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Context of query
o0201078.082vb 1420/1 gennaio 26 Guaranty for newly elected pawn collector. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201078.082vb 1420/1 gennaio 26 Guaranty for newly elected pawn collector. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201078.082vb 1420/1 gennaio 26 Guaranty for newly elected pawn collector. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201075.077d 1419 giugno 2 Guaranty for possible restitution of payment for supply of lumber. Text: restitueto dicti Operis etc., alias de suo
o0201075.077d 1419 giugno 2 Guaranty for possible restitution of payment for supply of lumber. Text: suo proprio restituet etc.
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: facturos et curaturos etc. quod dictus Iacobus
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: superius continetur, obligantes etc. renumptiantes etc. per
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: obligantes etc. renumptiantes etc. per guarentigiam etc.
o0201078.085vb 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. Text: etc. per guarentigiam etc. Presentibus testibus infrascriptis
o0201078.088a 1421 giugno 14 Guaranty for renunciation of inheritance. Text: Spigliati banderarius fideiussit etc.
o0201080.082a 1421/2 marzo 16 Guaranty for restitution of advance payment. Text: de Strozis fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087c 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for restitution of money. Text: del Nero fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit
o0201078.087c 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for restitution of money. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201078.087c 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for restitution of money. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., presentibus
o0201078.087c 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for restitution of money. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., presentibus Bartholomeo Mattei
o0201078.087c 1421 giugno 2 Guaranty for restitution of money. Text: Bulletta biadaiuolo testibus etc.
o0201086.071vb 1425 aprile 13 Guaranty for restitution of rope received in loan. Text: de Florentia promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201086.071vb 1425 aprile 13 Guaranty for restitution of rope received in loan. Text: promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., et
o0201086.071vb 1425 aprile 13 Guaranty for restitution of rope received in loan. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., et hec presentibus
o0201086.071vb 1425 aprile 13 Guaranty for restitution of rope received in loan. Text: de Corbinellis testibus etc. Restitutus fuit per
o0201080.081vh 1421/2 marzo 14 Guaranty for restitution of stolen lumber. Text: de Canacciis fideiussit etc.
o0201078.085e 1421 aprile 16 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: in totum fideiussit etc., promixerunt etc., obligaverunt
o0201078.085e 1421 aprile 16 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: fideiussit etc., promixerunt etc., obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt
o0201078.085e 1421 aprile 16 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: promixerunt etc., obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt etc. Postea
o0201078.085e 1421 aprile 16 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt etc. Postea die XVIII
o0201078.085va 1421 aprile 17 Guaranty for second-hand dealer purchasing pawns and relative approval. Text: del Fiore fideiussit etc. Approbatum per operarios
o0201080.083ve 1422 maggio 12 Guaranty for second-hand dealer who has purchased pawns. Text: in totum fideiusserunt etc., promixerunt etc., obligaverunt
o0201080.083ve 1422 maggio 12 Guaranty for second-hand dealer who has purchased pawns. Text: fideiusserunt etc., promixerunt etc., obligaverunt etc.
o0201080.083ve 1422 maggio 12 Guaranty for second-hand dealer who has purchased pawns. Text: promixerunt etc., obligaverunt etc.
o0201077.085c 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for silk dealer contracting for pawns. Text: in solidum fideiusserunt etc. promixerunt etc. obligaverunt
o0201077.085c 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for silk dealer contracting for pawns. Text: fideiusserunt etc. promixerunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt
o0201077.085c 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for silk dealer contracting for pawns. Text: promixerunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt etc.
o0201077.085c 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for silk dealer contracting for pawns. Text: obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt etc.
o0201081.083b 1422 settembre 18 Guaranty for supply contracts for lumber. Text: de Castagno fideiussit etc.
o0201077.086vd 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for supply of black marble. Text: alia medietate fideiusserunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renuntiaverunt
o0201077.086vd 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for supply of black marble. Text: fideiusserunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renuntiaverunt etc.
o0201077.086vd 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for supply of black marble. Text: obligaverunt etc. renuntiaverunt etc.
