Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1433 luglio 21 |
Election of the lawyer of the Opera as consultant for a litigation with the hospital of the Scala. |
Text: a c. 496, utrum ad dictum debitum |
1422 aprile 23 |
Information on the payment of the milling gabelle for the Commune of Marciano. |
Text: a domino Alexandro utrum Commune Marciani teneatur |
1435 aprile 27 |
Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. |
Text: ab eo consilium utrum solvere tenebantur Opere |
1433 ottobre 9 |
Order to the master builder to test the ability of a worker in sharpening chisels and welding hardware. |
Text: ad experiendum se utrum scit asottigliare scharpellos |
1435 aprile 29 |
Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. |
Text: ad informandum se utrum dicta pischaria fuit |
1434 agosto 25 |
Election of the accountant to audit the accounts of the treasurers. |
Text: Cambii de Salviatis, utrum prefati operarii dederunt |
1430 ottobre 3 |
Revocation of demand of payment, on condition, in accordance with a legal counsel. |
Text: Castro Vicariatus Florenzuole, utrum teneatur solvere novas |
1433 luglio 21 |
Commission to the master builder to go to look at the marble of a razed bell tower. |
Text: Commune Florentie proiecti, utrum pro comoditatibus Opere |
1428 aprile 19 |
Mode of payment for legal counsel requested from expert for default of (lumber suppliers) due to the war. |
Text: consilio sapientis micti utrum sint ab Opera |
1428/9 marzo 12 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with order to the bargemen to load marble and to the Pisans to pay sums owed to the Opera; another letter for information on the Pisan notary of testaments. |
Text: de notario pisano utrum bene se gerat |
1421 agosto 20 |
Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. |
Text: de quo et utrum poterit vel non |
1429/30 gennaio 21 |
Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for debt for herd livestock gabelles. |
Text: debeat se informare utrum quidam Porrina de |
1429 dicembre 23 |
Letter to the vicar of Lari for verification of identity of a debtor for new gabelles. |
Text: debeat se informare utrum ser Pierus de |
1433 settembre 28 |
Authority to the administrator and to the notary to review the demand of payment made to a debtor. |
Text: debitoris dicte Opere, utrum dicta domina tenet |
1435 ottobre 14 |
Dispatch of the master builder to the forest to attend to lumber and inform himself about the efficiency of surveillance. |
Text: dicte silve et utrum custos dicte silve |
1422 aprile 29 |
Declaration on partial suitability of the marble conveyed for the cornices of the main cupola and tare on the agreed price. |
Text: Dinus notarius videamus utrum receptibilem sit ad |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: duobus consistere, videlicet: utrum dictum onus legatorum |
1431/2 marzo 23 |
Letter to the Florentine ambassador in Venice requesting information about the mosaic work of Paolo Uccello at San Marco and about the possibility of buying glass. |
Text: et dominus Marinus, utrum bene laboravit prefatam |
1432 maggio 7 |
Extension of time for those enjoined to pay in order to ascertain their liability for the debt. |
Text: et notarium Opere utrum de iure teneantur |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Letter to the Podestà of San Gimignano for information on demand of payment of the oratory of San Galgano. |
Text: et perscruptari faciat utrum sunt alia bona |
1418 settembre 30 |
Revocation in part of tax for herd livestock on condition that, after the verification of the tolls of the animals at the city gate gabelles, what was declared is found to be true. |
Text: et postea examinetur utrum denarii debiti gabelle |
1419 settembre 12 |
Order to kilnman to suspend delivery of broad bricks for the main cupola. |
Text: etc., quia dubitur utrum cum dictis quadronibus |
1429/30 febbraio 22 |
Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. |
Text: facta prefata restitutione, utrum videatur fore totum |
1420 aprile 19 |
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. |
Text: fuit ut supra utrum ab illis qui |
1421 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for property gabelle with guarantee of a deposit. |
Text: habeant terminum declarandi utrum tenentur ad solutionem, |
1419/20 gennaio 3 |
Information on gabelle to be paid or not for the purchase of real estate. |
Text: habeatur informatio clara utrum pro emptionibus bonorum |
1435 agosto 27 |
Order to arrest a debtor and to inscribe his guarantors in the debtors' registry of the Commune if a legal counsel holds them bound. |
Text: habeatur primo consilium utrum fideiussores teneantur necne. |
1419/20 gennaio 23 |
Order to respect the terms of an allocation of funds for supply of Carrara marble. |
Text: in dubium revocatur utrum solummodo dictum stantiamentum |
1429 luglio 6 |
Letter of summons to the (guard of the forest) for the cutting of two poles. |
Text: in silva Opere utrum sit verum nec |
1434 agosto 31 |
Letter to the Podestàs of Ripafratta and Montelupo for the bell of Montuolo. |
Text: lucani se informet utrum due campane de |
1428 maggio 5 |
Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. |
Text: menses dicto Ughoni, utrum velint vel nolint |
1418 dicembre 14 |
