Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1419 dicembre 3 |
Authorization to messenger to ask for compensation from debtors of the new gabelles for his skill in searching the records. |
Text: solvere debentium, et conveniens sit quod eidem |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. |
Text: aliis locis et conveniens sit aliquid saltim |
1419/20 gennaio 19 |
Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. |
Text: in predictis prout conveniens est providere, servatis |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Term of payment to the parish of Santa Croce in Mugello for debt for gabelle on properties and persons. |
Text: non gravari et conveniens sic obedientes gratiam |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: quo laborabunt et conveniens sit eisdem de |
1419/20 febbraio 21 |
Cancellation of debt and correction of account entry corresponding to pawns sold. |
Text: Opera attare prout conveniens et iuris etc. |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: et volentes prout conveniens esse putaverunt circa |
1420 aprile 16 |
Election of the supervisors of the cupola with salary set and election of master masons. |
Text: quibus et prout conveniens est et requiritur |
1420 giugno 28 |
Prohibition to demand payment and declaration of exemption for the Podesteria of Peccioli in val d'Era. |
Text: trecentarum sex, et conveniens sit exemptes molestari |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Concession of right of recourse to a person enjoined to pay the debt for the property gabelle of the parish of Santa Maria a Marcoiano. |
Text: dicti populi et conveniens est indepnis propterea |
1421 agosto 30 |
Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. |
Text: florenos tres, et conveniens (est) quod eidem |
1421 settembre 15 |
Right of recourse to the Commune of San Quintino with indemnification from the true debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: carta 4, et conveniens est quod dictum |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: Leonardi provisum et conveniens est quod eisdem |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. |
Text: et inmunia et conveniens est quod benefitium |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Concession of right of recourse to debtor for property gabelles and testaments. |
Text: decem f.p., et conveniens est quod idem |
1422 marzo 31 |
New rental of the quarry of Monte Oliveto to assist a (carter) held, nevertheless, to the payment of the rent. |
Text: sumptus fecit et conveniens est quod aliqualiter |
1422 aprile 29 |
Declaration on partial suitability of the marble conveyed for the cornices of the main cupola and tare on the agreed price. |
Text: decens erat et conveniens est, quod si |
1422 aprile 29 |
Salary set for masters for the winter. |
Text: pretio designato, et conveniens est quod eisdem |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Deduction of the price of transport from payment to carter for a sandstone block broken during the unloading. |
Text: eius culpa, et conveniens est quod non |
1422 novembre 6 |
Registration of the daily wages and of the overtime hours labored by the workers. |
Text: et ordinatas et conveniens est unicuique eorumdem |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Renunciation of rental of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci at the expiration of the contract, prohibition with penalty of transit on the street constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. |
Text: et ultra et conveniens non esset quod |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Renunciation of appointment of administrator for personal reasons. |
Text: ut appeteret et conveniens esset, cum omni |
1425 aprile 26 |
Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe to hire unskilled workers and set their salary. |
Text: eisdem videbitur fore conveniens et utile pro |
1425 maggio 18 |
Salary set for the hoister of loads to the cupola, whose previous contract is expired. |
Text: et considerantes quod conveniens est unicuique de |
1426 aprile 29 |
Authority to the master builder, the scribe and the administrator to set the salaries of the unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: prout eis videbitur conveniens et prout eorum |
1426 aprile 30 |
New appointment for the completion of the registry (of the debtors) of the Opera and dismissal of the person previously appointed. |
Text: operarios quod videbitur conveniens pro labore suo |
1427 aprile 9 |
Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina. |
Text: posticcio non foret conveniens dictis magistris solvi |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Assignment of house to canon. |
Text: fore necessarium et conveniens pro tractando eumdem |
1429/30 gennaio 4 |
Commission to a warden for the examination of the recompense of the administrator and the master builder for the measurement of the work at Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: laboris, videtur sibi conveniens habere et participare |
1431 giugno 23 |
Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. |
Text: videtur iustum ac conveniens in eorum salariis |
1434 aprile 16 |
Restitution of the deposit of a canon for a residence. |
Text: quod non est conveniens ipsum dominum Robertum |
1434 aprile 22 |
Prohibition to destroy a house until the construction of another. |
Text: etiam stare ut conveniens est. |