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Context of query
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Firenze, Verzaia
o0204008.118a 1420 agosto 26 Payment to Filippo di ser Brunellesco for expenditures incurred for the hoisting machine. Firenze, Verzaia
o0204012.046va 1427 giugno 18 Payment to kilnman for supply of mortar. (Firenze), Verzaia
o0201072.014vb 1417/8 gennaio 19 Release of arrested persons, new payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Firenze, Verzaia
o0201075.022va 1419 aprile 28 Order to demolish a wall and reopen a street. Firenze, via che va all'ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova
o0204012.130vi 1430 aprile 21 Balance of payment for paving of the street where the Ricci live, that goes from the tower of messer Dino to the Tedaldini house. Firenze, via che va dalla torre di messer Dino a casa Tedaldini
o0202001.007f 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. (Firenze), via Chiara
o0204011.071ve 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment given to a debtor. Firenze, via Chiara
o0201075.070vd 1418/9 gennaio 25 Guaranty for debt. Firenze, via degli Spadai
o0204013.091f 1434/5 marzo 2 Payment for various expenditures. Firenze, via degli Spadai
o0201070b.060b 1417 maggio 26 Guaranty for unspecified debts of the abbeys of Pontenano and Loro. Firenze, via degli Spadai, bottega di fabbro
o0201076.013f 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. Firenze, via dei Carpentieri
o0201077.013a 1419/20 gennaio 29 Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. Firenze, via dei Ferrovecchi
o0201086.005vd 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator to rent out the shop called the Galea. Firenze, via dei Fondamenti
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Firenze, via dei Ricci
o0201073.024e 1418 giugno 28 Payment for marble figures. Firenze, via dei Servi
o0202001.175g 1429 luglio 21 Authorization for sale of two houses to the Armorers' Guild. (Firenze), via del Campanile
o0202001.110h 1429 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to sell houses to the Armorers' Guild. (Firenze), via del Campanile
o0202001.136f 1430/1 gennaio 26 Removal of the jetties along the via of the Campanile. Firenze, via del Campanile
o0204013.010i 1431 marzo 27 Payment for paving the street of the Campanile. Firenze, via del Campanile fino ai Bischeri
o0201076.014vb 1419 settembre 12 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans on properties not possessed by the person enjoined to pay because of division arbitration. Firenze, via del Ciliegio
o0202001.255vg 1436 giugno 28 Authority for four passages to be made towards the via del Cocomero. Firenze, via del Cocomero
o0204004.021m 1433 maggio 19 Order to reinforce the arch in danger of collapsing towards street of the Cocomero. Firenze, via del Cocomero
o0201076.013va 1419 settembre 6 Revocation of demand of payment on properties for dotal rights and for renunciation of inheritance. Firenze, via del Cocomero
o0202001.136va 1430/1 gennaio 26 Removal and reutilization of building materials from the street of the Tolosini palace. Firenze, via del palazzo dei Tolosini
o0201080.020vc 1422 marzo 31 Permission to sublet a shop in order to carry on its activity notwithstanding the illness of the tenant. (Firenze), via dell'Oblazione
o0201073.017c 1418 maggio 13 Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. Firenze, via dell'Oblazione
o0201079.042a 1421 novembre 14 Commission to the administrator to rent out a house for five years. Firenze, via dell'Oblazione di San Giovanni Battista, presso Santa Maria del Fiore
o0201077.075va 1420 giugno 13 Rental of the shop in via dell'Oblazione. Firenze, via dell'Oblazione presso la chiesa di Santa Maria del Fiore
o0204008.104va 1420/1 gennaio 10 Payment for petty expenses. Firenze, via dell'Offerta
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. Firenze, via dell'Offerta, presso la chiesa di Santa Maria del Fiore
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201075.017a 1419 aprile 6 Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. Firenze, via della Scala
o0204013.093g 1434/5 marzo 22 Balance of payment for paintings made in the priests' cloister and in the Pope's residence. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201074.050c 1418 settembre 2 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201081.025vd 1422 ottobre 16 Order to the administrator to have the verses called for by the captains of Orsanmichele in honor of the Popolo inscribed in the Pope's residence. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201075.046va 1418/9 marzo 17 Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. Firenze, via della Scala
