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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417 maggio 21 |
Revocation of the demand of payment made to the Commune of Modigliana. |
Text: de iuri solvere teneretur et non aliter |
1416/7 gennaio 7 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock gabelle with promise of guaranty. |
Text: et officialium solvere teneretur pro suis bestiis |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Dismissal of two debt collectors for having enjoined a citizen to pay who was not a debtor outside the city gates on a feast day. |
Text: autem solvere aliquid teneretur Operi, presens cassatio |
1416/7 gennaio 7 |
Guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: dictos operarios solvere teneretur pro gabella bestiarium |
1418 agosto 6 |
Guaranty for debt. |
Text: dicto Operi solvere teneretur vel obligatus esset |
1419 novembre 7 |
Prohibition to the notary of the new gabelles to stand surety for debts of forced loans to be deducted in the new property gabelles. |
Text: deberet et seu teneretur dicto Operi, etiam |
1419/20 febbraio 21 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt with restitution of pawns. |
Text: que dicte Opere teneretur et obligatus esset |
1419/20 marzo 6 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans with restitution of pawns. |
Text: que dicte Opere teneretur dictus olim vir |
1420 aprile 19 |
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. |
Text: vel imponendis solvere teneretur dicte Opere denarios |
1421 novembre 17 |
Revocation of the appointment given to the administrator to receive and annotate the lumber arrived at the port of San Francesco and conferral of the appointment to Jacopo of Sandro. |
Text: dicto officio successor teneretur ad requisitionem conductoris |
1422 aprile 24 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. |
Text: Iohannis de Businis teneretur et deberet solvere |
1422 aprile 24 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. |
Text: solitum, ac etiam teneretur conducere seu conduci |
1422 aprile 29 |
Payment for having hoisted (loads) with oxen up to the main cupola. |
Text: et quod sibi teneretur occultum usque quo |
1423/4 gennaio 27 |
Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. |
Text: hospitale possessa quomodolibet teneretur vel obligatus esset |
1425 giugno 26 |
Election of messenger with salary set. |
Text: que Opera prefata teneretur habere a debitoribus |
1424/5 marzo 9 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the oratory of San Galgano. |
Text: quo dictum Commune teneretur et obligatum esset |
1425 giugno 5 |
Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. |
Text: casu quo solvere teneretur dicte Opere; et |
1425 novembre 21 |
Payment to the master of dressed stone at Malmantile by deduction from amount due to the masters of Lastra. |
Text: magister concii habere teneretur a dictis magistris |
1426 giugno 17 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. |
Text: civitatis quod quicumque teneretur et obligatus esset |
1426 agosto 19 |
Authorization to the treasurer to pay workers. |
Text: rationem predictam habere teneretur; Montino Broxii ad |
1426 agosto 19 |
Dispatch of (master) to oversee to the work of the castles of Lastra and of Malmantile. |
Text: pecunie quam habere teneretur ad rationem soldorum |
1426 settembre 24 |
Payment to kilnman. |
Text: de Ridolfis habere teneretur a dicto Laurentio |
1426 novembre 14 |
Letter to the Podestà of San Gimignano instructing him to dispatch two men to pay and proclaim term of payment for the debtors for legacies, under penalty of demand of payment. |
Text: Geminiani quod quicumque teneretur solvere aliquod legatum |
1426/7 gennaio 10 |
Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. |
Text: comitatu Pisarum, que teneretur et deberet solvere |
1427 maggio 7 |
Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. |
Text: illam quam dare teneretur dicte Opere; et |
1427 maggio 7 |
Letter to the notary of the gabelle on contracts of Arezzo instructing him to prevent fraud and inform the Opera. |
Text: alia de causa teneretur Florentia accedere ac |
1427 maggio 7 |
Letter to the notary of the gabelle on contracts of Arezzo instructing him to prevent fraud and inform the Opera. |
Text: in quantum non teneretur hiis tempore venire, |
1427 maggio 7 |
Resolution for allocation of funds for payment for written gatherings. |
Text: et quicquid habere teneretur ad rationem predictam |
1428 marzo 29 |
Assignment of houses to canons. |
Text: aliquid residuum solvere teneretur de domo Gentilis |
1428 maggio 5 |
Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. |
Text: quod prefata Opera teneretur mutuare dicto Ughoni |
1428 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. |
Text: quod prefate Opere teneretur. |
1428 agosto 26 |
Review of the debt of the past notary of the testaments with request for proof of claimed removal and sale of pawns to be credited to him and term of payment for the remaining sum dependent upon his ratification of these conditions. |
Text: quibus aliquid habere teneretur vel alia causa |
1428 agosto 31 |
Release of kilnman from supply agreement which had been terminated. |
Text: solvendum quod dare teneretur et suam rationem |
1428 ottobre 1 |
Authorization to pay for transport of white marble from Pisa to Signa. |
Text: pecunie quam habere teneretur de marmore per |
1428/9 marzo 12 |
Order to debtor kilnman to deliver broad bricks up to the full amount of his debt, under penalty of demand of payment. |
Text: id quod dare teneretur dicte Opere. |
1429 maggio 18 |
Transfer of the amount paid for carriage of marble, following the report of a warden charged with the matter. |
Text: et ergo facere teneretur et hec vigore |
1431 maggio 30 |
Letter to the commissary of Staggia about the work at Staggia. |
Text: si aliqua persona teneretur ab eo aliquid |
1431 agosto 16 |
Permission to pay the unskilled workers with priority over other payments. |
Text: solutiones quas facere teneretur. |
1431/2 febbraio 22 |
Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. |
Text: pretium quod habere teneretur de dicta calce |
1428/9 febbraio 14 |
Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. |
Text: proxime futuri conducere teneretur, alias elapso dicto |
1428/9 febbraio 14 |
Acceptance of a larger shipment of broad bricks than agreed upon and cancellation of the advance received. |
Text: residuo quod dare teneretur Opere de mutuo |
1432 dicembre 3 |
Extinction of demand of payment and new procedure of notification of debt for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. |
Text: hospitale dicte Opere teneretur, nisi primo et |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. |
Text: tenere et usufructare teneretur dicto tempore sine |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. |
Text: casolare et ortum teneretur modo et forma |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: onera ecclesia non teneretur per no(tate) in |
1435 luglio 5 |
Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. |
Text: eius quod dare teneretur Opere, et hoc |