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Context of query
o0201081.070d 1422 agosto 14 Payment to silk dealers for a girdle to be placed on the Virgin of the portal towards the Servites. Text: libras tres soldos sex f.p. l. III
o0201076.051va 1419 settembre 13 Payment to the accountants elected to audit the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: dicti Operis pro sex mensibus proxime preteritis
o0201082.065a 1422/3 gennaio 27 Payment to the accountants for an audit of accounts. Text: camerarii Opere pro sex mensibus proxime preteritis
o0201078.076d 1421 giugno 26 Payment to the accountants of the Opera for verification of the registers of the new gabelles. Text: novarum gabellarum florenos sex auri pro quolibet
o0201077.052g 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to the administrator for work done at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: dicto tempore florenos sex auri f. VI
o0201077.056c 1419/20 gennaio 23 Payment to the debt collector of the gabelle on contracts for singling out testaments and testators in favor of the Opera. Text: exigi facere, libras sex f.p. l. VI
o0201081.035vc 1422 dicembre 30 Payment to the ex notary as private person for having kept writings and other things for the Opera. Text: libram unam soldos sex et denarios otto
o0201079.073b 1421 settembre 5 Payment to the friars of Monte Oliveto for six months' rent of quarry. Text: Opera tenet pro sex mensibus initiatis die
o0201079.078a 1421 novembre 5 Payment to the guard for having lumber towed from the forest. Text: libras quattuor soldos sex f.p. l. IIII
o0201080.071c 1422 maggio 5 Payment to the guardian of the pawns for rights of 168 pawns sold. Text: post venditionem factam sex restituta fuere hiis
o0201080.071c 1422 maggio 5 Payment to the guardian of the pawns for rights of 168 pawns sold. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. CLXXXI
o0201085.046vb 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to the master builder's assistant in measuring the walls of Lastra. Text: decem septem denariorum sex pro quolibet die,
o0201085.046vb 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to the master builder's assistant in measuring the walls of Lastra. Text: libram unam soldos sex et denarios tres
o0201080.064d 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment to two sand diggers for supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldorum XI denariorum sex quolibet modio fulcito,
o0201084.041vc 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for demolition of wall in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: libras quattuor soldos sex l. 4 s.
o0201083.069g 1423 settembre 24 Payment to workers for having sprinkled the wall of the cupola in summer. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. 4
o0202001.190vf 1432 novembre 27 Precept to make restitution to the heirs of a treasurer. Text: in florenis auri sex libris tribus et
o0202001.159va 1432 aprile 29 Price fixed for a cartload of earth removed. Text: trium et denariorum sex pro qualibet carrata
o0202001.206vg 1433 ottobre 26 Price fixed for carriage of stone blocks from Trassinaia for the closing of the great cupola. Text: ordinate longitudinis brachiorum sex pro qualibet earum
o0202001.199vb 1433 giugno 10 Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex pro quolibet bracchio,
o0201081.008a 1422 agosto 4 Price set for ox-driven transport of materials up to the cupola. Text: subio grossiori denarios sex f.p., pro quolibet
o0201075.030vf 1419 maggio 31 Price set for the purchase of roof tiles for Santa Maria Novella. Text: usque in libras sex f.p.
