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Context of query
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex s. XV d.
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex s. XVI d.
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quattuordecim denarios sex s. XIIII d.
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex s. XV d.
o0202001.036f 1426 luglio 8 Hiring of masters for the summer with salary set. Text: il Piottola et sex alios magistros capsos
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: quattuordecim et denarios sex s. XIIII d.
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: tredecim et denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: duodecim et denarios sex s. XII d.
o0201079.051vb 1421 dicembre 23 Hiring of messenger. Text: Opere pro tempore sex mensium initiandorum die
o0201079.049vc 1421 dicembre 16 Hiring of messengers with salary set. Text: et pro tempore sex mensium initiandorum die
o0201079.049vc 1421 dicembre 16 Hiring of messengers with salary set. Text: cum salario librarum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0201072.014a post 1417/8 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: dicte Opere pro sex mensibus incoatis die
o0201073.001a 1418 aprile 9 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0201082.002a 1422/3 gennaio 14 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatis die
o0201083.002a 1423 luglio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium iniciatorum die
o0201084.001a 1423/4 gennaio 1 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: tempore et termino sex (mensium) iniciatorum die
o0201079.037vb 1421 ottobre 30 Increase of salary to a master. Text: augta quantitas denariorum sex f.p. pro die
o0201078.022ve 1421 aprile 15 Increase of salary to a stonecutter. Text: dictum salarium denariorum sex pro die, ita
o0201085.007va 1424 dicembre 14 Increase of salary to a worker. Text: Cecchino Giaggii denarios sex; habet in totum
o0201085.007va 1424 dicembre 14 Increase of salary to a worker. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. s. XI
o0201085.007a 1424 dicembre 14 Increase of salary to workers. Text: unum et denarios sex; in totum habet
o0201075.034e 1419 giugno 22 Injunction to the cashiers of the communal treasury to pay the total sum of the 6 denari per lira due to the Opera and concession of indemnification for the sums paid and not yet received. Text: alicuius deliberationis denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201075.034e 1419 giugno 22 Injunction to the cashiers of the communal treasury to pay the total sum of the 6 denari per lira due to the Opera and concession of indemnification for the sums paid and not yet received. Text: restituendum Operi denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201086.023vb 1425 giugno 21 Letter for payment of a rope. Text: Pisarum libras triginta sex quas asseruit habere
o0201075.013vc 1418/9 marzo 21 Letter to the Captain of Arezzo for debtors and release of arrested person. Text: auri libris ducentis sex et soldis ...;
o0201077.027ve 1419/20 marzo 19 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of the treasurer and syndics of said Commune. Text: precessoribus compositionem denariorum sex pro libra quod
o0201076.010vf 1419 agosto 26 Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for some Pisan citizens and their incarceration. Text: quod tam ipsi sex quam alii quattuor
o0202001.020c 1425/6 gennaio 10 Letter to the Commune and to the Podestà of Montemurlo for debt of the baptismal parish of said place. Text: Murli sequestratario viginti sex stariorum grani tamquam
o0201077.036va 1420 aprile 24 Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. Text: anno quantitas florenorum sex auri librarum II
o0201075.004vb 1418/9 gennaio 25 Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. Text: officio libras triginta sex vel circa et
o0201075.004vb 1418/9 gennaio 25 Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. Text: dicto Communi libras sex soldos sex et
o0201075.004vb 1418/9 gennaio 25 Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. Text: libras sex soldos sex et denarios sex,
o0201075.004vb 1418/9 gennaio 25 Letter to the council and the Commune of Scarperia with order to compensate two individuals who have guaranteed for the debts of the said Commune, under penalty of right of recourse. Text: sex et denarios sex, notificando eis quod
o0201073b.003vb 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Calci to have payments and expenditures incurred by a person arrested for debt of the said Podesteria be repaid. Text: satisfieri pro viginti sex diebus quibus tum
o0201078.025d 1421 aprile 18 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli with summons for six syndics to attest to the payment of a property gabelle. Text: continens quod mandet sex sindicis dicte Potestarie
o0202001.118a 1429 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano with term of payment for debt. Text: futurum, videlicet de sex mensibus in sex
o0202001.118a 1429 novembre 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano with term of payment for debt. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses, cum hoc
o0201073.012vd 1418 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Ripafratta with summons for the treasurer of the gabelles of the Podesteria, and obligation that he satisfy the person arrested in his stead. Text: et si infra sex dies a die
o0201077.022va 1419/20 febbraio 26 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia about the milling gabelle. Text: extimati in soldis sex vel pancioribus; et
o0202001.152vd 1431/2 gennaio 8 Letter to the vicar of the upper Valdarno, ordering the compensation of a private person for distraint suffered on behalf of the Commune of San Giovanni. Text: et quod libre sex soldi settem qui
