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Context of query
o0201078.072vb 1421 maggio 30 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: bracchio libras quinqueginta sex soldos quinque f.p.
o0201079.079vb 1421 novembre 21 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. l. XI
o0201081.067b 1422 luglio 17 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: bracchio, libras quinqueginta sex et soldos quinque
o0201081.070va 1422 agosto 26 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: soldos duos denarios sex l. XXII s.
o0201081.071c 1422 settembre 1 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: Opera, libras sessaginta sex soldos settem denarios
o0201081.071c 1422 settembre 1 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: soldos settem denarios sex f.p. l. LXVI
o0201082.067c 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos otto denarios
o0201082.067c 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: soldos otto denarios sex f.p. l. 26
o0201086.047i 1425 aprile 3 Payment for the purchase of kids for Easter. Text: festo Paschatis Resurrexionis sex operariis et quattuor
o0201070.016vc 1417 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of lead in plates. Text: rationem florenorum viginti sex auri pro quolibet
o0201070.004vd 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos decem octo
o0201075.048vb 1419 aprile 28 Payment for the purchase of logs. Text: triginta quattuor soldos sex et denarios octo
o0201076.052a 1419 settembre 13 Payment for the purchase of lumber for the tribune. Text: Opere pro pretio sex castagnolorum per eum
o0201078.064vb 1420/1 gennaio 23 Payment for the purchase of lumber of fir. Text: integre, libras quinqueginta sex soldos novem denarios
o0201078.072va 1421 maggio 30 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: quattuor et denarios sex f.p. l. CXXXV
o0201080.072d 1422 maggio 20 Payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: soldos settem denarios sex f.p. l. CXLI
o0201077.067f 1420 maggio 18 Payment for the purchase of malvasia wine, "pinocchiati" and white bread for a repast for the consuls. Text: libris pinocchiatorum et sex panibus albis pro
o0201078.065ve 1420/1 marzo 15 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: quattuor et soldorum sex quolibet modio sine
o0201078.066a 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: quattuor et soldorum sex quolibet modio sine
o0201078.066a 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex f.p. l. XI
o0201078.066c 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: retentione libras nonaginta sex soldum unum denarios
o0201085.044a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: Opere predicte modios sex et staria tria
o0201085.044a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: sedecim et denarios sex f.p., quam calcem
o0201086.040vf 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex pro quolibet modio,
o0201079.078ve 1421 novembre 6 Payment for the purchase of nails for the hoist. Text: XVIIII et onciis sex agutorum 24 et
o0201085.046vl 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of oak cogs for the hoist machine. Text: in totum libras sex soldos tredecim et
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: quaterno cartarum nonaginta sex foliorum mediocrium soldos
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: decem et denarios sex f.p.; et pro
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: f.p.; et pro sex quaternis foliorum realium
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: quinque et soldos sex f.p.; et pro
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: quaternuccio cartarum nonaginta sex foliorum mediocrium soldos
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: decem et denarios sex f.p.; et pro
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: realium cartarum nonaginta sex pro gravamentis novarum
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: libra, libras viginti sex soldos sexdecim et
o0201077.068ve 1420 giugno 15 Payment for the purchase of Pistoiese fir boards and "chiavatoi". Text: pistoriensium et nonaginta sex chiavatoriis pro pretio
o0201077.068ve 1420 giugno 15 Payment for the purchase of Pistoiese fir boards and "chiavatoi". Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex integre pro quolibet
o0201077.054vb 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for the purchase of Pistoiese fir boards for the Pope's residence. Text: pro pretio soldorum sex denariorum sex pro
o0201077.054vb 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for the purchase of Pistoiese fir boards for the Pope's residence. Text: soldorum sex denariorum sex pro quolibet petio
o0201076.052ve 1419 ottobre 7 Payment for the purchase of poplar boards for Santa Maria Novella. Text: in totum libras sex soldos decem novem
o0201072.020vn 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of pumice. Text: unum et denarios sex l. 25 s.
o0201078.073f 1421 giugno 5 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and chimney pots for the Pope's residence, whose cost for error was not authorized. Text: libras quindecim soldos sex denarios otto f.p.
o0201077.059vc 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. Text: 135 pro libris sex soldis quinque pro
o0201076.048f 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: Novella pro libris sex et soldis quinque
o0201076.048f 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: duodecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 59
o0201076.048va 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: ad rationem librarum sex et soldorum quinque
o0201076.048vb 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: ad rationem librarum sex et soldorum quinque
o0201076.048vc 1419 agosto 21 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles for the Pope's residence. Text: dictam rationem librarum sex et soldorum quinque
o0201077.059vf 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles, gutter spouts and rainspouts for the Pope's residence. Text: in totum libras sex soldos sedecim denarios
o0201074.038vc 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: ad rationem librarum sex et soldorum septem
o0201078.071vc 1421 aprile 26 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: pro pretio librarum sex et soldorum quinque
o0201078.071vc 1421 aprile 26 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: pro libra, libras sex soldos duodecim denarios
o0201081.077a 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: pro pretio librarum sex soldorum quindecim quolibet
o0201081.077a 1422 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: decem novem denarios sex f.p. l. XL
o0201082.074g 1423 maggio 22 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: viginti quattuor soldos sex denarios duos f.p.
