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Context of query
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: pro libra, libras sex soldum unum denarios
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: quolibet modio libras sex soldos sex l.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: libras sex soldos sex l. VI s.
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: soldorum undecim denariorum sex quolibet modio et
o0201072.017d 1417/8 febbraio 1 Payment for services rendered by the notary of testaments during the time of the plague. Text: in totum florenos sex auri.
o0201081.076vg 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for six months' rent of stone quarry. Text: Opere locate pro sex mensibus primis anni
o0201078.068vd 1421 aprile 15 Payment for six months' rent of the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: Bandini, pro pensione sex mensium initiatorum die
o0201077.059ve 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of Arno pebbles for the Pope's residence. Text: arnigianorum pro denariis sex pro salma pro
o0201083.069a 1423 settembre 24 Payment for supply of big chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Text: supra certam conductam sex castagni(or)um grossi pro
o0201075.051c 1419 giugno 2 Payment for supply of lumber and correction of error of registration. Text: duodecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 41
o0201070.002vc 1416/7 gennaio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ei libras triginta sex f.p., revocando tamen
o0201070.002vc 1416/7 gennaio 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: stantiamentum librarum triginta sex f.p. Ipsas habuit.
o0201070.013c 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: conducte libras viginti sex f.p. l. 26
o0201070.013vd 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p., ut constat
o0201074.044vb 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: duodecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 69
o0201076.049b 1419 agosto 26 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis libras octuaginta sex l. 86 In
o0201086.049vb 1425 maggio 16 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. pro parte
o0201084.041f 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for supply of mortar and for the purchase of bricks. Text: triginta duas soldos sex denarios sex f.p.
o0201084.041f 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for supply of mortar and for the purchase of bricks. Text: soldos sex denarios sex f.p. l. 32
o0201076.049vc 1419 luglio 19 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: quadringentas triginta soldos sex et denarios quattuor
o0201077.055d 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: faciendo libras quadraginta sex soldos decem f.p.
o0201077.059c 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: Opera, libras viginti sex soldos undecim f.p.
o0201077.059va 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: sessaginta duas soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201077.059vb 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: uno modio et sex stariis calcine ad
o0201077.059vg 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: triginta novem soldos sex denarios otto l.
o0201085.041b 1424 novembre 7 Payment for supply of mortar to the castle of Malmantile. Text: pro modiis viginti sex cum dimidio alterius
o0201070.024a 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: pro modiis triginta sex et salma una,
o0201072.023g 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: totum libras sexaginta sex et denarios unum
o0201073.022vd 1418 giugno 17 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: Opere, libras triginta sex soldos duos et
o0201074.041va 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: videlicet in modiis sex per eum venditis
o0201077.053ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: inter, quas fuerunt sex non signate nec
o0201077.053ve 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos quinque denarios sex f.p. l. LVIII
o0201077.053vg 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos otto denarios sex f.p. l. XI
o0201077.059d 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: modiis otto stariis sex calcine conductis ad
o0201077.059d 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: viginti quattuor soldos sex denarios otto l.
o0201077.060a 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. LXXXI
o0201077.062va 1420 marzo 27 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: dicta Opera, libras sex soldos quindecim denarios
o0201078.067e 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex quolibet modio integre
o0201078.067e 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: libras centum quinquaginta sex soldos quindecim l.
o0201078.070vc 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: sessaginta novem soldos sex f.p. l. LXVIIII
o0201078.070vd 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: trium et soldorum sex quolibet modio integre
o0201078.070vd 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. XLVIII
o0201078.070vg 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: fornaciario pro modiis sex et quarto uno
o0201078.070vh 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. XXXVIII
o0201078.071a 1421 aprile 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: triginta duas soldos sex f.p. l. XXXII
o0201079.071d 1421 agosto 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: pro Opera, libras sex soldos undecim denarios
o0201079.071e 1421 agosto 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: modiis tribus stariis sex calcine misse ad
o0201079.079vh 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: trium et soldorum sex quolibet modio integre
o0201079.080b 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex l. XXIII s.
o0201079.080c 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: decem settem denarios sex l. XLIIII s.
o0201079.080d 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: quinque, libras quinqueginta sex soldos decem otto
o0201079.080d 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: decem otto denarios sex l. LVI s.
o0201079.080f 1421 novembre 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: fornaciario pro modiis sex calcine misse ad
o0201080.064a 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: integre, libras triginta sex soldos undecim denarium
o0201081.069f 1422 agosto 7 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: pro modiis viginti sex calcine misse ad
o0201081.069g 1422 agosto 7 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex quolibet modio libras
o0201081.076b 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: settem et stariis sex calcine misse ad
o0201081.076d 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos tres denarios sex f.p. l. CXL
o0201081.076f 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: pretium volebat, libras sex soldos sex l.