o0202001.254vh 1436 giugno 15 Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano instructing him to consign the salary of the Podestà and notify the Vicariates of Lari and Vico and the administrator of Vico about their obligation to supply materials for the wallworks. Text: salarium Potestatis Vici sex mensium proxime preteritorum,
o0202001.023b 1425/6 febbraio 28 Loan of a tomb-sized slab to be returned within six months under penalty of compensation of its value. Text: dicte Opere infra sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.228ve 1434/5 marzo 15 Loan of money derived from certificates with term for restitution. Text: viginti tres de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.228ve 1434/5 marzo 15 Loan of money derived from certificates with term for restitution. Text: Opere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.036c 1426 giugno 28 Loan of tomb-sized slab to be returned by deadline, on penalty of payment of its value. Text: Opere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.036c 1426 giugno 28 Loan of tomb-sized slab to be returned by deadline, on penalty of payment of its value. Text: quo dicto tempore sex mensium non restitueret
o0201072.023vl 1417/8 febbraio 28 Loan to a stonecutter with guaranty. Text: quolibet mense libras sex, Lottus Guidonis magister
o0201080.027vd 1422 aprile 29 New agreement for hoisting stones and other loads up to the cupola with a pair of oxen and revocation of previous contract. Text: pro pretio denariorum sex pro pondere quolibet,
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: etc. conducenti, quinquaginta sex milia quadronum de
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: miliario dictorum quinquaginta sex miliarium quos facere
o0202001.117a 1429 novembre 15 New term of payment to heirs, with obligation to the administrator to demand payment if they default, under penalty of fine. Text: tribus et soldis sex ad solvendum dictas
o0202001.213e 1434 aprile 5 Nomination of persons to travel to the quarry of Campiglia to test the marble. Text: in cavis Campiglie sex vel otto petia
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: maxime super denariis sex pro libra per
o0201079.027vb 1421 settembre 26 Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. Text: et recipiat denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201079.019a 1421 agosto 22 Notification to the treasurer of the forced loans to pay the money due in accordance with the ordinances. Text: dicta Opera denarios sex pro libra vere
o0202001.054vd 1427 aprile 2 Oath of a warden. Text: Pisas pro consulatus sex offitialium Maris ad
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: pro Opere denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0201079.066e 1421 luglio 16 Oath of warden and payment of gabelle for lumber. Text: libras sedecim soldos sex denarios otto f.p.
o0202001.233a 1435 maggio 4 Oath of warden and reconfirmation of the master builder, the administrator and the scribe. Text: reconduxerunt pro tempore sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0201076.036d 1419 dicembre 19 Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debitores Operis pro sex prestantiis possint ac
o0201076.036d 1419 dicembre 19 Oath of warden and term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solutionem facere in sex pagis et terminis,
o0201076.045a 1419 luglio 5 Oath of wardens and payment for the purchase of lead. Text: sexdecim et denarios sex f.p. sine aliqua
o0201070b.020a 1417 maggio 4 Oath of wardens and term of payment with release of arrested debtor. Text: Vecchiettis quattuor ex sex operariis Operis Sante
o0201076.012b 1419 settembre 4 Oath of wardens, term of payment and restitution of pawn. Text: residuum, hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros;
o0202001.148g 1431 settembre 25 Oath of wardens; approval of guarantor. Text: de ducentis viginti sex capitibus pignorum Laurentio
o0202001.148g 1431 settembre 25 Oath of wardens; approval of guarantor. Text: solvendo hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0201070.015g 1417 aprile 10 Obligation to send arrested persons to prison within 6 days. Text: carceres Stincarum infra sex dies a die
o0202001.221vi 1434 settembre 10 Order for a trip to Campiglia to inspect marble. Text: expensis Opere, cum sex vel otto magistris
o0202001.168h 1432 agosto 23 Order of payment for supply of mortar. Text: trium et soldorum sex pro quolibet modio
o0202001.139va 1430/1 marzo 23 Order of payment for the flagging in front of a house. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex pro quolibet brachio
o0202001.190vh 1432 novembre 28 Order to accredit to a stonecutter the salary and the expenditures incurred for a trip to the forest. Text: scharpellatoris libras septuaginta sex soldos duodecim et
o0201075.035vc 1419 giugno 26 Order to confiscate grain of debtor tenant farmer and restitution of pawn. Text: recollecta, videlicet sextaria sex frumenti, et precipiatur
o0201075.035vc 1419 giugno 26 Order to confiscate grain of debtor tenant farmer and restitution of pawn. Text: Operi dicta sextaria sex frumenti; et si
o0202001.229g 1434/5 marzo 24 Order to credit the money to be collected for debts for pardons of forced loans, under penalty of dismissal from the office of the treasurer. Text: ad rationem denariorum sex pro libra gratie
o0202001.168i 1432 agosto 27 Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. Text: possint hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros
