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Context of query
o0201070.020c 1417 aprile 30 Election of accountants. Text: et sicut eis utilius pro Opere fore
o0201074.019f 1418 settembre 14 Authorization to the master builder, to the administrator and to the notary for the construction of a well in the garden of the Alessandri. Text: sicut videbitur eis utilius et melius fore
o0201077.017va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Election of debt collectors. Text: aliquorum prout crediderunt utilius et honestius servientium
o0201077.030vc 1420 aprile 1 Contract for custody of the pawns. Text: Opere; et putantes utilius fore et securius
o0201078.039c 1421 giugno 10 Election of a messenger with schedule of fees for precepts to the debtors. Text: ut levius et utilius ad exactionem contra
o0201078.044vc 1421 giugno 26 Letter to iron masters for conferral of contract for supply of iron bars to tie together the sandstone blocks of the main cupola. Text: ut melius et utilius haberi possit, premisso
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: reperto melius et utilius offerente et recepta
o0201079.009d 1421 luglio 24 Sale of wood boards purchased for the third tribune. Text: vendantur et quam utilius pro Opera vendi
o0201079.018b 1421 agosto 22 Authorization to the administrator to stipulate a new contract for broad terracotta bricks and to revoke the old one. Text: dicta Opera videbitur utilius et sic esse
o0201080.017va 1421/2 marzo 13 Rulings for reduction of the weight of the cupola through narrowing of the corner piers and change to brick construction. Text: predictis et qualiter utilius est super parte
o0201085.005vc 1424 dicembre 2 Authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to set the winter salaries of the unskilled workers. Text: et placebit fore utilius et melius pro
o0201086.002a 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letters to the vicars of the countryside for public proclamations regarding redemption of pawns with term for their sale. Text: operariis placuerit et utilius et melius eisdem
o0201086.004a 1424/5 febbraio 12 Letter of reply to the administrator of Pisa with request for information about the testaments made in the city and countryside of Pisa. Text: quid videtur eidem utilius pro dicta Opera
o0201086.005vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to contract out the stairs for the castle to a carpenter. Text: provisori videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0201086.005vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to contract out the stairs for the castle to a carpenter. Text: quibus eidem videbitur utilius fore pro dicta
o0201086.023va 1425 giugno 19 Order to repossess cloth hangings and other things given in loan and to draw up an inventory of such furnishings. Text: eis videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0201086.025a 1425 giugno 26 Authorization to the master builder to contract out two white marble oculi for the two smaller tribunes. Text: videbitur sibi fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.021vc 1425/6 febbraio 6 Letter to the administrator of Pisa for a rope. Text: sibi videbitur fore utilius prelibate Opere, expensis
o0202001.021vd 1425/6 febbraio 6 Authority to the master builder to convey chips of black marble. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius.
o0202001.026ve 1426 marzo 26 Authority to a warden to contract out a rope. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius et melius.
o0202001.040va post 1426 agosto 30 Oath of wardens and authority to Brunelleschi to contract out large broad bricks for the cupola. Text: Filippo videbitur fore utilius pro prefata Opera
o0202001.040va post 1426 agosto 30 Oath of wardens and authority to Brunelleschi to contract out large broad bricks for the cupola. Text: prout eidem Filippo utilius et melius fore
o0202001.051ve 1426/7 febbraio 11 Authority to the master builder and administrator to buy "chiavatoi" and fir boards. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius.
o0202001.053vb 1426/7 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. Text: et visum fuerit utilius pro prefata Opera
o0202001.053vb 1426/7 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. Text: eidem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.053ve 1426/7 marzo 8 Order to make mortar at the kiln of Malmantile and purchase of up to four bushels of mortar from Lastra. Text: fore pro Opera utilius.
