Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Term of payment and release of a arrested person for the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. |
Text: carceribus et se ibidem representando ad petitionem |
1417 aprile 29 |
Contract for supply of lumber. |
Text: dicto Mannino Iacobi ibidem presenti et conducenti |
1416/7 marzo 4 |
Term of payment with guaranty and deposit for dubious debt, release of the arrested debtor and letter to Pisa with request for information. |
Text: qualibet bestia quam ibidem tenuit ad pasturandum |
1417 maggio 5 |
Guaranty for unspecified debt guaranteed with the interest payments of the public debt. |
Text: uxoris dicti Andree ibidem presentis et consentientis |
1418 aprile 18 |
Contract for red marble. |
Text: Septignano comitatus florentini ibidem presentibus et recipientibus |
1418 aprile 23 |
New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. |
Text: et dicto Bartolo ibidem presenti et pro |
1418 maggio 13 |
Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. |
Text: Pieri patris sui ibidem presentis et eidem |
1418 maggio 13 |
Rent of a house with shop to a carpenter for three years. |
Text: convenerunt eidem Simoni ibidem presenti et pro |
1418 maggio 18 |
Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. |
Text: Dominorum de Florentia ibidem presenti et pro |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: Communi Castilionis et ibidem habitantibus descriptis super |
1418 agosto 9 |
Contract for corbels: unfinished act. |
Text: ambobus de Fesulis ibidem presentibus et conducentibus |
1418 agosto 19 |
Oath of a debt collector with guaranty. |
Text: mihi eidem Laurentio ibidem presenti et pro |
1418 settembre 2 |
Contract for lumber. |
Text: cum pactis etc. ibidem descriptis etc. |
1418 dicembre 29 |
Contract for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: Filicaia provisori Operis ibidem presenti et pro |
1419 giugno 3 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: Ponte ad Seve ibidem presenti et conducenti |
1419 giugno 3 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: Batiste et Paulo ibidem presentibus et pro |
1419 giugno 17 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: de Sancto Gaudentio ibidem presenti et conducenti |
1419 giugno 17 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: Batiste et Paulo ibidem presentibus et pro |
1419 maggio 19 |
Guaranty for supply of lumber. |
Text: notario dicti Operis ibidem presenti et pro |
1419 maggio 19 |
Guaranty for supply of red marble. |
Text: mihi eidem Laurentio ibidem presenti et pro |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. |
Text: dicti officii et ibidem ad petitionem dicti |
1419/20 febbraio 13 |
Correction of account entry for debt for property gabelle erroneously written twice. |
Text: et inpune, cum ibidem solvere minime teneatur |
1419/20 febbraio 29 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and correction of account entry written twice. |
Text: etiam descriptus et ibidem solvit, videlicet sub |
1420 maggio 18 |
Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. |
Text: portata fuere que ibidem non expediebant pro |
1420 maggio 18 |
Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. |
Text: dicti domini Pape ibidem tunc fienda et |
1420/1 gennaio 22 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans because of greater payment for pardons. |
Text: Dominici Francisci Spinelli, ibidem descripti pro debitore |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Rulings regarding coarse firewood to be transported to the Opera, with separate account kept by the administrator. |
Text: laborata que, si ibidem permanerent, destruerentur, deliberaverunt |
1420/1 marzo 11 |
Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. |
Text: et etiam pro ibidem alia faciendo de |
1420/1 marzo 11 |
Rulings for build a small house in Trassinaia as refuge and place of work of workers and equipment in case of rain. |
Text: abietis coperta pro ibidem scarpellando in dictis |
1420/1 marzo 15 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of sandstone blocks and stones with advance to the suppliers. |
Text: macignos et lapides ibidem fodiendos usque in |
1421 aprile 18 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: gabella bonorum que ibidem habet florenos tres, |
1421 giugno 3 |
Appointment of a stonecutter to stay in Trassinaia and keep the account of the daily wages of the workers at the quarry. |
Text: cavam Trassinarie et ibidem tenendum computum de |
1421 giugno 20 |
Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification. |
Text: Communis Florentie et ibidem recommendari penes superstites |
1421 giugno 26 |
Obligation of residence to the canons who do not live in the houses assigned within brief term, with new payment of tax and notification. |
