial reduction. |
Text: decembris proxime futuri, interim non graventur etc. |
1418 ottobre 19 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and other debts of a private person against the church of San Michele Visdomini. |
Text: tempore; et quod interim graventur alia bona. |
1418 ottobre 19 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: in casu quo interim dicti denarii non |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Term of payment for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: est captus et interim postea non gravetur |
1418/9 febbraio 21 |
Letter to the Priors of Pisa with term of payment for the debts of the Commune. |
Text: quod provideant quod interim vel solvatur vel |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Order slip to the Podestà of Florence to demand payment of indicated debtors and concession of rights for their arrest. |
Text: etc.; et quod interim predicta iuxta posse |
1419 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the abbey of Camaldoli with release of arrested person. |
Text: de causa etc.; interim vero postea ostendat |
1419 aprile 5 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons with release of arrested person. |
Text: relapsetur etc. Et interim possit capi facere |
1419 aprile 28 |
Term of payment. |
Text: proxime futuros; et interim non gravetur, dummodo |
1419 aprile 28 |
Term of payment. |
Text: solvendo dicto tempore, interim non gravetur etc. |
1419 maggio 10 |
Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with restitution of pawn. |
Text: causa ablata etc.; interim autem consequi possit |
1419 maggio 15 |
Letter to the Captain of Arezzo for summons of the bishop's treasurer and solicitation of payment to debtors. |
Text: futuri; et quod interim exigat a quibuscumque |
1419 giugno 9 |
Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. |
Text: eo facta et interim non gravetur; et |
1419 settembre 20 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: tempore etc.; et interim videatur ratio sua |
1419 novembre 10 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: fideiussione etc., ut interim declaretur quod et |
1419 novembre 10 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: proxime futuri, ut interim videatur quod et |
1419 novembre 17 |
Obligation of guaranty for payment of livestock gabelle and restitution of pawn to the debtor. |
Text: sibi pignus et interim non gravetur etc. |
1419/20 gennaio 3 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: si debet, et interim videatur quid iuris. |
1419/20 gennaio 3 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: gravari nequeat; et interim producat iura sua. |
1419/20 gennaio 9 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: proxime futuri nec interim gravari possit, dummodo |
1419/20 gennaio 16 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: proxime futuri et interim non gravetur; et |
1419/20 gennaio 23 |
Term of payment to the parish of San Martino di Schignano of the district of Prato. |
Text: proxime futuris, nec interim gravari possint ullo |
1419/20 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino. |
Text: proxime futurum nec interim gravari possit ullo |
1419/20 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: proxime futurum, nec interim ipse vel alius |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim realiter et personaliter |
1419/20 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim personaliter vel realiter |
1419/20 febbraio 29 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim possint realiter vel |
1419/20 marzo 19 |
Prohibition to workers to work outside the Opera without permit. |
Text: Opere applicanda; et interim cuilibet eorum notificetur. |
1420 aprile 24 |
Term of payment to the Podesterias of Ponsacco and Peccioli and to the Commune of Palaia for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim possint realiter vel |
1420 aprile 24 |
Term of payment to the Podesterias of Ponsacco and Peccioli and to the Commune of Palaia for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim gravari possint vel |
1420 aprile 19 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim possit realiter vel |
1420 maggio 9 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Campiglia Marittima for debt for proprety gabelle with letter to the Captain for demand of payment of foreigners' properties. |
Text: dicti loci quod interim non gravet ipsum |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Term of payment for balance of gabelle on property and persons to the parish of Santa Maria a Marcoiano. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Term of payment for pardons. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1420/1 febbraio 17 |
Term of payment for forced loans without restitution of pawns. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1420/1 marzo 3 |
Term of payment to the church of Sant'Ilario in Castiglion Fibocchi for property gabelle. |
Text: ad solvendum, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 aprile 7 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesterias of Santa Maria al Trebbio, Rasignano and Vico. |
Text: ad solvendum, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1421 maggio 23 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 giugno 6 |
Term of payment for debts to the Commune of Montegonzi. |
Text: ad solvendum, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 giugno 10 |
Term of payment for debts to the Commune of Terranuova. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 giugno 10 |