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius, cum infrascriptis salariis
o0202001.058a 1427 aprile 11 Order to the master builder to go to Malmantile for the work on the castle. Text: eidem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.058vb 1427 maggio 7 Authority to (scribe of the daily wages), (administrator) and master builder for the salaries of the unskilled workers. Text: forma, prout videbitur utilius fore pro dicta
o0202001.060c 1427 maggio 14 Authority to (warden) for rope to be made in Pisa according to design by Brunelleschi and the master builder. Text: dicta Opera fore utilius, et quicquid erit
o0202001.062ve 1427 luglio 3 Authority to the master builder to assign work to the masters and dismiss those least qualified for the tasks in hand. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius, et si prefati
o0202001.071a 1427 ottobre 30 Authority to the administrator for rental of house for cantor. Text: quo eidem videbitur utilius fore pro dicta
o0202001.073e 1427 dicembre 9 Authorization for the sale of the large hoisting wheel. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius et quicquid circa
o0202001.078vd 1427/8 febbraio 24 Authority to the master builder to have workers employed or not on the cupola. Text: Opera videbitur fore utilius non obstante alia
o0202001.088c 1428 luglio 15 Authorization to the master builder to have black marble conveyed. Text: dicta Opera fore utilius et quicquid fecerit
o0202001.091a 1428 agosto 31 Authorization to the administrator to rent out two shops. Text: eidem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.093vd 1428 novembre 13 Revocation of commission to the master builder for work to have done by the masters of the Opera. Text: sue prudentie fore utilius pro dicta Opera,
o0202001.097va 1428 dicembre 3 Election of two stonecutters. Text: caputmagistro Opere esse utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.106f 1429 maggio 6 Letter about the dismissal of the notary of testaments of Pisa and the price of a rope. Text: prout viderit fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.107b 1429 maggio 27 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe for salary of the unskilled workers. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius et quicquid fecerit
o0202001.107c 1429 maggio 27 Authority to the master builder for sale of objects coming from demolished house. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius et quicquid circa
o0202001.118vd 1429 dicembre 14 Authority to the master builder for sale of a tombstone. Text: eidem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.119vd 1429 dicembre 23 Authorization to the administrator to rent out house. Text: et videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.119vg 1429 dicembre 23 Order to warden to examine the petty expenses before their registration in the allocations book. Text: fore pro Opera utilius expensum per eorum
o0202001.120b 1429 dicembre 30 Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of lumber. Text: eidem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.134b 1430 dicembre 7 Authorization to purchase lead. Text: pretio quod eis utilius videbitur et inveniri
o0202001.136vh 1430/1 febbraio 7 Authorization to sell the building debris brought from the Tolosini palace. Text: fore pro Opera utilius Bernardo de Guadagnis,
o0202001.140vd 1431 aprile 26 Authorization to contract out the broad bricks of a previous contract. Text: prefato provisori fore utilius pro dicta Opera,
o0202001.142vd 1431 maggio 16 Authorization to contract out the lumber of a previous contract. Text: persone videbitur eidem utilius pro Opere fore
o0202001.143vd 1431 giugno 15 Authority to the master builder to have stones worked. Text: prout viderit fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.149vg 1431 ottobre 4 Authority to contract out the making of lumber from tree tops left in the forest. Text: et visum fuerit utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.149vg 1431 ottobre 4 Authority to contract out the making of lumber from tree tops left in the forest. Text: pro Opera fore utilius expensis dicte Opere;
o0202001.150a 1431 ottobre 5 Order for work on the fireplace in the house of a canon. Text: fore necessarium et utilius pro Opera, et
o0202001.155va 1431/2 marzo 3 Authority to a warden to buy bronze from the Wool Guild to make the casket of Saint Zenobius. Text: videbitur eidem fore utilius Opere prefate, pro
o0202001.169vb 1432 settembre 10 Commission to the master builder for the upkeep of the houses in the cloister and of those rented out. Text: videbitur pro Opera utilius fore, et ipsas
o0202001.172a 1427 aprile 11 Authority to the wardens to sell the kiln in via Ghibellina. Text: operariis videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera,
o0202001.172vb 1427 ottobre 14 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy. Text: forma prout sibi utilius fore videbitur pro
o0202001.175b 1429 maggio 12 Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera. Text: fore honorabilius et utilius pro Opera prelibata
o0202001.175c 1429 maggio 12 Permit to the wardens to allocate houses to canons and chaplains whose houses have been demolished. Text: videbitur eis fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: eis videbitur fore utilius et melius tam
o0202001.187ve 1432 settembre 26 Sale of pawns. Text: prout eidem videbitur utilius fore pro Opera.
