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Context of query
o0202001.256vg 1436 agosto 9 Consignment of the copy of a counsel obtained from a lawyer and of other acts for a lawsuit between the Opera and Simone Rustichelli of Pisa and new request of counsel. Text: ab eo petatur consilium quid iuris in
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: advocati florentini quoddam consilium sigillatum suo sigillo
o0201080.072vd 1422 giugno 3 Payment for a legal counsel obtained over the 3 denari per lira to be collected from the treasurers of Florence, Pisa, Arezzo and Cortona. Text: Agubio pro habendo consilium super dicta causa,
o0202001.063a 1427 luglio 11 Concession of rights of 5 soldi and of 4 denari per lira per precept to debt collector and letter to rectors and officials of the Commune to help him in his assignment. Text: Antonio prestetur auxilium, consilium et favorem.
o0201080.021e 1422 marzo 31 Concession of help to (kiln contractor) to pay the carters. Text: auxilium, favor et consilium quotiens fuerit opportunum,
o0201076.050va 1419 agosto 11 Payment for advice requested for the matters of Pisa and for petty expenses. Text: Castro pro habendo consilium ab eo in
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: Commune vel eius consilium vel vexilliferum, et
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: considerantes quod dictum consilium fuit redditum in
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: considerantes super predictis consilium eis exibitum per
o0202001.102b 1428/9 febbraio 23 Ratification of legal counsel obtained and of the relative resolution. Text: consilio ratificaverunt dictum consilium et deliberationem operariorum
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: constat per dictum consilium redditum super predictis,
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: continetur, quod quidem consilium de mandato prepositi
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: de novo haberi consilium sapientis super dictis
o0201080.011e 1421/2 febbraio 6 Request of legal counsel about whether or not payment of 4 denari per lira is due from the notaries of the civil court of the Podestà of Pisa. Text: deliberaverunt quod petatur consilium a domino Alexandro
o0201086.014vb 1425 aprile 28 Term to the prior of the hospital of San Gallo for submitting acts on the lawsuit in course for debt with obligation to pay the consultant. Text: dicta causa reddet consilium, alias elapso dicto
o0202001.216va 1434 maggio 14 Affirmation of debt for pardons of taxes, on the basis of legal counsel, and mode of payment. Text: dicte Opere dictum consilium in qualibet sui
o0202001.205c 1433 settembre 16 Order to send masters to the Pisan countryside to recover bells and hardware and dispatch of letters to the rectors. Text: dictis magistris eorum consilium, auxilium et favorem
o0202001.042b 1426 ottobre 25 Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. Text: dictis operariis habere consilium sapientis expensis dicti
o0202001.010vd 1425 settembre 26 Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer. Text: dictus notarius teneatur consilium sic per consultorem
o0201079.013va 1421 agosto 14 Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. Text: dominos consules et consilium dicte Artis super
o0202001.128e 1430 giugno 16 Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. Text: eidem prestent auxilium, consilium et favorem in
o0202001.187vd 1432 settembre 26 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of the debtors of the Mugello and letter to the rectors of the Vicariate. Text: eisdem prestent auxilium, consilium et favorem.
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: eligerunt, et considerantes consilium per eumdem dominum
o0202001.010vd 1425 settembre 26 Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer. Text: eorum notarium ad consilium sapientis, videlicet ad
o0202001.231va 1435 aprile 26 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. Text: eorum offitio quoddam consilium redditum per sapientes
o0202001.099va 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer and release of heirs from overly burdensome testamentary legacies and their acquittal. Text: et adtendentes ad consilium redditum per eumdem
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: et debeat dictum consilium et presentem deliberationem
o0202001.042b 1426 ottobre 25 Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. Text: et differentiis habeatur consilium sapientis, et ad
o0202001.054f 1426/7 marzo 19 Concession of right of recourse to the Commune of San Gimignano. Text: et probent auxilium, consilium et favorem.
o0202001.042b 1426 ottobre 25 Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. Text: et quod secundum consilium prefatum dicte lites
o0202001.129e 1430 settembre 6 Letter to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors. Text: exactiones prestent eorum consilium, auxilium et favorem.