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: soldorum quinque denarios sex f.p. in casu
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex, et hoc respectu
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex f.p.; pro quolibet
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: soldorum sedecim denariorum sex f.p.; pro qualibet
o0202001.052va 1426/7 febbraio 28 Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. Text: rationem soldorum viginti sex, mensurando pro medio
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: quinque usque a sex longitudines et latitudines
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: quinque usque in sex cum dimidio alterius
o0202001.045vi 1426 novembre 14 Pricing of various hardware for doors and walls of Malmantile. Text: soldos tres denarios sex f.p. s. III
o0201080.023va 1422 aprile 11 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: mensem aprilis per sex menses debeat ipsa
o0202001.035d 1426 giugno 7 Proclamation for sale of pawns not redeemed within the term set. Text: iam sunt elapsi sex menses et quod
o0201077.003a 1419 dicembre 30 Proclamation for terms of payment for debts of pardons. Text: Opera recipienti denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201077.003a 1419 dicembre 30 Proclamation for terms of payment for debts of pardons. Text: ut supra recipientis sex denarios pro qualibet
o0201079.049vg 1421 dicembre 16 Prohibition to a stonecutter to work for six months. Text: hinc ad per sex menses proxime futuros,
o0201077.016vb 1419/20 febbraio 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt for forced loans. Text: pro dicta gratia sex denarios pro libra;
o0202001.005va 1425 agosto 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. Text: decem et denariis sex, et in quarterio
o0201077.047va 1420 giugno 28 Prohibition to demand payment and declaration of exemption for the Podesteria of Peccioli in val d'Era. Text: 2 librarum trecentarum sex, et conveniens sit
o0201077.008ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans and correction of sum erroneously debited twice. Text: soldis undecim denariis sex ad aurum, in
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: in florenis auri sex occaxione buccharum, prout
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: dictis florenis auri sex, ex eo quod
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: eis florenos auri sex solutos dicte Opere
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: dicti floreni auri sex deberent per prefatam
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: quantitate florenorum auri sex; que bona sunt
o0202001.171vf 1427 aprile 11 Prohibition to finance donations of food during the festivities of Easter and All Saints, except to six wardens, the notary and the treasurer. Text: solum et dumtaxat sex operariis dicte Opere
o0201075.025c 1419 aprile 29 Prohibition to increase the salaries of the masters. Text: deliberatum fuerit per sex fabas nigras dictorum
o0202001.057va 1427 aprile 9 Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina. Text: dicti castri per sex brachia intus fossos
o0202001.135a 1430 dicembre 29 Prohibition to register two deposits as income without authorization. Text: Castellanis florenorum [sesa]ginta sex non mictatur ad
o0201080.032ve 1422 giugno 3 Prohibition to the treasurer of the forced loans to collect the 6 denari per lira for pardons of forced loans for the Opera. Text: eorum auctoritate denariorum sex pro libra primo
o0201080.032ve 1422 giugno 3 Prohibition to the treasurer of the forced loans to collect the 6 denari per lira for pardons of forced loans for the Opera. Text: ipsis gratiis ipsos sex denarios pro libra
o0202001.036g 1426 giugno 28 Prohibition to the treasurers and notaries of the forced loans to discount the old forced loans with the new if they have not collected the 6 denari per lira of the old distribution. Text: ab eis denarios sex pro libra totius
o0201075.012c 1418/9 marzo 17 Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. Text: debet Operi maiorem sex mensium vel ultra
o0201075.012c 1418/9 marzo 17 Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. Text: mensium vel ultra sex menses a die
o0201075.012c 1418/9 marzo 17 Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. Text: terminus deliberaretur per sex fabas nigras dictorum
o0201075.012c 1418/9 marzo 17 Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. Text: deliberatio fienda per sex fabas nigras valeat
o0201075.078c 1419 giugno 26 Promise of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: annorum in libris sex f.p. in totum
o0201075.078c 1419 giugno 26 Promise of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: proxime futuri sextaria sex grani que dat
o0201074.008va 1418 agosto 12 Promise of payment for forced loans and release of the arrested person. Text: dictorum operariorum pro sex prestantiis quas solvere
o0201073b.033b 1418 maggio 28 Promise of payment for forced loans with guaranty. Text: debitor Operis pro sex prestantiis ad excomputandum
o0201074.051a 1418 settembre 23 Promise of payment for pardons of forced loans with guaranty. Text: pagis, videlicet de sex mensibus in sex
o0201074.051a 1418 settembre 23 Promise of payment for pardons of forced loans with guaranty. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses, solvendo quartam
o0201076.070va 1419 luglio 10 Promise of the tenant of a debtor to pay to the Opera the balance of the rent due. Text: Operis in florenis sex auri pro gabella
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: Operis in florenis sex auri, quos mutuo
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: Operi dictos florenos sex auri, pro quo
o0201073b.033vb 1418 giugno 15 Promise to make payment of a debt for forced loans through the rent of a shop. Text: eo pro florenis sex quolibet anno, temporibus
o0201086.002vb 1424/5 gennaio 24 Protest to the treasurer of the forced loans with term for consignment of rights, under penalty of being reported to debtors' registry. Text: perventarum de denariis sex pro libra pro
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: Antonii, in tempore sex annorum proxime futurorum
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: quolibet anno ipsorum sex annorum ducenta miliaria
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. Text: ad finem ipsorum sex annorum; et de
o0201070b.017i 1417 aprile 6 Purchase of kids for the wardens for Easter. Text: emantur pro Pascate sex edi et cuilibet
o0202001.088b 1428 luglio 14 Reconfirmation of messenger with salary set. Text: cum salario librarum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0202001.144a 1431 giugno 15 Reconfirmation of the messengers. Text: Opere pro tempore sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0202001.251b 1435/6 marzo 19 Registration of a day's work less for six masters absent the day of the donation of the rose with obligation to be available on the day of the consecration of the Duomo. Text: deliberaverunt quod infrascripti sex magistri perdant unum
o0201083.003ve 1423 luglio 29 Registration of the daily wages of ailing unskilled worker. Text: Opere admictantur sibi sex dies quibus stetit
o0201083.003ve 1423 luglio 29 Registration of the daily wages of ailing unskilled worker. Text: dierum dictos dies sex et sic solvi
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex s. XI d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: Trassinarie, videlicet pro sex mensibus initiatis die
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex s. XVI d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: sedecim et denarios sex s. XVI d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex s. XV d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex s. XV d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quattuordecim denarios sex s. XIIII d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. XII d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex s. XV d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. XII d.
