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Context of query
o0201070b.051c 1416/7 febbraio 4 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles with promise of the debtor to give back to the Commune of Lavaiano the amount paid for his properties. Text: omnem requisitionem et voluntatem dicti Communis et
o0201070b.060vc 1417 giugno 7 Guaranty for allocation of funds with promise of restitution to carter. Text: omnem requisitionem et voluntatem dictorum operariorum; pro
o0201072.024c 1417/8 febbraio 28 Loan to the notary of testaments with guaranty. Text: ipsos restituat ad voluntatem officii et satisdet
o0201072.032vb 1418 aprile 6 Release of a person arrested for debt with arrest of his guarantors. Text: de solvendo ad voluntatem operariorum florenos 50
o0201073.018vb 1418 giugno 6 Guaranty for a debt collector who was dismissed and promise to have all the pawns consigned. Text: consignare ad omnem voluntatem dictorum operariorum omnia
o0201073.018vc 1418 giugno 7 Promise of execution for work already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: et executioni mandare voluntatem operariorum et omnia
o0201073.018vc 1418 giugno 7 Promise of execution for work already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: ad omnem eorum voluntatem, pro quo et
o0201074.004e 1418 luglio 21 Release of arrested persons with declaration of the administrator. Text: relapsationis ad omnem voluntatem dicti provisoris etc.
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: et ad omnem voluntatem operariorum dictus Ugo
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: ad omnem eorum voluntatem et interim concedere
o0201074.009a 1418 agosto 18 Release of guarantor arrested for herd livestock gabelle. Text: carceribus ad omnem voluntatem et petitionem dictorum
o0201074.048a 1418 agosto 18 Promise of payment of the new gabelles of the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino on the part of its procurator in the presence of the wardens, notwithstanding the protest of said town that it not be considered part of the district of Arezzo. Text: et consensum et voluntatem nomine quo supra
o0201074.048vb 1418 agosto 22 Guaranty for a guarantor arrested for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: omnem eorum operariorum voluntatem vel solvere quilibet
o0201074.053b 1418 dicembre 2 Promise to respect the agreements of a contract to supply broad bricks with guaranty. Text: mutuatos ad omnem voluntatem dictorum operariorum in
o0201076.021e 1419 ottobre 21 Compensation to suppliers compelled by their manager to sell an altarpiece of white marble and release from penalty for the purchaser. Text: quod fuit contra voluntatem ipsorum, quod ad
o0201076.072vd 1419 settembre 1 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: solvere ad omnem voluntatem et requisitionem dictorum
o0201076.076a 1419 novembre 20 Guaranties for debt for gabelle on inherited properties. Text: fuerit ad omnem voluntatem, petitionem et seu
o0201077.014va 1419/20 febbraio 7 Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period. Text: omnem requisitionem et voluntatem dicti officii et
o0201077.018a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Dismissal of debt collectors for dishonest conduct. Text: cotidie faciunt contra voluntatem operariorum dicte Opere
o0201078.083b 1420/1 febbraio 10 Guaranty for newly elected guardian of the pawns. Text: ad requisitionem et voluntatem operariorum dicte Opere
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: vel alia ad voluntatem operariorum de silva
o0201079.009a 1421 luglio 24 Authorization to the provost and his partner to set terms of payment to debtors. Text: et sic ad voluntatem dicti prepositi cum
o0201079.012a 1421 agosto 14 Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned. Text: ad requisitionem et voluntatem conductorum lignaminis dicte
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Text: omnem requisitionem et voluntatem Artis Lane predicte
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: et misse contra voluntatem eorumdem, que quantitates
o0201079.021c 1421 agosto 28 Permission to the notary to consign copy of declaration for pardons of forced loans. Text: quod ad omnem voluntatem dicti Pieri per
o0201079.040a 1421 ottobre 31 Concession of right of recourse. Text: ad requisitionem et voluntatem Guiglielmi Pieri Corsi
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: ad sensum et voluntatem dictorum operariorum pro