o0202001.059b 1427 maggio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Castelfranco of the lower Valdarno instructing him to help to Brunelleschi, who is working for the honor of the Commune of Florence. Text: Filippo prestet auxilium, consilium et favorem in
o0201081.021d 1422 settembre 22 Order to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors outside the city with open letter to the rectors of the countryside and definition of their rights. Text: gravamenta sibi prebeant consilium, auxilium et favorem
o0201080.072vc 1422 giugno 3 Payment for a legal counsel obtained about the 3 denari per lira to be collected from the treasurers of Florence, Pisa, Arezzo and Cortona. Text: habendo ab eo consilium super denariis tribus
o0201080.072f 1422 maggio 20 Payment for a legal counsel obtained over the 3 denari per lira to be collected from the treasurers of Pisa, Arezzo and Cortona. Text: habendo ab eo consilium super denariis tribus
o0202001.240va 1435 agosto 27 Order to arrest a debtor and to inscribe his guarantors in the debtors' registry of the Commune if a legal counsel holds them bound. Text: hoc habeatur primo consilium utrum fideiussores teneantur
o0201077.056vc 1419/20 gennaio 29 Payment for legal counsel obtained for various transactions from the collateral judge of the Capitano del Popolo of Florence. Text: ipsius Opere, quod consilium postea pervenit in
o0201080.026a 1422 aprile 23 Information on the payment of the milling gabelle for the Commune of Marciano. Text: Item quod habeatur consilium a domino Alexandro
o0202001.010vd 1425 settembre 26 Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer. Text: iura micti ad consilium sapientis expensis partis
o0201080.006e 1421/2 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Terranuova instructing him to pay whoever has collected funds for the Opera in the parishes and communes of the League. Text: Lige et per consilium dicte Lige de
o0202001.015vc 1425 novembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. Text: melius potuerunt dictum consilium et omnia et
o0202001.058vd 1427 maggio 7 Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. Text: ministraretur; et considerantes consilium super dicta lite
o0202001.102a 1428/9 gennaio 9 Acceptance of legal counsel given on house of the Cortigiani. Text: notarium, quod quidem consilium apertum fuit in
o0201075.023f 1419 aprile 28 Compensation determined for the approval of a legal opinion on matters concerning Pisa. Text: novus si subscribit consilium domini Iohannis de
o0202001.142b 1431 maggio 9 Cancellation of debt and release of an arrested person. Text: Opere, per quod consilium declarat prefatus dominus
o0201079.045b 1421 novembre 26 Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa. Text: opus fuerit auxilium, consilium et favorem prebeant
o0202001.042b 1426 ottobre 25 Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. Text: oratoribus secreto donec consilium prefatum esset redditum
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: ordinaverunt quod dictum consilium sequatur et sequi
o0202001.132l 1430 settembre 30 Legal counsel for a lawsuit with a debtor. Text: parte alia, habeatur consilium, cum hoc quod
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: paucis diebus ante consilium redditum, volentes igitur
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: petiit ab eo consilium utrum solvere tenebantur
o0202001.155vc 1431/2 marzo 3 Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. Text: prefecti Opere ad consilium deligere sapientissimos atque
o0202001.151vi 1431 dicembre 12 Letter to the rectors of the countryside in order that they favor the search for lumber lost in a flood. Text: prestare debeant auxilium, consilium et favorem Iacobo
o0202001.027h 1426 aprile 17 Letters to the rectors and officials of the countryside about norms for demand of payment of the debtors served with notice. Text: prestent eidem eorum consilium, auxilium et favorem,
o0201086.017vc 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. Text: provideretur per primum consilium fiendum unde denarii
o0202001.235d 1435 maggio 27 Order to put to the account of the treasurers of the forced loans the legal counsel given by wise men and approved by the Signori and collegi of the Commune. Text: que comprendat quoddam consilium redditum per sapientes
o0202001.099vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Election of lawyer for the question of the purchase of the Panciatichi house in the court of the Visdomini. Text: quod antequam dictum consilium aperiatur quelibet partium
o0202001.033b 1426 maggio 17 Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed. Text: quod dent auxilium, consilium et favorem in
o0202001.122ve 1429/30 febbraio 14 Recovery of stones and columns in an abandoned church near the castle of Vada and letters to the Podestà of Rosignano and to the vicar of Lari for collaboration. Text: quod prestent auxilium, consilium et favorem prefatis
o0202001.065a 1427 agosto 18 Letter to the Podestà and to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to assist the notary of testaments. Text: quod prestent eorum consilium, auxilium et favorem
o0202001.049vb 1426/7 gennaio 22 Permission to (master) to work in the Opera. Text: quotienscumque iret ad consilium Populi possit reverti
o0201075.023g 1419 aprile 28 Compensation determined for the approval of a legal opinion on matters concerning Pisa. Text: scribit et sigillat consilium pro Opere in
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: scriptum est, ipsumque consilium approbaverunt, confirmaverunt atque
o0201080.071vg 1422 maggio 13 Payment for various expenditures. Text: stantiamento facto per consilium Artis Lane die
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Text: suo Communi dictum consilium ac etiam dictam
o0202001.244a 1435 novembre 26 Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. Text: super ea maturum consilium a quampluribus doctis
o0202001.213vc 1434 aprile 13 Commission for the choice of a consultant for the forced loans. Text: super predictis habeatur consilium sapientis expensis Opere
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: suprascriptis; et dictum consilium in qualibet sui
o0202001.048f 1426 dicembre 30 Counsel to be sought concerning litigation for payment made to the treasurer of the forced loans to be deducted in the distribution of the ventina tax. Title: Deliberatio quod habeatur consilium in causa Dominici
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