o0201081.076f 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: libras sex soldos sex l. VI s.
o0201081.076g 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex quolibet modio libras
o0201081.076g 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: decem novem denarios sex f.p. l. XVIII
o0201082.066a 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos novem denarios sex f.p. l. 35
o0201082.066h 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: otto et denarios sex f.p. l. 37
o0201082.067b 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: libra, libras viginti sex soldos tredecim et
o0201082.070e 1423 marzo 30 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: totum libras quadraginta sex et soldos quindecim
o0201082.074e 1423 maggio 22 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: duos et denarios sex f.p. l. 8
o0201083.067a 1423 agosto 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos septem denario sex f.p. l. 158
o0201083.067c 1423 agosto 16 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos septem denarios sex f.p. l. 89
o0201084.045d 1424 aprile 4 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: trium et soldorum sex pro modio sine
o0201084.045d 1424 aprile 4 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. 81
o0201084.045e 1424 aprile 4 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: libras centum viginti sex soldos XVII l.
o0201084.045f 1424 aprile 4 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: tria et stariis sex calcine per eum
o0201085.047d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos quinque l.
o0201085.047e 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos quindecim denarios
o0201085.047e 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex l. XXVI s.
o0201085.047f 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: fornaciario pro modiis sex calcis missis Opere
o0201086.045d 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. pro modiis
o0201073.007d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for supply of roof tiles. Text: conducta embricium florenos sex auri, dummodo fideiubeat
o0201077.058b 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for supply of sand and mortar. Text: soldorum XI denariorum sex pro quolibet modio,
o0201077.060vc 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for supply of sand for the Pope's residence. Text: lastrico pro denariis sex qualibet salma, detractis
o0201077.060vd 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for supply of sand for the Pope's residence. Text: soldos quattuor denarios sex f.p. l. IIII
o0201083.071f 1423 dicembre 9 Payment for supply of six big chestnut trees for the cupola. Text: eisdem commodatur supra sex castagnis pro maiori
o0201076.050vc 1419 agosto 31 Payment for the farewell repast for the office of the wardens. Text: libras duas soldos sex et denarios duos
o0202001.137l 1430/1 febbraio 16 Payment for the paving of the street near the bell tower. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex pro quolibet brachio
o0201078.075b 1421 giugno 16 Payment for the purchase and carriage of stones and sandstone blocks. Text: et pro trainis sex de macignis trainatis
o0201078.075b 1421 giugno 16 Payment for the purchase and carriage of stones and sandstone blocks. Text: libra, libras sessaginta sex soldos undecim denarios
o0201079.071b 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase and carriage of stones. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex f.p. l. XXVII
o0201079.081c 1421 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase and transport of soft and hard stones and for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum XXVIIII denariorum sex qualibet carrata, et
o0201074.040g 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase and transport of soft and hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201078.071ve 1421 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of "masso" sandstone blocks. Text: qualibet, taratis bracchiis sex, in totum bracchiorum
o0201076.046vc 1419 luglio 19 Payment for the purchase of "pinocchiati". Text: sexdecim et denarios sex f.p. s. 16
o0201080.063va 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for the purchase of 580 roof tiles. Text: pro pretio librarum sex soldorum duodecim quolibet
o0201079.092vb 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for the purchase of a large rope. Text: Pisarum, florenos quinqueginta sex soldos triginta sex
o0201079.092vb 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for the purchase of a large rope. Text: sex soldos triginta sex f.p. f. LVI
o0201077.061e 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for the purchase of a lintel, cornice, threshold and corbels for a door of the Pope's residence. Text: debet pro bracchiis sex et tribus quartis
o0201077.061e 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for the purchase of a lintel, cornice, threshold and corbels for a door of the Pope's residence. Text: pro uno cardinale sex bracchiorum et 3/4
o0201077.061e 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for the purchase of a lintel, cornice, threshold and corbels for a door of the Pope's residence. Text: pro pretio librarum sex quolibet bracchio; et
o0201077.061e 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for the purchase of a lintel, cornice, threshold and corbels for a door of the Pope's residence. Text: soldos XV denarios sex l. L s.XV
o0201074.033va 1418 luglio 6 Payment for the purchase of a rope. Text: vero quadringentarum quadraginta sex per eum dato
o0201074.033va 1418 luglio 6 Payment for the purchase of a rope. Text: sexdecim et denarios sex f.p. f. 16
o0201076.052d 1419 settembre 13 Payment for the purchase of a trough for gutter spouts. Text: in totum libras sex f.p. l. 6
o0201081.070vd 1422 agosto 28 Payment for the purchase of big chestnut trees for the chains of the main cupola. Text: eorum audientie numero sex more solito congregati
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: de Canacciis libras sex soldos quinque et
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. pro quinque
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: in totum libras sex soldos quinque et
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. l. VI
o0201077.063a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: settem et stariis sex calcine pro pretio
o0201077.063a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: libras centum ottuaginta sex soldos novem f.p.
