Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416 dicembre 30 |
Election of the scribe and administrator of the new gabelles. |
Text: de Bombenis in scribanum eorum officii et |
1417 aprile 28 |
Election of the scribe and administrator of the new gabelles with salary set. |
Text: de Bombenis in scribanum et provisorem dicti |
1417 giugno 22 |
Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. |
Text: Bombenis provisorem et scribanum dicti Operis ad |
1418 aprile 20 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: in scriptis per scribanum giornatarum dicti Operis |
1418 giugno 17 |
Salary set for four masters. |
Text: eorum operibus per scribanum giornatarum etc.; nomina |
1418 aprile 13 |
Salary of the administrator and scribe of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. |
Text: in provisorem et scribanum dictarum novarum gabellarum |
1418 aprile 20 |
Election of the administrator of the new gabelles and setting of his salary. |
Text: in provisorem et scribanum dicti Operis pro |
1418 dicembre 9 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: dabitur inscriptis per scribanum giornatarum dicti Operis; |
1419 aprile 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of worker. |
Text: Opere scribatur per scribanum giornatarum Operis immediate |
1419 aprile 22 |
Election of the accountant and scribe for register the debtors in a separate book. |
Text: in rationerium et scribanum dicti Operis ad |
1419 aprile 22 |
Election of the accountant, cancellation of debt for property gabelle and conviction of the notary of the new gabelles for payments not registered. |
Text: Bartolomei Borgognonis in scribanum et rationerium dicti |
1419 agosto 31 |
Payment for the purchase of a chain and an iron pole for the third tribune. |
Text: vice capomagistrum et scribanum giornatarum Operis, in |
1420 maggio 20 |
Salary set for sawyers of lumber for the Pope's residence. |
Text: per Iacobum Sandri scribanum dierum dicte habitationis |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: scripte per Filippozum scribanum sed de mandato |
1421 aprile 29 |
Admission to the rolls of unskilled worker and registration of daily wages. |
Text: scribantur dies per scribanum pro tempore preterito |
1421 giugno 17 |
Readmission and registration of the work days of master dismissed. |
Text: dies admicti per scribanum dierum dicte Opere |
1421 luglio 24 |
Restitution of part of defective broad bricks to kilnman. |
Text: facta per Filippozum scribanum dierum dicte Opere, |
1421 agosto 20 |
Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. |
Text: Opera conducto per scribanum dierum dicte Opere |
1421 agosto 20 |
Authorization to the scribe of the daily wages to pay wounded stonecutter even if he cannot work. |
Text: observatum per ipsum scribanum et camerarium; et |
1421 agosto 26 |
Admission to the rolls of unskilled worker with salary to be determined by administrator, master builder and scribe. |
Text: provisorem, caputmagistrum et scribanum dicti officii. |
1421 settembre 17 |
Admission to the rolls and registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and stonecutters. |
Text: eis statuendo per scribanum dierum dicte Opere |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Registration of the day's wage of masters and stonecutters for work at the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: Opere per Filippozum scribanum dicte Opere licite |
1421 novembre 21 |
Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. |
Text: sumptibus mensuratorum per scribanum et provisorem die |
1421 novembre 21 |
Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones. |
Text: per provisorem et scribanum die 20 presentis |
1422 maggio 20 |
Salary set for the summer for the person charged with the surveillance of the masters and unskilled workers on the cupola. |
Text: Filippozum de Bastariis scribanum dierum, presenti estate |
1422 settembre 16 |
Increase of salary to stonecutter sent to work in quarry with order not to leave the work place without permission. |
Text: sic actetur per scribanum ad eius computum |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: retentione unicuique per scribanum dierum dicte Opere |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: scriptura facta per scribanum dierum supradictum. Nomina |
1422 novembre 24 |
Salary of master stonecutters for the winter. |
Text: fide facta per scribanum dierum dicte Opere |
1425 marzo 26 |
Registration of the daily wages of master mason with salary set. |
Text: Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanum dicte Opere pro |
1425 giugno 12 |
Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. |
Text: Giovenchi de Bastariis scribanum prefate Opere et |