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: castri Lastre constitutus etc. occaxione cuiusdam stantiamenti
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: Florentia qui promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., quibus
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc., quibus precepi guarentigiam
o0201086.070a 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for supply of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: quibus precepi guarentigiam etc. Et hec acta
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: Opera presentibus testibus etc. Bernardo Amerigii de
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: de Florentia constitutus etc. occaxione cuiusdam conductionis
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: et conductione continetur etc., et occaxione librarum
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: eidem Nanni mutuare etc., promisit mihi Bartolomeo
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: et bona, renumptiavit etc. Et eius precibus
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: de Florentia promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201086.071a 1424/5 marzo 19 Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201075.078b 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for supply of logs. Text: et tempore debito etc., alias restituere dicto
o0201075.078b 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for supply of logs. Text: dictum Opus mutuatas etc., pro quo et
o0201075.078b 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for supply of logs. Text: de Gambassi fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201075.078b 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for supply of logs. Text: fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201075.078b 1419 giugno 22 Guaranty for supply of logs. Text: obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201075.076va 1419 maggio 19 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: Galluzi cerchiarius fideiussit etc.
o0201077.085d 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: deliberatione contenta fideiusserunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt
o0201077.085d 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: fideiusserunt etc. obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt etc.
o0201077.085d 1420 aprile 1 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: obligaverunt etc. renumptiaverunt etc.
o0201080.083i 1422 aprile 29 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: in solidum fideiusserunt etc.
o0201080.084vc 1422 giugno 30 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: consensu operariorum fideiussit etc.
o0201081.082va 1422 settembre 11 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit
o0201081.082va 1422 settembre 11 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201081.082va 1422 settembre 11 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201081.082va 1422 settembre 11 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201081.083va 1422 ottobre 7 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201081.083ve 1422 ottobre 16 Guaranty for supply of lumber. Text: laborans sirici fideiussit etc.
o0201075.076vb 1419 maggio 19 Guaranty for supply of red marble. Text: dicto Opere fideiussit etc.
o0201080.080b 1421/2 gennaio 16 Guaranty for supply of sand. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit
o0201080.080b 1421/2 gennaio 16 Guaranty for supply of sand. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201080.080b 1421/2 gennaio 16 Guaranty for supply of sand. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. per
o0201080.080b 1421/2 gennaio 16 Guaranty for supply of sand. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. per guarentigiam etc.
o0201080.080b 1421/2 gennaio 16 Guaranty for supply of sand. Text: etc. per guarentigiam etc.
o0201078.083a 1420/1 febbraio 10 Guaranty for supply of stones. Text: et consentientis fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit
o0201078.083a 1420/1 febbraio 10 Guaranty for supply of stones. Text: fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201078.083a 1420/1 febbraio 10 Guaranty for supply of stones. Text: promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: et bona, renumptiavit etc. Et eius precibus
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: populi, qui promiserunt etc., obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: promiserunt etc., obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt etc. Et
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: obligaverunt etc., renumptiaverunt etc. Et hec acta
o0201086.073c 1425 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Text: de Florentia testibus etc.
o0201077.086b 1420 maggio 22 Guaranty for supply of white marble. Text: totum fideiusserunt promictentes etc. obligantes etc. renumptiantes
o0201077.086b 1420 maggio 22 Guaranty for supply of white marble. Text: promictentes etc. obligantes etc. renumptiantes etc.
o0201077.086b 1420 maggio 22 Guaranty for supply of white marble. Text: obligantes etc. renumptiantes etc.
o0201080.084h 1422 giugno 6 Guaranty for supply of 50 towloads of lumber. Text: in Campo fideiussit etc.
