Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 marzo 2 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdet; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 2 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdet; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested son of the debtor. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur filius suus |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and subsequent release of the arrested person. |
Text: termino, et facta satisdatione relapsetur ser Antonius |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment with restitution of pawn. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione relapsetur et postea |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested person. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione relapsetur dictus Gherardus |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 6 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 11 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles or forced loans with obligation of guaranty and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdederit; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Term of payment to the parish of Santa Maria di Vincigliata with release of arrested person upon provision of guaranty. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captus pro |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Term of payment to the abbey of Passignano and release of the arrested laborer. |
Text: causa; et facta satisdatione relapsetur laborator dicte |
1417 marzo 31 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione liberetur ab omni |
1417 marzo 31 |
Term of payment to the parish of San Piero Gattolini and subsequent release of arrested person. |
Text: termino; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captus propterea |
1417 aprile 6 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles of the Podesteria of Pontedera and subsequent release of the arrested persons. |
Text: tertia parte et satisdatione de aliis duabus |
1417 aprile 21 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: termino; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1417 aprile 28 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt with subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1417 aprile 30 |
Term of payment to the rector of the Antella with restitution of pawn. |
Text: satisdet; et facta satisdatione restituantur sibi pignora |
1417 maggio 4 |
Oath of wardens and term of payment with release of arrested debtor. |
Text: terminis; et facta satisdatione relapsetur etc. |
1417 maggio 21 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt and subsequent release of the arrested person. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione relapsetur etc. |
1417 giugno 15 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Tasso and release of arrested person after having paid a part of the debt. |
Text: tribus auri et satisdatione ut supra dicitur, |
1417 giugno 16 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione relapsetur etc. |
1417/8 marzo 12 |
Release of arrested person and new payment deadline. |
Text: possit, prestita tamen satisdatione vel de solvendo |
1417/8 marzo 21 |
Term and manner of payment for pardons to a private person. |
Text: quod tenetur totum, satisdatione tamen prius prestita. |
1418 aprile 13 |
Term of payment for pardon of taxes and for the tax on wine with release of arrested person. |
Text: termino, et, facta satisdatione, relapsetur captus pro |
1418 aprile 16 |
Term of payment and release of a person arrested for the parish of Santa Maria d'Aceraia. |
Text: termino et, facta satisdatione, relapsetur captus dicta |
1418 maggio 6 |
Term of payment for pardons of taxes to the parish of Santa Maria a Sammontana. |
Text: termino; et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus. |
1418 giugno 30 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: gravetur et, facta satisdatione, restituatur sibi pignus |
1418 aprile 13 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: satisdare et, facta satisdatione, restituatur sibi pignus |
1418 aprile 30 |
Term of payment for a property gabelle. |
Text: futuros, videlicet facta satisdatione et solutione dictorum |
1418 maggio 4 |
Oath of wardens and term of payment for property gabelle and forced loans. |
Text: satisdare et, facta satisdatione et postea dictis |
1418 maggio 20 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: etc., et facta satisdatione et postea in |
1418 luglio 19 |
Term of payment for forced loans with restitution of pawn. |
Text: tempore, et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1418 luglio 21 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Marti for gabelles registered in Pisa with release of arrested person. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captum etc. |
1418 luglio 21 |
Term of payment for pardons of taxes and release of an arrested person. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captum etc. |
1418 agosto 26 |
Term of payment for forced loans with restitution of pawn. |
Text: satisdare, et facta satisdatione et postea solvendo |
1418 agosto 26 |
Term of payment for forced loans with restitution of pawn. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1418 settembre 23 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and release of an arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1418 novembre 21 |
Term of payment for gabelles and release of an arrested person. |
Text: etc., et facta satisdatione, relapsetur captus pro |
1418 novembre 24 |
Term of payment for forced loans and release of an arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur Andreas frater |