o0201083.066c 1423 agosto 16 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: preteriti pro libris sex soldis decem pro
o0201085.044vg 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: ad rationem librarum sex pro centinario, prout
o0201085.045ve 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: ad rationem librarum sex et soldorum decem
o0201086.040vh 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: ad rationem librarum sex pro quolibet centinario,
o0201086.043a 1424/5 gennaio 24 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: videlicet pro octingentis sex per eum venditis,
o0201074.040vc 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of select and ordinary bricks. Text: libras viginti soldos sex et denarios quattuor
o0201072.029ve 1417/8 marzo 23 Payment for the purchase of several things. Text: Torsellini bottario libras sex et soldos octo
o0201077.064ve 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of shovels and mattocks for mortar. Text: recipere debet pro sex palis et sex
o0201077.064ve 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of shovels and mattocks for mortar. Text: sex palis et sex marris atis ad
o0201077.064ve 1420 aprile 12 Payment for the purchase of shovels and mattocks for mortar. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex denariorum X qualibet
o0201078.068va 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of shovels and mattocks for mortar. Text: recipere debet pro sex palis et quinque
o0201083.071e 1423 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of six large chestnut trees for the cupola. Text: eidem commodatur supra sex castagnis magnis pro
o0201081.075va 1422 novembre 6 Payment for the purchase of small wood beams. Text: libras novem soldos sex denarios X l.
o0201078.070b 1421 aprile 16 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones and transport of stones. Text: settuaginta duas soldos sex et denarios otto
o0201072.021n 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex pro carrata a
o0201074.038g 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: pretio carratarum sessaginta sex lapidum tum dulcium
o0201074.038g 1418 ottobre 8 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: novem et denariorum sex f.p. pro qualibet
o0201071.002va 1417 luglio 9 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. Text: libras decem soldos sex et denarios sex
o0201071.002va 1417 luglio 9 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. Text: sex et denarios sex f.p. l. 10
o0201074.043vc 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201077.054a 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. XXII
o0201080.069d 1422 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of steel to make chisels and mallets. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex l. XXXV s.
o0201075.047c 1418/9 marzo 24 Payment for the purchase of stones for the Pope's residence. Text: Opere, libras septuaginta sex et soldos octo
o0201080.068vc 1422 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of stones from the quarry of Monte Oliveto. Text: soldorum decem denariorum sex pro qualibet de
o0201070.019a 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: quindecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 42
o0201070.019vc 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: pro pretio suprascriptarum sex carratarum lapidum dulcium
o0201072.020vg 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: libras decem soldos sex et denarios otto
o0201078.067i 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: soldorum decem denariorum sex qualibet carrata, retentis
o0201079.071a 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: libra, soldos viginti sex denarios sex f.p.
o0201079.071a 1421 agosto 20 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: viginti sex denarios sex f.p. l. I
o0201081.068va 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: pro pretio carratarum sex lapidum sue cave
o0201081.068va 1422 agosto 7 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: soldorum decem denariorum sex qualibet carrata, retentis
o0201082.070h 1423 marzo 30 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: decem septem denarios sex l. 3 s.
o0201081.066f 1422 luglio 7 Payment for the purchase of torches for the cupola for the eve of Saint John. Text: libras otto soldos sex f.p. l. VIII
o0201077.063vb 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of torus molding stones for the Pope's residence. Text: libras sedecim soldos sex f.p. l. XVI
o0201078.067b 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for the purchase of various types of hardware. Text: soldum unum denarios sex l. IIIICLXXXXI s.
o0201076.052c 1419 settembre 13 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: ab Opere pro sex ballis plumbi vinitiani
o0201081.066c 1422 luglio 7 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: soldos decem denarios sex f.p. l. XXII
o0201082.073vb 1423 maggio 7 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: quadraginta novem soldos sex denarium unum f.p.
o0201082.076vg 1423 giugno 17 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: viginti duas soldos sex denarios quinque l.
