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Context of query
o0201079.069ve 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: libras quindecim denarios sex f.p. l. XV
o0201079.069vg 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex pro quolibet, cum
o0201079.080va 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro qualibet, retentis
o0201079.080vc 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex pro quolibet cum
o0201079.080vd 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex quolibet, et pro
o0201079.080ve 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldos settem denarios sex l. XXVII s.
o0201079.080vg 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: trium et soldorum sex quolibet cum retentione
o0201079.080vg 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: libras duodecim soldos sex denarios sex l.
o0201079.080vg 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldos sex denarios sex l. XII s.
o0201079.080vh 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0201079.080vl 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro quolibet, retentis
o0201080.068vh 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. l. XVII
o0201080.069a 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro quolibet cum
o0201081.068c 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: libra, soldos viginti sex denarios sex l.
o0201081.068c 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: viginti sex denarios sex l. I s.
o0201081.068vg 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: viginti novem denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201083.066d 1423 agosto 16 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: totum libras sexaginta sex denarios undecim f.p.
o0201077.060ve 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for carriage of several cartloads of stones for the Pope's residence. Text: soldorum XXVIIII denariorum sex pro qualibet carrata,
o0201077.053vi 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for carriage of soft stones for the Pope's residence. Text: pro vettura XX sex carratarum lapidum dulcium
o0201077.054e 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for carriage of soft stones for the Pope's residence. Text: ut supra, libras sex soldos decem settem
o0201070.019va 1417 aprile 29 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: pro vettura carratarum sex lapidum dulcium per
o0201077.054d 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: in totum libras sex soldos decem settem
o0201086.041a 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for carriage of stones for the covering of the main tribune. Text: quinque et denariorum sex pro libra, detentis
o0201080.068h 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of stones from the quarry of Monte Oliveto and that of Trassinaia Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro qualibet conductis
o0201080.068vg 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of stones from the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: soldorum XXVIIII denariorum sex pro qualibet cum
o0201078.070d 1421 aprile 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: traino et pro sex trainis lapidum trainatorum
o0201078.070d 1421 aprile 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: soldum unum denarios sex f.p. l. LXXXI
o0201078.070e 1421 aprile 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: libra, libras ottuaginta sex soldos settem denarios
o0201078.070g 1421 aprile 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: libra, libras quinqueginta sex soldos sedecim et
o0201078.074vd 1421 giugno 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: libra, libras viginti sex soldos quindecim l.
o0201078.074vg 1421 giugno 16 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: pro vettura carratarum sex lapidum de cava
o0201079.070vg 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: viginti settem denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201081.068ve 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: viginti settem denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201081.068vi 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: quadraginta unam soldos sex f.p. l. XLI
o0201081.078c 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: supra, soldos quinqueginta sex f.p. l. II
o0201081.078d 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: viginti settem denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201081.078f 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for carriage of stones. Text: ut supra, libras sex soldos decem settem
o0201080.064i 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for carriage of 8 cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry. Text: soldos novem denarios sex f.p. l. VII
o0201080.064va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for carriage of 21 cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry. Text: et pro carratis sex lapidum cave Opere
o0201080.064va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for carriage of 21 cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry. Text: decem settem denarios sex f.p. l. XXVII
o0201077.060vf 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for cartloads of stones for the Pope's residence. Text: decem et denariorum sex qualibet carrata, detractis
o0201077.060vf 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for cartloads of stones for the Pope's residence. Text: soldos duos denarios sex l. IIII s.
o0201077.052vg 1419/20 gennaio 9 Payment for carving of two Lambs of God for the Pope's residence. Text: civitatis Florentie libras sex f.p. l. VI
o0201074.042c 1418 novembre 15 Payment for construction work on a shed. Text: bracchiis centum octuaginta sex muri per eos
o0201084.045vf 1424 aprile 4 Payment for copper net to repair the window of the audience hall. Text: libras quattuordecim soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201078.072a 1421 maggio 29 Payment for copying the debtors of the Opera from the books of the forced loans. Text: dicte Opere, florenos sex auri f. VI
o0201071.003e 1417 luglio 9 Payment for culling information on those enjoying benefits for forced loans. Text: recipere debet denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201077.063vh 1420 marzo 27 Payment for earth removed and supply of pebbles and sand for the Pope's residence. Text: locum pro denariis sex qualibet salma, detractis
o0201077.063vg 1420 marzo 27 Payment for earth removed at the Pope's residence. Text: domini Pape libras sex soldos decem l.
