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Context of query
o0201074.017vc 1418 settembre 2 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to give the harvest of a debtor to his guarantor. Text: Rena et promisit etc.
o0201081.032b 1422 dicembre 9 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to give back to the enjoined persons whatever they paid beyond the amount he was commissioned to exact. Text: ordinamentum, alias providebunt etc.
o0201073.012b 1418 giugno 1 Letter to the Podestà of Fiesole for information about a contested demand of payment concerning a bequest to the Opera. Text: operarios de veritate etc., et quod nuntius
o0201073.012b 1418 giugno 1 Letter to the Podestà of Fiesole for information about a contested demand of payment concerning a bequest to the Opera. Text: commissionem portet litteram etc.
o0201075.011vf 1418/9 marzo 13 Letter to the Podestà of Florence to demand payment of debtors with right for arrest. Text: talem captum relapset etc.
o0201070b.016vi 1417 marzo 31 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi for information on property and income of the hospital of Sant'Antonio. Text: Antonii dicti Communis etc.
o0201070b.021vf 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Laiatico for demand of payment of the debtors of the new gabelles, with term of payment and under penalty of having the deposit made from said Podesteria entered in the income registers. Text: expensarum et sortis etc.; et elapsis quindecim
o0201070b.021vf 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Laiatico for demand of payment of the debtors of the new gabelles, with term of payment and under penalty of having the deposit made from said Podesteria entered in the income registers. Text: ad introitum Operis etc.
o0201070b.007vd 1416/7 febbraio 11 Letter to the Podestà of Lari to force debtors to pay the property gabelle. Text: camerarii dicte Potestarie etc.
o0201074.020vc 1418 settembre 26 Letter to the Podestà of Laterina for confiscation of properties and term of payment for the new gabelles. Text: dies proxime futuros etc.
o0201070b.016vl 1417 marzo 31 Letter to the Podestà of Montepulciano to force the clerics of the place to pay the property gabelle. Text: pro gabella bonorum etc.
o0201070b.015vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Monterappoli instructing him to free a debtor's laborer because his properties, registered in Florence, are cancelled from the parish of San Bartolomeo to Brusciana. Text: in civitate Florentie etc.; et quod faciat
o0201070b.015vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Monterappoli instructing him to free a debtor's laborer because his properties, registered in Florence, are cancelled from the parish of San Bartolomeo to Brusciana. Text: quam pro expensis etc.
o0201074.022vf 1418 ottobre 12 Letter to the Podestà of Montespertoli in order to tax a person, as the debt collector carrying the letter will relate. Text: qui portabit litteram etc.
o0201076.031c 1419 novembre 21 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for information on the ownership of eight cows. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201076.031c 1419 novembre 21 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli for information on the ownership of eight cows. Text: per eius litteram etc.
o0201074.030c 1418 dicembre 2 Letter to the Podestà of Peccioli to force the Commune of Fabbrica to hand over the book of the pasturage gabelle for the year 1415 or a copy of it. Text: copiam dicti anni etc.
o0201070.014va 1417 aprile 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Marco
o0201070.014va 1417 aprile 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. Text: aliquid dicere, mictere etc., quia intendunt facere
o0201070.014va 1417 aprile 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. Text: proximo expedire questionem etc.
o0201075.014b 1418/9 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for summons of debtors. Text: faciat ipsos fideiubere etc.; et quod si
o0201075.014b 1418/9 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for summons of debtors. Text: fideiussores ad veniendum etc.; et sic se
o0201075.014b 1418/9 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for summons of debtors. Text: eos,alias sibi scribendum etc.
o0201080.029va 1422 maggio 5 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for term of summons to the treasurer. Text: comparendo et satisdent etc.
o0201073.011b 1418 maggio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa in order that he make the debtors for purchase of gabelles pay. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201073.011b 1418 maggio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa in order that he make the debtors for purchase of gabelles pay. Text: in littera continebitur etc., et quod provisor
o0201073.011b 1418 maggio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa in order that he make the debtors for purchase of gabelles pay. Text: et quantitates debitorum etc.