o0201073.022ve 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p. l. 5
o0201081.076c 1422 novembre 23 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Text: triginta unum denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201080.069vc 1422 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks with tare for breakage of some of them. Text: trecentas duas soldos sex denarios otto f.p.
o0201084.046b 1424 aprile 11 Payment for the purchase of broad bricks. Text: totum libras ducentas sex soldos quattuor denarium
o0201079.070e 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase of broad terracotta bricks. Text: libras centum quadraginta sex soldos decem novem
o0201074.042vc 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of capons for All Saints. Text: octo operariis, videlicet sex in officio existentibus
o0201072.032ve 1418 aprile 6 Payment for the purchase of charcoal. Text: in totum libras sex soldos decem septem
o0201072.032ve 1418 aprile 6 Payment for the purchase of charcoal. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. l. 6
o0201077.065e 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of chestnut boards for the tribune and other lumber for various uses. Text: ulmi pro soldis sex quolibet bracchio, pro
o0201077.065e 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of chestnut boards for the tribune and other lumber for various uses. Text: soldis otto denariis sex pro bracchio et
o0201077.065e 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of chestnut boards for the tribune and other lumber for various uses. Text: soldos otto denarios sex l. XV s.
o0201085.042a 1424 novembre 7 Payment for the purchase of chestnut trees. Text: dicte Opere florenos sex auri eidem mutuatos
o0201086.048vd 1425 aprile 28 Payment for the purchase of fir "chiavatoi". Text: duos pro septuaginta sex chiavatoriis ligni abetis
o0201086.048vd 1425 aprile 28 Payment for the purchase of fir "chiavatoi". Text: ligni abetis blachiorum sex cum dimidio alterius
o0201077.060vb 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment for the purchase of fir boards for the Pope's residence. Text: pro pretio soldorum sex denariorum decem pro
o0201077.059e 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks for the oculi of the third tribune. Text: in totum libras sex soldos decem settem
o0201076.050d 1419 luglio 19 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: Opere, libras octuaginta sex soldos decem et
o0201077.063va 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks from Campi and roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: libras viginti denarios sex f.p. l. XX
o0201077.063ve 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks, bricks and supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: soldos tres denarios sex f.p. l. XLI
o0201081.077d 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of geese to distribute as gifts for All Saints. Text: rationem soldorum viginti sex pro qualibet, in
o0201081.077d 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of geese to distribute as gifts for All Saints. Text: totum libras viginti sex f.p. l. XXVI
o0201073.025ve 1418 giugno 30 Payment for the purchase of gloves. Text: totum libras viginti sex f.p. l. 26
o0201081.067vc 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of gloves. Text: parte solutionis quinqueginta sex parium cirotecarum emptorum
o0201081.067vc 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of gloves. Text: Iohannis Baptiste libras sex soldos otto f.p.
o0201082.065vg 1422/3 febbraio 5 Payment for the purchase of gutter spout and roof tiles. Text: libras novem soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201079.070vd 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase of gutter spouts cut from a coarse bed of sandstone for third tribune. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. XLVIII
o0201070.004f 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of hard stones. Text: soldorum novem denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201070.012va 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for the purchase of hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201070.019vb 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201070.023vd 1417 giugno 3 Payment for the purchase of (hard) stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201079.065vh 1421 luglio 10 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: soldos otto denarios sex f.p. l. CXVI
o0201079.091vf 1421 dicembre 19 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: soldos novem denarios sex l. XVI s.
o0201083.071vb 1423 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: soldos 18 denarios sex, quos recipere debet
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: 84, in septuaginta sex partitis a die
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: libras quingentas quinquaginta sex soldos decem et
o0201085.047vh 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: quinquaginta otto soldos sex et denarios sex
o0201085.047vh 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: sex et denarios sex f.p. l. 358
o0201078.066vi 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of hewn revetment and infill stones. Text: retentione libras settuaginta sex soldos duos denarios
o0201078.066vi 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of hewn revetment and infill stones. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. LXXVI
o0201070.003a 1416/7 gennaio 7 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: quindecim et denarios sex f.p. eidem debitas
o0201078.067va 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: integre libras quinqueginta sex soldos quinque f.p.
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