o0201085.003c 1424 novembre 22 Order to master builder, administrator and scribe to compile each one a written report about the workers on a daily wage basis, so that the wardens are fully informed and can set their salaries. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0202001.106b 1429 aprile 21 Order to plaster the wall around the houses of the canons and chaplains with removal of the outside street benches. Text: maioris pro altitudine sex brachiorum et removeri
o0202001.239vi 1435 agosto 23 Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. Text: fiant ad requisitionem sex offitialium deputatorum super
o0202001.019a 1425 dicembre 18 Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. Text: totum florenos auri sex, schonputando de dictis
o0202001.019a 1425 dicembre 18 Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. Text: de dictis florenis sex grossos otto de
o0202001.203e 1433 luglio 13 Order to six masters to continue to work in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod sex magistri missi in
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: settem et denarios sex sub nomine pene,
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: debitor in libris sex soldis tribus et
o0202001.080e 1427/8 marzo 19 Order to the administrator to charge the supplier for the transport of marble by land rather than river at a set price. Text: decem otto denariorum sex f.p.
o0202001.085vl 1428 giugno 15 Order to the administrator to discount 6 denari per lira from the account of the treasurer of the forced loans and term of payment to the same. Text: Opere, schomputare denarios sex pro libra partitarum
o0202001.085vl 1428 giugno 15 Order to the administrator to discount 6 denari per lira from the account of the treasurer of the forced loans and term of payment to the same. Text: illarum de soldis sex denariis otto f.p.,
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Text: pravos libr(as) viginti sex f.p. et pro
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Text: libra, libr(as) viginti sex sold(os) tredecim denar(ios)
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Text: librarum ducentarum quinquaginta sex f.p.; ab alia
o0201075.028vd 1419 maggio 20 Order to the masters of return to work within the month of May. Text: tempore fuerunt per sex fabas nigras dictorum
o0201078.045vb 1421 giugno 27 Order to the notary of the Opera to register the income of the last entry of the outgoing treasurer of the wine gabelle. Text: denariis vel de sex pro libra licite
o0201082.003c 1422/3 febbraio 5 Order to the past treasurer to consign the money. Text: Opere hinc ad sex dies proxime futuros
o0201079.044vf 1421 novembre 21 Order to the treasurer not to pay the auditor the fee set for auditing the accounts of the new gabelles until he returns the sum anticipated on his account by the notary of the Opera. Text: infrascripto de florenis sex per eum ser
o0202001.080c 1427/8 marzo 19 Order to the treasurer of the forced loans to exact 6 denari per lira for pardons on the base of a calculation of 4 lire per florin of the sum pardoned. Text: cum gratia solvere sex denarios nisi ad
o0201086.019vc 1425 maggio 31 Order to the treasurer to pay a lumber supplier only after having received attestation from the guard of the forest. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. eidem Iacobo
o0201078.009d 1420/1 febbraio 17 Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine. Text: et de denariis sex pro libra debitis
o0201079.004vb 1421 luglio 10 Order to the treasurer to register two debtors. Text: magistrum pro libris sex f.p. quas quantitates
o0201078.008bisvb 1420/1 febbraio 17 Order to withhold from a contract for supply of mortar the expenditures incurred by the stonecutter sent to check. Text: Iohannis ponantur libre sex soldi tres et
o0201073.025vb 1418 giugno 30 Pay of a master. Text: quattuordecim et denariorum sex pro quolibet die,
o0201080.064g 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for 100 handcart loads of earth removed. Text: ut supra, libras sex soldos XI denarios
o0201086.051d 1425 giugno 12 Payment for a ceiling in the house of the priests. Text: novem et denariorum sex pro quolibet die,
o0201074.038vg 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for a lamp and other ornaments in the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate. Text: in totum libras sex et soldos decem
o0201074.030vd 1418 dicembre 8 Payment for a model and loan of lead in plates to make a wheel. Text: magistro mutuentur libre sex quas sibi stantiaverunt
o0201074.058b 1418 dicembre 8 Payment for a model of the cupola. Text: maiori cupola, libras sex f.p. l. 6
o0201080.065e 1421/2 gennaio 26 Payment for a rope transported from Pisa. Text: sumptibus, florenos quinqueginta sex libras duas soldos
o0201070.013e 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: in totum libras sex soldos sex et
o0201070.013e 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: libras sex soldos sex et denarios decem
o0201070.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: arena modiorum triginta sex et una salma
o0201073.022vf 1418 giugno 17 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: quattuor et denarios sex f.p. l. 7
o0201078.067f 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex quolibet modio, retentis
o0201078.071b 1421 aprile 16 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: undecim et denariorum sex f.p. et pro
o0201079.071h 1421 agosto 20 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: pro libra, libras sex soldos quattuor denarios
o0201079.071h 1421 agosto 20 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldos quattuor denarios sex f.p. l. VI
o0201081.069va 1422 agosto 7 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex pro quolibet modio
o0201081.076vc 1422 novembre 23 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex quolibet modio calcine,
o0201082.066vf 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: quinquaginta septem soldos sex denarios tres f.p.