Term of payment for debt for gabelles to the suburbs of Arezzo without guaranty. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 giugno 12 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Certaldo. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 giugno 13 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Poggibonsi. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Cortona for milling gabelle. |
Text: proxime futuri, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment to debtor for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Extension of term of payment to debtor with surety of the guarantor. |
Text: proxime futuris, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Bucine. |
Text: quantitatem debitam, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 4 |
Term of payment for debt for pardon of forced loans. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 10 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 luglio 24 |
Term for repaying money received to have lumber transported with deduction from two allocations of funds and restitution of properties confiscated from the guarantor. |
Text: et sibi excomputentur interim duo stantiamenta sibi |
1421 agosto 12 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Romena in Casentino. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Mangona. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 settembre 5 |
Term of payment for pardons and contracts to the communes of the Podesteria of Calci. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Term of payment for milling gabelle to the communes of the Podesteria of Subbiano with letter of summons. |
Text: mensis ottobris, nec interim gravari possint. Et |
1421 ottobre 4 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Carmignano for pardons. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for the notaries' contract at the civil court of the Podestà of Pisa. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem et interim ad allegandum quicquid |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: satisdando etc.; et interim non prestita satisdatione |
1421 ottobre 14 |
Term of payment for balance of property gabelle to the Commune of Romena. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit nec alius |
1421 ottobre 31 |
Extension of term of payment to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni. |
Text: Yhesu Christi, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421 novembre 8 |
Term of payment for pardons to the Commune of Bibbiena. |
Text: presentem mensem; nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 14 |
Term of payment for property gabelle to the rector of San Giovanni to Cornazzano and Castelfalfi. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 14 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesterias of Lari and Crespina for the contract for the wine and butchering gabelles. |
Text: proxime futuro, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment to the debtors of the baptismal parish of San Cresci a Valcava. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 febbraio 6 |
Term of payment to owner of properties. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Romena for debt for milling gabelle. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment to guarantor for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: mensem martii; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 marzo 13 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the parish of San Martino di Bibbiano. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: quantitatem nisi doceret interim non teneri. |
1422 marzo 31 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 aprile 20 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 aprile 21 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 aprile 29 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 maggio 5 |
Letter to the vicar of Firenzuola instructing him to abstain from demanding payment of a (debtor) for a month. |
Text: rescribat eis, et interim pendente presenti mense |
1422 giugno 3 |
Term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: quantitatem nisi doceat interim non teneri et |
1422 luglio 2 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 luglio 3 |
Oath of warden and term of payment to guarantor for the Commune of Prato. |
Text: facta et tamen interim sibi pignus non |
1422 luglio 7 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the friars of San Francesco of Montevarchi. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1422 agosto 12 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons to the Commune of Vitolini. |
Text: quantitatem, satisdando, nec interim possit vel alius |
1422 settembre 4 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans to four brothers who are debtors, with obligation to pay each his quota, and letter to the Commune of Modigliana, in which one of them is castellan, to withhold the debt from the his salary. |
Text: presentem mensem, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1422 settembre 12 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1422 settembre 16 |
Term of payment for balance of property gabelle to the Podesteria of Pontedera and term of payment to the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering contracts. |
Text: termino predicto, et interim ad probandum non |
1422 settembre 25 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons to the baptismal parish of Rignano. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possint modo aliquo |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Term of payment for property gabelle to the parish of Santa Maria a Moriano. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Term of payment for debt for the contracting of the weighing tax and other causes. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem; nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422 dicembre 15 |