1425 maggio 16 |
Contract for hoisting loads up to the cupola with two oxen and salary set for the ox driver. |
Text: Giovenchii de Bastariis scribanum prefate Opere scioperium |
1425 novembre 5 |
Election of a scribe for the registry of the debtors of the Opera and the rubric of the wardens. |
Title: de Corbizis in scribanum ad scribendum speculum |
1425 dicembre 10 |
Election of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum dicte Opere pro |
1425/6 gennaio 29 |
Election of the administrator, master builder and scribe of the daily wages. |
Text: Giovenchi Bastarii in scribanum dicte Opere pro |
1425/6 marzo 18 |
Election of a master stonecutter. |
Title: per caputmagistrum et scribanum possit fieri eius |
1426 aprile 29 |
Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. |
Text: et per eorum scribanum Opere possint scribi |
1426 giugno 20 |
Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe of the Opera. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum dicte Opere pro |
1426 dicembre 16 |
Election and relative confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum dicte Opere Bastam |
1426/7 gennaio 10 |
Oath of wardens and permission to register masters and unskilled workers to the book (of the scribe). |
Text: Opera et per scribanum dicte Opere possit |
1426/7 gennaio 10 |
Oath of wardens and permission to register masters and unskilled workers to the book (of the scribe). |
Text: Opera et per scribanum dicte Opere possint |
1426/7 gennaio 22 |
Permission to (master) to work in the Opera. |
Text: ad librum per scribanum dicte Opere non |
1426/7 febbraio 4 |
Registration of the work days of stonecutter notwithstanding the fact that he has not respected a resolution of the wardens. |
Text: et scribi per scribanum Opere ad librum |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. |
Text: in provisorem et scribanum prefate Opere in |
1427 maggio 7 |
Revocation of tare wrongfully imposed on (kilnman) for supply of broad bricks. |
Text: Giovenchii de Bastariis scribanum dicte Opere de |
1427 maggio 14 |
Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum, Batistam Antonii in |
1427 maggio 14 |
Election of the accountant of the Opera at the forced loans office. |
Text: conduxerunt in eorum scribanum et ratiocinerium ad |
1427 agosto 18 |
Authority to each of the wardens to elect a master stonecutter with registration in the book of work days and salary set for the summer. |
Text: ad librum per scribanum Opere et sic |
1427 ottobre 20 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: et alia per scribanum super giornatis dicte |
1429 aprile 21 |
Order to the master builder not to leave the Opera on work days, under penalty the loss of the day's wage. |
Text: diei et per scribanum Opere non possit |
1429 giugno 1 |
Hiring of master. |
Text: provisorem, caputmagistrum et scribanum Opere, prout eorum |
1429 novembre 15 |
Confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum super giornatis dicte |
1429/30 gennaio 31 |
Prohibition to make contracts with kilnmen who have not supplied surety to the Opera and demand of payment from them and their guarantors for the advance payments received. |
Text: declaribitur per Filippotium scribanum super giornatis non |
1430 settembre 15 |
Election of the supervisor of the cupola. |
Text: fieri per Filippotium scribanum super giornatis de |
1430 settembre 18 |
Authorization to supply broad bricks. |
Text: possint per eorum scribanum acceptari, habita fide |
1430 settembre 18 |
Authorization to supply broad bricks. |
Text: nec Opera per scribanum Opere acceptari, habita |
1428/9 febbraio 14 |
Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. |
Text: eorum provisorem et scribanum Opere sub pena |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authority to set the salaries of the masters who went to lay waste the castles in the Pisan countryside. |
Text: provisorem, caputmagistrum et scribanum super giornatis omnes |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. |
Text: caputmagistrum, provisorem et scribanum super giornatis dicte |
1434 aprile 13 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: caputmagistrum, provisorem et scribanum super giornatis, sterzando |
1435 maggio 4 |
Oath of warden and reconfirmation of the master builder, the administrator and the scribe. |
Text: de Bastariis in scribanum super giornatis Opere. |
1435 agosto 8 |
Salary of masters. |
Text: provisorem Opere et scribanum super giornatis quibusdam |
1436 aprile 27 |
Salary of the masters for the winter to be determined by calculating the average of the salary lists submitted by the administrator, master builder and scribe. |
Text: provisorem, caputmagistrum et scribanum super giornatis dicte |