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: et mandatis fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. Postea
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. Postea vero die
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: dicte Opere fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: fideiussit etc., promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: promixit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. per
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc. per guarentigiam etc.
o0201080.081e 1421/2 marzo 21 Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. Text: etc. per guarentigiam etc.
o0201076.071vb 1419 luglio 20 Guaranty for the abbey of Sant'Andrea di Loro for debt for property gabelle. Text: tunc solvere restaret etc.
o0201078.088vf 1421 giugno 30 Guaranty for the baptismal parish of Legri for unspecified debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.088vd 1421 giugno 28 Guaranty for the baptismal parish of San Piero in Mercato for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.088e 1421 giugno 23 Guaranty for the baptismal parish of San Pietro a Cilicciavole for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201076.072va 1419 agosto 28 Guaranty for the baptismal parish of San Quirico of Castiglion Fibocchi for debt for property gabelle. Text: dicta de causa etc.
o0201078.082ve 1420/1 gennaio 31 Guaranty for the baptismal parish of Settimo for debt for pardons. Text: Ugnano carradore fideiussit etc.
o0201076.072a 1419 agosto 2 Guaranty for the church of San Martino a Terenzano. Text: tunc solvere restaret etc.
o0201076.072b 1419 agosto 2 Guaranty for the church of San Martino of Luco. Text: octo in totum etc.
o0201076.078b 1419 dicembre 22 Guaranty for the church of San Zanobi di Casignano for debt for property gabelle. Text: augusti proxime futuri etc.
o0201077.085vd 1420 aprile 19 Guaranty for the church of Sant'Agata of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve for debt for property and salt gabelles. Text: in Pane fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit
o0201077.085vd 1420 aprile 19 Guaranty for the church of Sant'Agata of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve for debt for property and salt gabelles. Text: fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201077.085vd 1420 aprile 19 Guaranty for the church of Sant'Agata of the baptismal parish of San Piero a Sieve for debt for property and salt gabelles. Text: promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201078.083vf 1420/1 marzo 4 Guaranty for the church of Sant'Ilario di Castiglione debtor for property gabelle. Text: in solidum fideiusserunt etc.
o0201076.078a 1419 dicembre 22 Guaranty for the church of Santo Stefano a Tizzano for debt for property gabelle. Text: tunc solvere restaret etc.
o0201078.088ve 1421 giugno 30 Guaranty for the Commune of Calenzano for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201076.072ve 1419 settembre 2 Guaranty for the Commune of Cascina for debt for pardons of forced loans and of the butchering and wine tax. Text: pro gratiis petiarum etc. et pro tassis
o0201076.072ve 1419 settembre 2 Guaranty for the Commune of Cascina for debt for pardons of forced loans and of the butchering and wine tax. Text: pro dicto Communi etc.
o0201078.087vd 1421 giugno 12 Guaranty for the Commune of Certaldo for debt. Text: notarius florentinus fideiussit etc.
o0201077.086e 1420 giugno 15 Guaranty for the Commune of Cigoli. Text: eius licteram fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087h 1421 giugno 7 Guaranty for the Commune of Figline for debt. Text: Petri Maioris fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087g 1421 giugno 7 Guaranty for the Commune of Gambassi for debt. Text: notarius florentinus fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087vg 1421 giugno 14 Guaranty for the Commune of Incisa for debt. Text: inter Foveas fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087va 1421 giugno 7 Guaranty for the Commune of Montegonzi for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.088vg 1421 giugno 30 Guaranty for the Commune of Montelupo for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.086vb 1421 maggio 23 Guaranty for the Commune of Montevarchi for debt. Text: civis florentinus fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit
o0201078.086vb 1421 maggio 23 Guaranty for the Commune of Montevarchi for debt. Text: fideiussit etc. promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201078.086vb 1421 maggio 23 Guaranty for the Commune of Montevarchi for debt. Text: promixit etc. obligavit etc.