Term of payment to canon and release of arrested person. |
Text: ipsam quantitatem, nec interim possit modo aliquo |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Term of payment to the hospital of Santa Maria del Pellegrinaggio and restitution of pawns. |
Text: et in isto interim non possit vel |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Term of payment to tenant of debtor with guaranty and restitution of pawns. |
Text: et in isto interim non gravetur, et |
1422/3 marzo 22 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: gravetur in isto interim, observanda solutione suprascripta. |
1423 aprile 9 |
Term of payment to sons of debtor. |
Text: et in isto interim non graventur. |
1423 luglio 5 |
Term of payment to debtors absent from the city. |
Text: et in isto interim non possint aut |
1423/4 gennaio 27 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns. |
Text: et in isto interim non graventur et |
1423/4 gennaio 27 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to possessors of debtors' properties. |
Text: quod in isto interim graventur filii et |
1423/4 febbraio 18 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: et in isto interim non possit gravari |
1423/4 marzo 11 |
Term of payment for debts for testaments to the men of Prato. |
Text: dummodo in isto interim veniant ad Operam |
1424 aprile 4 |
Term of payment for debt of a sculptor to be discounted from the sum agreed upon for a figure. |
Text: et in isto interim non possit aut |
1424 ottobre 13 |
Cancellation of debt for herd livestock gabelle already paid under other name. |
Text: quod non possit interim pro predictis gravari |
1424/5 gennaio 29 |
Order to debtor to make a deposit for the recompense of the jurist called for legal advice on his case. |
Text: consultorem in isto interim dictus dominus Iacobus |
1425 agosto 14 |
Term of payment to debtor and prohibition to demand payment for the balance of the debt because twelve bushels of grain have been confiscated. |
Text: quod in isto interim quoddam staggimentum factum |
1425 novembre 23 |
Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. |
Text: sed in illo interim Cinum possedisse apparet, |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Term of payment to (debtor). |
Text: et quod isto interim nec realiter nec |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Term of payment and revocation of demand of payment for debt. |
Text: quod in isto interim non gravetur et |
1427 giugno 30 |
Dismissal of blacksmith until the master builder deems his collaboration necessary. |
Text: quod in isto interim non possit laborare |
1427 settembre 25 |
Term of payment to communes of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for pardons and letter to the Podestà. |
Text: quod in isto interim scribatur littera Potestati |
1427 novembre 26 |
Cancellation of part of the debt of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni with restitution of deposit and demand of payment for the balance due with letter to the vicar of Mugello. |
Text: et in isto interim dictus populus pacifice |
1427 novembre 26 |
Letter of summons to inhabitant of the Commune of Corniolo. |
Text: et in isto interim licentientur Commune Cornuoli. |
1427/8 gennaio 21 |
Site inspection by the master builder at the castle of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: et in isto interim donec aliud deliberetur |
1427/8 febbraio 5 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Pozzo, with release of arrested person. |
Text: et in isto interim relapsetur captus pro |
1429/30 gennaio 9 |
Letter to the Captain of Campigna instructing him to demand payment of a debtor for new herd gabelles and prohibition to demand payment of another for such debt. |
Text: quod in isto interim ser Silvester de |
1431 aprile 18 |
Temporary revocation of demand of payment for pardons of forced loans and new demand of payment or summons of the holders of the debtors' properties. |
Text: et in isto interim graventur infrascripti tamquam |
1432 maggio 7 |
Extension of time for those enjoined to pay in order to ascertain their liability for the debt. |
Text: quod in isto interim videatur per Bastianum |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Authority to have a lavabo and cupboards of marble made in one of the two sacristies. |
Text: facere in isto interim ad minus unam |
1433 settembre 28 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi. |
Text: pignus ablatum et interim non gravetur. |
1433 novembre 19 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. |
Text: et in isto interim non gravetur captus |
1434 novembre 9 |
Term of payment to a debtor. |
Text: et in isto interim non mictatur ad |
1435 maggio 27 |
Letter to the vicar of San Miniato for summons of recipients of precepts and prohibition to another person served with notice to leave Florence without permission. |
Text: et in isto interim ser Antonio Gherardi |
1435 giugno 4 |
Extension for the submission to debtors' registry of two treasurers of the forced loans and injunction for debt to citizens in arrears. |
Text: et in isto interim fiat preceptum illis |
1436 maggio 4 |
Letter to the administrator of the wallworks of Pisa instructing him not to proceed without request in demanding payment of the nuns for reason of testaments. |
Text: et in isto interim non graventur donec |