Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. |
Text: gravatus et multotiens ivit ad dictum castrum |
1419 giugno 7 |
Drawing of the provost. |
Text: Iohannes de Corsinis ivit ad balneum et |
1419 giugno 22 |
Authorization to return to work. |
Text: Bertini magister qui ivit ad laborandum cum |
1419 giugno 22 |
Order to arrest a master who has worked outside the Opera without permission. |
Text: dicti Operis quia ivit ad laborandum extra |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: ibit et seu ivit secum possit laborare |
1420 giugno 28 |
Payment of various expenditures. |
Text: quampluribus vicibus quando ivit ad faciendum conduci |
1420/1 febbraio 17 |
Order to withhold from a contract for supply of mortar the expenditures incurred by the stonecutter sent to check. |
Text: ad id faciendum ivit Iohannes Fruosini vocatus |
1421 agosto 20 |
Ruling in favor of lender of horses for a lost saddle with deduction from the salary of the person responsible and, for the horse, from the fees of the defaulting lumber suppliers. |
Text: comodatorem equorum quando ivit ad silvam Opere, |
1421 agosto 20 |
Reimbursement to lender for decease of horse lent. |
Text: qui mandato operariorum ivit ad silvam Opere |
1421 novembre 5 |
Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to have lumber transported. |
Text: in quibus mensibus ivit ex mandato operariorum |
1422 luglio 17 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: Saccardum qui propterea ivit die VII dicti |
1424/5 gennaio 24 |
Salary of Lorenzo of Bartoluccio with deduction for trip. |
Text: ex eo quod ivit dicto tempore Venetias, |
1425 marzo 26 |
Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to notary (of the testaments) for investigation on testamentary bequest. |
Text: otto dierum quibus ivit et stetit cum |
1425 agosto 22 |
Mode of payment for expenditures incurred for the donation of a piece of land. |
Text: in ytinere quando ivit ad rogandum quamdam |
1426 maggio 17 |
Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. |
Text: vice prefatus Chechus ivit ad dicta loca |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. |
Text: Venturam scharpellatorem qui ivit ad laborandum extra |
1427 aprile 2 |
Oath of a warden. |
Text: de Strozziis qui ivit Pisas pro consulatus |
1427 agosto 18 |
Permit to stonecutter to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: ille magister qui ivit seu ibit ad |
1429 dicembre 19 |
Permit to stonecutter to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: Nofrii scharpellator, qui ivit ad laborandum extra |
1432 agosto 12 |
Readmission of a worker after absence to serve the Commune on the battlefield. |
Text: ipse decessit et ivit mandato Decem Balie |
1432 settembre 17 |
Notification of a debt for lumber cut for other parties without authorization. |
Text: anni elapsi quibus ivit mandato operariorum ad |
1432 novembre 28 |
Order to accredit to a stonecutter the salary and the expenditures incurred for a trip to the forest. |
Text: quamplurimorum dierum quibus ivit et stetit et |
1433 giugno 15 |
Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. |
Text: alias Fraschette quando ivit Lucam ad portandum |
1433 giugno 30 |
Registration of the daily wages of a person sent to Carrara. |
Text: de Sancto Cassiano ivit, stetit et redivit |
1433 settembre 16 |
Registration of the payment made to the masters for laying waste to the rebel castles of the Pisan countryside. |
Text: caputmagistro Opere qui ivit mandato dominorum Priorum |
1433 ottobre 9 |
Registration of the days worked by a master to carry out a trip to the forest. |
Text: diebus laborativis quibus ivit, stetit et reversus |
1434 aprile 26 |
Order to arrest a supplier of marble for failure to carry out his appointed task. |
Text: partito, actento quod ivit Pisas et non |
1435 aprile 27 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters who went to see about a matter of the weir of Niccolò Giraldi. |
Text: eum facto quando ivit ad videndum pischariam |
1435 giugno 28 |
Registration of the days worked on the Parlascio gate of Pisa. |
Text: Pierum Baccelli qui ivit Pisas cum Filippo |
1435 giugno 28 |
Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. |
Text: magistrum Opere qui ivit ad sollicitandum dictum |
1435 luglio 6 |
Registration of the daily wages of master who went to the castle of Nicola and to Carrara and reimbursement of expenses to the same. |
Text: quibus stetit et ivit et redivit a |
1435 agosto 8 |
Commission to set the salary of a (master) and reimbursement of the expenditures for a his trip to Lunigiana. |
Text: secum duxit quando ivit Niccolam partium Lunigiane. |