Text: proxime futuri et ibidem continuam residentiam faciant |
1421 aprile 9 |
Contract for broad bricks to a kilnman with advance of part of the payment. |
Text: mandatis dicti Pardi ibidem presentis fideiussit et |
1421 agosto 20 |
Order to arrest a messenger. |
Text: eorum officii et ibidem detineantur donec fuerit |
1421 ottobre 30 |
Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. |
Text: descripti fuerunt et ibidem solverunt gabellam predictam |
1421 novembre 21 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. |
Text: libris quinqueginta, et ibidem est etiam descriptus |
1421 dicembre 19 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle registered in two urban districts. |
Text: dictis bonis et ibidem solvit et propterea |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. |
Text: carta 133, licet ibidem appareat deliberatio facta |
1421 settembre 11 |
Contract for hewn revetment stones. |
Text: suis sumptibus et ibidem relapsari faciet pro |
1421 novembre 21 |
Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune. |
Text: Francisci de Battifole ibidem presenti et conducenti |
1421/2 febbraio 6 |
Threat of incarceration for two suppliers in case of failure to consign the marble for the cornice of the cupola. |
Text: in carceribus et ibidem permaneant quousque in |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously ascribed. |
Text: 93 solverunt ut ibidem patet et sic |
1422 novembre 24 |
Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. |
Text: pro quantitate que ibidem descripta est deberi |
1423 maggio 27 |
Election of the administrator at Trassinaia. |
Text: provisorem Trassinarie et ibidem permaneat donec aliud |
1423 luglio 27 |
Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. |
Text: de Sancto Ghaudentio ibidem presentibus et conducentibus |
1423 settembre 11 |
Payment to Giuliano of Giovanni goldsmith to transport a blocked out figure from Pisa to Florence. |
Text: et pro expensis ibidem factis et fiendis, |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Letter to the Captain of Cortona for collection of tax on testaments to be paid to the treasurer, assuring him that he will be paid for his work. |
Text: Cortoni pro testamentis ibidem factis, postquam dicta |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Order to master of keep the account of the workers and work days in Trassinaia. |
Text: chava Trassinaie et ibidem retineat comptum de |
1423/4 marzo 13 |
Order to bring the persons who acted against the workers of Trassinaia before one of the rectors of Florence to be detained. |
Text: civitatis Florentie et ibidem retineantur ad petitionem |
1423/4 gennaio 12 |
Contract for management of the Opera's pawns. |
Text: Anbroxii de Florentia ibidem presenti, ementi et |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Annual rent of the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: Fiore civitatis Florentie ibidem in sufficienti numero |
1424 aprile 7 |
Contract to carters for transport of white marble. |
Text: a Grieve carradoribus ibidem presentibus et conducentibus |
1425 aprile 14 |
Authorization to the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry to rent a house for 6 months. |
Text: unam aliam domum ibidem existentem pro tempore |
1425 aprile 14 |
Commission to Ciuffagni of make a marble figure. |
Text: dictum Rossum et ibidem laboratis per dictum |
1425 giugno 19 |
Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. |
Text: cum hoc quod ibidem nullum signum lapidis |
1425 giugno 19 |
Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. |
Text: per dictos heredes ibidem ponere seu poni |
1425 giugno 19 |
Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs. |
Text: dicto loco et ibidem dicta archa possit |
1425 giugno 21 |
Authorization to the administrator to assign to the sacristan the house where messer Antonio Ferrantini lived. |
Text: ut possit asianti ibidem permaneri, et stetur |
1425 luglio 20 |
Salary set for masters for the summer. |
Text: est factum aliis ibidem laborantibus pro dicta |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. |
Title: modios calcis modo ibidem narrato |
1426 giugno 17 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. |
Text: pro Communi Florentie ibidem existenti infra unum |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. |
Text: magistros et manovales ibidem laborantes et ad |
1434 giugno 9 |
Salary set for masters who went to Campiglia for marble. |
Text: quibusdam cavis antiquis ibidem factis tempore status |
1434 agosto 20 |
Order for a trip to Nicola for work on the castle. |
Text: Niccole de edifitio ibidem fidendi per offitium |
1435 maggio 17 |
Letter to the vicar of San Miniato instructing him to send the treasurer of that Commune. who is under arrest in his court, to the Florentine prison of the Stinche. |
Text: 1435, et eum ibidem penes superextites carcerarum |