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1419/20 gennaio 31
Payment for the purchase and transport of lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1419/20 febbraio 13
Payment for hauling log rafts out of the water and towing of lumber.
abete, legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1419/20 febbraio 13
Payment for hauling log rafts out of the water and towing of lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1419/20 febbraio 23
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1419/20 marzo 8
Advance of payment to carpenter for the impost of the door of the Pope's residence.
(legno) - imposta porta abitazione Papa
1419/20 marzo 8
Payment for transport of lumber for the Pope's residence and the Opera.
legname - trasporto
1420 marzo 27
Payment of city gate gabelle for several towloads of lumber.
legname - gabella delle porte
1420 aprile 12
Payment for lumber and stones transported to the Pope's residence.
legname - trasporto
1420 aprile 12
Payment for lumber transported to the Pope's residence.
legname - trasporto
1420 maggio 18
Payment for cutting and trimming of fir lumber.
abete, legname - taglio e dolatura
1420 maggio 18
Payment for towage of fir lumber from the Alps.
abete, legname - trasporto
1420 maggio 18
Payment for various expenditures.
assi - gabella
1420 maggio 18
Payment for stones and lumber transported in several trips between Santa Maria Novella and the Opera.
legname - trasporto
1420 giugno 12
Payment for supply and cutting of lumber.
legname - taglio
1420 giugno 15
Payment for removal from water and towing of fir lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1420 giugno 15
Payment for removal from water and towing of fir lumber.
abete, legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1420 giugno 15
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1420 giugno 15
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1420 giugno 15
Payment for towage of lumber from the Alps of (Campigna).
legname - trasporto
1420 giugno 28
Payment of various expenditures.
legname - trasporto
1420 giugno 28
Payment of various expenditures.
abeti pistoiesi, assi - trasporto
1420 giugno 28
Payment of various expenditures.
abeti, 800 - manifattura
1420 marzo 29
Contract for cutting and trimming of lumber with concession of advance.
abete, legname - trasporto
1420 marzo 29
Contract for cutting and trimming of lumber with concession of advance.
abete, legname - taglio e dolatura
1420/1 gennaio 14
Debit to supplier for lumber due from the Commune of San Godenzo for debt and term of consignment to the same Commune.
legname - incisione e condotta a saldo di debito
1420/1 gennaio 31
Rulings regarding coarse firewood to be transported to the Opera, with separate account kept by the administrator.
legna grossa - trasporto
1420/1 febbraio 17
Sale of big fir logs previously transported to the Opera with excess transport costs at the expense of the purchaser.
abete, legni grossi - trasporto
1420/1 febbraio 17
Sale of big fir logs previously transported to the Opera with excess transport costs at the expense of the purchaser.
abete, legni grossi - taglio e dolatura
1420/1 febbraio 7
Engagement of two haulers of lumber.
legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1420/1 marzo 11
Sale of big logs with same conditions as previous transaction.
abete, legni grossi - taglio e dolatura
1420/1 marzo 11
Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain.
abete, assi - copertura di casetta
1420/1 marzo 15
Detention of the messenger of a confraternity that meets in Santa Maria Novella for missing restitution of logs.
albero, legni grossi, 8 - per puntellare palchetto
1420/1 marzo 15
Authorization to the treasurer to pay a stonecutter for transport of lumber cut.
legname tagliato - trasporto
1421 aprile 7
Letter to the Commune of Castagno for trimming and towage of the lumber cut in the forest and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano instructing him to inform the (workers).
legna tagliata - provvedimenti
1421 aprile 7
Annulment of lumber contract for nonobservance of agreements and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons of the two contractors.
legname - cassazione di condotta
1421 aprile 16
Authorization to the administrator to promise to the creditors the extinction of a debt of a lumber supplier, with guaranty in the presence of the notary to supply lumber in the amount concerned.
legname - condotta a garanzia di debito
1421 aprile 18
Ruling against two lumber suppliers who have not respected their agreement.
legname - condotta solo del tagliato
1421 maggio 5
Authorization to give a stonecutter money, for which he will be registered as debtor and have to render account, in order to pay the lumber suppliers.
legname tagliato - trasporto
1421 maggio 30
Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them.
legname - revisione di conti
1421 maggio 30
Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber.
legname - viaggio per pagare trasporto
1421 maggio 30
Ruling for trimming and future supply of fallen fir lumber in order to avoid its loss.
abete, legname caduto - dolatura
1421 maggio 30
Order to the administrator to write in the account of a debtor an amount to be discounted for work done by him.
faggi - intaccatura
1421 maggio 30
Term for consignment, under penalty of detention, for money received for transport of lumber.
legname - restituzione di denaro per trasporto
1421 maggio 30
Term for consignment, under penalty of detention, for money received for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 giugno 13
Authorization to give advance payment for a lumber contract.