o0201070b.003c 1416/7 gennaio 14 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia to prohibit demand of payment for gabelle on oxen of insufficiently identified individual and letter to the Podestà of Ripafratta for further information. Text: qui vocantur Gabbriel etc.
o0201073b.005vc 1418 maggio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Ponsacco for a demand of payment from the owners and the laborers for the property gabelle. Text: quod solvunt dominis etc.
o0201074.022b 1418 ottobre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Ponsacco to force the possessors of property of its subject communities to pay a gabelle, and payment deadline for the new gabelles in that Podesteria. Text: super predictas occursas etc.; et quod Potestaria
o0201074.022b 1418 ottobre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Ponsacco to force the possessors of property of its subject communities to pay a gabelle, and payment deadline for the new gabelles in that Podesteria. Text: etiam absque fideiussione etc.
o0201078.034va 1421 maggio 30 Letter to the Podestà of Portico for a proclamation against the shepherds and their animals, who must leave the territory of the forest shortly. Text: pro dapnis datis etc.; et non parentes
o0201070.013vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Portico to ascertain whether the meadows conceded to the haulers belong to the Opera or to the inhabitants of Corniolo. Text: Ceffini eorum collegis etc., insimul ut et
o0201070.013vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Portico to ascertain whether the meadows conceded to the haulers belong to the Opera or to the inhabitants of Corniolo. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201070.013vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Portico to ascertain whether the meadows conceded to the haulers belong to the Opera or to the inhabitants of Corniolo. Text: operariorum de veritate etc.
o0201077.040va 1420 maggio 18 Letter to the Podestà of Portico, to the Commune of Premilcuore and of Corniolo in order that access of livestock to the Opera forest be prohibited. Text: ne destruatur, alias etc.
o0201082.003a 1422/3 febbraio 1 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for restitution of pawns erroneously attached. Text: Guadagnis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt licteram Potestati
o0201082.003a 1422/3 febbraio 1 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for restitution of pawns erroneously attached. Text: quia errore pignoratus etc.
o0201073.012vd 1418 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Ripafratta with summons for the treasurer of the gabelles of the Podesteria, and obligation that he satisfy the person arrested in his stead. Text: faciat ipsum fideiubere etc.; et si infra
o0201073.012vd 1418 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Ripafratta with summons for the treasurer of the gabelles of the Podesteria, and obligation that he satisfy the person arrested in his stead. Text: captis pro Potestaria etc.
o0201070b.023ve 1417 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Romena to try to reach an agreement with the men of said Commune for the payment of the property gabelle. Text: per officiales gabellarum etc.
o0201074.025vc 1418 ottobre 22 Letter to the Podestà of San Gimignano to revoke payment by a private person of the property gabelle of San Martino a Larniano, of which that person is a tenant, with restitution of pawn. Text: dicto Fino pignus etc.
o0201070b.002vb 1416/7 gennaio 8 Letter to the Podestà of Santa Croce for investigation on debt for pasturage animals in said Commune. Text: melius viderit convenire etc.
o0201075.019e 1419 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for compromise agreement of discord and term of payment. Text: fecit pro eis etc.; et facta concordia
o0201075.019e 1419 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for compromise agreement of discord and term of payment. Text: denarii sint positi etc., vel cogat illos
o0201075.019e 1419 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for compromise agreement of discord and term of payment. Text: sibi solvi faciat etc.
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: Giugnis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: alias Lasagna exactorem etc. et si accepit
o0201070b.025e 1417 giugno 22 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for information on a debt collector. Text: vel data fideiussione etc.
o0201074.028b 1418 novembre 15 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to force the Commune to pay the butchering and wine gabelles. Text: captus Papius Rigalecti etc.
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: cuicumque petenti rationem etc.; et quod nunc
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: propterea petit regressum etc. Et quod ipse
o0201075.012va 1418/9 marzo 17 Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. Text: de quod sequitur etc.