o0201079.058b 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces and guaranty for restitution of advance made on previous contract. Text: ad sensum et voluntatem ipsorum operariorum vel
o0201080.015c 1421/2 marzo 11 Loan of the key of the great hall of the Pope in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the Dominican friars. Text: ipsam clavem ad voluntatem et requisitionem officii
o0201081.016b 1422 settembre 10 End of rental of the quarry of Monte Oliveto sublet to quarrier. Text: ad libitum et voluntatem operariorum Opere prelibate
o0201081.021c 1422 settembre 22 Contract for marble gutter spout for the third tribune. Text: ad libitum et voluntatem operariorum Opere supradicte
o0201081.026b 1422 ottobre 29 Order to the administrator to give geese for All Saints to all those to whom they were donated in the previous year. Text: ad requisitionem et voluntatem dicti provisoris absque
o0201081.029a 1422 novembre 23 Release of debt collectors arrested for not have delivered pawns or their value, upon guaranty. Text: ad requisitionem et voluntatem et seu declarationem
o0201081.037b 1422 dicembre 30 Contract for supply of mortar of Alberese stone. Text: et receptibilis ad voluntatem operariorum dicte Opere
o0201081.055a 1422 agosto 28 Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: ad libitum et voluntatem operariorum Opere prelibate
o0201081.056a 1422 agosto 28 Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. Text: et receptibiles ad voluntatem operariorum dicte Opere
o0201082.013a 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. Text: sensum, descretionem et voluntatem provisoris et capudmagistri
o0201082.015va 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. Text: volentes executioni mandare voluntatem et commissionem eis
o0201082.015va 1423 aprile 28 Correction and reduction of contract with kilnman for broad bricks. Text: sensum, descretionem et voluntatem provisoris et capumagistri
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: incidendum contra eorum voluntatem in istis locis,
o0201084.004vc 1423/4 gennaio 27 Concession of two wood poles to a warden. Text: ad omnem suam voluntatem et requisitionem duas
o0201084.030va 1424 marzo 30 Supply contract for white marble. Text: debent ad omnem voluntatem et requisitionem dictorum
o0201084.065e 1423/4 febbraio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: de solvendo ad voluntatem operariorum, Bertus Ristori
o0201086.033a 1425 aprile 2 Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. Text: ad beneplacitum et voluntatem prefatorum operariorum pro
o0201086.086vf 1425 maggio 9 Guaranty for debt of rector. Text: executoris ad omnem voluntatem dictorum operariorum seu
o0202001.024vd 1425/6 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to contract out 150 bushels of quarry mortar. Text: videlicet: ad omnem voluntatem prefatorum operariorum et
o0202001.056a 1427 aprile 4 Release of arrested persons. Text: operariis ad omnem voluntatem dictorum operariorum.
o0202001.081l 1428 aprile 17 Obligation to the suppliers to take back the rotten lumber they delivered, paying the price levied before its withdrawal. Text: de eo eorum voluntatem facere possint, dummodo
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. Text: faciendi omnem suam voluntatem, non obstante verbis
o0202001.128e 1430 giugno 16 Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. Text: Opere contra eorum voluntatem, et quod placeat
o0202001.132vc 1430 ottobre 3 Permission to a master to work below and prohibition to make him work on the cupola against his will. Text: cupola contra eius voluntatem, si per eorum
o0202001.158vh 1432 aprile 29 Prohibition to grant pardons to debtors unless the debt collector has received his fee. Text: eorum partitum et voluntatem.
o0202001.163d 1432 luglio 2 Injunction to the outgoing treasurer to give back to a kilnman a sum withheld for rent due. Text: eidem contra eius voluntatem ad instantiam domine
o0202001.164vc 1432 aprile 14 Authorization to the outgoing administrator to keep pawns in his custody up until the time of their sale and to enjoy the corresponding fee. Text: venditionem ad omnem voluntatem ipsorum operariorum seu
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: ipsorum contra suam voluntatem et in eius
o0202001.239g 1435 agosto 13 Authorization to the Sea Consuls regarding the lumber of the forest in accordance with the needs of the Commune. Text: eorum petitionem et voluntatem possint in silva
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