o0201075.048b 1419 aprile 12 Payment for earth removed. Text: octo et denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201075.048c 1419 aprile 12 Payment for earth removed. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201080.069f 1422 aprile 21 Payment for earth removed. Text: libra, soldos viginti sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201080.069g 1422 aprile 21 Payment for earth removed. Text: libras quinque soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201070.026g 1417 giugno 30 Payment for expenditures for carrying the relic of the finger of Saint John in procession for the feast of the saint. Text: totum libras nonaginta sex soldos duodecim et
o0201072.017vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint Dionysius. Text: presbitero; et libras sex pro pinochiatis emptis
o0201073.025vg 1418 giugno 30 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Text: quadraginta quattuor soldos sex et denarios octo
o0201080.066vd 1421/2 marzo 11 Payment for freight of the marble for the oculus of the third tribune. Text: Iacobi scafaiuolo libras sex soldos decem f.p.
o0201082.069vd 1423 marzo 30 Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it. Text: soldos otto denarios sex f.p., in totum
o0201082.069vd 1423 marzo 30 Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it. Text: libras septuaginta soldos sex denarios novem f.p.
o0201086.040b 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it. Text: duos et denarios sex f.p. l. VIII
o0201081.073va 1422 ottobre 6 Payment for hoisting of loads with oxen on Brunelleschi's machine. Text: pro quolibet soldos sex f.p.; et pro
o0201077.067h 1420 maggio 18 Payment for installation of six windows at the Pope's residence. Text: debet pro remurando sex fenestras ferratas sub
o0201077.067h 1420 maggio 18 Payment for installation of six windows at the Pope's residence. Text: bracchio soldos triginta sex f.p. l. I
o0201074.038vh 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for marble figures for the portal towards the Servites. Text: in mutuum super sex figuris marmoreis quas
o0201077.057vf 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for paintings and restoration of friezes at the Pope's residence. Text: in totum florenos sex auri f. VI
o0201073.008vi 1418 aprile 30 Payment for petty expenses and for the purchase of lead. Text: tres et denarios sex f.p., computatis libris
o0201084.042va 1423/4 febbraio 11 Payment for petty expenses for Candlemas. Text: soldos decem denarios sex f.p. l. 33
o0201070.023b 1417 giugno 2 Payment for petty expenses. Text: quadraginta duas soldos sex et denarios sex
o0201070.023b 1417 giugno 2 Payment for petty expenses. Text: sex et denarios sex f.p. l. 42
o0201072.020c 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: viginti quattuor soldos sex et denarios otto
o0201072.026e 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. Text: dicti Operis libras sex et soldos tredecim
o0201072.026e 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. Text: dictam quantitatem librarum sex et soldorum XIII
o0201072.027f 1417/8 marzo 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. l. 3
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: decem pro tagliatura sex limarum; et libram
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: unam et soldos sex f.p. pro una
o0201074.059vd 1418 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: totum libras triginta sex soldos tres et
o0201078.069vc 1421 aprile 16 Payment for petty expenses. Text: totum libras quadraginta sex soldos tredecim denarios
o0201078.073vb 1421 giugno 5 Payment for petty expenses. Text: iunii, libras quadraginta sex soldos sedecim et
o0201079.067h 1421 luglio 16 Payment for petty expenses. Text: dicto festo libras sex soldos duodecim f.p.;
o0201079.067h 1421 luglio 16 Payment for petty expenses. Text: quolibet pare libras sex soldos decem novem,
o0201079.092b 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: libras centum sessaginta sex soldos settem denarios
o0201081.066va 1422 luglio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex; et pro solvendo
o0201081.066va 1422 luglio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: 9 iunii soldos sex f.p.; et pro
o0201081.066va 1422 luglio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: decem novem denarios sex f.p. l. XXXI
o0201081.067d 1422 luglio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: pro Opera soldos sex; pro habendo in
o0201081.067d 1422 luglio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: salmis carbonum libras sex soldos decem f.p.
o0201081.067vf 1422 agosto 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: proxime preteriti libras sex f.p.; et pro
o0201081.067vf 1422 agosto 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: f.p.; et pro sex salmis carbonum emptorum
o0201081.069vd 1422 agosto 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: pro quadronibus soldos sex; et pro duabus
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: duos; et pro sex mozetis pro hedifitio
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex f.p.; et pro
o0201081.075a 1422 ottobre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: triginta quinque soldos sex denarios quattuor f.p.,
o0201081.077vf 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for petty expenses. Text: soldos quattuor denarios sex; et pro granatis
o0201083.065c 1423 luglio 8 Payment for petty expenses. Text: viginti septem denarios sex f.p. l. 27
o0201085.041vf 1424 novembre 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: libras centum quadraginta sex soldos sedecim et
o0201077.054vh 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for planing of boards for the Pope's residence. Text: dictam rationem soldos sex denarios otto f.p.