o0204013.086vd 1434 dicembre 31 Payment for the painting of the lily and Lambs of God over the doors of the priests' cloister and that of the Pope. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201072.014vd 1417/8 gennaio 19 Release of arrested persons, new payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Firenze, via della Scala
o0201081.068d 1422 agosto 7 Payment to hand carter for removal of earth and chips. Firenze, via delle donne delle Mura
o0204009.034h 1422 agosto 7 Payment to hand carter for removal of earth, refuse and chips. Firenze, via delle donne delle Mura
o0204009.043g 1422 dicembre 2 Payment to hand carter for removal (of earth). Firenze, via delle donne delle Mura
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Firenze, via delle Fondamenta
o0202001.145a 1431 giugno 28 Order of payment to the Alessandri for the garden and shed. Firenze, via delle Fondamenta dell'Opera
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Firenze, via delle Fornaci
o0201074.051d 1418 ottobre 11 Rent of a kiln for three years. Firenze, via delle Fornaci da via Ghibellina, fornace
o0201080.015d 1421/2 marzo 11 Confirmation of release sentence concerning property owner enjoined to pay. Firenze, via di Cenni
o0201080.084va 1422 giugno 10 Guaranty for debt for weighing gabelle of Pisa. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0201082.089c 1423 marzo 31 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0204013.030a 1432 aprile 5 Payment for iron to reinforce the stained-glass window of Saint Zenobius. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0204009.072a 1423 maggio 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0204009.084va 1423/4 gennaio 5 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0204009.093ve 1424 aprile 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Firenze, via di Porta San Piero
o0204009.111va 1425 ottobre 12 Payment for various purchases of hardware. (Firenze, via di) Porta San Piero
o0204009.071ve 1423 ottobre 6 Payment to blacksmith for the purchase of hardware. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0204013.110e 1435 novembre 26 Payment to blacksmith for work done on the chains of church. Firenze, (via di) Porta San Piero
o0201070.017b 1417 aprile 26 Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. Firenze, via di Santa Reparata
o0202001.145ve 1431 luglio 11 Copy of the order slip of the Signori with the order to clear out the street where the jetties have been demolished. Firenze, via dove sono demoliti gli sporti
o0201080.017b 1421/2 marzo 13 Exemption for dotal properties. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201070.024a 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of mortar. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0204008.005f 1417 giugno 3 Payment for supply of mortar. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0204009.042vh 1422 novembre 23 Payment for supply of mortar. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201074.041b 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the model of Brunelleschi and for other work. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201074.040va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0204008.030b 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201070.024b 1417 giugno 3 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks and bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0204008.005va 1417 giugno 3 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks and bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201074.041c 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of narrow bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0204008.031ve 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of narrow bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201074.041vd 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0201077.011ve 1419/20 gennaio 26 Revocation of demand of payment on the basis of testament and dotal properties. Firenze, via Ghibellina
o0202001.172a 1427 aprile 11 Authority to the wardens to sell the kiln in via Ghibellina. (Firenze), via Ghibellina, fornace
o0201074.022f 1418 ottobre 8 Authorization to the administrator to rent out a kiln. Firenze, via Ghibellina, fornace
o0204009.077vc 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for supply of mortar and for the purchase of bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina, fornace
o0204008.031vd 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks. Firenze, via Ghibellina, fornace