o0201085.008a 1424 dicembre 20 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die,
o0201086.006a 1424/5 marzo 7 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. Text: duodecim et denariorum sex pro qualibet libra
o0201086.006a 1424/5 marzo 7 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. Text: undecim et denariorum sex f.p. pro scharpellatore
o0201086.006a 1424/5 marzo 7 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. Text: tredecim et denarios sex f.p. Francischo Iohanni
o0201086.006a 1424/5 marzo 7 Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. Text: decem et denarios sex f.p. Et quod
o0202001.062d 1427 giugno 21 Rehiring of (messenger) with salary set. Title: quolibet mense libras sex
o0202001.062d 1427 giugno 21 Rehiring of (messenger) with salary set. Text: cum salario librarum sex pro quolibet mense
o0201081.073g 1422 ottobre 6 Reimbursement of expenditures for trip to the forest. Text: totum steterunt diebus sex cum tribus equis
o0201081.073g 1422 ottobre 6 Reimbursement of expenditures for trip to the forest. Text: libras undecim soldos sex denarios X l.
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: ad rationem denariorum sex pro libra suprascrittarum
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: feneris dictos denarios sex pro libra, dictus
o0201080.070vh 1422 aprile 29 Reimbursement to (ex debtor) for pardons of forced loans paid twice. Text: unum soldos triginta sex f.p. f. I
o0201080.071b 1422 aprile 29 Reimbursement to (ex debtors) for pardons of forced loans paid twice. Text: pellicciariis soldos viginti sex denarios duos quos
o0201074.037c 1418 settembre 23 Reimbursement to the purchaser for purchase of flat bricks not delivered. Text: duos et denarios sex f.p. l. 4
o0201079.020va 1421 agosto 28 Release of arrested debtor for herd livestock gabelle and term of payment for balance of debt. Text: tribus pagis de sex mensibus in sex
o0201079.020va 1421 agosto 28 Release of arrested debtor for herd livestock gabelle and term of payment for balance of debt. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout pro
o0201070b.017b 1417 aprile 6 Release of arrested debtor with guaranty of payment of the debt in installments. Text: dictorum operariorum pro sex prestantiis ad excomputandum,
o0201070b.017b 1417 aprile 6 Release of arrested debtor with guaranty of payment of the debt in installments. Text: duabus ex dictis sex prestantiis hinc ad
o0201075.014vd 1418/9 marzo 24 Release of arrested person and new payment deadline. Text: debet hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros
o0201078.002vb 1420/1 gennaio 9 Release of arrested person for debt for forced loans because of his poverty and new term of payment. Text: dictam quantitatem infra sex menses proxime futuros
o0201075.016ve 1419 aprile 5 Release of arrested person for debt for forced loans because of his poverty. Text: dictorum operariorum pro sex prestantiis, quia est
o0201072.024vc 1417/8 febbraio 28 Release of arrested person. Text: promittit hinc ad sex menses; pro quo
o0201074.030ve 1418 dicembre 8 Release of person arrested for forced loans and payment deadline. Text: dictorum operariorum pro sex prestantiis relapsetur, dummodo
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0202001.107f 1429 giugno 1 Renewal of contract for supply of sand to partner of deceased sand digger. Text: undecim et denariorum sex pro fulcitura modii
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: florenos auri viginti sex, faciendo solutionem de
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: faciendo solutionem de sex mensibus in sex
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout pro
o0201074.044va 1418 dicembre 2 Rent of a house in the alley of the Campanile. Text: duos auri soldos sex et denarios octo
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: faciendo solutionem de sex mensibus in sex
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses, prout tangit
o0201073.017c 1418 maggio 13 Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. Text: faciendo solutionem de sex mensibus in sex
o0201073.017c 1418 maggio 13 Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout tangit
o0201074.051d 1418 ottobre 11 Rent of a kiln for three years. Text: recipienti facere de sex mensibus in sex
o0201074.051d 1418 ottobre 11 Rent of a kiln for three years. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout tangit