legname - anticipo di pagamento su condotta
1421 giugno 18
Permission to carpenter to tow lumber cut in the Poppi countryside through the forest of the Opera.
legname inciso - permesso di transito
1420/1 gennaio 23
Payment for hauling of log rafts and towing of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1420/1 gennaio 23
Payment for hauling of log rafts and towing of lumber.
legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1420/1 marzo 19
Payment for sawing of boards of beech.
faggio, assi da filo - segatura
1420/1 marzo 19
Payment for supply of lumber.
castagno, pezzi - trasporto
1421 aprile 16
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1421 aprile 16
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 aprile 26
Payment for the purchase of wood forms for the broad bricks of the main cupola.
legno - modani per quadroni
1421 maggio 30
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 maggio 30
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 maggio 30
Payment to lumber supplier for work done in the search for and purchase of chestnut logs.
castagno, legni grossi, 10 - lavoro di ricerca e acquisto
1421 giugno 5
Payment for cutting of beech lumber.
faggio, legname - taglio
1421 giugno 5
Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and chimney pots for the Pope's residence, whose cost for error was not authorized.
legname - scomputo da acquisto di embrici
1421 giugno 5
Payment of a gabelle for lumber.
legname - gabella
1421 giugno 26
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 aprile 16
Guaranty for advance on supply of lumber.
legname - fideiussione per anticipo su condotta
1421 aprile 18
Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber.
legname - fideiussione per prestito su condotta
1421 aprile 18
Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber.
abete, legname - fideiussione per prestito su condotta
1421 giugno 14
Guaranty for loan on supply of lumber.
legname - prestito su condotta
1421 luglio 24
Term for repaying money received to have lumber transported with deduction from two allocations of funds and restitution of properties confiscated from the guarantor.
legname - stanziamento per trasporto
1421 agosto 14
Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract.
legname - provvedimenti su condotta
1421 agosto 14
Revocation of ruling against a lumber supplier and reinstatement of previous resolution on his supply contract.
legname - taglio, dolatura, trasporto
1421 agosto 14
Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned.
legname - controllo su trasporto
1421 agosto 20
Ruling in favor of lender of horses for a lost saddle with deduction from the salary of the person responsible and, for the horse, from the fees of the defaulting lumber suppliers.
legname - condotte mancanti in parte
1421 agosto 30
Ruling for the beech trees fallen in the forest.
faggi caduti - taglio e trasporto
1421 agosto 30
Charge to the guard of the forest to mark and destroy the beech trees that, growing in the forest, prevent the growth of the fir trees with their shade.
legname, abete - danneggiato da crescita faggi
1421 agosto 30
Charge to the guard of the forest to mark and destroy the beech trees that, growing in the forest, prevent the growth of the fir trees with their shade.
legname, faggi - intaccatura per seccare
1421 settembre 5
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to the raftsmen to put the lumber in the water and bring it to Florence.
legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 5
Authority to the 4 cupola officials for the purchase of chestnut lumber for the chains.
castagno, legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 11
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons for the defaulting suppliers of lumber.
legname dell'Opera - ordine comparizione conduttori inadempienti
1421 settembre 11
Order to the administrator to register in the account of each lumber supplier the amount supplied by him.
legname dell'Opera - registrazione quantità condotta
1421 settembre 15
Permission to the abbot of Vallombrosa to cut and take as many as 2000 small fir trees from the forest from Carpigna onwards.
abeti piccoli - taglio e estrazione per badia Vallombrosa
1421 settembre 17
Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment.
legname - taglio, estrazione e trasporto
1421 ottobre 3
Appraisal of 4 big fir logs for sale.
abete, legni grossi, 4 - stima
1421 ottobre 10
Contract for lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1421 ottobre 11
Term for consignment to a lumber supplier with penalty for every towload not conveyed.
legname - termine di consegna
1421 ottobre 11
Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed.
legname - termine di consegna
1421 novembre 5
Ruling to pay a carpenter for a bench in accordance with the amount set and appraised several years before.
legno, scanno - pagamento per esecuzione
1421 novembre 5
Credit to stonecutter for having paid 4 lumber suppliers.
legname - accredito per pagamento di trasporto
1421 novembre 6
Authorization to pay lumber supplier despite late submission of attestation.
legname - autorizzazione a pagare condotta
1421 novembre 17
Revocation of the appointment given to the administrator to receive and annotate the lumber arrived at the port of San Francesco and conferral of the appointment to Jacopo of Sandro.
legname - consegna al porto
1421 novembre 26
Authorization to the raftsmen to convey lumber to the port of San Francesco, notwithstanding a contrary ruling.
legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 5
Contract for supply of fir lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 11
Contract for supply of fir lumber.
abete, legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 23
Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune.
castagno, legni, 12 - taglio e trasporto
1421 novembre 21
Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune.
castagno, legni, 10 o 11 - accantonatura a canto vivo
1421 novembre 21
Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune.
