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A1-150  A151-300  301-337





Context of query
o0202001.151f 1431 novembre 28 Term of payment to the heirs of a canon for house and cope taxes. Text: se et sacristia prefata quolibet anno florenos
o0202001.151vd 1431 novembre 28 Authorization for the collection of interest payments of the public debt. Text: de quibus Opera prefata est creditrix super
o0202001.152vg 1431/2 gennaio 8 Salary set for masters. Text: quo laborabunt in prefata Opera.
o0202001.153c 1431/2 gennaio 14 Election of an appointee to make a registry of outstanding debtors. Text: quod in Opera prefata fiat unum speculum
o0202001.153g 1431/2 gennaio 29 Authorization to contract out broad bricks with agreement to accredit half of the amount to the account of another supplier. Text: pacto quod Opera prefata eidem dare teneatur
o0202001.155a 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. Text: pecunia quam Opera prefata tenetur habere a
o0202001.155b 1431/2 febbraio 22 Authority to two wardens to negotiate the purchase of the shed and garden of the Tedaldi and to transfer the things of the Opera. Text: Ughonis et quod prefata Opera de anno
o0202001.158e 1432 aprile 16 Price of bronze purchased from the Wool Guild set at the original cost. Text: deliberaverunt quod Opera prefata teneatur et debeat
o0202001.158e 1432 aprile 16 Price of bronze purchased from the Wool Guild set at the original cost. Text: pretio quod Ars prefata emit tempore quo
o0202001.158vf 1432 aprile 29 Hiring of a master with the obligation to pay off his debt with the Opera in work. Text: quod habet cum prefata Opera, et intelligatur
o0202001.158vh 1432 aprile 29 Prohibition to grant pardons to debtors unless the debt collector has received his fee. Text: hoc in quantum prefata gravamenta fiant secundum
o0202001.159vb 1432 aprile 29 Revocation of the sale of a vein (of iron for the chains of church). Text: Dicta die fuit prefata deliberatio approbata per
o0202001.161h 1432 maggio 28 Term to a guarantor for redemption of pawns. Text: ablata pro fideiussione prefata, alias elapso termino
o0202001.161vb 1432 maggio 30 Registration of the days worked in the restoration of the oculus of the facade towards the bell tower. Text: laboraverunt in Opera prefata.
o0202001.162i 1432 giugno 17 Prohibition to lend anything without the decree of the wardens. Text: concedere aliquid de prefata Opera sine partito
o0202001.163d 1432 luglio 2 Injunction to the outgoing treasurer to give back to a kilnman a sum withheld for rent due. Text: dies proxime futuros prefata domina Nanna non
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Text: futuros. Et quod prefata Opera teneatur et
o0202001.168va 1432 settembre 17 Notification of a debt for lumber cut for other parties without authorization. Text: facta pro incisura prefata dictorum quattuor lignorum,
o0202001.188ve 1432 ottobre 14 Term of payment for debt and restitution of pawn. Text: restituatur, facta fideiussione prefata cum dicta approbatione
o0202001.188ve 1432 ottobre 14 Term of payment for debt and restitution of pawn. Text: approbatione et solutione prefata dictorum decem florenorum.
o0202001.191va 1432 dicembre 3 Order to register Brunelleschi's account for a supply of marble according to the settlement that two wardens will make. Text: Brunelleschi habet cum prefata Opera de conducta
o0202001.191vc 1432 dicembre 3 Restitution of pawn to the holder of a house obtained through the officials of the Commune from a rebel and debtor of the Opera. Text: Florentie nullum ius prefata Opera habet propter
o0202001.192c 1432 dicembre 9 Authority to the supervisors overseeing the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to collect debts inscribed in the official register. Text: deputatis ad faciendum prefata laboreria per eorum
o0202001.193vf 1432 dicembre 18 Price fixed for lumber sold to the Sapienza. Text: trayno, volentes igitur prefata ordinamenta et deliberationes
o0202001.199f 1433 giugno 5 Revocation of the resolution that fixes the salaries of the masters because of errors committed. Text: et iustitia revocaverunt prefata salaria et quod
o0202001.200vb 1433 giugno 15 Audit of account for balance of supply of blocks and arrangements for the final consignments. Text: quam habent cum prefata Opera; qua revisa,
o0202001.201f 1433 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors of Pisa for restitution of marble. Text: operarius sentiret de prefata restitutione se gravatum,
o0202001.202g 1433 luglio 3 Prohibition to pay to the debt collectors 8 denari per lira on debts contracted less than five years ago. Text: debeant habere a prefata Opera ultra solutiones
o0202001.206vd 1433 ottobre 26 Order to whip a (boy) arrested for theft of nails and other hardware. Text: furatis in Opera prefata de ferramentis Opere
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: parti eorum quibus prefata offitia commiserint, concesse
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: operarii et Opera prefata dicto tempore tenere
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Text: expensis Opere, ut prefata fortificatio habeat suum
o0202001.216b 1434 maggio 4 Authority to two wardens for the reconstruction of the castle of Nicola in accordance with the provision of the Commune. Text: Niccole, deliberaverunt quod prefata provisio in qualibet
o0202001.216vd 1434 maggio 14 Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt. Text: fuerunt in Opera prefata, presentibus testibus etc.
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: ecclesie pro evitando prefata pericula; ac etiam
o0202001.231a 1435 aprile 23 Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. Text: et si cum prefata licentia irent non
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. Text: et facientes contra prefata ordinamenta, et quod
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