1418 dicembre 23 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione et postea dictis |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Term of payment for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione relapsetur filius dicti |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Term of payment for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdet, et facta satisdatione relapsetur dictus Pippus |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. |
Text: dicit expendisse causa satisdatione quam fecit pro |
1418/9 febbraio 27 |
Term of payment. |
Text: etc. et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus; |
1418/9 marzo 24 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawn. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur sive restituatur |
1419 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1419 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle to the abbey of Camaldoli with release of arrested person. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captus dicta |
1419 aprile 3 |
Term of payment with restitution of pawn. |
Text: Monterappoli; et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1419 aprile 5 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: dicta solutione et satisdatione relapsetur etc. |
1419 aprile 5 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons with release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare et facta satisdatione relapsetur etc. Et |
1419 aprile 6 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a dicta |
1419 aprile 12 |
Term of payment with release of arrested person and restitution of pawn. |
Text: satisdare et facta satisdatione relapsentur etc. |
1419 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: facta solutione et satisdatione relapsetur etc. |
1419 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1419 aprile 22 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione et solutione ut |
1419 aprile 22 |
Term of payment with release of arrested person. |
Text: facta solutione et satisdatione relapsetur dicta de |
1419 maggio 29 |
Term of payment with restitution of pawn. |
Text: officium; et facta satisdatione approbata restituatur sibi |
1419 maggio 29 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione relapsetur a captura |
1419 maggio 31 |
Term of payment with restitution of pawn. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1419 giugno 22 |
Term of payment with restitution of pawn. |
Text: tempore; et facta satisdatione restituatur sibi pignus |
1419 luglio 12 |
Term of payment for debt with release of arrested person. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captus dicta |
1419 luglio 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: dicitur, et facta satisdatione relapsetur filius dicti |
1419 luglio 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: suum, et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 luglio 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: etc.; et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 luglio 19 |
Term of payment to the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro with release of arrested person. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione relapsetur captus dicta |
1419 settembre 4 |
Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. |
Text: auri et postea satisdatione ut predicitur restituatur |
1419 novembre 10 |
Term of payment for butchering and wine taxes to the Commune of Ponsacco. |
Text: etiam absque aliqua satisdatione etc. |
1419 dicembre 7 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: satisdare et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 dicembre 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 dicembre 12 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 dicembre 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. |
Text: satisdare; et facta satisdatione et postea solutione |
1419 dicembre 14 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons. |
Text: satisdet; et facta satisdatione et postea sic |
1419 dicembre 19 |
Term of payment for forced loans and pardons of forced loans with restitution of ticket. |
Text: satisdet; et facta satisdatione detur filio dicti |
1419/20 gennaio 23 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: quantitate stante firma satisdatione alias per eum |
1419/20 marzo 9 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: solutionem et cum satisdatione etc.; et in |
1419/20 marzo 9 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1419/20 marzo 9 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1419/20 marzo 19 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1419/20 marzo 21 |
Term of payment to the parish of Santa Maria di Monte Macerata for gabelle on properties and release of arrested person. |
Text: ydonee satisdet, qua satisdatione prestita Antonius Iohannis |
1420 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1420 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1420 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and concession of right of recourse. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. Et |
1420 maggio 31 |
Restitution of pawn. |
Text: pignus restituatur absque satisdatione facienda de solvendo |
1420 marzo 27 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra, Leonardus |
1420/1 gennaio 9 |
Term of payment with release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: facta promissione et satisdatione de solvendo infra |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of mortar for five years. |
Text: cum promissione de satisdatione prestanda per ipsum |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of mortar for five years. |
Text: faciendo, et cum satisdatione prestanda et aliis |
1421 marzo 27 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione etc. |
1421 marzo 28 |
Advance of payment to kilnman for supply of broad bricks. |
Text: eum fideiussione et satisdatione prestita de serviendo |
1421 aprile 4 |
Term of payment for property gabelle and letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for release of debtor and arrested laborers. |