castagno, legni, 12 - taglio, dolatura e trasporto
1421 novembre 29
Contract for hoisting of loads with oxen or horses up to the main cupola.
legname - allogagione per sollevamento su cupola
1421 luglio 10
Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding.
faggi - segatura per assi da ponti
1421 luglio 10
Payment for cutting and trimming of fir lumber.
abete, legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 luglio 10
Balance of payment for sawing 12 beech trees, that is 638 linear braccia.
faggi, 12 - segatura
1421 luglio 10
Payment for expenditures incurred to recover lumber carried away by the Arno.
legname - recupero di trasportato da Arno
1421 luglio 11
Payment to Jacopo of Sandro to have the Opera's lumber towed by various contractors.
legname - pagamento a trattori e conduttori
1421 luglio 16
Oath of warden and payment of gabelle for lumber.
legname - gabella
1421 luglio 18
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for his ingenuity in making the new hoisting machine.
legname - tirato su cupola con nuovo edificio
1421 luglio 31
Payment for rafting and transport of large and small chestnut trees for chapels of the third tribune.
castagni grossi - foderatura e trasporto
1421 luglio 31
Payment for rafting and transport of large and small chestnut trees for chapels of the third tribune.
castagni piccoli - foderatura e trasporto
1421 luglio 31
Payment for transport of lumber.
castagni - trasporto
1421 luglio 31
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 agosto 20
Reimbursement of expenditures for round trip and sojourn in Dicomano to have lumber removed.
legname - estrazione
1421 agosto 20
Reimbursement to lender for decease of horse lent.
legname - viaggio per estrazione
1421 agosto 14
Payment for transport of lumber cut and trimmed.
legname inciso e dolato - trasporto
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
castagni - trasporto
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
legname - segatura
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
olmo - segatura
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
olmo per lo stile del canapo - gabella
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
querce per casse dei bilichi
1421 agosto 20
Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola.
olmo per subbio - trasporto
1421 agosto 28
Balance of payment to lumber supplier.
abete, legname - trasporto
1421 agosto 28
Balance of payment to lumber suppliers.
abete, legname - trasporto
1421 settembre 23
Payment for the purchase of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the third tribune.
castagni - dolatura e cantonatura
1421 ottobre 2
Balance of payment for supply of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 ottobre 2
Payment for supply of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 ottobre 2
Payment to lumber supplier.
legname - trasporto
1421 ottobre 10
Balance of payment to lumber supplier.
legname - trasporto
1421 ottobre 24
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber from the forest.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 ottobre 24
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber from the forest.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 novembre 5
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 novembre 5
Payment to the guard for having lumber towed from the forest.
legname - pagamento per trarre dalla selva
1421 novembre 5
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - condotta per trasporto
1421 novembre 5
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - condotta per trasporto
1421 novembre 5
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - condotta per trasporto
1421 novembre 5
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - condotta per trasporto
1421 novembre 5
Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to have lumber transported.
legname - sopralluogo per trasporto
1421 novembre 6
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - estrazione dall'acqua
1421 novembre 6
Payment for transport of lumber.
legname - trasporto
1421 novembre 6
Payment for cutting and trimming of fallen lumber.
legname caduto - taglio e dolatura
1421 novembre 21
Payment for cutting and trimming of fir lumber.
abete, legname - dolatura
1421 novembre 21
Payment for cutting and trimming of fir lumber.
abete, legname - taglio
1421 agosto 22
Guaranty for a lumber supplier.
legname - fideiussione su condotta
1421 settembre 23
Guaranty with approval for contract for chestnut trees.
castagni, 12 - fideiussione per allogagione
1421 settembre 23
Guaranty with approval for contract for chestnut trees.
1421 novembre 21
Guaranty for advance on supply of chestnut trees.
castagni, 12 - fideiussione su condotta
1421 dicembre 9
Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber.
legname - taglio e dolatura
1421 dicembre 23
Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison.
abete - mozzatura
1421 dicembre 23
Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison.
legname - trasporto
1421/2 gennaio 12
Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract.
abete, legname
1421/2 gennaio 19
Correction of account entry of lumber supplier, which had been erroneously recorded in the account of another supplier.
1421/2 febbraio 25
Confirmation of contract for lumber.
legname - conferma di allogagione
1421/2 marzo 11
Letter to the count of Poppi instructing him to prevent further cutting of lumber in the forest.
legni - divieto di taglio
1421/2 marzo 11
Charge to the administrator to enter the Commune of Castagno and a (supplier) for fir wood as creditors.
abete, legno - trasporto
1422 marzo 31
Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts.
legname - trasporto
1422 aprile 23
Authorization to the administrator to contract out two hundred towloads of lumber to be cut in the areas allowed.
legname - taglio
1422 aprile 24
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco.
legname - trasporto
1422 maggio 20
Revocation of penalty for failure to deliver towloads of lumber.
abete - mancata condotta