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o0201074.017b 1418 settembre 2 Injunction to the canons and the sacristan not to lend chasubles nor other objects of the sacristy. sacrestano
o0201075.004ve 1418/9 gennaio 25 Permission to the sacristan to lend a cloth banner for the procession of the relic of Saint John. sacrestano
o0201077.024b 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to sell lumber. Antonio, ser - sacrestano
o0201077.062a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Ammannato, ser - sacrestano
o0201079.049b 1421 dicembre 5 Order to canon to give back the third floor of the house where he lives to a sacristan who agrees to rebuild the stairs at his own expense. Ammannato di Barnaba, ser - sacrestano
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. sacrestano
o0201086.024c 1425 giugno 21 Authorization to the administrator to assign to the sacristan the house where messer Antonio Ferrantini lived. Leonardo di Bartolomeo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.025c 1425/6 marzo 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Filippo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.048vb 1426 dicembre 30 Attribution to the sacristy of all the oblations made to the church, to be spent according to the indications of the sacristy officials. sacrestano
o0202001.076vm 1427/8 gennaio 21 Authorization to the master builder to spend for repairs to the roof of the house of the sacristan. Salvestro, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.113a 1429 ottobre 4 Rent of a house. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.121vd 1429/30 gennaio 24 Revocation of concession of dwelling to chaplain and new assignment. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.121vg 1429/30 gennaio 26 Assignment of house to canon and sacristan. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. sacrestano
o0202001.176a 1429 dicembre 2 Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0202001.215g 1434 aprile 22 Prohibition to destroy a house until the construction of another. Anselmo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.035o 1434 aprile 12 Construction, restoration and rental of houses. Anselmo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.038f 1432 luglio 10 Release of arrested debtor on request of the sacristy and term of payment with obligation of guaranty: fragmentary act. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.039b 1433 marzo 26 Payment to the sacristan for two barrels of wine white for the mass. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.039n 1433 luglio 4 Payment to the sacristan for oil and wine: fragmentary act. Anselmo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.039vb 1433 settembre 11 Payment to the sacristan for mending a cope. Anselmo, ser - sacrestano
o0204004.039vc 1433 settembre 11 Payment to the administrator for work on certain altars in accordance with the indications of the (sacristan). Anselmo, ser - (sacrestano)
o0204008.039a 1418/9 marzo 1 Payment for various expenditures. sacrestano
o0204008.071a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for various expenditures. Ammannato, ser - sacrestano
o0204008.093a 1420 settembre 14 Payment for various expenditures. Ammannato, ser - sacrestano
o0204008.103va 1420/1 febbraio 3 Payment for petty expenses. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.012va 1421 ottobre 11 Payment for petty expenses. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.024a 1421/2 gennaio 31 Payment for petty expenses. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.040vd 1422 ottobre 19 Payment for petty expenses. Ammannato, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.051a 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for petty expenses. Ammannato di Barnaba, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.070a 1423 settembre 16 Payment for petty expenses. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.090a 1424 ottobre 12 Payment for petty expenses. Leonardo, ser - sacrestano
o0204009.097a 1424/5 febbraio 7 Payment for petty expenses. Leonardo, ser - sacrestano
o0204011.033va 1425/6 marzo 21 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Filippo, ser - sacrestano
o0204012.035e 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to master for work on house of the sacristan. Antonio Massaino, ser - sacrestano
o0204012.035f 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to master mason for work on the house of the sacristan. Antonio Massaino, ser - sacrestano
o0204012.035g 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to (master) for work done on house of the sacristan. Antonio Massaino, ser - sacrestano
o0204012.035h 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to (master) for work on the house of the sacristan. Antonio Massaino, ser - sacrestano
o0204012.035i 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to kilnman for bricks, flat bricks, narrow bricks for the house of the sacristan. Antonio Massaino, ser - sacrestano
o0204013.091vc 1434/5 marzo 8 Payment for petty expenses. Lapo, ser - sacrestano
o0204013.135vd 1436 agosto 22 Payment of rent for a house occupied by the Armorers' Guild. Lapo di Martino, ser - sacrestano
o0204034.007a 1424/5 febbraio 7 Account of petty expenses. Leonardo, ser - sacrestano
o0801001.086vc 1434 dicembre 17 Account of the sacristan with no indication of motive. Lapo di Martino, ser - sacrestano
o0801001.121vd (1434/5 gennaio 31) Individual account with no indication of motive. Lapo di Martino, ser - sacrestano
o0801002.030vd 1435 settembre 13 Collective account of the sacristans for the bell-ringer's salary and other motives. Schiatta Ridolfi - sacrestano
o0801002.030vd 1435 settembre 13 Collective account of the sacristans for the bell-ringer's salary and other motives. Giuliano di Tommaso di Guccio - sacrestano
o0801002.030vd 1435 settembre 13 Collective account of the sacristans for the bell-ringer's salary and other motives. Paolo di Vanni Rucellai - sacrestano
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