o0201078.064a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Payment for the purchase of white marble. Text: florenos auri quadraginta sex f. XLVI
o0201077.067e 1420 maggio 18 Payment for the purchase of wine for carnival. Text: festo carnisprivii libras sex soldos duodecim f.p.;
o0201073.022va 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the rent of a house. Text: ad rationem florenorum sex auri pro quolibet
o0201073.022va 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the rent of a house. Text: in totum florenos sex et libras duas
o0201070.009vb 1416/7 febbraio 26 Payment for the rent of a quarry. Text: cave lapidum pro sex mensibus proxime preteritis
o0201074.035e 1418 agosto 23 Payment for the rent of a quarry. Text: anno, pro paga sex mensium proxime preteritorum
o0201070.004ve 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the towing of lumber. Text: debet pro triginta sex trainis suprascipti lignaminis
o0201074.058va 1418 dicembre 15 Payment for the transport of fir lumber, excluding some wood sold outside the city gates. Text: vettura trainorum viginti sex lignaminis de habete
o0201074.058va 1418 dicembre 15 Payment for the transport of fir lumber, excluding some wood sold outside the city gates. Text: libras decem soldos sex et denarios undecim
o0201074.041d 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the transport of mortar. Text: duodecim et denarios sex f.p. l. 79
o0201083.065vb 1423 luglio 8 Payment for torches for the feast of Saint John. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex f.p. l. 12
o0201070.004c 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for towloads. Text: octo et denarios sex f.p. l. 2
o0201070.012f 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for towloads. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p. l. 4
o0201085.045b 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of a stone with hole bored for the main tribune. Text: decem septem denariorum sex, detractis denariis quattuor
o0201078.066vd 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for transport of Arno pebbles. Text: libras decem soldos sex denarios sex f.p.
o0201078.066vd 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for transport of Arno pebbles. Text: soldos sex denarios sex f.p. l. X
o0201070.012d 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for transport of both hard and soft stones. Text: et pro carratis sex lapidum dulcium ad
o0201070.012d 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for transport of both hard and soft stones. Text: XXVIIII et denariorum sex pro qualibet carrata,
o0202001.215vl 1434 aprile 30 Payment for transport of bricks. Text: Opere solvantur libre sex soldos ... solute
o0201081.071f 1422 settembre 4 Payment for transport of chestnut rafters. Text: soldos IIII denarios sex l. VII s.
o0201082.066va 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for transport of gutter spouts and sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos novem et
o0201082.067vf 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for transport of gutter spouts and sandstone blocks. Text: totum libras viginti sex soldos novem denarios
o0201085.044vf 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of hard sandstone for the oculi of the passageway between the two cupolas. Text: Sandro predicto pro sex carratis macigni fortis
o0201085.044vf 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of hard sandstone for the oculi of the passageway between the two cupolas. Text: decem septem denariorum sex pro qualibet, detractis
o0201074.040c 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of hard stones. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201082.065vf 1422/3 febbraio 5 Payment for transport of hard stones. Text: soldos septem denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201082.074vb 1423 maggio 22 Payment for transport of hard stones. Text: carradore pro carrate sex pietre forti quibus
o0201085.045a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: libra, libras triginta sex soldos quattuor et
o0201086.040va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: duabus carratis et sex deceptesimis alterius carrate
o0201086.040va 1424/5 gennaio 12 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: in totum libras sex soldos quattuordecim et
o0201085.043vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the main tribune. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p., prout apparet
o0201082.073e 1423 maggio 7 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p. l. 41
o0201085.043ve 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks. Text: duos et denarios sex f.p., prout apparet
o0201086.045b 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks. Text: quattuordecim et denarios sex f.p. pro carratis
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p. l. 9
o0201075.048d 1419 aprile 12 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: libras duas soldos sex et denarios octo
o0201076.046m 1419 luglio 5 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: novem et denarios sex f.p. l. 1
o0201078.069vf 1421 aprile 16 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: decem otto soldos sex denarios quattuor f.p.
o0201079.068vc 1421 luglio 31 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: libra, libras viginti sex soldos decem novem
o0201079.077ve 1421 novembre 5 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex l. LXXXII s.
o0201079.078d 1421 novembre 5 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: nonaginta tres soldos sex f.p. l. LXXXXIII
o0201085.044e 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks and broad bricks. Text: quinque et denariorum sex pro qualibet salma,
o0201081.068f 1422 agosto 7 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks and gutter spouts. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex qualibet carrata, retentis
o0201079.074c 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks and of 2 large corner-pieces. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex quolibet lapide et
o0201081.073ve 1422 ottobre 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: decem settem denarios sex f.p. l. XXIIII
o0201082.065ve 1422/3 febbraio 5 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks for the main cupola. Text: septem et denarios sex f.p., detentis denariis
o0201085.044vd 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks for the vault of the main tribune. Text: quinque et denariorum sex pro qualibet salma,
o0201085.045f 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks to illuminate the passageway of the cupola. Text: decem septem denariorum sex pro qualibet carrata,
o0201079.066va 1421 luglio 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: trium et soldorum sex pro qualibet conductarum
o0201079.066vb 1421 luglio 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex qualibet carrata cum
o0201079.066vc 1421 luglio 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: pro vectura carratarum sex et 11/24 dictorum
o0201079.066vc 1421 luglio 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex ut supra et
o0201079.066ve 1421 luglio 16 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex qualibet carrata cum
o0201079.074b 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: libras quadraginta soldos sex denarios novem f.p.
o0201079.074f 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: librarum trium soldorum sex qualibet carrata, retentis
o0201079.074f 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: soldos otto denarios sex f.p. l. X
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