o0201075.049vb 1419 maggio 6 Payment for plastering done in the Pope's residence. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. l. 58
o0201082.074vd 1423 maggio 22 Payment for pulling fir and chestnut lumber from the water. Text: libras quinque soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201070.010vb 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for purchase of fir boards. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex et denariorum octo
o0201070.010vb 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for purchase of fir boards. Text: summam librarum quadraginta sex et soldorum quattuor
o0201085.043d 1424 dicembre 2 Payment for purchase of geese for All Saints. Text: Omnium Sanctorum, videlicet sex operariis, duobus notariis
o0201082.069ve 1422/3 marzo 23 Payment for purchase of kids for Easter. Text: Opere, videlicet pro sex operariis et IIII
o0201082.069ve 1422/3 marzo 23 Payment for purchase of kids for Easter. Text: totum libras quadraginta sex soldos otto f.p.
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: rationem soldorum viginti sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: in totum libras sex soldos decem f.p.
o0201076.045vc 1419 luglio 5 Payment for purchases of stationery. Text: 1419, libras viginti sex soldos duodecim et
o0201080.070va 1422 aprile 29 Payment for rafting of fir and chestnut lumber. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex pro quolibet traino,
o0201070.004va 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for rafting of fir lumber. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0201070.004va 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for rafting of fir lumber. Text: libras tres soldos sex et denarios quattuor
o0201081.077va 1422 dicembre 9 Payment for rafting of lumber. Text: pro pretio soldorum sex pro quolibet traino,
o0201074.039va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for records copied from the office of forced loans. Text: ad rationem denariorum sex pro qualibet libra
o0201079.078f 1421 novembre 5 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to have lumber transported. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. XXXI
o0201074.034va 1418 agosto 12 Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for its transport. Text: in totum libras sex f.p., et pro
o0201074.034va 1418 agosto 12 Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for its transport. Text: totum libras viginti sex et soldos duodecim
o0201076.048d 1419 agosto 21 Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for transport of the same. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. l. 7
o0201071.002vc 1417 luglio 9 Payment for removal of lumber from the water and its conveyance to the Opera. Text: libras octo soldos sex et denarios duos
o0201070.005vc 1416/7 gennaio 26 Payment for removing earth. Text: taglie quingentarum triginta sex salmarum terre disgombrate
o0201072.020vb 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: septuaginta otto soldos sex et denarios novem
o0201072.020vc 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: libras quattuordecim soldos sex et denarios quattuor
o0201072.021b 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: otto et denarios sex f.p. l. 38
o0201072.021g 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: debita, libras viginti sex soldos duodecim et
o0201072.028vb 1417/8 marzo 21 Payment for removing earth. Text: libra qualibet, libras sex soldos sedecim et
o0201073.004vb 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: mille centum nonaginta sex terre disgombrate de
o0201073.004ve 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: decem novem soldos sex et denarios novem
o0201073.005d 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: libras quinque soldos sex et denarios sex
o0201073.005d 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: sex et denarios sex f.p., ad rationem
o0201078.068g 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for removing earth. Text: libras otto denarios sex f.p. l. VIII
o0201082.066vh 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for removing earth. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. l. 7
o0201084.045vd 1424 aprile 4 Payment for removing earth. Text: duas et soldos sex f.p. l. 2
o0201085.044d 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: in totum libras sex soldos undecim et
o0201075.047vc 1419 aprile 12 Payment for rent of the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: anno, pro pensione sex mensium proxime preteritorum
o0201076.051vb 1419 settembre 13 Payment for rent of the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: ab eis pro sex mensibus proxime preteritis
o0201076.051vb 1419 settembre 13 Payment for rent of the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: totum pro dictis sex mensibus florenos septem
o0201086.042vi 1424/5 gennaio 24 Payment for rent of the Trassinaia quarry. Text: ab eis pro sex mensibus proxime preteritis
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum XV denariorum sex s. XV d.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: decem settem denariorum sex f.p. l. III
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum novem denariorum sex s. VII d.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum novem denariorum sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum settem denariorum sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldis sedecim denariis sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldis novem denariis sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: decem settem denariorum sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum novem denariorum sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: Tessa pro operibus sex 2/3 pro soldis
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldis novem denariis sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldis otto denariis sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: Perusio pro operibus sex 1/2 pro soldis
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: 1/2 pro soldis sex denariis sex pro
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldis sex denariis sex pro quolibet l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex f.p. s. XII
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