o0201072.022e 1417/8 febbraio 25 Rent of house for five years. Text: pretio florenorum viginti sex pro anno sibi
o0201075.004a 1418/9 gennaio 25 Rent of house for two years with six months' notice in case of demolition to make room for the cloister of the canons and chaplains. Text: ad minus per sex menses notificetur dicto
o0201080.060a 1422 giugno 10 Rent of shop in via dell'Oblazione with possibility of retrocession at the end of every year. Text: faciendo solutionem de sex mensibus in sex
o0201080.060a 1422 giugno 10 Rent of shop in via dell'Oblazione with possibility of retrocession at the end of every year. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout pro
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Text: pensionis florenorum auri sex; et in casu
o0201070.023d 1417 giugno 3 Rental of a house to be assigned to a chaplain. Text: Benedicti pro florenis sex auri pro quolibet
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Title: pro pretio florenorum sex pro anno
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Text: in quantitatem florenorum sex pro anno quolibet,
o0201077.075va 1420 giugno 13 Rental of the shop in via dell'Oblazione. Text: faciendo solutionem de sex mensibus in sex
o0201077.075va 1420 giugno 13 Rental of the shop in via dell'Oblazione. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses pro rata.
o0201079.070a 1421 agosto 20 Restitution of money overpaid for pardons of forced loans. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. II
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Text: duo et denarii sex ad aurum et
o0201082.068c 1422/3 marzo 9 Restitution to debtor of money for two pawns sold. Text: quattuor et soldos sex f.p. l. 4
o0202001.090e 1428 agosto 26 Review of the debt of the past notary of the testaments with request for proof of claimed removal and sale of pawns to be credited to him and term of payment for the remaining sum dependent upon his ratification of these conditions. Text: testamentorum florenos auri sex, videlicet ad pedes
o0202001.140g 1431 aprile 13 Revocation in part of demand of payment. Text: in libris quinquaginta sex f.p., prout apparet
o0201081.013va 1422 agosto 28 Revocation of contract for kiln to the end of the contract. Text: Opere supradicti numero sex sufficienter in loco
o0202001.132vf 1430 ottobre 5 Revocation of demand of payment against a debtor and the demand of payment against another. Text: septem et denariorum sex f.p., pro qua
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: alios veriores, pro sex prestantiis impositis tempore
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: in florenis auri sex, prout apparet in
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: dicto debito florenorum sex pro dictis sex
o0202001.145vf 1431 luglio 13 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans pertaining to a farm on account of error of identity of person. Text: sex pro dictis sex prestantiis impositis prefatis
o0201077.038vb 1420 aprile 30 Revocation of election and new appointment of messengers with salary and indemnity for attending to the affairs of the cupola. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiandorum die
o0201078.015b 1420/1 marzo 18 Revocation of election of messengers and re-election of the same with salary set. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0201079.011vc 1421 agosto 14 Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract. Text: supradicti invicem numero sex in palatio dominorum
o0201079.051b 1421 dicembre 19 Revocation of suspension from work of stonecutter. Text: non posset infra sex menses, ipsam deliberationem
o0201070.021va 1417 maggio 21 Revocation of the demand of payment made to the Commune of Modigliana. Text: dicto Operi denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201070.021va 1417 maggio 21 Revocation of the demand of payment made to the Commune of Modigliana. Text: cuius vigore dicti sex denarii pro qualibet
o0201081.007va 1422 agosto 4 Revocation of the previous resolution on the sale price of lumber and new ruling. Text: eorum audientie numero sex more solito sufficienter
o0201074.003e 1418 luglio 19 Right of recourse to a guarantor for debts. Text: solvit Operi florenos sex auri vel circa
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