o0201076.076vb 1419 dicembre 7 Guaranty for the Commune of Palaia of val d'Era for debt for pardons. Text: libra suarum gabellarum etc. secundum deliberationem [o]perariorum
o0201078.085b 1421 aprile 18 Guaranty for the Commune of Pieve di Presciano for debt for property gabelle of the countryside. Text: notarius florentinus fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087ve 1421 giugno 14 Guaranty for the Commune of Poggibonsi for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.088vb 1421 giugno 28 Guaranty for the Commune of Pontorme for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201078.087vb 1421 giugno 9 Guaranty for the Commune of Terranuova for debt. Text: notarius florentinus fideiussit etc.
o0201078.088vc 1421 giugno 28 Guaranty for the communes of the Podesteria of Barbialla for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201079.082b 1421 luglio 2 Guaranty for the debt of the baptismal parish of San Lazzaro. Text: Dominici Silvestri fideiussit etc.
o0201070b.050vf 1416/7 gennaio 28 Guaranty for the guarantor for the Commune of San Miniato. Text: pizicagnolus et promisit etc., renumptians etc.
o0201070b.050vf 1416/7 gennaio 28 Guaranty for the guarantor for the Commune of San Miniato. Text: promisit etc., renumptians etc.
o0201086.073b 1425 giugno 5 Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. Text: de Machiavellis promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit
o0201086.073b 1425 giugno 5 Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. Text: promisit etc., obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201086.073b 1425 giugno 5 Guaranty for the guarantor of a unspecified debt. Text: obligavit etc., renumptiavit etc.
o0201076.076b 1419 novembre 21 Guaranty for the monastery of San Giorgio of Pontorme for debt for property gabelle. Text: operariorum officium declaretur etc.
o0201077.086vc 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Giusto a Petroio. Text: Francisci Ture fideiussit etc. obligavit etc. renumptiavit
o0201077.086vc 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Giusto a Petroio. Text: fideiussit etc. obligavit etc. renumptiavit etc.
o0201077.086vc 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Giusto a Petroio. Text: obligavit etc. renumptiavit etc.
o0201077.086f 1420 giugno 22 Guaranty for the parish of San Martino a Bibbiano for debt for property gabelle, pardons and tax on persons. Text: Bernardi biadaiuolus fideiussit etc.
o0201077.086ve 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Quirico of Marignolle. Text: Iohannis cavator fideiussit etc. obligavit etc. renumptiavit
o0201077.086ve 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Quirico of Marignolle. Text: fideiussit etc. obligavit etc. renumptiavit etc.
o0201077.086ve 1420 luglio 9 Guaranty for the parish of San Quirico of Marignolle. Text: obligavit etc. renumptiavit etc.
o0201076.071vc 1419 luglio 21 Guaranty for the parish of Santa Maria di Monte Macerata for debt for property gabelle. Text: tunc solvere restaret etc.
o0201077.084vf 1419/20 marzo 23 Guaranty for the parish of Santa Maria di Monte Macerata for debt. Text: de Florentia fideiussit etc.
o0201070b.052e 1416/7 febbraio 15 Guaranty for the person arrested for the church of San Martino a Lifoli. Text: obligatus est solvere etc.
o0201070b.055va 1416/7 marzo 12 Guaranty for the person arrested for the debt of the confraternity of San Martino a Gangalandi. Text: Iohannis de Giugnis etc. et promisit solvere
o0201070b.055va 1416/7 marzo 12 Guaranty for the person arrested for the debt of the confraternity of San Martino a Gangalandi. Text: stetur declarationi operariorum etc.
o0201076.073vb 1419 settembre 20 Guaranty for the terms of consignment of supply of lumber. Text: menses proxime futuros etc., alias reddere et
o0201076.073vb 1419 settembre 20 Guaranty for the terms of consignment of supply of lumber. Text: super predictis mutuatis etc., pro quo et
o0201076.073vb 1419 settembre 20 Guaranty for the terms of consignment of supply of lumber. Text: muros Florentie fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201076.073vb 1419 settembre 20 Guaranty for the terms of consignment of supply of lumber. Text: fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
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