Restitution of pawn and revocation of tax because already paid. |
Text: non est declaratum utrum possit gravari nec |
1433 dicembre 30 |
Commission to two wardens to decide whether to utilize or revise the design of the oculus by Ghiberti. |
Text: offitio capiendi partitum utrum designum oculi factum |
1435 maggio 13 |
Information on the suitability of a candidate for the office of administrator in substitution of that in office, drawn for the urban district of Ruote. |
Text: offitio informet se utrum Andreas Mattei Cerretani |
1421 luglio 16 |
Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. |
Text: Opera illesus; et utrum ob talem causam |
1430/1 febbraio 24 |
Declaration of innocence of a chaplain accused of unseemly acts. |
Text: operarii habeant declarare utrum dictus ser Simon |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. |
Text: operarios dicte Opere utrum camerarium dicte Opere |
1426/7 gennaio 31 |
Term of payment to debtor and to the guarantor. |
Text: Opere dictam partitam utrum teneatur solvere nec |
1429 luglio 20 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Palazzo Fiorentino. |
Text: ostendendum de iure utrum solvere teneantur nec |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: per prefatos operarios utrum teneatur solvere nec |
1429/30 marzo 7 |
Letter for information on Pisan notary to be assigned to the testaments pertaining the Opera. |
Text: placeat eis investigare utrum quidam ser Iulianus |
1426 dicembre 11 |
Letters to the vicar and the Podestà of Lari instructing them to solicit debtors to pay. |
Text: placeat se informare utrum Cola de Casanuova |
1417 giugno 2 |
Letter to the Podestà of Romena to try to reach an agreement with the men of said Commune for the payment of the property gabelle. |
Text: potest, ipse perquirat utrum deliberatio sive reductio |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Summons to guarantors of the treasurer of the new gabelles and declaration of error committed during his term as treasurer. |
Text: presentis mensis declaret utrum certe partite in |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: prima parte, videlicet utrum fuerint eis imposite, |
1421 luglio 18 |
Revocation of demand of payment to debtors for pardons of forced loans until verification if others are responsible. |
Text: pro eorum officio utrum filii domini Bartholomey |
1421 ottobre 11 |
Restitution of pawns to person enjoined to pay as possessor of properties of debtor. |
Text: proxime futurum declaretur utrum ipsa bona possideat |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: quod esset gabella utrum prefatum Commune et |
1416/7 marzo 4 |
Term of payment with guaranty and deposit for dubious debt, release of the arrested debtor and letter to Pisa with request for information. |
Text: quod informet officium utrum dictus Iohannes solvit |
1436 aprile 30 |
Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. |
Text: quod informet se utrum aliquid per dictum |
1428 aprile 8 |
Letter to the Podestà of Settimo about properties possessed in that baptismal parish. |
Text: quod se informet utrum Antonius della Parte |
1427 settembre 16 |
Letter to the Podestà of Castel San Niccolò of the Montagna Fiorentina: unfinished act. |
Text: quod se informet utrum ecclesia Coffie ... |
1428 ottobre 12 |
Withholding for legal expenditures of part of money allocated for the purchase of house. |
Text: quousque ventilatum fuerit utrum habere teneatur a |
1419 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to two wardens to select counsellors and set the compensation for their counsel regarding cases in course over the amounts due for 6 denari per lira. |
Text: sex pro libra utrum et quanto et |
1434/5 gennaio 11 |
Order that ex treasurers of the gabelles consign the income journals. |
Text: speculum mictantur; et utrum infra dictum terminum |
1421/2 febbraio 6 |
Request of legal counsel about whether or not payment of 4 denari per lira is due from the notaries of the civil court of the Podestà of Pisa. |
Text: super predictis, verbotenus utrum dicti notarii ad |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: super secunda, videlicet utrum imponi sibi potuerint, |
1422 dicembre 17 |
Injunction to owner of weir, who has damaged the Opera by not allowing lumber to pass, to pay the cost incurred for services of a hauler. |
Text: teneri de quo, utrum sufficiat eius declaratio |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. |
Text: terreno Communis Florentie utrum dictum marmor est |
1435 aprile 8 |
Election of the supervisors for the preparation of one of the new sacristies with authority to elect master carpenters, stonemasons and unskilled workers on a daily wage basis. |
Text: ut percipi possit utrum sit dare utilius |
1434 aprile 5 |
Nomination of persons to travel to the quarry of Campiglia to test the marble. |
Text: veritate sit notum utrum dictum marmor est |
1428 luglio 14 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to order Donatello to inspect the marble that is in the port. |
Text: videat dictum marmorem utrum sit acceptabilis necne |
1432 dicembre 30 |
Authority to define a debt. |
Text: videndi et terminandi utrum quoddam potere quod |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. |
Title: cavam marmoris albi utrum marmor est bonum |