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur Potestati
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: de Castiglionchio promictat etc. Dicta die dictus
o0201073b.003vc 1418 aprile 20 Letter to the Podestà of Sesto to have livestock which was distrained for debt returned. Text: dictus Gerozus promisit etc.
o0201084.013vd 1424 aprile 11 Letter to the Podestà of Signa with notification of summons for debtor and term of payment for property gabelle. Text: quod eidem notificet etc.
o0201074.028vc 1418 novembre 18 Letter to the Podestà of the Commune of Florence in favor of an arrested person in order that he not be put in the Stinche prison. Text: eorum collegis, deliberaverunt etc. quod scribatur domino
o0201074.028vc 1418 novembre 18 Letter to the Podestà of the Commune of Florence in favor of an arrested person in order that he not be put in the Stinche prison. Text: bullectino ei transmisso etc.
o0201076.004vd 1419 luglio 12 Letter to the Podestà of the Commune of Florence with order of arrest. Text: per dictos operarios etc.
o0202001.003b 1425 luglio 12 Letter to the Podestà of the Commune of Montecatini for agreement to be made with the its representatives and term of payment. Text: ydonea fideiussione, alias etc.
o0201070b.021c 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Podestà of the Montagna Fiorentina with summons for two of the richest citizens of the Commune of Romena. Text: melioribus et potentioribus etc.
o0201074.016ve 1418 agosto 31 Letter to the podestàs of the countryside of Florence for injunction of payment of the taxes to those forced to pay. Text: veniendum ad solvendum etc.
o0201076.003vb 1419 luglio 5 Letter to the podestàs of the countryside of Pisa with summons of the best citizens of each commune. Text: operariorum eis aufferenda etc. Et quod Antonius
o0201076.003vb 1419 luglio 5 Letter to the podestàs of the countryside of Pisa with summons of the best citizens of each commune. Text: vult, portet litteram etc. suis tamen expensis.
o0201076.017d 1419 settembre 20 Letter to the Priors of Pisa to order those Pisan citizens who have returned to their city to come back to Florence, according to the conditions agreed upon. Text: absente solum Bonacursio, etc. quod scribatur Prioribus
o0201076.017d 1419 settembre 20 Letter to the Priors of Pisa to order those Pisan citizens who have returned to their city to come back to Florence, according to the conditions agreed upon. Text: bono facti videretur etc.
o0201075.009vc 1418/9 febbraio 21 Letter to the Priors of Pisa with term of payment for the debts of the Commune. Text: termino ipsi gravabuntur etc.
o0201070b.021a 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. Text: Riccialbanis eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt quod scribatur
o0201070b.021a 1417 maggio 13 Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. Text: nunc sic volunt etc.
o0201075.028b 1419 maggio 12 Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district in order that they follow the instructions of the debt collectors. Text: quo stabunt extra etc. Et quod littera
o0201075.028b 1419 maggio 12 Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district in order that they follow the instructions of the debt collectors. Text: iunii proxime futuri etc.
o0202001.085vg 1428 giugno 9 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to consider the suitability of the new notary of testaments. Text: litteras eorum referant, etc.
o0202001.053vh 1426/7 marzo 8 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to have the salt loaded before the marble. Text: vice charicent marmorem etc.
o0202001.215vd 1434 aprile 26 Letter to the vicar of Valdarno against one of his subjects. Text: eorum mandatis, alias etc., ex eo quod
o0201076.019vc 1419 ottobre 11 Letter with concession of right of recourse to the inhabitants of the parish of Santo Stefano di Castiglione for balance of debt for property gabelle. Text: pro dicta gabella etc.; et ad sui
o0201076.019vc 1419 ottobre 11 Letter with concession of right of recourse to the inhabitants of the parish of Santo Stefano di Castiglione for balance of debt for property gabelle. Text: petititionem scribatur Potestati etc.
o0201074.020d 1418 settembre 23 Letter with summons to pay part of a herd livestock gabelle. Text: fideiussorem pro predictis etc.