Text: solutione dirictus, prestita satisdatione predicta. |
1421 aprile 8 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans or gabelles. |
Text: etiam sine aliqua satisdatione cum condictione ut |
1421 aprile 9 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Palaia. |
Text: etiam sine aliqua satisdatione prestanda. |
1421 aprile 11 |
Term of payment for debt for contracts to the communes of the Podesteria of Lari. |
Text: etiam nulla prestita satisdatione. |
1421 aprile 11 |
Release of arrested person for debt for forced loans because of his poverty. |
Text: solverit, nulla prestita satisdatione. |
1421 aprile 18 |
Approval of the guarantors of a second-hand dealer who has bought pawns from the Opera. |
Text: quattuor menses cum satisdatione prestanda, et qualiter |
1421 maggio 24 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Pisa. |
Text: etiam sine aliqua satisdatione prestanda. |
1421 maggio 30 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 maggio 30 |
Ruling for renewal of the pacts of a contract for broad bricks to the son of the deceased contractor. |
Text: auri centum cum satisdatione et approbatione fiendis |
1421 giugno 3 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Castelfiorentino. |
Text: etiam nulla prestita satisdatione. |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. |
Text: conducte et facta satisdatione de qua infra |
1421 agosto 28 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: cum conditione et satisdatione ut supra; et |
1421 settembre 11 |
Term of payment for livestock gabelle and release of arrested debtor. |
Text: solvendum, satisdandum, qua satisdatione prestita relapsetur. |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for a property gabelle. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione etc. |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: interim non prestita satisdatione gravari possit. |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for property gabelle to the monastery of Chiarito. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment to debtor for unspecified debt. |
Text: integram solutionem, cum satisdatione et condictione ut |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Term of payment to the rector of San Romolo a Villamagna. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Term of payment for forced loans with restitution of pawn. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra; et |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Term of payment for contract for the butchering gabelle and release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: futuros; et dicta satisdatione prestita et tertia |
1421 ottobre 30 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 novembre 5 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421 novembre 14 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: ea condictione et satisdatione prestandis cum quibus |
1421/2 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: non aliter, qua satisdatione prestita relapsetur. |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Barberino of Mugello. |
Text: futuri sine aliqua satisdatione prestanda. |
1421/2 marzo 13 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1421/2 marzo 13 |
Term of payment for debt to the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve. |
Text: aprilis proxime futuri, satisdatione prestita et non |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Oath of warden and term of payment to debtor for the Commune of Pontedera for wine and butchering gabelles. |
Text: non discedat absque satisdatione prestante sub pena |
1422 marzo 31 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1422 aprile 20 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: etc.; et prestita satisdatione relapsetur. |
1422 aprile 20 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and pardons. |
Text: facta seu prestita satisdatione predicta relapsetur et |
1422 giugno 3 |
Term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: per eum primo satisdatione de solvendo modo |
1422 giugno 17 |
Term of payment to two (notaries) for debt for gabelle of the civil court. |
Text: fidem facere de satisdatione prestita predicta. |
1422 luglio 14 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans to arrested debtor and his release. |
Text: proxime futuros, qua satisdatione prestita relapsetur et |
1422 luglio 14 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1422 agosto 7 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione etc. |
1422 settembre 4 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans and release of arrested guarantor. |
Text: non aliter; qua satisdatione prestita relapsetur, quia |
1422 settembre 11 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1422 settembre 11 |
Term of payment for property gabelle to the Commune of Romena. |
Text: etiam nulla prestita satisdatione. |
1422 settembre 16 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1422 settembre 18 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and for inheritance. |
Text: cum condictione et satisdatione ut supra. |
1422 dicembre 9 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to give back to the enjoined persons whatever they paid beyond the amount he was commissioned to exact. |
Text: solvi fecit pro satisdatione de comparendo in |
1422 dicembre 15 |
Term of payment for gabelles and pardons of forced loans. |
Text: nulla etiam prestita satisdatione. |
1422/3 marzo 22 |
Term of payment for forced loans with confirmation of surety. |
Text: viginti et confirmaverunt satisdatione per eum prestita |
1423 settembre 11 |
Release of guarantor of arrested debtor. |
Text: Populi pro dicta satisdatione, ut dicitur, in |
1425 novembre 21 |
Prohibition to coerce the Commune of San Gimignano to pay. |
Text: pro promissione et satisdatione facta dicte Opere |