o0204008.032d 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. Firenze, via Ghibellina, fornace
o0204009.078a 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for work done at the kiln. Firenze, via Ghibellina, fornace
o0204009.107c 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. (Firenze), via Ghibellina, fornace dell'Opera
o0204009.107d 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. (Firenze), via Ghibellina, fornace dell'Opera
o0204009.107e 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. (Firenze), via Ghibellina, fornace dell'Opera
o0202001.022vf 1425/6 febbraio 18 Drawing of experts for the appraisal of a statue. (Firenze), via Gualfonda
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Firenze, via Larga, cioè via degli Spadai
o0201082.089vf 1423 maggio 28 Guaranty for debt for pardons, wine and butchering. Firenze, via Maggio
o0201074.045a 1418 luglio 15 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. Firenze, via Maggio
o0201079.086vg 1421 ottobre 10 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Firenze, via Nuova
o0204012.130vi 1430 aprile 21 Balance of payment for paving of the street where the Ricci live, that goes from the tower of messer Dino to the Tedaldini house. Firenze, via presso i Ricci
o0202001.137l 1430/1 febbraio 16 Payment for the paving of the street near the bell tower. Firenze, via presso il campanile
o0201070b.057d 1417 aprile 2 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Firenze, via San Gallo
o0204013.056a 1433 maggio 23 Payment for petty expenses. Firenze, via San Gallo
o0201079.023vb 1421 settembre 5 Prohibition to masters designated for work on the cupola to absent themselves without permit. Firenze, via San Gallo
o0201081.023vc 1422 ottobre 6 Salary set for a master. Firenze, via San Gallo
o0201085.007vf 1424 dicembre 20 Loan of cloth hangings. Firenze, via San Gallo, chiesa di San Salvestro
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. Firenze, via tra il campanile e casa Tinucci
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Firenze, via tra le case dei Ricci e dei Masi
o0204012.129d 1430 marzo 30 Payment for paving and excavation of the street towards the Bischeri and the square of the Pallottole. Firenze, via verso i Bischeri
o0201074.010va 1418 agosto 23 Rulings about the design or closing of the residence of the canons and for the building of two walls closing off two streets. Firenze, via vicino alla chiesa di San Piero Celoro
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Firenze, vie intorno a Santa Maria del Fiore
o0204008.024va 1418 giugno 30 Payment for petty expenses for the feast of Saint John. Firenze, vie intorno a Santa Maria del Fiore
o0201072.025a 1417/8 febbraio 28 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Firenze, Vigna
o0201074.044c 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of two shops with a house. Firenze, Vigna, presso il ponte alla Carraia
o0201086.087d 1425 maggio 16 Arrest of debtor for unspecified debt. Firenze, Vinegia
o0201070b.051vf 1416/7 febbraio 10 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the Podesteria of Lari. Firenze, Vinegia
o0201086.073b 1425 giugno 5 Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. Firenze, Vinegia
o0202001.018b 1425 dicembre 10 Prohibition to demand payment of arrested person. Firenze, Vinegia
o0204011.030vf 1425 dicembre 10 Prohibition to demand payment of guarantor for debt. Firenze, Vinegia
o0204012.092e 1428 novembre 19 Payment for the purchase of large sandstone gutter spouts. (Firenze), Visdomini
o0204009.102vg 1425 luglio 3 Payment to sand diggers for removal of earth and refuse. (Firenze), Visdomini
o0204012.087g 1428 agosto 31 Payment to the notary of the Wool Guild for notarial act. (Firenze), Visdomini
o0201081.083e 1422 settembre 26 Guaranty for debt for pardons of forced loans. Firenze, Volta
o0204012.032vb 1426 dicembre 18 Payment for the purchase of hardware for Lastra and Malmantile. (Firenze), volta alla Stella
o0201076.071vd 1419 luglio 21 Promise to respect the terms of consignment of sandstone blocks in part already paid with guaranty. Firenze, volta di San Piero Maggiore
o0202001.244va 1435 novembre 26 Term of payment to the church of Marcignana with guaranty. (Firenze),albergo del Re
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. San Miniato nei pressi di Firenze
o0201080.058va 1422 maggio 5 Contract for 1.600.000 broad bricks to be manufactured in four years in the Settimo kiln and relative guaranty. Settimo, contado di Firenze
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