o0201076.015ve 1419 settembre 13 Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod in litteris
o0201076.015ve 1419 settembre 13 Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected. Text: et quidquid receperint etc.
o0201070b.007c 1416/7 febbraio 11 Letters to the Podestà of Fucecchio and to the Podestà of Santa Croce for information on livestock kept in pasturage for 4 years. Text: et cuius sunt etc.; alia vero Potestati
o0201070b.007c 1416/7 febbraio 11 Letters to the Podestà of Fucecchio and to the Podestà of Santa Croce for information on livestock kept in pasturage for 4 years. Text: et cuius sunt etc.
o0201074.021ve 1418 ottobre 4 Loan of a measuring unit for mortar. Text: pro cabando calcem etc. non obstante etc.
o0201074.021ve 1418 ottobre 4 Loan of a measuring unit for mortar. Text: etc. non obstante etc.
o0201074.010e 1418 agosto 23 Loan of a rope. Text: in contrarium facta etc.
o0201073.014ve 1418 giugno 14 Loan of cloth hangings to the archbishop of Pisa. Text: in suo introitu etc., dummodo promictat et
o0201073.014ve 1418 giugno 14 Loan of cloth hangings to the archbishop of Pisa. Text: satisdet de remictendo etc.
o0201074.018a 1418 settembre 6 Loan of timbers of the Opera. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod Honofrio Iohannis
o0201074.018a 1418 settembre 6 Loan of timbers of the Opera. Text: indiget non obstante etc.
o0201074.016vb 1418 agosto 31 Loan of two stonecutters with permission to work outside the Opera and to be allowed to return. Text: pro quindecim diebus etc. et quod magistri
o0201074.016vb 1418 agosto 31 Loan of two stonecutters with permission to work outside the Opera and to be allowed to return. Text: reverti non obstante etc.
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: Lapo eorum collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: collegis etc., deliberaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Silvestri
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: Popoleschis mutuet libere etc. Ambroxio Niccolai exactori
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: in quaterno suo etc.
o0201073.022e 1418 giugno 17 Loan to a master. Text: Item stantiaverunt etc. quod Iohannes Silvestri
o0201073.022e 1418 giugno 17 Loan to a master. Text: pecunia dicti Operis etc. det etc. Iacobo
o0201073.022e 1418 giugno 17 Loan to a master. Text: Operis etc. det etc. Iacobo Buionis magistro
o0201076.014d 1419 settembre 6 Loan to (messenger) to be deducted from his salary. Text: salario postea retineat etc.
o0201074.035vc 1418 agosto 26 Loan to the master builder to be deducted in monthly installments from his salary. Text: ad integram satisfactionem etc. l. 50
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: remictere in Opere etc.; et quod de
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: super libris suis etc. Et stantiaverunt sibi
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: vel aliam ecclesiam etc. non obstante etc.
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: etc. non obstante etc.
o0201075.016d 1419 aprile 5 Measure for the placement of shields with arms in the Pope's residence. Text: videlicet cum aquila, etc. hoc ordine, videlicet
o0201075.016d 1419 aprile 5 Measure for the placement of shields with arms in the Pope's residence. Text: fine arma Guelforum etc. Et quod etiam
o0201075.016d 1419 aprile 5 Measure for the placement of shields with arms in the Pope's residence. Text: sed aliquantulum distanter etc.
o0201076.015d 1419 settembre 12 Modification of resolution for sale of logs to the friars of Doccia. Text: in silva Operis etc., quod non obstante
o0201076.015d 1419 settembre 12 Modification of resolution for sale of logs to the friars of Doccia. Text: pro quolibet ligno etc.
o0201076.011d 1419 agosto 31 Modification of ruling concerning the approval of a guarantor. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod Pierus Iohannis
o0201076.011d 1419 agosto 31 Modification of ruling concerning the approval of a guarantor. Text: per dictos operarios etc. fideiubeat et det
o0201076.011d 1419 agosto 31 Modification of ruling concerning the approval of a guarantor. Text: dicta prima deliberatione etc.