o0201082.068va 1422/3 marzo 23 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: libra, libras sextuaginta sex soldos tredecim et
o0201082.068vb 1422/3 marzo 23 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex f.p. l. 2
o0201084.045g 1424 aprile 4 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex f.p. pro modio,
o0201085.047va 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: prout apparet in sex partitis, ad rationem
o0201085.047va 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: totum libras sexaginta sex soldum unum et
o0201086.045vb 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: quinquaginta duas soldos sex et denarios decem
o0201074.038e 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for a supply of sand for saws. Text: pro Opere libras sex soldos decem octo
o0201075.047ve 1419 aprile 12 Payment for a supply of sand for saws. Text: pro Opere, libras sex et soldos duos
o0201079.080g 1421 novembre 21 Payment for a supply of sand. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex quolibet modio calcine,
o0201080.072a 1422 maggio 13 Payment for a supply of sand. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex quolibet modio, retentis
o0201085.044f 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for a supply of sand. Text: undecim et denariorum sex pro quolibet modio,
o0201076.050va 1419 agosto 11 Payment for advice requested for the matters of Pisa and for petty expenses. Text: libras centum triginta sex soldos decem denarios
o0201076.047f 1419 agosto 7 Payment for building work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Text: quindecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 250
o0201070.004d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of hard stones. Text: pretio carratarum viginti sex lapidum fortium per
o0201070.004d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of hard stones. Text: octo et denariorum sex pro qualibet carrata,
o0201070.004d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of hard stones. Text: libra, libras triginta sex soldos octo et
o0201070.023e 1417 giugno 3 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201080.068g 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of cartloads of stones from the quarry of the Opera and those of Monte Oliveto and Trassinaia. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex f.p. conductis ad
o0201076.048vg 1419 agosto 21 Payment for carriage of flat bricks for Santa Maria Novella. Text: soldos septem denarios sex, in dicto quaterno
o0201079.079vf 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of hewn revetment stones. Text: retentione predicta libras sex soldos quattuordecim denarios
o0201081.073a 1422 ottobre 6 Payment for carriage of large stones and gutter spouts. Text: ottuaginta duas soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201076.049d 1419 luglio 19 Payment for carriage of pebbles Arno and stones. Text: libras undecim soldos sex et denarios decem
o0201079.080vf 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks and of two large corner-pieces. Text: pro pretio librarum sex soldorum quinque pro
o0201079.080vf 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks and of two large corner-pieces. Text: viginti tres soldos sex denarios sex l.
o0201079.080vf 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks and of two large corner-pieces. Text: soldos sex denarios sex l. XXIII s.
o0201082.073vf 1423 maggio 22 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: libra, libras viginti sex et soldos decem
o0201080.068va 1422 aprile 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks from the quarry of the Opera. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex pro qualibet conductis
o0201078.075vb 1421 giugno 16 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex qualibet carrata, retentis
o0201078.075vc 1421 giugno 16 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: decem novem denarios sex f.p. l. XV
o0201079.069c 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro quolibet, retentis
o0201079.069va 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex pro quolibet, cum
o0201079.069va 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: predicta, libras triginta sex soldos 4 denarios
o0201079.069ve 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro quolibet, cum
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