o0202001.194d 1432 dicembre 19 Sale of residual hardware. Text: videbitur pro Opera utilius.
o0202001.199a 1433 maggio 28 Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. Text: eis videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera,
o0202001.200vl 1433 giugno 18 Authority to two wardens to contract out marble. Text: eis videbitur fore utilius pro Opera; et
o0202001.201vh 1433 luglio 3 Authorization to contract out a supply of sand. Text: et placebit fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.202vl 1433 luglio 13 Contract for supply of lumber and term for consignment. Text: Opere videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.218b 1434 giugno 17 Restitution of pawns. Text: et inspecto quod utilius est pro dicta
o0202001.219vd 1434 luglio 30 Authority to contract out stone blocks for the closing of the cupola. Text: videbitur eis fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.219vd 1434 luglio 30 Authority to contract out stone blocks for the closing of the cupola. Text: videbitur eis fore utilius pro dicta Opera;
o0202001.220vf 1434 agosto 25 Authority to contract out marble for the cupola. Text: et videbitur sibi utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.220vf 1434 agosto 25 Authority to contract out marble for the cupola. Text: ipsi caputmagistro fore utilius pro dicta Opera;
o0202001.225vd 1434 dicembre 17 Commission to sell certificates of public debt. Text: quo videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera;
o0202001.227f 1434/5 febbraio 7 Authorization to a warden to contract out the chest of the organs. Text: videbitur eidem fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.227l 1434/5 febbraio 11 Authorization to grant a loan with term for repayment. Text: sibi videbitur fore utilius pro Opera florenos
o0202001.227vf 1434/5 febbraio 22 Contract for three columns for a roof to be made for the convenience of the cardinals in Santa Maria Novella. Text: cardinalium cui sibi utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.227vl 1434/5 marzo 2 Order to the master builder to have iron chains prepared to fortify the church. Text: videbitur melius et utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.228vg 1434/5 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt. Text: sibi placuerit fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.229h 1435 marzo 28 Purchase of a thousand roof tiles at the lowest price for the roof of the church and its cloister. Text: sibi videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.229vl 1435 aprile 8 Election of the supervisors for the preparation of one of the new sacristies with authority to elect master carpenters, stonemasons and unskilled workers on a daily wage basis. Text: utrum sit dare utilius ad operas an
o0202001.229vl 1435 aprile 8 Election of the supervisors for the preparation of one of the new sacristies with authority to elect master carpenters, stonemasons and unskilled workers on a daily wage basis. Text: eis videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.235vi 1435 giugno 14 Hiring of masters and authorization to the master builder to set their salary. Text: fore honestius et utilius pro dicta Opera
o0202001.236f 1435 giugno 17 Authority to the master builder to have the roads prepared for transport of lumber from the forest to the port of Dicomano. Text: dicta Opera fore utilius.
o0202001.236h 1435 giugno 28 Authority to the administrator and the master builder to buy roof tiles at the lowest price. Text: poterint et videbitur utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.240vn 1435 settembre 13 Authority to contract out broad bricks for the brick pavement of the church. Text: quo eis videbitur utilius fore pro dicta
o0202001.241b 1435 settembre 13 Authority to contract out a glass window and one of iron for the new sacristy. Text: eis placuerit fore utilius pro dicta Opera.
o0202001.247f 1435/36 gennaio 24 Commission to four wardens to oversee the fortifications of Vicopisano and Pisa. Text: dicta Opera fore utilius, et quicquid circa
o0202001.252a 1436 aprile 16 Authority to two wardens for rental of a shop. Text: eisdem videbitur fore utilius pro dicta Opera;
o0202001.255e 1436 giugno 22 Commission for the bronze inscription to commemorate the day of the consecration. Text: pro dicta Opera utilius.
o0202001.256h 1436 luglio 24 Commission to two wardens to set the price of the silver candlesticks and oversee them. Text: prout viderint fore utilius pro dicta Opera;
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