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: collegis, omni modo etc. locaverunt etc. Ferro
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: modo etc. locaverunt etc. Ferro Mattei et
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: rati habenti, promisit etc. conducenti, quinquaginta sex
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: operarios eis aufferenda etc., cum hoc tamen
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: debeat expensis Operis etc.
o0201072.027ve 1417/8 marzo 18 New payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: Corsellini ottonarius promittens etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201072.027ve 1417/8 marzo 18 New payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: promittens etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201072.027ve 1417/8 marzo 18 New payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201070.005va 1416/7 gennaio 26 New payment deadline and release of person arrested for debt of the Commune of Prato. Text: Commune non gravetur etc.
o0201072.030vc 1418 aprile 5 New payment deadline for debts and release of arrested persons. Text: totum mensem maii etc. et quod omnes
o0201074.027vc 1418 novembre 15 New payment deadline for herd livestock gabelle. Text: forma suprascriptis deliberaverunt etc. quod Cencius Venturuccii
o0201074.027vc 1418 novembre 15 New payment deadline for herd livestock gabelle. Text: satisdet de residuo etc.
o0202001.156d 1431/2 marzo 14 New rental tenure of the Alessandri-Tedaldi shed and garden for an additional 10 years. Text: predicta omnia, alias etc.
o0201070b.005vf 1416/7 gennaio 29 New term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. Title: de Santo Gaudentio etc.
o0201070b.005vf 1416/7 gennaio 29 New term of payment for debt for livestock gabelle with guaranty and release of arrested person. Text: relapsetur frater suus etc.
o0201084.011a 1423/4 marzo 22 Nomination of procurator for collection of money. Text: Ghaudentio omni modo etc. fecit suum procuratorem
o0201084.011a 1423/4 marzo 22 Nomination of procurator for collection of money. Text: pecunie ab Opera etc. presentibus Leonardo magistri
o0201084.011a 1423/4 marzo 22 Nomination of procurator for collection of money. Text: Leonardo Sagantis testibus etc.
o0201073.011e 1418 maggio 24 Notification of deadline to the communal treasurers to give notice of the amounts owed to the Opera that they have collected and to make the corresponding settlement. Text: secus fecerit gravetur etc.
o0201075.046b 1418/9 marzo 2 Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: Operis, omni modo etc. stantiaverunt etc. quod
o0201075.046b 1418/9 marzo 2 Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: modo etc. stantiaverunt etc. quod Filippus de
o0201075.046b 1418/9 marzo 2 Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. Text: forma suprascriptis det etc. Iacobo Ugolini vocato
o0201074.047d 1418 agosto 19 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: de Bombardis fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201074.047d 1418 agosto 19 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201074.047d 1418 agosto 19 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201074.052f 1418 novembre 21 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: alias Lasagna fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians
o0201074.052f 1418 novembre 21 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: fideiussit etc. obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201074.052f 1418 novembre 21 Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. Text: obligans etc. renumptians etc.
o0201070b.051e 1416/7 febbraio 10 Oath of debt collectors with guaranty. Text: et sic iuraverunt etc.; pro quibus et
o0201070b.051e 1416/7 febbraio 10 Oath of debt collectors with guaranty. Text: Fecti lignaiuolus promictens etc., obligans etc., renumptians
o0201070b.051e 1416/7 febbraio 10 Oath of debt collectors with guaranty. Text: promictens etc., obligans etc., renumptians etc.
o0201070b.051e 1416/7 febbraio 10 Oath of debt collectors with guaranty. Text: obligans etc., renumptians etc.
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: sequendo, omni modo etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: modo etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod omnes et
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: beneficio alicuius legis etc., et signentur dicentes
o0201074.017a 1418 settembre 2 Oath of six wardens and injunction to the cashiers of the Commune of Florence to present themselves to be interrogated about tax revenues due to the Opera collected by them. Text: debeant de predictis etc.
o0201073.009b 1418 maggio 4 Oath of six wardens and release of a person arrested because ambassador. Text: sequendo, omni modo etc. deliberaverunt etc. quod,
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