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Context of query
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: pro faciendo ibi laborari lapides et alias
o0201077.006d 1419/20 gennaio 9 Letter to the Podestà of Cascia with request for information on the ownership of a farm. Text: quod podere dicitur laborari a Vanne Niccolai.
o0201077.040ve 1420 maggio 18 Authorization to work on Saturday to finish the work on the third tribune. Text: magistros et alios laborari et alia fieri
o0201077.045vb 1420 giugno 28 Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. Text: super ipso continuo laborari a quampluribus magistris
o0201077.046vb 1420 giugno 28 Registration of the days worked on the third tribune. Text: et ordinata non laborari potest nisi modiciem
o0201079.017e 1421 agosto 20 Authorization to the 4 cupola officials to hire workers for the cupola, set their salary and attend to the provision of oak and bars for sandstone blocks as needed for the work. Text: et adsummere pro laborari faciendo super cupola
o0201086.011e 1425 aprile 14 Commission to Ciuffagni of make a marble figure. Text: in quattuor inceptum laborari per Rossum fratris
o0201086.016vd 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. Text: baliam et potestatem laborari faciendi a magistris
o0201086.016vd 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. Text: Opere non potest laborari super cupola magna
o0201086.019va 1425 maggio 31 Order to the master builder to have four stones worked for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: licite et inpune laborari facere a magistris
o0202001.011g 1425 ottobre 12 Order to master to build at the castle of Lastra. Text: teneatur et debeat laborari et murare super
o0202001.011g 1425 ottobre 12 Order to master to build at the castle of Lastra. Text: dicti castri et laborari facere usque ad
o0202001.024vc 1425/6 marzo 18 Prohibition to the scribe of the daily wages, the master builder and the administrator to admit stonecutters without the approval the wardens. Text: possint quoquo modo laborari permictere in dicta
o0202001.034b 1426 giugno 5 Authorization to the master builder to distribute undiluted wine to the masters at work up on the cupola under his personal responsibility. Text: possibile est possit laborari et maior utilitas
o0202001.036vd 1426 luglio 11 Authorization to the master builder to have tomb-size marble slabs cut for the external ribs of the great cupola, restoration of a terracotta figure and of a broken mosaic. Title: Quod caputmagister possit laborari facere pro crestis
o0202001.046c 1426 novembre 23 Prohibition to build to the castle of Lastra without permit, under penalty of its destruction. Title: deinceps non possit laborari in edifitio murorum
o0202001.062ve 1427 luglio 3 Authority to the master builder to assign work to the masters and dismiss those least qualified for the tasks in hand. Text: dicte Opere possit laborari facere per magistros
o0202001.064e 1427 agosto 5 Order to the master builder have work resumed on the cupola on August 18 and thus in the future until new orders. Text: caputmagister dicte Opere laborari et edificari faciat
o0202001.068a 1427 settembre 19 Contract to the abbot of Settimo for 45.000 small broad bricks to be made in his kiln. Text: fornace fieri et laborari facere quadraginta quinque
o0202001.069vm 1427 ottobre 20 Authorization to the master builder to have six to eight cartloads of white marble delivered and to have it worked on by the masters. Text: dictus caputmagister, et laborari facere per magistros
o0202001.078vd 1427/8 febbraio 24 Authority to the master builder to have workers employed or not on the cupola. Text: dicte Opere possit laborari et non laborari
o0202001.078vd 1427/8 febbraio 24 Authority to the master builder to have workers employed or not on the cupola. Text: laborari et non laborari facere illos magistros
o0202001.094c 1428 novembre 18 Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. Text: amplius in ea laborari non possint quovis
o0202001.111b 1429 agosto 4 Authorization to (warden) to have stones cut in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: impune fieri et laborari facere per magistros
o0202001.129c 1430 settembre 6 Authorization to make a stone slab for an altar in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: prefate Opere possit laborari facere in chava
o0202001.133f 1430 ottobre 5 Rent of a garden with stable and shed to the notary of the Opera. Text: prefata Opera non laborari faciet in dicta
o0202001.137h 1430/1 febbraio 15 Authorization to have sandstone blocks prepared. Text: possit suis expensis laborari facere certas lapides
o0202001.139b 1430/1 marzo 14 Authorization to prepare three tomb slabs for the altar of Saint Zenobius. Text: caputmagister Opere possit laborari facere tres lapides
o0202001.148b 1431 agosto 28 Authorization to begin work on the cupola. Title: Quod possit laborari super cupola
o0202001.148b 1431 agosto 28 Authorization to begin work on the cupola. Text: caputmagister Opere incipiat laborari facere super cupola.
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: teneantur et debeant laborari facere inferius et
o0202001.187vh 1432 ottobre 1 Permission to a private person to have stones worked on in order to make a sink. Text: de Rondinellis possit laborari facere in Opera
o0202001.189h 1432 ottobre 29 Order to have small arches of marble prepared for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: caputmagister Opere teneatur laborari facere certos archettos
o0202001.205vg 1433 ottobre 9 Order to the master builder to test the ability of a worker in sharpening chisels and welding hardware. Text: quod caputmagister Opere laborari faciat cum fabro
o0202001.223d 1434 ottobre 22 Registration of the days worked at request of the master builder on holidays. Title: non est solitum laborari per Filippotium ad
o0202001.224d 1434 novembre 18 Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. Title: Licentia concessa Alexandro laborari faciendi in cava
o0202001.224d 1434 novembre 18 Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Alexandro de Alexandris laborari faciendi in cava
o0202001.224d 1434 novembre 18 Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: genus lapidum vellet laborari facere, reservatis tamen
o0202001.227vl 1434/5 marzo 2 Order to the master builder to have iron chains prepared to fortify the church. Text: quod caputmagister Opere laborari faciat catenas de
o0202001.230e 1435 aprile 11 Order to utilize for the base of the lantern a stone slab previously supplied for organ loft. Text: quod caputmagister Opere laborari faciat pro plano
o0202001.248e 1435/6 febbraio 6 Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment. Title: Opera non possit laborari
o0202001.248e 1435/6 febbraio 6 Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment. Text: possit anno quolibet laborari et laborari facere
o0202001.248e 1435/6 febbraio 6 Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment. Text: quolibet laborari et laborari facere per aliquem
o0202001.252vf 1436 aprile 27 Order to the scribe to keep count of the stones worked in the Opera and transmit the masters' accounts to the wardens monthly. Text: omnium lapidum qui laborari debent in Opera
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